RAM advice needed

I am going to install Oracle 10gR2 in an AIX machine with 15G RAM. What percentage of Physical RAM should i set aside for SGA and PGA combined. I read in the internet that it should be 80% of Total RAM size? Is this right?
During the day this oracle server will be having at least 1300 sessions(so 1300 oracle server processes running) at any given time. So, can anyone advice me of appropriate SGA_MAX and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET sizes.

Comments embedded
Thank you Syb.
The applications are run from the application server.
How would i know how much memory each application is
consuming? By measuring it on your test/acceptance server, before you go production
Why do you think Shared Server
configuration is more appropriate?
1300 processes times 8 Mb minimum, sometimes even 40 M.
Most of these processes are, from Oracle perspective, doing nothing.
Also with 1300 processes we are talking OLTP, aren't we?
The overhead of starting a dedicated process is significant.
The reason for this is your server processes needmemory too (apart from the PGA) and you should avoid
paging and swapping in normal situations
I thought PGA_AGGREGRATE_TARGET is used to control
the total amount of memory consumed by all server
processes combined. So, What do you mean by 'apart
from PGA' ?First of all there is also uga. Secondly each process needs to map the SGA into their own working set. Also there is code to run.
Which oracle documentation should i look to get
advice on SGA_MAX_SIZE and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET?You can easily search the documentation by using tahiti.
This search string provides relevant information for sga_max_size in 10g.
But they will tell you there are no formulas and you should use the advisor.
Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA

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  • After Effects CS6 error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback - any ideas please?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm running After Effects CS6 ( on a MacBook Pro 2.8Ghz with 16GB RAM (Mac OS 10.9.4)
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    My settings in the Memory Preferences are currently
    • 6GB reserved for other applications
    • Reduce cache size when system is low on memory - unticked
    • After Effects Multiprocessing - ticked
    • Installed CPUs (processor cores) - 8
    • CPUs reserved for other applications - 6
    • RAM allocation per background CPU - 3GB
    • Actual CPUs that will be used - 2
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    I then pressed the stop button and then the play button - so now just playing the sequence briefly.
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    Then I tried a RAM Preview again.
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    I kept trying to get a RAM Preview and got this message
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    Eventually I quit and restarted After Effects and the problem went away temporarily and then came back when I tried again.
    I tried various changes to the Memory Preferences - trying 3GB available for other applications. This gave 13GB of my 16GB RAM to After Effects.
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    I've since tried -
    Making 2,3,4,5 and 6 CPUs available for other applications.
    Changing the Background RAM allocation per background CPU to 0.75GB, 1GB, 1.5GB, 2GB and 3GB
    Lots of combinations.
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    Reading even further, I tried two Memory management applications - 'Memory Clean' and 'Purge.'
    Neither has had any effect - the After Effects error still appears.
    Then I went back into the Memory and Multiprocessing Preferences.
    I unticked Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously. And now the RAM Preview loads the whole 3 and half minute sequence in entirety, taking about 1 and half minutes to do so. It's working as perfectly as if I'd just quit and re-opened the application.
    Then I went back into the Memory and Multiprocessing Preferences.
    I reticked Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously.
    The chose Edit > Purge > All
    And tried a RAM Preview again. It loaded up in 25 seconds, but then, as previously, the error message came.
    I tried Edit > Purge All - no effect.
    And I tried going into the Media and Disk Cache Preferences and clicked Empty Disk Cache - still the problem remains.
    I understand from my reading that After Effects CS6 11.0.2 was intended to fix this issue but I'm on 11.0.4 and as far as I can tell, I still have it - assuming it's the same thing.
    As far as I can see, not using Multiprocessing allows me to work without these errors but take a bit longer to load the RAM Preview.
    However I'd like to be able to use Multiprocessing as it seems it can potentially speeds things up quite a lot. I realise I could just not use it and AE would work, but I'd rather be able to make use of a feature of the software if possible, especially if it will speed things up and make optimum use of the my computer's hardware.
    I've downloaded a trial copy of After Effects CC 2014. I'm still testing it but as far as I can see the RAM Preview error appears in this version of AE as well, but can take bit longer to show up in my experience.
    Thanks everyone - if anyone has any thoughts or advice I'd appreciate hearing your opinions.
    Kind regards,

    You need to have much more RAM reserved for other applications and more CPUs reserved for other applications. Your current settings are crippling your performance.
    Read these:
    After you have adjusted your settings according to the recommendations on those pages, restart your computer and try again.

