Random generate numbers when pdf opens

I have been trying to write a script which generates a random 12 digit number when the pdf opens.  I need to the number to show up in a certain read only field on the pdf.  I have tried writing the script in the document script and have been unsuccessful.  (The random number and another part of the the document will be used to pull information from it at a later date.)  Can anyone help me with a script so that I can make this possible?

Do you want a new random number each time the file is opened? If so, enter
this code as a document-level script (not inside a function!):
this.getField("fieldname").value =

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    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Test
        public static void main(String [] args)
            Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
            int randDieNum1 = 0;
            int randDieNum2 = 0;
            Random randDieNum1List = new Random();
            Random randDieNum2List = new Random();
            //User Input
            System.out.print("Number of Rolls: ");
            int numToRoll = in.nextInt();
            for(int rolled = 0; rolled != numToRoll; rolled ++)
                int randDie1 = randDieNum1List.nextInt(6) + 1;
                int randDie2 = randDieNum2List.nextInt(6) + 1;
                System.out.println("RandNum1: " + randDie1);
                System.out.println("RandNum2: " + randDie2);
                int final = (int)randDie1 + (int)randDie2;
                System.out.println("Add: " + randDie1 + randDie2);

    You can't call the variable "final" as that's a Java keyword. Try something like "sum" or "total".
    (Also consider just using a single Random object and calling it twice to obtain the value for each of the dice.. And don't (cast) for the fun of it or as a talisman to ward off compiler messages.)

  • Preview proxy icon missing when pdf opens from Safari

    Hi, this was an older question which was not answered. The problem annoys me too (had to install skim for this single reason, even though I prefer preview for offline work). Here it is:
    If I'm viewing a pdf inside safari and I right click on it and select "Open with Preview" Preview does indeed open the pdf but there is no proxy icon next to the pdf's title in the title bar. Preview in Tiger definitely did have one, the path to pdfs opened like this was something like ~/username/library/wekitpdfs/filename.pdf
    Anyone know if there's a way to get my beloved proxy icon back, dragging the icon to the desired destination is faster than going through the save dialog.
    Is this a Preview or Safari bug? Thank you for any insight on this

    papanic wrote:
    I very much doubt that this is the way things are meant to work. If I open the pdf in Safari and rightclick>open it with skim, Skim displays the proxy icon, as Preview used to.
    Btw, the file's path still points to a tmp folder (webkitpdfs)
    So this is either a bug in Safari or Preview (because it impairs functionality), or, hopefully, there's some hidden preference somewhere which you can change and reactivate the proxy icon.
    Have you verified this as a Safari bug by checking that it works with FireFox?

  • Why are bookmarks generated intermittently when PDF created using EXCEL VBA?

