Quicktime or other "lightwieght" applications totally messed up computer.

Hi! Someone that I know has a really sweet windows computer (alienware grade). One day when he was using it, it just like...died. After checking the hardware/just trying to turn the dang thing on, nothing happened. Everything is fried, like the harddrive and some other things. Even a great program called SpinRite doesn't recover the files. Does anyone here know what the cause of this would be?

Why did you post here?
What gave you a suspicion that QuickTime software was even involved?

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    Error Message
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think all I need to do is find out some way to completely remove QuickTime so it can reinstall properly.

    I followed the removal instructions in this post - http://discussions.apple.com/click.jspa?searchID=-1&messageID=3366434 .
    I got QuickTime removed and my applications are working again. Now I can edit again in Macromedia Flash.
    But right now I'm going to try to install QuickTime again. Hopefully it doesn't break my applications again. I downloaded a fresh copy from the site just in case I got a bad download. Fingers crossed everyone.

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    Mmmmm I tried this an it didn't seem to solve my problem, but I think it helped me understand what's going on slightly more than before. I restored my system and files after my HD became corrupted by duping the drive. When I restored everything, it seems there might have been some conflicting problems with the OS and two identical users were created. So now in order to access my personalized settings and what not, I need to unlock my user settings and leave it unlocked for a few hours. This wouldn't be a problem if my MBP didn't give me kernal panics every time I run Safari or some general application for more than 10 minutes. I'm going to declare AppleCare as it's been under 3 years, but want to wait before my replacement iMac comes. Thank you for your help.

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    I'm sorry to hear that you have so many issues. What version of Firefox were you using before?
    The double title bar issue has been identified as an issue with the Tax Mix Plus extension but it doesn't affect everyone, it's an interaction with something else (not exactly clear what, although Norton Toolbar was mentioned in one thread).
    There is a new version available that you could try. If Firefox is stable enough to do it...
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons > "gear" icon > Check for Updates
    If your beta version won't update, you could try installing [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/tab-mix-plus/ from the add-ons site].
    More generally, could I suggest disabling as many extensions as you can live without for 24 hours, and re-enable them gradually? This should help isolate interactions between them. As you know, you can do that here:
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons > Extensions category
    Finally, regarding your old session, if you haven't closed Firefox, you might find a sessionstore.bak file in your profile folder that contains your old session. To easily access that folder, try
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > "Show Folder" button
    Grab a copy of that file and save it somewhere outside the folder because it is overwritten when you close Firefox. Got to run, but if you find one with an appropriate date, someone can help you restore it.

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    How can I remove Lion. I'll simply do without iCloud.

    softwater wrote:
    The issues you are experiencing ARE because of Lion - either its a corrupt install or its software conflict with something/s else on your system that is not compatible with Lion. This is evident by the fact that your system runs fine under Snow but not under Lion.
    However, solutions are available if you are willing to work towards them.
    Given the range of symptoms you reports, as I indicated above, you should try to reinstall Lion with a fresh download from the App Store because sometimes the original download is itself corrupted in some way (I learned this the hard way through personal experience).
    If that doesn't solve your problems then you need to go the lengthier road of isolating the s/w conflicts. The first step in doing that is to remove everything from here:
     > System Preferences.. > Users & Groups | Login Items
    then restart and test without firing up anything else.
    If the problems persist, create a new user account (again in  > System Preferences...> Users & Groups), log in to it, and test. If the problems are seen in that account also, then restart the mac in Safe Mode and test again.
    If after having done all this the problems remain, then post back and I or someone else will take you through the next steps.
    It's not because of Lion.

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    In the image below, Indesign is on the left. Photoshop is on the right. Image appears in Bridge, Acrobat and Illustrator just like InDesign. What the heck? Can anyone help? I'm going CRAZY!
    Color settings:

    i can see how those color settings can cause anyone mental stress
    why are you converting everything to Adobe RGB
    why are you using Adobe RGB as your Photoshop default working space
    are you embedding profiles in your saved documents
    what profile are you "soft proofing"
    do you know what happens to your color if you open an untagged sRGB document in Photoshop and your web browser (for example)
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    you may want to try and slug through this

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    I was wondering if somebody could give me some guidance please?
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    it seems like my photo application got messed by the new update but i noticed the top of the screen was gray before that. Has anyone else had this happened to them or can i get advice on what to do.
    please and thank you, Jake

    I'm not sure what more I can say about this... Your photos can be gotten to via the Photos (app) icon on the Home screen. The wallapers, however, are viewed in 'Settings/Wallpaper', along with an alias to your photos, as a courtesy... That's why you see *your personal photos* in 'Settings/Wallpaper', but this is not where you normally are meant to access them.
    As far as a jumpy scroll of your photos on iPhone, how much free space do you have left (i.e., how full is your iPhone?)? It has been cautioned that you may see this type of device behavior (jumpy scrolling, app crashes, etc.) when your device doesn't have ample space. The proper amount of free space is a source of disagreement...
    More info can be had here:
    http://www.iphoneatlas.com/2007/08/16/reminder-keep-some-free-space-on-your-ipho ne/\