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    I think you should go back and look at the other threads with advice, your budget. There is "ideal" and "affordable."
    Will it pay for itself in 24 months so you can afford the next revision at that time?
    Start with an 8-Core 3GHz.
    Add a Port Multiplier controller and two drive cases, 5 drives each, nearly 400MB/sec RAID.
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    Give yourself time to build, test, and optimize your setup, and expect to change it over time as you learn more.
    Can't afford that? then trim the 8-core. But Apple has shown how efficient next generation applications already are for video when it comes to 3GHz 8-core Mac Pro.

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    just found your post...
    To install your HP1010 on Win7do the following:
    Devices & Printers
    Add a printer
    Adda local printer
    Use an existing port: DOT4_001 (Generic IEEE...)
    Pick HP from manufacturer
    Select HP LaserJet 3055 PCL5
    Name the printer something to your liking
    Finish (or so, just follow the prompts)
    Here you are!
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  • Made preference changes, but still getting the Ram preview needs 2 or more frames to play back.

    I'm new to After Effects CS6 and am working on a very simple Kinetic Typography project. I don't have a lot of memory, but this is a really simple project, so I'm wondering if maybe I'm just not using the work area correctly. Every once in while I can get the project to RAM preview, but only for a few seconds. Most of the time I get the "Ram preview needs 2 or more frames to play back" error message. I have pasted my sytem info and setting info bleow. Thanks for any insight! 
    I have checked the Render Multiple Fames Simultaneously box and have set the seetings at:
    Here is the info when you click on details:
    Installed RAM: 4.00 GB
    Current RAM Usage: 0.00 GB
    Allowed RAM Usage: 2.50 GB
    Process ID
    Application Name
    Min Needed Memory
    Max Usable Memory
    Max Allowed Memory
    Current Memory
    Current Priority
    After Effects
    3 - Low
    System info:
    System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
    Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
      Processor Name: Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
      Number of Processors: 1
      Total Number of Cores: 4
      L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 6 MB
      Memory: 4 GB

    What exact version of After Effects?
    Show a screenshot of your TImeline panel and Preview panel when the problem occurs.
    Make sure that we can see the details in your screenshot. Your current screenshot is unreadable because it's so small.

  • AE CC 2014.1.1 the plague of "ram preview needs 2 or more frames"

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    GTX680 4GB
    24GB ram
    Asus P6T deluxe mobo
    2 SSD Intel, one for AE cache
    I'm experiencing continuos crash from AE. I'm on a big project, as always, and performance is terrible. After a bit of time of working AE became terribly slow. The "blu" bar under the preview window start load again and again. I move the mouse, loading, i scroll the window, loading, press caps lock to stop the preview....loading. This is the sympthon. After this kind of wierd performance i know that my ram preview will not start again. The infamous message will pop up and doesn't matters what i do, purge, format ram or whatever. the only way is to close AE and reopen it.
    Now...i'm using AI files or PSD files, so i've to run AE and Photoshop or AI all toghether....after some minutes...the bar loading, the performance slows down and the message pop up again.
    The ridicoulous fact is that when i render the project i have the ram usage at 19% and cpu usage at max 60%. So my renders are really long (about 10hr for 2 minutes of animations), but my system is sitting there doing nothing. Really odd...i can use 12GB of ram and half of the cores at this point, doesn't matter for AE performance...