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    Function PDF_PRINTING_2007()
    Dim V_NBR_OF_RPTS As Integer
    Dim stdPrinter As String
    Dim Prints, z, n As Integer
    Dim pdfile, pdtitle As Boolean
    Dim V_RPT_ARRAY(800) As String
    Dim V_RPT_PAGES_ARRAY(800) As Long
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        V_NBR_OF_RPTS = 0
        Erase V_RPT_ARRAY
        Erase V_RPT_PAGES_ARRAY
        V_PLANT_SUMMARY = ""
        Sheets("TABLE OF CONTENTS").Activate
        V_TOC_LAST_ROW = Cells(65536, 7).End(xlUp).Row
        V_TOC_ROW = 5
        Do Until V_TOC_ROW > V_TOC_LAST_ROW
            If Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 7) = "Y" Then
                V_RPT = Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 2).Value
                If V_RPT = "PLANT SUMMARY" Then
                    V_PLANT_SUMMARY = "Y"
                End If
                If V_RPT = UCase("SUMMARY CAGE & HOIST") Or V_RPT = UCase("PLANT SUMMARY") Then
                    V_NBR_OF_RPTS = V_NBR_OF_RPTS + 1
                    V_RPT_ARRAY(V_NBR_OF_RPTS) = V_RPT
                    V_RPT_PAGES_ARRAY(V_NBR_OF_RPTS) = Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 6)
                End If
            End If
            V_TOC_ROW = V_TOC_ROW + 1
        Sheets("SYS - USER INTERFACE").Activate
        V_RPT_PERIOD = Cells(1, 1)
        V_PLANT_NBR = Cells(1, 2)
        V_PLANT_NAME = Cells(1, 3)
        Set AcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
        Set PDBookmark = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDBookmark")
        Set avDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
        Set pdDoc1 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        Set pdDoc2 = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
        'Print Worksheets to PDF Files
        stdPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter
        'Commented out next line for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
        ' Application.ActivePrinter = "Acrobat PDFWriter on LPT1:"
        AppendIni ("C:\temp\Sheet1.pdf")
        'Commented out next line for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
        'Sheets("COVER SHEET").PrintOut
        'Added the next 3 lines for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
        Sheets("COVER SHEET").Activate
        SaveToPDF ("C:\temp\Sheet1.pdf")
        pdDoc1.Open ("C:\temp\Sheet1.pdf")
        pdDoc1.SetInfo "Title", "Cover Sheet"
        pdDoc1.Save 1, "C:\temp\Sheet1.pdf"
    ' The "TABLE OF CONTENTS" worksheet contains color.  Reset it to black and white.
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        On Error Resume Next
        Worksheets("SYS - PDF WS").Delete
    'EOB change for Priority #12--Arial named range dialog box error
    '  Comment out alert below
    '    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    'EOB change for Priority #12 end
        Sheets("TABLE OF CONTENTS").Copy Before:=Sheets("SYS - USER INTERFACE")
        ActiveSheet.Name = "SYS - PDF WS"
    'EOB change for Priority #12--Arial named range dialog box error
    '  insert alert below
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    'EOB change for Priority #12 end
        Sheets("TABLE OF CONTENTS").Activate
        V_TOC_ROW = 5
        Do Until V_TOC_ROW > V_TOC_LAST_ROW
            If Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 7) = "Y" Then
                V_RPT_NAME = Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 2)
                Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 2).Clear
                Cells(V_TOC_ROW, 2) = V_RPT_NAME
            End If
            V_TOC_ROW = V_TOC_ROW + 1
        Selection.Font.Color = vbBlack
        Selection.Interior.Color = vbWhite
         AppendIni ("C:\temp\Sheet2.pdf")
         'Commented out next line for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
         'Sheets("TABLE OF CONTENTS").PrintOut
         'Added the next 3 lines for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
         Sheets("TABLE OF CONTENTS").Activate
         SaveToPDF ("C:\temp\Sheet2.pdf")
         pdDoc2.Open ("C:\temp\Sheet2.pdf")
         pdDoc2.SetInfo "Title", "Table of Contents"
         pdDoc2.Save 1, "C:\temp\Sheet2.pdf"
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Worksheets("TABLE OF CONTENTS").Delete
        Sheets("SYS - PDF WS").Copy Before:=Sheets("TEMPLATE TBL OF CONTENTS")
        ActiveSheet.Name = "TABLE OF CONTENTS"
        Worksheets("SYS - PDF WS").Delete
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        Prints = 3
        If V_PLANT_SUMMARY = "Y" Then
            Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").Activate
            Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").PageSetup.LeftFooter = Now()
            Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").PageSetup.CenterFooter = "#" & V_PLANT_NBR & " " & V_PLANT_NAME & Chr(13) & V_RPT_PERIOD
            'Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").PageSetup.RightFooter = "Page 1"
            'eob change start here--Change #9 comment out page numbers
            'Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").PageSetup.RightFooter = "Page " & Prints
            'eob change end
            AppendIni ("C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf")
            'Commented out next line for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
            'Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").PrintOut
            'Added the next 2 lines for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
             Sheets("PLANT SUMMARY").Activate
             SaveToPDF ("C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf")
             pdDoc2.Open ("C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf")
             pdDoc2.SetInfo "Title", "PLANT SUMMARY"
             pdDoc2.Save 1, "C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf"
            Prints = Prints + 1
        End If
        V_RPT = 1
        On Error Resume Next   'DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
        Do Until V_RPT > V_NBR_OF_RPTS
        v_sheet_name = V_RPT_ARRAY(V_RPT)
            Sheets(v_sheet_name).PageSetup.LeftFooter = Now()
            Sheets(v_sheet_name).PageSetup.CenterFooter = "#" & V_PLANT_NBR & " " & V_PLANT_NAME & Chr(13) & V_RPT_PERIOD
            'eob change start here--Change #9 comment out page numbers
            'Sheets(v_sheet_name).PageSetup.RightFooter = "Page " & Prints
            'eob change end
            AppendIni ("C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf")
            'Commented out next line for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
            'Added the next 2 lines for Acrobat 8.x - 1/29/2008 - CR24709 and WP25089
             If v_sheet_name = "EXPLANATION OF PLANT VARS" Then
             End If
             SaveToPDF ("C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf")
             pdDoc2.Open ("C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf")
             pdDoc2.SetInfo "Title", v_sheet_name
             pdDoc2.Save 1, "C:\temp\Sheet" & Prints & ".pdf"
            Sheets(v_sheet_name).DisplayPageBreaks = False
            Prints = Prints + 1
            V_RPT = V_RPT + 1
        Kill ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\New Costbook.pdf"
        'Consolidate PDF Files
        On Error GoTo Err1
        pdfile = avDoc.Open("C:\temp\Sheet1.pdf", "Window Title")
        Set pdDoc1 = avDoc.GetPDDoc
        AcroApp.MenuItemExecute ("NewBookmark")
        pdtitle = PDBookmark.GetByTitle(pdDoc1, "Untitled")
        pdtitle = PDBookmark.SetTitle("Cover Sheet")
        pdDoc1.Save 1, ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\New Costbook.pdf"
        For z = 2 To Prints
            n = pdDoc1.GetNumPages()
            pdDoc2.Open ("C:\temp\Sheet" & z & ".pdf")
            If pdDoc2.GetNumPages() <> 0 Then
                pdDoc1.InsertPages n - 1, pdDoc2, 0, pdDoc2.GetNumPages(), False
                Set avPageView = avDoc.GetAVPageView()
                avPageView.GoTo (n)
                AcroApp.MenuItemExecute ("NewBookmark")
                pdtitle = PDBookmark.GetByTitle(pdDoc1, "Untitled")
                pdtitle = PDBookmark.SetTitle(pdDoc2.GetInfo("Title"))
                pdDoc1.Save 1, "C:\temp\Sheet1.pdf"
            End If
        Next z
        avPageView.GoTo (0)
        pdDoc1.SetPageMode (3)
        pdDoc1.Save 1, ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\New Costbook.pdf"
        Set AcroApp = Nothing
        Set PDBookmark = Nothing
        Set avDoc = Nothing
        Set pdDoc1 = Nothing
        Set pdDoc2 = Nothing
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Sheets("SYS - USER INTERFACE").Activate
        AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
        MsgBox "File Saved As: " & ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\New Costbook.pdf", vbInformation
        Application.ActivePrinter = stdPrinter
        Kill "C:\temp\Sheet*.pdf"
        Exit Function
        AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Application.ActivePrinter = stdPrinter
    End Function

