RadioButtonGroups in WDJ: hiding 1st button but leaving it pre-selected

In an ABAP General thread, Narendran confirmed the fact that you can't hide the first radiobutton in a regular ABAP screen radiobuttongroup but leave it pre-selected.
In other words, if you have buttons:
you can't hide RB0 and leave it preselected. Once you make RB0 invisible, either in the painter or in a "loop at screen" in your code, SAP will pre-select RB1.
So I'm asking WDJ developers to think about this and if it is also the case in WDJ, then change the WDJ code so that you can hide the first button of a group but leave it pre-selected.
Apparently, GUI/XT allows you to pull this trick off.
(Note: this was also posted in the WDA forum for the WDA developers.)

If you want to hide a radio button from a group, you have to use individual IWDRadioButton elements instead of IWDRadioButtonGroupBy{Index, Key}.

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  • RadioButtonGroups in WDA: hiding a button but leaving it preselected

    In an ABAP General thread, Narendran confirmed the fact that you can't hide the first radiobutton in a regular ABAP screen radiobuttongroup but leave it pre-selected.
    In other words, if you have buttons:
    RB0 RB1 RB2 RB3 RB4
    you can't hide RB0 and leave it preselected.  Once you make RB0 invisible, either in the painter or in a "loop at screen" in your code, SAP will pre-select RB1.
    So I'm asking WDA developers to think about this and if it is also the case in WDA, then change the WDA code so that you can hide the first button of a group but leave it pre-selected.
    Apparently, GUI/XT allows you to pull this trick off.

    Hi Thomas -
    Thanks for taking the time to reply. 
    It would never have occurred to me to construct an RBG this way, but I'm doing a simplified front-end for IW26 for some functional analysts who are seriously scared that if we use the usual kind of RBG with the first button preselected, then some lazy or careless users will always leave this default selected and never change it.
    So what they want is for an invisible dummy button to be preselected, leaving the other buttons all unselected, thereby eliminating the possibility of misakes out of laziness or carelessness.
    They also think that this trick can be pulled off in GUI/XT and this is what prompted me to investigate the matter and then report what I had found in the ABAP General forum.
    The site managers here do NOT want to renew support for GUI/XT and I have been tasked to come up with some custom ABAP instead.  (I'm not, of course, rewriting IW26 - just a simplified front-end to call BAPI_SERVNOT_CREATE and _SAVE.)
    So I was curious whether SAP can do the same thing as GUI/XT, assuming that the analysts are correct in saying that GUI/XT can do this. Frankly, I'm not sure what I think of the idea - I can kind of see where it might have some merit.
    BTW, when we go to production NW2004s in Feb 2007, I'm hoping this simplified IW26 front-end will be our first production component.
    Best regards

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     Cheers, Tom

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    which iOS are you using?  in iOS6 there is a little camera / video on-screen switch that you slide (bottom right). In iOS7 slide (with one finger) the Video - Photo - Square words that appear above the click button on screen

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    capacity : n/a
    software version: n/a
    serial number : n/a
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    Ouch! If it didn't break you are very lucky.
    Follow the instructions in this procedure to the letter. Here they are, with emphasis on some easily overlooked requirements:
    Disconnect the USB cable from the iPod touch, but leave the other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
    Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.If you cannot turn off the device using the slider, press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time. When the device turns off, release only the Sleep/Wake button.
    Continue pressing and holding the Home button while you reconnect the USB cable to the device. The device should turn on.Note: If you see the "low battery" screen, let the device charge for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has some charge, and then start with step 2 again.
    Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen. When this screen appears (iTunes icon and USB connector) release the Home button.
    If necessary, open iTunes. You should see the "recovery mode" alert ("iTunes has detected a phone in recovery mode").
    Use iTunes to restore the device.
    If you do not see the "Connect to iTunes" screen, try these steps again. If you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen but the device does not appear in iTunes, see this article and its related links.
    Select the iPod in iTunes and choose "restore from backup".
    If you still can't get it to work, you have done all you can and only Apple will be able to help.

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    I think the availability of Oridinals depends on the font.
    Quote from the Reference:
    Typefaces include many characters in addition to the ones you see on your keyboard. Depending on the font, these characters can include ligatures, fractions, swashes, ornaments, ordinals, titling and stylistic alternates, superior and inferior characters, old-style figures, and lining figures. A glyph is a specific form of a character. For example, in certain fonts, the capital letter A is available in several forms, such as swash and small cap.
    But one can achieve something similar by changing the font size and baseline shift for the affected characters.

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    Force your iPad into Recovery Mode
    1. Disconnect the USB cable from the device, but leave the other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
    2. Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.
    3.While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the device. The device should turn on.
    4. Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen. When this screen appears, release the Home button. iTunes should alert you that it has detected a device in recovery mode. Click OK, and then click Restore to restore the device.
    Note: Data will be lost. You may have to repeat the above many times.

