Random CD Drive spin ups.

Well i have 2 cd drives, the internal one and an external LaCie cd drive, both currently have CD's in them. Intermittently the CD drives spin up even when i'm not doing anything with the CD's and they can stay that way for 5 or even 8 minutes. While this is happening the eject is very slow in responding on the external drive. But the internal will eject instantly.
Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know the cause?

Are you running any applications which open a file "open" window? If anything scans the disk bus, and the CD drives have CDs in them, this will scan the bus. So this would be something like "save as..." or open a file or something.

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    iMac: Mid 2010 27"
    Processor  2.8 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory  8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB
    Software  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50)
    Adobe CS 5.5
    Photoshop CS5  / v12.1 x64
    Illustrator CS5  / v15.1.0
    InDesign CS5.5 / v7.5.2
    External Drives
    Firewire800: 2TB Hitachi G-Drive: http://www.g-technology.com/products/g-drive.cfm
    USB: 1TB Western Digital MyPassport 0730

    Set the TM drive not to spin down, I think there is a setting in the system preferences.
    Could be the G drive feature,
    consider making option key bootable clone drives
    Most commonly used backup methods explained

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    I don't know which notebook model do you have but Toshiba has designed small tool for such purposes. It is acoustic silencer. When you watch DVD movei or when you listen music CD you can switch into silent mode and you will not hear that DVD drive works.
    Visit Toshiba support page and check if this tool is available for your notebook model too.

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    I have tried the power management reset which has not resolved the problem.

    Hi David
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    1. In the Energy Saver preference try setting Computer sleep: to "Never" and make sure the the box "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" is unchecked.
    2. Try resetting the System Management Controller as described in the article below.
    Now then if you are still having a problem you might also:
    1. Use the Restore Default button on the Energy Saver preference panel and then reselect your sleep settings.
    2. Go to: Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > SystemConfiguration and trash the "com.apple.PowerManagement.plist" which also restore's the Energy Saver preference to default, then go back to the Energy Saver preference and reselect your sleep settings.

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    Hi, Alex, and welcome to the Discussions!
    Any chance that the new Mac owner might join the Discussions and get an independent review and advice from the Members? We'd be happy to help him try to get up and running, as long as it's kept independent from this particular topic (since this really isn't a place for a potential buyer-seller dispute...)
    What model Mac are we referring to here?
    As previously referred to, the startup memory settings are commonly lost when one has a weak, dead, or defective battery and the Mac is then disconnected from an AC power source for a period of time. Oftentimes, the Mac can be restarted by removing the battery completely, doing a PMU reset, hooking up the power cord, and restarting with the battery removed. This might confirm that the Mac is indeed okay, perhaps maybe just needing a new battery (which he can test with a voltmeter, per Texas Mac Man's Tutorial).
    You didn't mention whether or not the owner is using your original monitor, mouse and keyboard. This could be pertinent information in troubleshooting this, if the PMU reset/battery doesn't correct things.