    Acrobat Scripting Forum http://forums.adobe.com/community/acrobat/acrobat_scripting
    or more likely
    Acrobat SDK Developer Forum http://forums.adobe.com/community/acrobat/acrobat_sdk

  • Check box showing double when PDF opened in Preview

    I'm setting up a simple check box functionality on a PDF my company sends out. I noticed the check boxes look strange when the PDF is opened up in Preview on Mac. Not sure about PC as we don't have one here. It appears to look fine in Acrobat but I believe a good portion of our clients will use Preview. What you see in the image below is the result when I make a check box and change the color to blue green. The black check mark over it comes out of nowhere. My temporary work-around is to make the check mark art invisible so just that crappy black line shows up instead, although I hate the way it looks.
    Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

    You should always include a link to the FREE Adobe Reader with advice that best results will be seen using it when you distribute a PDF.
    Of course you cannot control what others will use, but if you expect them to use Preview you need to dumb down the design accordingly.

  • Pantones turn black when PDF opened in Preview

    I am creating mockups for a t-shirt design, this top photo is how the design looks in illustrator with the correct pantones: blue 3115C, Red 119C, and Black.
    When I save it as a PDF and it is opened in the Preview Application, certain colors turn black like this:
    This has happened several times lately and I have recently switched from Illy CS5 to CS6, so I wonder if that is the reason?
    Any clues guys? Help is greatly appreciated.

