R12.1 Update Billing Schedule Pattern - API Required

Hi All,
Is there any Oracle supported APIs that may be available to update the billing schedule patterns in OKS contracts module in R12.1?

Hi There,
I have a similar requirement to create rental service contracts and create billing schedules.
Can you please pass on your functional docs so that i can refer to them.

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    Hi Arka,
    Thanks for the headsup, however i have another problem with one of our client using Service contracts for Extended warranty.
    They want to create a credit memo from the existing Extended warranty line, but the line is fully billed. This scenario is applicable when the customer request a new billing procedure or discount after they had receive the invoice. Then they will create again a new line on the same contract to rebill the negotiated amount.
    Is this a right practice?
    One more thing, when query any Invoiced Extended warranty contracts and open for updated, when I click the reprice button, it will create a new billing schedule for the covered product billing, even if i'm not changing any price attribute. We are using 11.5.9.

  • Service Contracts Billing Schedule Creation Error

    I have a requirement of creating service contracts from back-end for which I am using the oks_contracts_pub.create_contract_header, create_service_line, and create_bill_schedule. I am creating my contracts with active status and renewal type of EVN (Header level), FUL(Line Level). My contract is of type subscription. The contract header and line are creating fine but the Bill schedule API is throwing an UNEXPECTED ERROR. The billing schedules need to be created based on accounting rule which can be quarterly or monthly. I have included the bill schedule code (hard coded values) for review. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Also the version I am working on is R12
    l_strm_level_tbl OKS_BILL_SCH.STREAMLVL_TBL;
    v_bill_qtrs NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_mths NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_days NUMBER := 0;
    v_net_amount NUMBER := 468;
    v_acct_rule_name VARCHAR2(50) := 'QUARTERLY';
    v_amt_per_day NUMBER;
    x_error_locator VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_start_date DATE := '04-MAY-2010';
    v_end_date DATE := '25-MAY-2010';
    x_return_status VARCHAr2(3);
    x_msg_count NUMBER;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_billing_sequence NUMBER;
    x_chr_id NUMBER := 17000;
    x_line_id NUMBER := 223248604345353294444923586786456728480;
    g_day_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'DAY';
    g_month_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'MTH';
    g_quarter_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'QTR';
    v_amt NUMBER;
    v_invoicing_rule_id NUMBER := -2;
    --Create Billing Schedule based on accounting rule
    v_bill_qtrs := 0;
    v_bill_days := 0;
    v_bill_mths := 0;
    SELECT NVL(v_net_amount, 0)/(v_end_date - v_start_date)
    INTO v_amt_per_day
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated amt per day ' || v_amt_per_day);
    IF v_acct_rule_name LIKE '%QUARTERLY%' THEN
    --Quarterly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3))
    INTO v_bill_qtrs,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the qtrs and days');
    IF v_bill_qtrs > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3)) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated qtr amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    -- l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_quarter_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Quarterly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    -- RETURN;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    dbms_output.put_line('sequence '||v_billing_sequence);
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days ' || v_bill_days || ' ' || x_return_status);
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for quarterly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    --Monthly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)))
    INTO v_bill_mths,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths and days');
    IF v_bill_mths > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date,FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date))) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_month_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Monthly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for monthly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error ' || sqlerrm);

    Hi There,
    I have a similar requirement to create rental service contracts and create billing schedules.
    Can you please pass on your functional docs so that i can refer to them.

  • R12 Update Supplier as Inactive

    In R12, I need to update the supplier as Inactive. Is there an API required for this? or else I need to update the Ap_Suppliers column end_date_active with the date. Please help.

    This is not the right part to post this thread. This is only related to OAF.
    related to your questions, your task is so simple. You can get a API for anything in all_objects, something liek below
    SELECT * FROM     all_objects
    WHERE object_name LIKE 'AP%SUPP%'
    AND owner = 'APPS'
    AND object_type LIKE 'PACKA%'

  • Bill Schedule in Oracle Service Contracts.....

    Hi frds,
    I can able to create a new Billing Schedule for the Contracts in 11.5.10 Version.But, according to our Client requirement I am in need to update already existing Schedule.
    I am creating a new schedule using oks_contracts_pub.create_bill_schedule.
    if anyone worked on this area will you please let us know how to insert scheduling option in the Contracts.
    Chandrasekhar V.

    Hope you can use OKS_BILL_SCH package for re-creating billing Schedules.