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    I wonder if it's a variation of this, of which I've seen many different symptoms...
    http://km.support.apple.com/library/APPLE/APPLECARE_ALLGEOS/TS4135/TS4135_01-osx _1072-login_window-001-en.png
    Move the mouse or trackpad cursor over the center area of the login window so you can see the user icons. Click on the icon of the user that you would like to login as, type in the user's password, and press Return.
    If the login window is configured to show only the name and password fields, type in the user's name and password into the fields, and press Return (even if you cannot see the rest of the login window).
    Additional Information
    This issue will not occur if the display is not sleeping when the account is logged out. Use the steps below to confirm that the account is not configured to log out automatically while the display is sleeping:
    Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General.  Click the padlock to unlock the preference pane and enter your admin password. Click the Advanced button at the bottom, then see if the option "Log out after N minutes of inactivity" (where N is the number of minutes) is enabled.
    Open System Preferences > Energy Saver and configure Display Sleep to occur after the account is logged out, by dragging the slider to a number of minutes that is greater than N was set to in the previous step.
    Important: If automatic log out is not needed, disable "Log out after Nminutes of inactivity" in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General. This will also prevent the issue.

  • A TOTAL MESS: Duplicated contacts

    Hi folks, I have iOS5 on my iPad and syncing on with my Snow Leopard Macs and Mobile Me.
    THIS SYSTEM IS A TOTAL MESS. The first thing that happened with enabling mobile me/ cloud with my iPad is that it wiped out ALL My Contacts.  I recovered them from a back up but now I'm getting all sorts of duplicate Contacts and I cannot tell which is what culprit.  The whole poing of syncing is to keep everything the SAME.   This CLoud thing is NOT ready for prime time.  How do I prevent this mess from taking place???

    Jefferis Peterson wrote:
    I am simply trying to keep my contact lists synced between my desktop and laptop (Snow Leopard) and my iPad (iOS5).   About a 6 montsh ago, Apple asked me to activate or turn on  mobile me for sharing or something (and gave me the Cloud icon in Mobileme), and then when I installed iOS5 about a month ago, it wanted to make mobile me available, I think, on iCloud or something. Whatever the last step did, it first deleted all my contacts in Addressbook and then when I restored, it keeps duplicating them.
    Snow Leopard and iCloud don't work together, your post is confusing enough that I really can't tell what you have done, but I know it is wrong.
    Go to www.MobileMe.com and try to login, if you get told that you can't because your account moved to iCloud that is the first question answered, so if that is the case go on to www.iCloud.com and try to login there, if you can you should check that your contacts are there, post back.
    PS iCloud came online on Jun 6 2011, so you could not have done this "6 months ago"

  • Hello i just bought quicktime pro and the application doesnt open ( im on windows 7) tank you

    hello i just bought quicktime pro and the application doesnt open ( im on windows 7) tank you

    hello thanks for helping i found where the problem was coming from but no how to resolve it. it sems like the AC3 format of avi video is in conflict with quicktime pro or something like that..
    i tried to take some codec for avi video but none of them resolved the problem if somebody has any answers thank you very much.

  • Envy TouchSmart m6-k025dx Sleekbook Win 8 recovery with totally messed up hard drive?

    I made a recovery flash drive when I first got my Envy. Now, after totally messing up the hard drive and being unable to recover Windows 8 (not 8.1) with the flash drive, I've reformatted the drive and loaded the Windows 10 Tech Preview (which seems to be working quite well). However, Tech Previews don't last forever, and I'd really like to get back Win 8. I still have the recovery flash drive, but there's obviously a problem with the recovery image.
    Does anyone know if a generic recovery image is available anywhere?

    Hi there @RockDoctor,
    and welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    Since you say that your recovery media is not good, you can always try to get it direct from HP.
    Obtaining HP Recovery Discs or an HP USB Recovery Drive
    Also you can look at this if you have not removed the HP_tools partition:
    Performing an HP System Recovery (Windows 8)
    Troubleshooting HP System Recovery Problems (Windows 8)
    Creating a Recovery Image on Discs or Saving a Recovery Image to a USB Flash Drive (Windows 8)
    I hope that this helps.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Mail, Software Update, other OS applications don't start

    I have a PowerPC G4 here at work that is running OS X 10.4.11, which updated four different things this morning, including a Safari update, a Quicktime update, an iTunes and an overall OS update... now I believe the last two did not install properly and when the computer restarted I was unable to open Mail or any other OS applications such as iTunes, and I also can't open Software Update to try to install the updates again.
    Has anyone ever had a similar problem or can anyone suggest anything to fix it?

    The installer will start, you select your language, then when a menu bar appears, select Utilities menu > Disk Utility. You don't have to quit the installer; you do have to run Du from the Du app on the dvd, not the HDD. (If you are running DU from the Utilities folder on your HDD, the Repair option will be grayed out, and Verify will report "The underlying task reported failure on exit.")
    Note also that while you must run DU from the Install DVD to repair your disk, you should run DU from the internal HDD to repair permissions. (You can run Repair Permissions from the Install DVD DU, but it doesn't check all the right places.)
    The iTunes update should not have caused the issues you are having, but a failed/interrupted OS update can. You can try reinstalling the 10.4.11 combo update manually by downloading it here:
    (Edit: I see that Limnos linked to both the PPC and Intel combo updates - you need the PPC version.)
    Hope this helps...

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