Quicktime Pro Selection In-Out Sliders Disappeared

After upgrade from 7.2 to 7.3, the selection sliders at the bottom of the player window went away. Application still shows Quicktime Pro version. Anyone?

Missing the sliders is not acceptable, these are projects that I've been working with in the past. The apple suggests downloading an older version, but the download won't override the problem. This is complete ********!
I have exactly the same problem(s) after the QT 7.2 to 7.3 upgrade. QT has lost the selection In-Out marker features, and the grey highlight between them. This is true for all QT files, including .mov files successfully created by past edits. All worked fine until the last uprade! It is as if my QT Pro registration (and purchase) has been deleted. My System Prefs QT Register panel still shows the correct QuickTime Pro registration code (key).

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    I haven't seen all that many changes to QT 7 Pro since the introduction of Lion and the default turning off of legacy codecs. Since you use the term "scrub bar," I assume you are referring to the play progress bar and playhead control which can be used for scrubbing content, as well as, the setting of "in" and "out" editing points. As you can see by the image below, the bar and editing pointers are still available and functioning under Mavericks as they have been since the context adaptive change several years/systems ago.
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    Video recording is only a feature of the Mac version of QuickTime Pro.
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    Maybe the next update will fix the "auto-update" feature.

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    First of all, Quicktime is not really an "editing" program in the traditional sense. If you are expecting to really edit in QT Pro, you will be disappointed. Yes, you can actually import video directly into QT Pro and edit it, but the functions will be limited to roughly selecting chunks of video and deleting them, and you won't have frame-accurate control like other real editing programs. But lets start at the beginning: 1) Your post does not give enough information to anyone for them to help you. Where are the videos coming from that you want to edit? Camcorder? Digital camera that takes MPEG movies? VHS or DVDs? 2) The answer to #1 will be the clue as whether you are plugging a USB device or a Firewire device into the computer. Once this is determined, then instructions will vary as to how you go about editing. 3) I'm not sure if you are using QT Pro on a PC or a Mac. If you have a Mac, why don't you use the built-in video editing program that came with your computer? It's called iMovie? Quicktime can convert some video files into something that is compatible with iMovie, if they're not already. If you are using QT Pro on a PC, then I'm a little unfamilar as if it works exactly the same between between a Mac and PC. Seeing that you come from the PC side of the Universe, I'd bet that you are trying to plug in and use a USB device. On a Mac, QT Pro can record video directly from a camcorder, but it needs to be connected via Firewire. Otherwise for something transferred via USB, you most likely have an MPEG file. QT Pro can open this, but again, the editing will be very rough as QT is not a refined edit program.
    Message was edited by: Daniel Filice
    Message was edited by: Daniel Filice

  • "Selection markers" not visible in Quicktime Pro 7 just purchased

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    "To select a portion of a movie, move the In and Out selection markers. The darkened area between the two markers indicates the selected portion. To fine-tune the selection, select a marker and move it with the arrow keys. You can also move the playhead and press I (for In) or O (for Out) to set the start or end point of the selection, even while the movie is playing."
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    Oh, thanks! That was it!
    I exported as .mov & it's working now. Yea!

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    The only time I have experienced error- 43 file could not be found was when having a drive named in a way that QT could not read from. For example (F:\F:\), drive named (F:\) QT could then play. Kirkster points out something interesting in this link on how the error 43 can also be generated:
    Changing the name of a file should not prevent QT from playing the file, it is unusual to have a WMP logo on the file, what is showing when right clicking and Properties?
    It is difficult to understand your post, your all over the place at once on the computer.

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    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Most of the places you upload videos "convert" your QuickTime format to Flash video. They "throw out" the extra track that holds your watermark.
    The only method I can suggest it to add your watermark and then "export" again. This will "burn in" the watermark image track into a single video track.

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    You used the data.  Verizon can not see what it was sued for.  However your phone can see whats apps used the data.  go to settings-data usage- there will be a place that says data usage cycle.  line the dates up with your cycle.  then there will be a bar graph below that   extend bother white bars one all the way to the left and one all the way to the right.  after those are extended below that will be a list of apps,  there should be one that used over 2 gb and that will show you what app used that data in her purse

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    Try, in preferences, resetting 64 bit to 32 bits.  Should work fine.  the older vidoes, etc will not work with 64 bit.  Had the same problem/scare.  Let us know if this helps and works!

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    If I 1) knew TeX well enough to fix it, and 2) could get the guy to answer the phone or email so as to give me the sourcecode or to fix it himself, I wouldn't have bothered figuring out that the thing could be fixed one page at a time by a) getting a copy of acrobat pro, b) figuring out how to turn on all of the extra toolkits, c) finding the edit object button in randomly named toolkit, d) right clicking on the chapter title and selecting the e) ever so obvious "delete clip" menu selection.
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