  • External hard drives spinning up incessantly

    I have 4 external drives with about 12 volumes on them and it's literally spinning up a drive every 5 minutes, 24x7 when I am not even using the computer. Nothing weird is running, and it's clear the application is exactly Finder. (and rarely, fseventsd).  Here is the output of
    sudo fs_usage -f filesys | grep Volumes 
    01:00:55  getattrlist  
    0.000012   Finder 
    01:00:55  getattrlist  
    0.000024   Finder 
    01:02:21  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    01:13:04  getattrlist  
    0.000014   Finder 
    01:13:15  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    01:17:21  getattrlist  
    0.000012   Finder 
    01:17:30  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    01:32:21  getattrlist  
    0.000016   Finder 
    01:32:30  getattrlist  
    0.000011   Finder 
    01:47:21  getattrlist  
    0.000072   Finder 
    01:47:30  getattrlist  
    0.000014   Finder 
    01:54:37  getattrlist  
    0.000012   Finder 
    01:54:49  getattrlist  
    0.000014   Finder 
    01:56:56  getattrlist  
    0.000012   Finder 
    01:56:57  getattrlist  
    0.000023   Finder 
    01:57:14  getattrlist  
    0.000014   Finder 
    01:57:23  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    01:57:49  getattrlist  
    0.000016   Finder 
    01:57:50  getattrlist  
    0.000024   Finder 
    01:58:32  getattrlist  
    0.000012   Finder 
    01:58:32  getattrlist  
    0.000021   Finder 
    01:59:17  statfs       
    0.000009   Finder 
    01:59:18  statfs       
    0.000008   Finder 
    02:00:10  getattrlist  
    0.000014   Finder 
    02:00:21  getattrlist  
    0.000015   Finder 
    02:00:55  getattrlist  
    0.000019   Finder 
    02:02:21  getattrlist  
    0.000015   Finder 
    02:10:01  getattrlist  
    0.000022   Finder 
    02:10:01  getattrlist  
    0.000010   Finder 
    02:10:01  statfs       
    0.000009   Finder 
    02:10:01  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    02:10:07  statfs       
    0.000010   Finder 
    02:10:11  getattrlist  
    0.000023   Finder 
    02:10:11  getattrlist  
    0.000025   Finder 
    02:10:11  getattrlist  
    0.000012   Finder 
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000015   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000010   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000009   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000009   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    /Volumes/U3 System                                                          
    0.000009   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000011   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000010   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000009   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000009   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000009   Preview
    02:10:12  getattrlist  
    0.000008   Preview
    Note the 02:10:12 "all drives spin up" event.  That was opening a PDF in Preview.  The PDF was in my home directory/Downloads on "Macintosh HD".  The rest is entirely Finder; I was doing nothing at all. 
    I'm hearing a spool-up literally every 4-5 minutes.
    I have essentially given up, and dismounted all the drives until I have need for something on one of them.  Of course that kills Time Machine.
    Since there is no rime or reason for these accesses, I am NOT impressed with the argument that "drives should spin 24x7, it's better for them".  This is a home system, not a server.  I know how often I actually need data off these drives - several times a day and many days not at all.  So I should use a program to force them to spin 24x7 (by doing more unnecessary accesses)?  That's like leaving a hot water faucet open 24x7 to deal with a glitch in an on-demand water heater.
    I want the drives to spin down.  And stay spun down.  And then, when I choose to access something on one of the drives, or an application has something it's going to actually use the drive for (e.g. midnight backups) -- I want it to spin up. Simple enough?
    I am running 10.5 but my searches tell me Snow Leopard is worse, and Lion is worse yet.

    Good point, just checked, and the answer is no.  I had 3 Finder windows open, all viewing the main hard drive.
    They did, of course, have the hard drive icons along the left edge.
    Edit (from here):
    But I wasn't doing anything with Finder during these times.
    This activity occurred when I was not using the computer at all.
    04:00:41  getattrlist  
    0.000009   ScreenSaverE
    04:00:41  getattrlist  
    0.000022   ScreenSaverE
    04:02:10  getattrlist  
    0.000015   Finder 
    04:02:22  getattrlist  
    0.000019   Finder 
    04:59:17  statfs       
    0.000011   Finder 
    04:59:18  statfs       
    0.000005   Finder 
    05:02:10  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    05:02:21  getattrlist  
    0.000016   Finder 
    05:59:17  statfs       
    0.000014   Finder 
    06:02:10  getattrlist  
    0.000013   Finder 
    06:02:21  getattrlist  
    0.000021   Finder 
    06:59:17  statfs       
    0.000006   Finder 
    06:59:18  statfs       
    0.000006   Finder 

  • Installed a cloned a 500g solid state hard drive but unable to boot. Can only hear drive spinning quietly, no chime to launch OS. Total darkness. Can anyone help? thanks in advance!

    Installed a cloned 500g solid state hard drive but unable to boot in macbook pro. Can only hear drive spinning quietly, no chime to launch OS. Total darkness. Can anyone help? thanks in advance!

    Hi Retired Engineer,
    Yes, you're right. It is the Seagate Momentus XT and it does not spin. That was just a layman's term for computer illiterate like myself. After hours of inspection & a prayer, I discovered by pulling the 4 GB memory chips out I put in, replacing the 1.5 GB back in for the memory which I upgraded 3 years ago. Chime! It works! So it is the 4 GB memory causing the problem. But why? Does that mean my Macbook Pro does not support with more memory? The fan noise is now gone which I suspect it was caused the other overheating Seagate hard drive & eventually causing the crash. However, the top bar temp indicator shows 174˙F @ 000rpm. Does that also mean the fan on the left is not working? (the right fan on the board works). Do they work simutaneously? Or left fan is just a back up?
    Thanks for your reply & kind gesture.

  • Hard Drive Spin Down....Good or Bad??

    'Two questions, really, but first some background.  I have an earlier Mac Pro running 10.7.3 (as I recall).  I also have a Sonos music system.  All the hard drive bays in the Mac Pro are occupied.  The first has a 2 TB Western Digital RE that has my OS and all my files on it.  Bay's 2 and 3 have two 3TB drives from Hitachi which are mirrored and serve as my internal daily backup which is run and cloned by CCC.  The fourth drive is another RE that has copies of all my music.  I simply copy my two iTunes folders and any other music I want the Sonos system to access to this fourth drive.  My reason for doing this is that I wanted to minimize the run time of my main hard drive as not so long ago, I had two Seagate drives go belly up on me.  All the music on the fourth drive (that serves the Sonos system) comes from my main hard drive which is backed up to the two mirrored internal drives as well as a G-Technolgy mirrored external drive, so I'm not concerned with backing up the drive serving the Sonos system.  So......
    Question one is:  Which is better for drives in general, to keep them spinning all the time, or to allow or force them to spin down if they aren't being accessed?
    Question two is:  If it is better to spin down a drive, how can I selectively spin down some drives and not others? 
    For instance, I'm thinking that it is better to spin drives down, then I'd like to be able to spin down drive #1 with my OS but not the Sonos drive because the Sonos system prefers that the drive not spin down or there are connection errors.
    Thanks for all your answers and suggestions!