    Right! It's got a little bit worse... After the 'RAM preview needs 2 or more frames' window I purged then restarted and all was back on track for about 5 minutes, then it happened again and then the following series of warnings have locked AE in a cycle of warnings...
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    my memory settings
    my cache settings
    and the memory left on my computer
    The file is 'just' a series of After Effects solids with masks (about 40), rigged together with Duik IK (not the puppet tool thing just the one that links layers together) and some wavs for the sound file.
    Like I say I've probably done hours of lipsyncing over the last 15 years with far far heavier files (using HD footage and a far bigger comp with psd files) and I certainly haven't had this kind of persistent problem and it's only since I installed CC2014 last week...
    grrrr and arrrrgh

  • RAM preview needs 2 or more frames, I've got a clue...

    After struggling for half an hour or so, I think I'm on the right way to find a solution to this annoying problem. I'm using CS5 on Win7 x64 Ultimate. The problem is that AE cannot starts the ram preview: "after effects error: RAM preview needs 2 or more frames to playback". After having searched among several forums, I've tried all the tips suggested here and there: purged the cache, using a different codec for the clip I was trying to play back and so on., but no luck so far. I've also moved the Conformed Media Cache folders to another folder on my hard disk, thinking that the current ones were full or that maybe I could have some administration problem with those, neither this helped.
    Then I've started from scratch and I've discovered that for some reason if I have all the H.264 clips in my project, even if I was using 1 clip only (and it was converted to an AVI clip non compressed used as PROXY) than AE couldn't ram preview my comp. Now I've reduced the project and I'm keeping that clip only in the project and it seems it's working now.
    To add more oddness to the story, now it doesn't matter if I use the AVI proxy file or I do turn the proxy off switching to the H.264 file again. It seems it works either way.
    Hope this can helps somebody else who's struggling with the same problem...

    I have this problem with my supercomputer and After Effects CS5.... it used to work just fine.
    I have an i7-980x, 16 gb RAM, Win 7 home premium, 2 ATI Radeon 5850 each with a gig of video RAM.
    I have tried all of the online suggestions, entered a bug report, re-installed AE CS5 (Prod Premium Suite), then updated again.
    All I get is the same error report.  VERY Frustrating.
    Disabled all firewall, antivirus.
    Made a little comp of a white box changing position from frame 1 to 200,
    Still won't RAM preview.
    Please help!

  • After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback when previewing animation video

    Good afternoon,
    We have an error that is persistent. This error RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames occurs in AE CC often. It happens when we preview what has been animated a few times. Here's all the details below on what we're working on and the computer specs.
    Computer Details
    Processor 2x2.93 GHZ Core Intel Xeon
    Memory 28GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Software OS X 10.9.4
    Graphics Card ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024MB Graphics
    Project Details
    Project usually consists of comps 1920x1080 dimensions RGB
    And we're simply animating
    Video is always prores 1920x1080
    We've added RAM to this comp and still nothing has changed. I saw that the other error for this has been fixed but I'm not sure what's going on in AE for this to continue. Please help !

    ahorne21 wrote:
    And we're simply animating
    Animating what?
    What exact version of AE (down to the last decimal)?
    How are you invoking the RAM preview?

  • Advice needed on buying iphone as gift

    I went to apple store, they do not want to sell iphone to me unless I sign AT&T 2 years plan. I thought AT&T has locked the phone and users must subscribe in order to use it. Why Apple store still not allow me to buy?
    Please advice, if I want to buy online iphone for my brother, do I or my brother have obligation to sign out AT&T plan?
    One more advice needed, I found the shipment takes weeks, do I have option to arrange for self-collection?
    My brother birthday is coming soon, I need above advice urgently.
    Thank you very much

    Tamara wrote:
    I'm guessing English is not your first language. It's possible that you misunderstood them. Apple Store employees won't refuse to sell you an iPhone and you don't have to sign up for service in the store.
    Well that's not entirely true.
    Apple Stores have been instructed not to sell you an iPhone if any of the following is true:
    • You state that you will not be signing up with AT&T.
    • You do not have an ID from a US state, also indicating you will not be activating with AT&T
    • You do not have a credit card
    For example, I've seen US Apple Store managers refuse to sell iPhones to European residents because of the AT&T lock-in.