    Apple's Preview is one of the worst PDF viewers ever. Standard advice for just about every problem is "use the FREE Adobe Reader instead".
    That said, I'm intrigued:
    > I have recently switched from Illy CS5 to CS6, so I wonder if that is the reason?
    Can you test this?
    A PMS ink does not "have" a color to display on screen, since the ink name in itself is enough to unambiguously identify it (when printing as color separations, to be exact). But (1) one would appreciate a fairly accurate preview, and (2) sometimes one needs to convert a PMS ink to its nearest equivalent in CMYK. For that reason, an approximation of the ink used should be stored into the PDF as well. I can't imagine Adobe forgot about that for CS6 (if so, your file won't work with Reader either), but maybe they switched it to a notation that poor dumb Preview cannot handle. In that case, I'm curious about what the difference could be.
    If you can create a small file that demonstrably works correct in Preview when exported from CS5 and *not* from CS6, can you post both PDFs somewhere?

  • Customize toolbar when pdf opens in webpage

    I open the pdf use window.open javascript in my webpage. I want to always have the "Rotate Clockwise and Rotate Counterclockwise" icons always appear on the toolbar. Without having to right click and enable them.
    Can I pass a parameter to enable this?

    From your description, I know you want to open SharePoint 2013 PDF files with default application.
    You could re-install your Adobe Reader, and then test this issue. Also, you can have test in another computer with Adobe Reader.
    If this issue is still exist, please refer to this article:
    Best Regards
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support

  • Macbook pro 15 shows random colored blocks when I open FaceTime

    I'm having display anomoly issues when certain applications are open.
    - faceTime
    - photoshop CC

    Hey bobbydombrowski,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are having issues with the video behavior on your internal display. The following article may help to resolve the issue:
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays
    Matt M.

  • Print Preview missing when PDF opened through Internet Explorer

    No preview - no option to print. This is now affecting 4 of my computers so I'm assuming there is an update that is causing this.  It is effecting different versions.  One computer has Internet Explorer 9 and Adobe Acrobat Standard 9.0.  Another computer is running Internet Explorer 10 and Adobe Reader 9.  Both are having the same symtoms.  Here is an illustration.
    Normally it says "Preview - Image", also notice the xxx on the bottom of the preview and to the bottom left of the dialog box.  If I save the PDF and open it directly (outside of Internet Explorer) it works find.  Also using Firefox it works fine.  I believe its an update because its happened on 4 machines so I don't think its from someone changing settings.  What do I need to do to Print?  Help.

    papanic wrote:
    I very much doubt that this is the way things are meant to work. If I open the pdf in Safari and rightclick>open it with skim, Skim displays the proxy icon, as Preview used to.
    Btw, the file's path still points to a tmp folder (webkitpdfs)
    So this is either a bug in Safari or Preview (because it impairs functionality), or, hopefully, there's some hidden preference somewhere which you can change and reactivate the proxy icon.
    Have you verified this as a Safari bug by checking that it works with FireFox?

  • Stray, random files, written when saving/opening projects

    I found one other thread asking about this and no answers.
    These files get written to location where I am saving my project.If I delete them they return the second I open the file.
    In the previously cited case they were using xp, I am Vista 64.
    Does anyone have clue as to what's up with this?
    Thank You,

    I just got the same thing, on Windows 7 Home premium and PPR CS4 4.2. More, PPR crashes several time during editing.
    I could not find out what has caused that new thing so I uninstalled the lasted apps; WinRAR and Smartsound, restored the PC to an earlier state and now it works again fine.
    Regards JPB

  • When printing from Firefox I get random letters, numbers, boxes.

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    How do I do a screenshot? Sorry, I am not very computer literate.
    Another problem. Since I changed to UTF 16BE we no longer can access our bank account. It allows us to log in but goes to the squares, letters, and numbers when we open the account statement. I am not sure what the code was before I switched to UTF 16 BE.

