QuickLook Folder plugin fails

I have a quicklook plugin named "Folder.qlgenerator" which allows you to use the Quicklook function to see items in a folder. I used it all the time on past OS versions, but on 10.7 it does not work. Anyone else have this issue? I have the latest V3 "Folder.qlgenerator" Quicklook plugin.

I've been browsing the interwebs after coming across the ability to modify quicklook with additional plugins. I was drooling at the idea of peeping inside my folders with the spacebar or three-finger-tap. I haven't come across a difinitive answer, as alot of these quicklook plugins seem to be older and it seems that people don't really create new ones as much anymore. The short and sweet of it (at least my assumption) is that perhaps the folder.qlgenerator plugin was designed to work on power pc supported versions of OSX, e.g. - before Lion. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but it is the only explanation I can come up with. It's a simple file so I wouldn't see why this would be the case, but until someone tells me otherwise, that's what I figure.

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    Found this, worked for me
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    After digging pretty hard I believe I've found the cause and two possible solutions...and I quote...
    "This seems to be a known conflict between versions of the Digi 001, the Audio Media III card, Panther OS, Pro Tools, and QuickTime 7 and above. This Mac is running...
    OS Panther 10.3.9
    Pro Tools LE 6.2.2
    This is what I've found from http://sillydog.org/forum/sdt_8928.php (page three of this thread).
    "testing has yielded that the Audio Media III card can be used with Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 on a platform as high as OSX Panther 10.3.9 as long as you do not (I repeat do not) install QuickTime 7ever. The QuickTime 6.5.2 re-installer will not remove problems created by installing QuickTime 7."
    "Basically if you are running what Digidesign refers to as “Legacy” hardware. Audio Media III/ Toolbox or the Digi 001. You are running a version of Pro Tools LE that is incompatible with QuickTime 7. If at any point QuickTime 7 is installed you must re-install (the OS and all programs) to delete its effects, and are stalled on OSX 10.3.9 (w/o QuickTime 7)."
    Knowing this, I was able to find a possible solution here... http://fox-gieg.com/tutorials/2005/undo-quicktime-7/
    The other solution is to upgrade equipment, or re-install OS and other Apps to go backwards.
    Hope this helps some people!