  • Billing schedule Dates using a BAPI/FM for a sales order line

    I am trying to update a sales order line with an Item category which inturn updates the Billing Plan.
    I am able to update the sales order with required details and the default billing plan.
    Now I want to change the Billing schedule i.e the Billing Plan dates Invoice end date and the percantage etc whcih I am trying to do using
    This for some reason will not update the Billing schedule.
    It triggers the user exists etc but even though I pass all the required details in the Old and new FPLA and FPLT tables...it is not helping.
    When I tried using BILLING_SCHEDULE_DIALOG it opens the screen with the Billing plan in edit mode.
    Is there any other way to do the updates.I tried changing in the User exist etc. I also checked the program sdfpla02.
    Many thanks,
    Edited by: Krishna on Mar 21, 2011 8:30 PM

    See the following example
    * Read the billing plan
            fplnr = hfplnr
            zfpla = hfpla
            zfplt = hfplt.
        MOVE hfpla TO hfpla2.
    *READ TABLE zfpla2 INDEX 1.
        hfpla2-lodat = p_stat.
        hfpla2-tndat = p_end.
        hfpla2-rfpln = ''.
        hfpla2-lodar = ''.
        hfpla2-tndar = ''.
        hfpla2-fpart = p_bplan.
        hfpla2-perio = p_bplan.
        hfpla2-horiz = p_hori.
    *** Very important to set field updkz = 'U' ***
        hfpla2-updkz = 'U'. "--> UPDATE!!
        APPEND hfpla2.
        CLEAR pos.
            fpla_new = hfpla2
            fpla_old = hfpla
            fplt_new = hfplt " --> NEW
            fplt_old = hfplt.
            i_no_messages = ' '.
            wait = 'X'.
              document_number = doc.
          MOVE zbill-itm_number TO pos.
              i_vbeln                = doc
              i_posnr                = pos
              e_fpla                 = e_fpla
              e_fplt                 = e_fplt
              no_billingplan_allowed = 1
              no_billingplan_found   = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    * Read the billing plan
          fplnr = e_fpla-fplnr
    * I_VFKDAT =
    * I_BFKDAT =
          zfpla = zfpla
          zfplt = zfplt.
    * Upddate the ZFPLT2 table with the new values
    *MOVE zfplt TO zfplt2.
          MOVE zfpla TO zfpla2.
    *READ TABLE zfpla2 INDEX 1.
          zfpla2-lodat = zbill-datesfrom.
          zfpla2-tndat = zbill-datesto.
          zfpla2-rfpln = ''.
          zfpla2-lodar = ''.
          zfpla2-tndar = ''.
          zfpla2-fpart = p_bplan.
          zfpla2-horiz = p_hori.
    *** Very important to set field updkz = 'U' ***
          zfpla2-updkz = 'U'. "--> UPDATE!!
          APPEND zfpla2.
        CLEAR pos.
            fpla_new = zfpla2
            fpla_old = zfpla
            fplt_new = zfplt " --> NEW
            fplt_old = zfplt.
            i_no_messages = ' '.
            wait = 'X'.

  • BAPI for VA02 to check availability & update the Schedule lines

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a BAPI which can 'check item availability' & update the Schedule lines for the same order?
    but it is not solving the purpose.
    Kindly give your suggestion for the same.

    Please let me know if you were able to achieve this functionality. I have a similar requirement wherein I need to check for the material availability and update the schedule lines in the scheduling agreement. I checked the FM SD_BACKORDER_UPDATE, but it doesn't seem to be helpful.

  • How to update Billing Plan using BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE

    In my case initailly sales order header data is created and saved, with reference to SO Project is created and then item level data is updated.
    So clients requirement is to create any upload programme which can use for mass upload.
    i.e to develop a program to upload,
    i) Items in Sales Order.
    ii) Billing Plan & Pricing Conditions in SO
    I am trying to use BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE for this requirement. Problem is in this scenerio user exit is already used which validate "Amount" at item level and "Bill. value" in Billing plan tab should be same.
    As observed Billing plan data can not be updated using this BAPI.
    Even I've tried to use BDC for this requirement, but as we need to double click on line item while updating billing plan data and conditions it does  not work while recording.
    Incase anyone have worked on similar scenerio and found out solution, please share all your inputs.
    Warm Regards,

    The following code will take you to Billing plan tab in BDC.
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A' '0102'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'VBAK-VBELN'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
                                    itemno . "'RV45A-MABNR(wa_vbap-posnr)'.
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV45A' '4003'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV60F' '4001'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    P Gomatheeswaran

  • Is there any BAPI or FM to update the scheduled dates of a production order

    Hi Friends,
    I would like to know if there is any BAPI or function module available to update
    the Scheduled finish and Scheduled start dates (GLTRS,GSTRS fields from AFKO table) of
    a production order.
    I have searched the forum, but I could not find anything.
    It would be of great help if anybody let me know about any Function Module / BAPI.

    Hi ravi,
    in crm we have a t-code to cancel billing doc just execute and provide billing doc no and test run.
    that automatically cancel the billing doc. CRMD_BILL_REV Cancel Billing Document
    and here is the function module to cancel the billing doc..
    BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CANCEL1  Cancel billing document.
    if you want to more just fallow this links i think this might be help full to you..
    Cancellation of Billing - Billing - SAP Library
    let me know if there is any queries.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Changing Billing Schedule Level for OM originated Service Contracts

    When we create a Service Contract from Order Management, the Billing Schedule Level is always set to Top Level and only one Billing Stream gets created.
    Can we get the Billing Schedule Level changed to other Levels viz., Equal Amount or Covered Level using any setups.
    Has anyone did any customization/extension to be able to change the Billing Schedule Level.
    The basic requirement is to have multiple billing streams for the contract, created from Order Management.
    Gurus, any ideas/suggestions to get this accomodated.