    I understand the limitions of mirrored drives, but my main drive is not mirrored.  What is mirrored are my backup drives.  One daily backup onto mirrored drives in bay's 3 and 4 in the Mac Pro.  And a less frequent backup on mirrored drives that are stored in a fireproof safe in the garage.  Should my main, non-mirrored drive fail (hopefully it'll be a long time as it's an enterprise class drive), I've then got any one of four cloned drives to choose from.  Of course, I would choose the most recent ones that are internal, but should something catastrophic like a fire occur, I'd then have two identical cloned and bootable drives in the garage. 
    I recognize that in the case of a real catastrophy, the drives in the garage won't be as current as the drives in the Mac Pro, but in both cases, the backups themselves are pretty robust because they are mirrored.  If one backup drive fails, the other will likely be fine and I can then easily proceed from there. 
    It set up properly, mirrored drives offer some great redundency in case of hard drive failure.  What prompted me to go this route was three drive failures in one year, all of which were Seagate Barracuda drives and relatively new.  And two of them were backup drives.  My backup drives are now Hitachi and mirrored in case one dies.  And CCC makes it so I can just plug the backup drive into my #1 bay and I'm back up in business.  Except for MS Office which somehow limits the number of times it can be cloned and you have to call MS and get a new product code.  Easy to do, but a pain.  I learned this as a result of swapping cloned drives in and out of my wife's MacBook.  It all worked perfectly until I did it once too many times and MS wouldn't load.  Hence the call to MS.
    Thanks for all your feedback!
    Oh, and any info on controling which drives spin down and which don't?

  • External Drives Spinning Down

    Greetings All;
    Although the upgrade to Mountain Lion went without a hitch on all of my machines, since the upgrade my external firewire drives spin down when not in use.
    They do spin back up after a few seconds when accessed.  This obviously isn't a major issue...just wondering if anyone else has experience this.  Any thoughts?  All the best....
    Syd Rodocker
    Apple iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

    Thanks for the response!  Glad to hear I'm not the only one.  I have multiple FCP editing systems and a couple of iMac's for graphics work, so I've now begun only powering up the drives that I need for the day's current project.  Interesting development.  All the best...
    Syd Rodocker
    Apple iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

  • PB17 internal drive spins down during bootup; computer shuts down

    my internal hard drive has crashed 3 times in the last week, each time on boot-up during the grey screen spinning wheel mode. the wheel will stop spinning, and simultaneously i can hear the internal drive spin down, then the computer shuts down on its own. i am able to boot from any external bootable hard drive.
    when i boot from any external drive, the internal drive does not mount. when launching the utility Drive Genius from the external drive, the internal drive still doesn't mount but does list the drive in the list of volumes/device window and does list the details of the drive. the drive is listed with its BSD name, not its DisplayName.
    Drive Genius is able to DUPLICATE the internal drive, and i'm able to boot from that duplication. if i select REPAIR, Drive Genius goes thru it's process of examining but is never able to actually repair the drive. for each time that the drive has crashed, if i select the REBUILD option, even though it always reports back that it was unable to repair the drive, when finished with the report, the drive mounts automatically with the correct volume display name. i am then able to boot from the internal drive, and everything works fine...till the next crash.
    Apple's disk utility hasnt been any help, although i've repaired permissions successfully after recovering from each crash.
    any thoughts?

    If your drive happens to be failing, then there is nothing that any software application can do to fix it. Maybe you should boot from the Install & Restore DVD that came with your PowerBook holding down the Option key, and run Apple Hardware Test to see if that provides any insight....
    Have you considered reformatting the PB's drive and reinstalling your system?
    Good luck.

  • Hard drive spins very fast during youtube viewing

    My hard drive spins fast every time I watch youtube or any other video streaming sites. Is it normal? or bad. You will know that the HD spins if the fan is on right?

    Hi dattebayo: If the fan is spinning up while viewing videos or other CPU intensive activities, that is what it is meant to do. Without that the CPU and the computer in general would shut down pretty quickly. The program I mnetioned earlier is available here. http://www.islayer.com/index.php?op=item&id=7

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