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    as expected, but the almost similar plugin NABSCreditEvalPluginRequest.xsl fails to set the same string JMS properties.
    I'm looking for a clue, because I'm clueless. I'm an XSLT newbie, so it might be something simple.
    The core part of the problem is put in bold in the listings below
    h2. CPRLookupRequest.xslt:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/products/oss/xml/ServiceActivation" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:oms="urn:com:metasolv:oms:xmlapi:1" xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/java" xmlns:xalan="http://xml.apache.org/xalan" xmlns:mslv-sa="http://www.metasolv.com/oss/ServiceActivation/2003" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:co="http://java.sun.com/products/oss/xml/Common" exclude-result-prefixes="oms java xsl xalan">
         <xsl:param name="automator"/>
         <xsl:param name="log"/>
         <xsl:param name="context"/>
         <xsl:param name="outboundMessage"/>
         <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="no" xalan:indent-amount="5"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="oms:GetOrder.Response">
                   <xsl:with-param name="SERVICE_SUFFIX" select="'CprDomain/Cpr'"/>
                   <xsl:with-param name="OSM_EVENT_TYPE" select="'CPR_LOOKUP'"/>
         <xsl:template match="oms:GetOrder.Response">
              <xsl:param name="SERVICE_SUFFIX" />
              <xsl:param name="OSM_EVENT_TYPE" />
    *<xsl:variable name="void2" select="java:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, '_wls_mimehdrContent_Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8')" />*
    *<xsl:variable name="void3" select="java:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, 'SERVICE_SUFFIX', $SERVICE_SUFFIX)" />*
    *<xsl:variable name="void4" select="java:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, 'OSM_EVENT_TYPE', $OSM_EVENT_TYPE)" />*
              <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                   <env:Body env:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
                        <m:getPersonByCPR xmlns:m="/Cpr">
                             <getPersonByCprRequestInfo xmlns:n1="java:dk.tdc.soa.cpr.extern.datatypes" xsi:type="n1:GetPersonByCprRequestInfo">
                                  <applicationId xsi:type="xsd:string"><xsl:text>CPR</xsl:text></applicationId>
                                  <cprNumber xsi:type="xsd:string"><xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:cpr" /></cprNumber>
    h2. NABSCreditEvalPluginRequest.xsl
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" exclude-result-prefixes="oms java xsl xalan"
         <xsl:param name="automator"/>
         <xsl:param name="log"/>
         <xsl:param name="context"/>
         <xsl:param name="outboundMessage"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="oms:GetOrder.Response">
                   <xsl:with-param name="SERVICE_SUFFIX" select="'/APILink/CreditServices'"/>
                   <xsl:with-param name="OSM_EVENT_TYPE" select="'NABS_CREDIT_EVAL'"/>
         <xsl:template match="oms:GetOrder.Response">
              <xsl:param name="SERVICE_SUFFIX"/>
              <xsl:param name="OSM_EVENT_TYPE"/>
    *<xsl:variable name="void2" select="java:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, '_wls_mimehdrContent_Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8')"/>*
    *<xsl:variable name="void3" select="java:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, 'SERVICE_SUFFIX', $SERVICE_SUFFIX)"/>*
    *<xsl:variable name="void4" select="java:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, 'OSM_EVENT_TYPE', $OSM_EVENT_TYPE)"/>*
              <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                   <env:Body env:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
                             <xsl:when test="count(oms:_root/oms:cpr) + count(oms:_root/oms:birthDayPart) >0">
                                  <xsl:call-template name="private" />
                             <xsl:when test="count(oms:_root/oms:cvr) > 0">
                                  <xsl:call-template name="business" />
         <xsl:template name="private">
              <m:validatePrivateCustomer xmlns:m="java:dk.tdc.apilink.logic.sessions.interfaces">
                   <validateCustomerCreditInput xsi:type="n1:ValidateCustomerCreditInput" xmlns:n1="java:dk.tdc.apilink.logic.datatypes">
                        <accountCategory xsi:type="java1:char" xmlns:java1="java:language_builtins">
                        <adrLocation xsi:type="xsd:string">
                             <xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:houseNo"/>
                        <adrStreetName xsi:type="xsd:string">
                             <xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:streetName"/>
                        <adrZip xsi:type="xsd:string">
                             <xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:zipCode"/>
                             <xsl:when test="count(oms:_root/oms:birthDayPart) > 0">
                                  <birthDate xsi:type="xsd:string">
                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(oms:_root/oms:birthDayPart,1,4)"/><xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(oms:_root/oms:birthDayPart,5,2)"/><xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(oms:_root/oms:birthDayPart,7,2)"/>
                                  <birthDate xsi:type="xsd:string">
                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(oms:_root/oms:cpr,5,2)"/><xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(oms:_root/oms:cpr,3,2)"/><xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="substring(oms:_root/oms:cpr,1,2)"/>
                        <firstName xsi:type="xsd:string">
                             <xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:firstName"/>
                        <lastBusinessName xsi:type="xsd:string">
                             <xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:lastName"/>
         <xsl:template name="business">
              <m:validateCompanyCustomer xmlns:m="java:dk.tdc.apilink.logic.sessions.interfaces">
                   <validateCustomerCreditInput xsi:type="n1:ValidateCustomerCreditInput" xmlns:n1="java:dk.tdc.apilink.logic.datatypes">
                        <accountCategory xsi:type="java1:char" xmlns:java1="java:language_builtins">
                        <cvrNumber xsi:type="xsd:string">
                             <xsl:value-of select="oms:_root/oms:cvr"/>

    I have written an UDF to determine the filename dynamicly:
    //write your code here
    String str = "SAPDATA-" + a + "ES" + ".xml";
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration)
    DynamicConfigurationKey FileName = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http:/"+"/sap.com/xi/XI/System/File","FileName");
    conf.put(FileName, str);
    return "";

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    Is there any other flag I need to set while building the plugin?
    Appreciate any suggestions in resolving this issue. Thank you.

