Quicktime Pro Video Tutorials

Not more than 1 or 2 months ago there were some video tutorials on developer.apple.com, teaching people how to create hinted movies, and basic editing with QT pro. In those videos appeared (apple employees) people that work on the QT platform. The videos were linked off apple's main website, but I can't remember where. I've searched all over the place, but with the new website layout things are not where they used to be.
Any hints would be appreciated.

thanks for trying, but no. i know how to login to developers.apple.com; i have an account. what i'm looking for is video tutorials on how to use QT pro made by apple employees that work on the QT platform. i was able to find those on the main apple.com QT page!?, than i was directed to developers.apple.com to d/l those videos.

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    Check the Properties of your converted movie in Quicktime Pro 7.
    It should look something like this :
    This is from a converted movie which plays in iTunes and loads to the iPod fine.
    Note you should have one video track encoded in H264 up to 768 kilobits per second and one audio track encoded in AAC up to 160 kilobits per second
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    If you're using the export to iPod setting on QT Pro have a look at your completed movie properties and see if they look like this :
    (from a converted movie that looks good and loads onto iPod fine)
    You should have one video track H264 format at less than 768 kbps
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    For each text box you need place it on it's own video track stacked above each other.You can then define the position, fades, and opacity for each individual title.
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    QuickTime Pro does not play .wmv files. It doesn't export them without some other third party software.
    Try reading the steps and supported file formats before your complain about what it does, or doesn't, do.

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    Hi again Mirsch,
    I have Mac OS X and I have Quicktime 7.1 Pro.
    I know that you can record a movie by making a new movie recording. Use the fire-wire connection to do this and have you camera in playback or deck mode. This is probably not the best way to import video to your pc. I say this because it might not be a lossless ingest of video (depending on your quicktime preferences>recording settings.
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    Good luck,
    José Cuervo

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    This may or may not depend on your specific work flow. Many "settings' saved to the original file by QT 7 Pro are merely "playback instructions" which may or may not play correctly in other media players while these same settings do work properly when saved/converted to a new file container. In addition, not being a Windows user, I don't know if there are are any significant differences between the Mac and Windows versions of QT 7. In any case, I just took a short sample clip, stored it on my hard drive via Aperture 3, opened the file in QT 7 Pro, rotated the clip in QT 7 Pro, and used the "Save As..." command to store the modified file. This modified file now plays correctly in current versions of the QT 7, MPEG Streamclip, and VLC media players. Have uploaded a copy of this file so you can download it, test playback in various players you normally use, and/or test convert it to your specific AVI audio and video compression formats.
    Can anyone tell me if this is still true with QT Pro, or if there are other solutions for resolving this outside of QT Pro??  I have tried a number of other converters, and found one that rotates, but aspect ratio not retained.
    As indicated above, the file plays correctly for me in various media players and all media "Inspector" windows, including other third party media information utilities, confirm the correct dimensions and aspect ratio as displayed. As to AVI conversion, I test converted the uploaded file to AVI (DivX5/MP3) at original dimensions using VisualHub. (Also tried the VideoMonkey AVI encode but it limited the source 720p file to a 720x480 output and I did not know if you were agreeable to such a restriction.) Suggest you run similar tests with your preferred Windows converters to confirm/refute results on your system.

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    Check to make sure it is not a muxed mpeg by opening the source file in QT Player and looking at MovieInfo in the Windows menu. If it is a muxed mpeg you will have to use something other than QT since it will not export the sound from mpegs. Some people have had good results with this freeware, but there are other Windows programs starting to appear for iPod conversion:

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      Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    I can also verify this (QT Pro 7.2 exporting to .mp4 not compatible
    with video iPod [firmware 1.2.1 on both 5G/5.5G units]).
    This results in the unusual situation where custom H.264 output
    is operable on the iPhone but not the iPod.
    Example: your iPhone should play
    but it won't transfer to a video iPod.
    Yes, the workaround is to 'export for iPod' or do the conversion
    within 'iTunes', but this in many circumstances will generate
    larger files.
    The closest description of this situation is:
    Perhaps Apple will release a video iPod firmware update soon
    to get the 'uuid' atoms and whatever watermarking they are
    using these days straightened out.
    I'm surprised this hasn't been noticed more by video podcasters
    who dutifully use Apple's own QT Pro encoding tool to optimize
    filesizes via the tunable H.264/.mp4 codec settings.

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