  • Warning "RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames" after scrubbing audio in After Effects CC 2014 (13.0)

    The After Effects team are investigating a bug in After Effects CC 2104 (13.0) where a memory leak occurs while scrubbing audio (holding down the CTRL or Command key while scrubbing). This memory leak can eventually consume all free RAM, which can lead to the warning message "After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback" when you try to initiate a RAM preview.
    While we investigate this problem, you can avoid the bug and memory leak by not scrubbing with audio. When the problem occurs you can resolve it by closing and restarting After Effects.
    http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2014/07/warning-ram-preview-needs-2-or-more-frames-aft er-scrubbing-audio-in-after-effects-cc-2014-13-0.html

    Hi all, just wanted to say, I am currently working on an award show for TV and have been scrubbing audio in AE CC 2014 without issue. Why am I not having the memory leak problem?
    Would like to help if I can.
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name: Mac Pro
      Model Identifier: MacPro6,1
      Processor Name: 12-Core Intel Xeon E5
      Processor Speed: 2.7 GHz
      Number of Processors: 1
      Total Number of Cores: 12
      L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
      L3 Cache: 30 MB
      Memory: 64 GB
      Boot ROM Version: MP61.0116.B05
      SMC Version (system): 2.20f18
      Illumination Version: 1.4a6
    System Software Overview:
      System Version: OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
      Kernel Version: Darwin 13.3.0
      Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
      Boot Mode: Normal
      Computer Name:
      User Name:
      Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
      Time since boot: 1 day7:24

  • "RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames" CS6 on CC and CC 2014

    The message "" RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames "'is appearing in all software is tested CS6, CC and CC2014. Retina I'm using a Macbook (OS X Maverics) brand new, the error appears right after about 10 minutes of use, and just back to work after restarting the after. Restart after the message appears again, after another period of use.
    All software are updated in the latest versions.
    Currently I have a CC account, but I can not use because of this problem.

    Caramba, acho que não tinha lido esse post. Acho que o problema pode estar no scruble mesmo. Puts, que merda. Mas se for isso ótimo.
    Acabou de travar novamente. Ai eu fui ver o uso de memório, que estava girando em 3 (de 6). E olha na imagem que aparece 6,1. Ou seja, realmente acontece de sugar toda a memória do nada. Mas isso não deve acontecer com todo mundo. Pode ser apenas com algum programa que tenhamos instalado. Não acho que o problema seja do Maverics, pois já acontece isso desde o CS6, antes de lancarem esse sistema. Cara, muito obrigado de qualquer forma. Se for isso, já resolve meu problema. Só realmente não usar o scruble.
    Estou comprando o Mac Book Pro top de linha. Quadcore 2.5Ghz/  16g Ram/ 2gb de Video/ 500 ssd/ Retina.
    Parece estar um foguete. Vamos ver.

  • RAM preview needs 2 or more frames error

    Good Morning,
    I have just encountered this error for the first time since i started using AE about 6 years ago.
    I am running a PC (windows 7 pro), i5 2.90GHz 64-bit OS, 16GB RAM, and 1 GB Graphics card, dedicated 1TB HDD for Cache. Creative Cloud subscription.
    I had no problems up until the update to 'After Effects CC 2014', since this update i cannot generate a RAM preview. I have read countless forums and i have followed previously suggested solutions (purge, remove VCReflect plugin, started AE as administrator etc), to no avail.
    Any suggestions will be welcomed.