    Yes. Adobe support told me that the license key I used to build Adobe 8 plugin on Linux should work for Adobe 9 plugin too. Using SignPlugin tool and the license key I was able to successfully reader enable the plugin.

  • SecLDAP plugin failed to get name for the entry XIR2 SP2

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    Account Information Not Recognized: An error occurred at the server: the secLdap plugin failed to get the name for the entry with dn=cn= with what appears to be appropriate information. This user does not appear to have a presence in BO (does not have an inbox, favorites, etc) nor does he appear in the ldap userlist in the CMC.
    Can you describe the functionality contained in this plugin ? It's function ?
    Thank you,
    Vicki Stanfield

    if you need a functional overview, check this SAP Note:
    You need a S-User for Login.

  • Behance plugin fails to publish to WIP.  Returns following error: "Failed to upload a WIP update to Behance: Invalid permissions or request type"

    Behance plugin fails to publish to WIP in Lightroom 5.6.  Returns following error: "Failed to upload a WIP update to Behance: Invalid permissions or request type".  (I also saw this question asked in the Deutsche forums in Jan 2014 with no answers)
    In Behance settings Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has permission to:
    Revoke Access
    may act on your behalf to comment, follow users, view and appreciate projects
    Allows access to read network activity feed
    Able to read collections you have marked as private
    Ability to create, manipulate and delete your collections.
    Able to read works in progress marked as private
    Able to post, manipulate and delete a work in progress on your behalf
    Does anyone have a solution?
    -------- System Settings ---------
    Lightroom version: 5.6 [974614]
    Operating system: Windows 8.1 Business Edition
    Version: 6.3 [9600]
    Application architecture: x64
    System architecture: x64
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3.0 GHz
    Built-in memory: 16301.9 MB
    Real memory available to Lightroom: 16301.9 MB
    Real memory used by Lightroom: 374.4 MB (2.2%)
    Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 346.3 MB
    Memory cache size: 224.4 MB
    Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 4
    System DPI setting: 96 DPI
    Desktop composition enabled: Yes
    Displays: 1) 2560x1440
    Installed Plugins:
    1) Behance
    2) Canon Tether Plugin
    3) Costco Photo Center
    4) Facebook
    5) Flickr
    6) Leica Tether Plugin
    7) Nikon Tether Plugin
    Config.lua flags: None
    Adapter #1: Vendor : 8086
      Device : 412
      Subsystem : 5b01028
      Revision : 6
      Video Memory : 0
    Adapter #2: Vendor : 10de
      Device : fe4
      Subsystem : 5b01028
      Revision : a1
      Video Memory : 7c1
    Adapter #3: Vendor : 1414
      Device : 8c
      Subsystem : 0
      Revision : 0
      Video Memory : 0
    AudioDeviceIOBlockSize: 1024
    AudioDeviceName: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
    AudioDeviceNumberOfChannels: 2
    AudioDeviceSampleRate: 44100
    Build: Uninitialized
    CardID: 1042
    Direct2DEnabled: false
    GPUDevice: D3D
    MaxTexture2DSize: 8192
    OGLEnabled: true
    Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    ShaderModel: 11.1
    Vendor: Intel
    VendorID: 32902
    Version: 8086:0412:5b01028:0006

    Behance Plugin for LR not Authorizing in LR 5.6

  • BPEL Designer Download Exlipse Plugin Fails to Install

    BPEL Designer Download, Eclipse Plugin Fails to Install
    When installing the .exe, the download does not identify the proper version of Eclipse. It fails stating that the version required is at least 3.0, which is the only version install on my computer
    Anyone have any ideas?

    You should probably post this in the BPEL forum to get an appropriate response: BPEL

  • BPEL Designer Download, Eclipse Plugin Fails to Install

    BPEL Designer Download, Eclipse Plugin Fails to Install
    When installing the .exe, the download does not identify the proper version of Eclipse. It fails stating that the version required is at least 3.0, which is the only version install on my computer
    Anyone have any ideas?

    This might be caused by the fact the fact that you have the platform version of eclipse. BPEL PM requires the SDK version (full download ~87MB).