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    Good afternoon friends.
    Please help me and tell how can I stop using my primary Apple ID (Gmail) but leave my secondary Apple ID (icloud) as primary ond only ONE?
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    When iCloud was started I created my account but unfortunatelly can't remove this Gmail address from my Apple ID and replace it with icloud mail address.
    I was VERY dissapointed because I don't want to use "outside" mailbox to get letters from Apple and ny ID.
    In fact I see the Apple old users and fans discrimination.
    When creating new user accounts are free to create a box on the iCloud mail and use it as a primary ID, and the only ONE.
    At the same time the old user is obliged to keep third-party mail box like Gmail etc. as the primary and can not get such an opportunity, as a new user
    This is extremely inconvenient and a VERY strange logical.
    For example, now I want to stop using this mailbox on Gmail but I can not do that because in this case I lose access to my ID, or run the risk that someone in the future will create a box with the same name on Gmail (when name will be free and available) and will automatically get access to my accounts on Apple and to my Apple ID.
    Now, to avoid this, your team, I offer the only way out: ID, create anew.
    Of course it's possible, but then:
    - I lose all my purchases for 3 years and will be forced to make them again and pay money for the second time for my purchases
    - Lose access to the familiar iCloud e-mail address who now serves as secondary ID because this e-mail address is almost no longer available and will never be released in future.
    And now answer me for ONLY TWO questions:
    Thank you!
    Hopefully for your GOOD answers.

    You cannot make your address the login address for the ID. However you can change your ID, currently a Gmail one, to any other functioning non-Apple email address. The Gmail address would then no longer access your account, and so even if someone were to obtain posession of it (is that even possible) it wouldn't allow them to get into your account.
    If you want to change your ID to another email address please follow the procedure outlined below, particularly noting the first step.
    Firstly, if you have 'Find My iPhone/iPad/iMac' enabled on any of your devices, turn it off.
    Create a new email address, for example  at Yahoo or Gmail, or anywhere convenient (or you can use an existing address as long as it has never been associated with an Apple ID).
    Go to and click 'Manage your Apple ID'. Sign in with the current ID.
    Where it says 'Apple ID and primary email address' and gives your current ID email address, click 'edit'.
    Enter your new address and click 'Save changes'.
    Now you will need to go to each of your devices and sign out in System Preferences (or Settings)>iCloud - 'Sign out' on a Mac, 'Delete this account' on an iOS device (this will not delete the account from the server).
    Then sign back in with your new ID. Your iCloud data will disappear from your devices when you sign out, but reappear when you sign back in.
    I re-iterate: before you start, turn off 'Find My Mac' (or whatever) or you will need the services of Support.

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    Use Shift > View > Show Exact Duplicate Items as this is normally a more useful selection. You need to manually select all but one of each group to remove. If you have multiple references to the same files then don't send to the recycle bin. Use my DeDuper script if you don't want to do it by hand. See this thread for background and please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed)

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    You and your partner might have different browsers, different versions of the same browser, or most likely a fervent version of the PDF plug-in.
    See if just clicking on the Enter key sends the form in.

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    iMovie 6
    Hi, I want to edit, or remove a small section of video, but leave the audio playing in the background. I want to just put up a picture in the same spot. But, I need the video's audio to keep playing. I videotaped someone speaking, but there is a section where there is a mistake, namely, the camera was moved. I need to keep the audio going, and figured I would just put a still image of text or picture in the section where the mistake is, that's why I need the audio to keep playing. It's too long of a section to just do a transition to cover the mistake. Can someone help me with this? I guess you could call what I want to do is cut to a still image while the audio keeps playing?
    Message was edited by: thomjw

    Have a look at this article:
    Post back if you still have questions.

  • I NOT download mail on laptop (but leave it for dl to my desktop); how can I get the lapt to recog what it already in its inbox and not add new copies each time

    I use a small Acer laptop on trips. I read email on it, but leave the mail on the server (POP acct at my university) for download at home onto my desktop. My problem is that the laptop does not recognize what it has already copied to my inbox, and so adds a new copy of all mail (that is on server) each time I "get" my mail. Is there some way that I can get it to only "get" what mail it does not already have ?

    try disabling email scanning for incoming mail.
    One of the last things that occurs is the mail server and Thunderbird sign off on "where we are up to" and Thunderbird stores this state information in the popstate.dat file in your profile (there is one in each POP mail account folder). If the anti virus, or you for that matter, end the conversation a few seconds early that hand off does not occur and the popstate is not stored.

  • How can I delete all my mail from my computer, but leave it all on .Mac ?

    How can I delete all my mail ( 3.5 ) on my computer ( original G4 ) but leave it all on the .Mac servers?

    backup the device and restore it as new.
    If you already have or don't need a backup:
    Erase your device
    Erasing all content and settings will delete all the data from your device, including songs, videos, contacts, photos, calendar information, and any other data. All device settings are restored to their factory condition.
    To remove all settings and information from your device, tap Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings. For more information about this feature, see iOS: Understanding 'Erase All Content and Settings'.
    If you are unable to erase your device, restore the device using iTunes.
    See:  for the exact steps.
    Transferring ringtones isn't supported, as far as I know...

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