    The "RAM preview needs 2 or more frames to play back" message usually means 1 of 2 things. Either:
    You have requested a RAM preview of only 1 frame.
    There is not enough RAM available to generate more than 1 frame.
    Regarding the first possibility, make sure that your comp is more than one frame long, and that your work area bar is set to more than one frame. Also make sure that in the Preview panel the From Current Time option is not enabled, if your current time indicator is on the last frame of your comp. In these cases the message is saying "You don't have more than one frame for me to play, so using RAM preview doesn't make sense: this single frame is already on screen and already cached!"
    Regarding the second possibility, there are a number of contributing factors. Generally, make sure that there is available memory for After Effects to use, which you can check in Activity Monitor or Task Manager. If you don't have much free memory: use the Edit > Purge > All command, close other applications and/or restart After Effects or your computer. If you appear to have lots of free memory, start breaking down your comp, turning off effects and layers (including cameras and lights) until you can get a RAM preview without the error message.
    Effects, in particular, can consume large amounts of memory, such as particle effects or effects that grow the layer bounds to very large sizes. If After Effects can't generate more than one frame for such a layer in the amount of available memory, you may get this error message.
    If you're still having trouble, test by building simpler comps just to verify you can RAM preview anything, such as an animated shape layer or text or a piece of footage with no effects applied to it. If you need to post back to this thread, describe the contents of your comp, including the comp settings, layer types, effects applied, etc. Screenshots and screen capture videos are always helpful.

  • Error Message:RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames

    Mac,  CS4
    Hello, I get this AE error message that says Ram Preview needs 2 or more frames for playback.  I don't know what I do to cause this nor can I figure out what I have done in the past to get the 2 or more frames.  The message seems to just sometimes pop up out of nowhere when I press the ram preview or the Enter or Return keys. A related preview issue is that sometimes if I stop a RAM preview before its completes the work area, it will only play for the duration of the GREEN bar that was created, and the only way I can get past this is to press the Space bar, then the Green Bar keeps is current lenght and moves along with the current time indictor, and won't grow any larger.  I tried going to Preferences and cleaning the Media database and cache, but that doesn't seem to do anything to help.

    What is the duration of the work area that you're trying to preview?
    Regarding your other issue, the green bar represents how much of your comp has been cached in RAM. The RAM Preview will only playback in realtime what has been cached.
    Check out the help files for more info on RAM Previews.

  • Ram preview needs 2 or more frames to ....

    Working inside of after effects on macbook pro and randomly ram preview popped up with the error: After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback

    The After Effects team are investigating a bug in After Effects CC 2104 (13.0) where a memory leak occurs while scrubbing audio (holding down the CTRL or Command key while scrubbing). This memory leak can eventually consume all free RAM, which can lead to the warning message "After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback" when you try to initiate a RAM preview.
    While we investigate this problem, you can avoid the bug and memory leak by not scrubbing with audio. When the problem occurs you can resolve it by closing and restarting After Effects.
    http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2014/07/warning-ram-preview-needs-2-or-more-frames-aft er-scrubbing-audio-in-after-effects-cc-2014-13-0.html

  • Ram Preview Need 2 or more Frames to playback

    Ram Preview Need 2 or more Frames to playback error everytime i use the ram preview. I tried purging memory and didn't help.
    The problem is that the ram isn't enough even though I have 16 gb and i tried allocating different amounts. I tried rendering multiple frames simultaneously. Here are the details for the ram preview:
    Installed RAM: 15.89 GB
    Current RAM Usage: 0.00 GB
    Allowed RAM Usage: 0.40 GB
    Process ID
    Application Name
    Min Needed Memory
    Max Usable Memory
    Max Allowed Memory
    Current Memory
    Current Priority
    After Effects
    3 - Low
    Thats all that shows. Thank you
    PS. i am using adobe after effects CC and am running a Geforce gtx 760 with a 4770k haswell i7 proccesor.

    here is a screenshot, also i've had this issue for 3 days now

Maybe you are looking for