  • Plugins fail to operate

    I have been pulling my hair out for a few days now reading these and many other forums in my attempt to repair my ailing Safari browser. I have not yet seen anything that has helped me fix it.
    Here's the problem, any site that uses a plugin fails to load the item that the plugin is needed for whether it is a flash item, Quicktime, Windows Media, mp3, etc. I first noticed it when attempting to load homestarrunner.com and got only a black screen. I then went to google video to try it there, then some friends linked me to some mp3s and they all failed without giving me an error. It was almost like there was just nothing there. If it is an item that would normally load iTunes or Quicktime nothing happens. For flash it just ignores that section of a page.
    -Notes to clear up any murky details I may have left out.
    I have installed the 10.4.6 Combo for PPC just a moment ago and my Software Update has been pulling down every update for my machine and installing them all. Safari has been acting up for possibly as long as a week but I was not sure that there was anything wrong with it until just a couple days ago. I have not noticed any issues with any other software on my machine, nor have I installed anything recently.
    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    /me smacks self on fronthead!
    I did everything under the sun except for checking the preferences. Apparently it unchecked itself? Maybe, I dunno. But for whatever reason I assumed a major problem but could have saved myself all this wasted time by just troubleshooting properly. Next time I do something this stupid I will make sure to start with step one of troubleshooting.
    Question #1: roadki1, is your computer turned on?
    Thanks again, a new set of eyes makes things so clear.

  • Make plugins fails

    make plugins fails with lots of undefined unix functions in makeswf.cpp
    I added #include <unistd.h> to makeswf.cpp to get past this problem.

    point of a plugin is to specify a "generic" operation to a specific use case. So in your example, you have the problem that the abstraction layer cannot provide a generic function which is specified by the plugin.
    Of course, by some obscure and over-engineered approach, you might be able to solve a setup as you like. Still, i recommend you to provide only a single layered abstraction in the context of design. Of course, implementation can "stack" this. So in your second example, "Fruit" would provide generic operations on ALL kind of fruits without any implementation. Depending on the specific fruit, you would either leave the operation as dummy (no override) or add an override which indicates something like "This operation doesn't make sense with this type of FRUIT". For other fruit, you would add an override like "YAMYAM, tasty!"....
    PS: Please note that i haven't discussed any "architectural design for deployment" here. So the question starts for "one lvlibp" or "several"? But as you already quoted Michael Lacasse's Community Entry, you know where to find useful information
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • SecLdap plugin failed to get the dn for the group secLDAP

    Hi ,
    I have created a group in the LDAP server and when I tried the LDAP authentication in the SAP BOBJ 4.0 and try to give the DN , it gives me the plugin failed error. I have attached a image with details :

    Hi Josh,
    I am kind of new to the LDAP authentication implemetation. I am trying to implement the LDAP authentication. I have opened a new case. Here is the link for it :
    LDAP configuration issues
    Please have a look at give your valuable advice to resolve the issue.
    Once again, thanks a bunch for this issue.

  • Install Plugin Failed

    Hi everyone, im new in this area, i need some help here.
    I already install the e commerce and web crm in 2007A but when i start the synch manager i do my connection i `ve got a problem when i push the install plugin button its said: Install Plugin Failed, i dont know if i have to connect this to function whit the sbo.
    if you can give some kind of help would be very nice.
    Thanks for everything.

    Well I guess the first step is to complete the top section (SBO connection) and click "Try Connection" button ... if the connection is successful the flag should turn green.
    Next complete the bottom section (WebTools) and the flag should turn green there as well as soon as you select a webtools database.
    Once you have 2 green flags, click the save settings button at the bottom.
    Finally click install plugin.

  • Rhythmbox Cover Art Plugin fails to load

    When I start Rhythmbox I get a message saying that the Cover art plugin failed to load.  Is there a dependency I missed somewhere?
    I am using the XFCE desktop so perhaps it is something from Gnome I am missing.
    Last edited by Allan (2007-06-23 12:27:46)

    Hey, I'm having the same issue. And I am using XFCE4.4.

Maybe you are looking for