    I don't think you are on the right track (in my opinion). You are right that we can only create service contract from the order management (service or Extended Warranty Lines).
    If I understood correctly, you sell electronic subscriptions (like my internet service I have at home) and you are looking for way to take it from the order management so that you can bill it from Contracts and not from OM. As this is electronic service, looks like you do not have fulfill any tangible product (like magazines) from contracts. Hence you do not care about the schedule for the contract shipments. Is that correct?
    As this is not something Oracle offers (I did not find anyway), you may want to consider extending OM workflow or a batch program to create a subscription contract once the order line is fulfilled (not the program where we create service contract). This way you have flexibility to create the contract the way you want it.
    But you can always create a service contract covering a subscription item as covered product. Like I have internet service as subscription but they cover me for any incidental visits of technicians for this subscription charging me some amount every month.

  • Changing Billing Schedule Level for Service Contracts created in OM

    When we create a Service Contract from Order Management, the Billing Schedule Level is always set to Top Level and only one Billing Stream gets created.
    Can we get the Billing Schedule Level changed to other Levels viz., Equal Amount or Covered Level using any setups.
    Has anyone did any customization/extension to be able to change the Billing Schedule Level.
    The basic requirement is to have multiple billing streams for the contract, created from Order Management.
    Gurus, any ideas/suggestions to get this accomodated.

    I don't think you are on the right track (in my opinion). You are right that we can only create service contract from the order management (service or Extended Warranty Lines).
    If I understood correctly, you sell electronic subscriptions (like my internet service I have at home) and you are looking for way to take it from the order management so that you can bill it from Contracts and not from OM. As this is electronic service, looks like you do not have fulfill any tangible product (like magazines) from contracts. Hence you do not care about the schedule for the contract shipments. Is that correct?
    As this is not something Oracle offers (I did not find anyway), you may want to consider extending OM workflow or a batch program to create a subscription contract once the order line is fulfilled (not the program where we create service contract). This way you have flexibility to create the contract the way you want it.
    But you can always create a service contract covering a subscription item as covered product. Like I have internet service as subscription but they cover me for any incidental visits of technicians for this subscription charging me some amount every month.

  • Work schedule pattern freeze

    HI All
    We have a requirement in time mng, Shift patterns. when ever there is no production in plant, it goes on shutdown for a week generally.
    In those cases, employees working patterns should also freeze.
    I mean if we have a shift  -   Day,Day,Day,Day,Day,OFF, OFF, Night,Night,Night,Night,Night, OFF OFF
    then if there is a shutdown for a week, it should freeze and continues after the shutdown.
    Is there any standard setup in SAP or any another work around

    HI Ravi
    I am not sure I conveyed my message correctly. I need a split in the Work schedule pattern.
    For example Week 1  is DAY Shift, Week 2 is Night Shift, Week 3 is Day shift again, Week 4 is Night again
    If we shutdown in week 2 ,as per SAP standard employee should come back in Day shift in week 3
    But we want the pattern to freeze. Means week 1 Days shift, Week 2 Shutdown, Week 3 Night shift, Week 4 is Days ...
    If we substitution, I am not sure we can alter the pattern permanently..
    Is there any way I can do this in SAP please

  • Oracle 11i Billing Schedule in Service Module

    I would like to speak with anyone who has worked with interfacing the billing schedule in the Service module
    to the AR module in 11i. Please contact me if you have done so, I may have a contract opportunity for you.
    [email protected]

    You can write a custom API that will do the task. There is an Oracle API but I was not able to use it successfully as per my need.

  • I curently have credit on my itunes account. However when I try to purchase an app, it keeps asking me to update billing info. Why is this when I have credit ?

    I curently have credit on my itunes account. However when I try to purchase an app, it keeps asking me to update billing info. Why is this when I have credit ?

    To purchase from iTunes you are required to fill in an address section under the billing info. You don't have to put in a credit card, just a name and address, so that iTunes can send you receipts later.
    I had to do this when I first started buying things from iTunes, you just go to Account>Billing Address> Edit

  • Va02 date of releasing billing block new calculate of billing schedule

    I create sales document type with billing block
    Date of creating the sales document is also the date of calculating billing schedule
    But after a will by releasing the block reason of the document (transaction VA02)
    billing schedule is not changing
    I want update:  date of releasing billing block is the date starting of billing schedule
    Is there any other way without using userexit?
    And if not witch userexit is the best (MV45AFZB)?
    Rachmani Asher

    If you want make as automatic block. you must needs to in user exit or else you make z item category for only that material and make it as incompletion log.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello Web Dynpro Gurus, When I get the values from select options into interna table, how can I pass the same to the attribtues of the importing/exporting nodes of the BAPI by reading the context. Please help . Regards, Jainam.

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