  • Writing a class using random generator in bluej

    Im trying to write a class for a deck of cards. Im using a random generator but I dont know how to write the instance variable.
    I have to make 4 suits heart, club, spade, dimonds. and 13 for face value. I know how to random generate numbers. Like if I were making a slot machine to give me 3 numbers in a rage from 0-10. Thats just numbers. How do I random generate values of 1-13 and have it output a random suit? Also how do I make it say if its a jack king or queen? Do I need a constructor or how would I make the card with the face value of 13 suit heart and the card be a queen.
    before jumping down my throat about this being a homework assignment...yes it is but this step Im seeking help on there is no example for this type of generating.
    Thanks for any help

    Well, this is far from bullet-proof, but I think gets the basic idea across. This does sampling with replacement; if you wanted to do something like shuffle a deck of cards you'll need a smarter approach than this.
    import java.util.*;
    public class RandomCards {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Suit suit=new Suit();
        for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
      private static class Suit {
        public static final String HEART="Heart";
        public static final String DIAMOND="Diamond";
        public static final String SPADE="Spade";
        public static final String CLUB="Club";
        private final String[] SUITS={ HEART, DIAMOND, SPADE, CLUB };
        private Gen suitGen=new Gen(0,3);
        public String nextSuit() {
          return SUITS[suitGen.nextInt()];
      private static class Gen {
        private int floor,ceiling;
        private Random rand;
        public Gen(int floor, int ceiling) {
          rand=new Random();
        public int nextInt() {
          return rand.nextInt(ceiling-floor)+floor;

  • Randomly Generate alpha-numeric strings?

    Hi, can somebody help me to randomly generate strings such as A1, B5, E 2, etc. The range for the values I need generated are [A-E][1-5]. I looked at lots of code for Random generating numbers, but found nothing related to what I need. I hope somebody can help me out here. Thanks!

    nevermind, i figured it out! thanks anyway

  • Why does Adobe Reader XI set my keyboard to display NUMBERS ONLY when I open a .pdf file?

    I need to keep re-booting my laptop to resolve above bug. Ideas please?

    WHEN I OPEN A .pdf document using ADOBE READER 11.0.2  BEHAVIOR is described BELOW. I CANNOT BE MORE COGENT.
    It occurs both within Adobe Reader functions, such as page printing options, and in all APPLICATIONS (Gmail, Word, etc) once I close .pdf document.
    1. Keyboard appears RESET to display numbers ONLY, and numbers displayed to DO NOT CORRESPOND to numbers I TYPE.
    AFTER ADOBE READER IS CLOSED I type "A" into say, an email address field and a random number, say, "9" appears in the field not an "A".
    WHILE IN ADOBE READER  I type "23" into the .pdf "go to page" field, and get other numbers completely.
    Happens ONLY when I open a .pdf file with Adobe Reader 11.0.2 (XI).
    Both behaviors occur whether I open a download .pdf file or attempt to open a .pdf via search engine Google + my Browsers.
    2. Operating System = Windows 7.
    3. My Browser = Internet Explorer 9 or Mozilla Foxfire; behavior is identical on either. Search engine used is Google.
    Weird, but true, and tiresome. I've had it..
    Message was edited by: SueB17 3/19/2013
    Message was edited by: SueB17

  • Random Cell Errors when opening Numbers Document

    I recently downloaded the iWork '09 trial to see if I wanted to upgrade. When I bought iWork '08 I altered the Budget template so I could add my transactions and then have a chart which showed how well I met my budget. (Or how badly I went over)
    When I opened this in the '09 version of Numbers, loads of my cells had turned into the red triangle error thing. Each one saying there was an error in the previous cell. Once I got to the first of these it just said there was an error in that cell. So I dragged the formula from the working cell above down one cell and suddenly loads of these triangle just disappeared. But at another point the triangles started again.
    After ridding myself of these error cells I tried saving the file with a different name as a native '09 file. When I opened it again the error cells were back except they started in different places. After fixing saving and opening I can safely say I have a big problem, each time I reopened the document the error cells started in random places, sometimes in places where they had started previously. I saved it as a Numbers '08 file after fixing it one more time and it opened fine in Numbers '08.
    I am so confused at what is going on. Am I missing something?

    Have you:
    - rebooted your machine?
    - tried opening the same file in another user space?
    - tried removing the preferences for your user to see if they are corrupt?
    To remove preferences:
    1) quit Numbers
    2) open the folder using the Finder menu item "Go > Go to Folder…", then enter the path "~/Library/Preferences/"
    3) move the files:
    4) start Numbers and try to open your file

Maybe you are looking for

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