RAC connection without connect string

Hi All,
We used to connect to single instance database using the following (without using connect string),
conn scott/[email protected]:1521/orcl
How to do the same or Is it possible , if it is a RAC database ?

We used to connect to single instance database using the following (without using connect string),
conn scott/[email protected]:1521/orclWhat do you consider to be a "connect string"?
How to do the same or Is it possible , if it is a RAC database ?conn scott/[email protected]:1521/orcl

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    try with TWO_TASK
    $ export TWO_TASK=lsc62.ex.zkb.ch            
    $ sqlplus scott/tiger
    SQL> select global_name from global_name;
    LSC62.EX.ZKB.CHMessage was edited by:
    Laurent Schneider
    well, this works only in Unix, so first, upgrade your plateform to Unix before setting this variable

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    Please refer to the link below:
    SCOM 2012 – Monitoring Oracle Database OLE DB Management Pack Template
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    If you have SQL Server or client installed in your machine you can directly connect to SQL server using native connection. When you create new report you can see the option create new connection, here you can see SQL Server. Expand it and enter the connection details where you will be directly connected to SQL Server without ODBC connection.

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    Moyz Khan

    I agree about using configuration for connection string but unfortunately this is an inherited project/packages . And my task it to make these run as currently I don't have luxury to modified it.
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    Moyz Khan

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    Hello everybody,
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    Hi Harleen Kaur Chadha,
    I understand your requirement is access 5-6 database on same server using one JDB receiver channel. I think, it is possible. SAP Help [Link|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwpi711/helpdata/en/44/7c24a75cf83672e10000000a114a6b/frameset.htm ]. In receiver JDB channel select Message Protocol : u201CNative SQL Stringu201D. Then you have make sure that the payload coming to this JDBC receiver channel should look like this
    INSERT INTO DatabaseName : tableName 
    (column-name1, column-name2, column-name3)
    VALUES(u2018column-value1u2019, u2018column-value2u2019, u2018column-value3u2019)
    But, the mapping program you are using now, should generate the String (shown above). And SAP says this protocol is primarily for test purposes.
    FYI. If you select Message Protocol: "XML SQL Format", finally it would be converted to string (shown above) will be sent to database.

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    Hi Frank,
    It seems to me that his user's can login without nothing just type in the URL and that is it.
    I think the best way is just to force user's to type in userid & passwrod
    userid=/@ your oracle_sid

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    I created a report in Crystal Reports XI and am now trying to pass the user id and password so that the user can just run the report. I attempted to use the Crystal Report connection string setup but receive an Microsoft ODBC error when trying to use that.
    My question is how can you pass a userid and password to crystal report XI so that when you open the report it runs without prompting the user? I do not have access to .NET. Can this be done using Crystal Reports XI only?
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Hi Shawn,
    Standalone CR can only do that if using a URL to open a report in BOE.
    For CR Designer itself the only option is to turn on Trusted Authentication in your Server, used Mixed mode and then import all of your users into SQL Server. Refer to MS's Help file on how to.
    Now when the user runs the reports CR will simply pass the local user info to SQL Server and no prompting will be required. We still respect DB security so if the user is not allowed to access the table then CR respects that.
    Thank you

  • Oracle 8i/9i connection string?

    We have two computers:
    Computer X:
    Windows 2000 Advanced Server
    Oracle 9i (
    DHCP IP address:
    Oracle SID: XXX
    Computer name: ZZZ
    Computer Y:
    Windows 2000 Professional
    Oracle 8i (8.1.7)
    IP address static:
    Oracle SID: YYY
    Computer name: YYY
    On client computer we install Oracle 6i Runtime and we make one connection string to Oracle 9i database. Connection String XXX TCP/IP and SID XXX. (Others connection strings thru Oracle Net8 Easy config is deleted.)
    When we start SQL*Plus from client computer and If we enter scott/tiger@YYY Sql*plus will connect to Oracle 8i database?
    If we create form and in ON-LOGON trigger we put
    logon('scott/tiger@YYY'); Form will be connected to Oracle 8i database? But there is NO connection string YYY on client computer?
    Also if we connect thru SQL*Plus on Oracle 9i server to Oracle 9i database and then we try to reconnect to Oracle 8i database with "conn scott/tiger@YYY" it will reconnect to Oracle 8i database.
    How it is possible that we can connect to Oracle 8i database without defined connection string from the client computer or from Oracle 9i server?

    Please try reposting this to the OLEDB forum for best results....

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    Thanks in advance for answers or alternative ideas.

    You can go through with the metalink ID
    The Impact of the Sqlnet Settings on Database Security (sqlnet.ora Security Parameters and Wallet Location) [ID 1240824.1]

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