Randomly variable brush dabs(shapes) within a stroke

Every other painting/ photo editing program do have this feature since their very early versions, only Photoshop don't. For example, If I need to paint some rusted spots on a surface I have to keep a gazillion of different brush shapes in a brush pallet and alternate them by hand. While in other programs I can make just a single brush that would paint random things and even with their own color information or being overlayed by any given color.
That's the reason I use GIMP if I need to paint something and Photoshop only for photo adjusting. Come on Adobe, it's time to borrow this feature from Gimp, and make it work even better.

I concur that both features (full-colored Brush Tips and multiple Tips in one Brush Preset) would be beneficial.

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    Apply a default stroke. Delete the wdith profile and the brush
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    wouldn't be a bad idea to use the flare tool:
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    It would appear that you are destined for the Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum since your question is related to Photoshop Elements and not Premiere Elements which is the focus program where you have posted.
    But, while the arrangements are being made, here are a few things for you to think about if you have not already
    1. Reset Tools - Select Brush Tool, then
    2. Delete Settings File
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    We will be watching for your progress.
    Thank you.

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    Make sure that you have the Spacing checkbox selected in the Brush Tip Shape section.

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    If you using a drawing tablet, do you have Override Pressure enabled in the tool options bar?

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    Hello everybody!
    This widget is great!! Thank you for that!!
    I searched for something like that earlier and made an other workaround:
    The Javascript did not work in my test. I brought to the "if you reach this slide" feature but it failed.

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    on (rollOver)
    on (release)
        getURL("/"+country+"/", "_self");

    Select a frame on the timeline where your buttons live and then move the buttons handlers there:
    myButton1.onPress = onPressFunction
    myButton2.onPress = onPressFunction
    myButton3.onPress = onPressFunction
    myButton1.onRelease = onReleaseFunction
    myButton2.onRelease = onReleaseFunction
    myButton3.onRelease = onReleaseFunction
    country = "uk"
    function onPressFunction(){
    function onReleaseFunction(){
        getURL("/"+country+"/", "_self");
    If you use this approach you MUST remove the scripts from buttons themselves.
    I hope this helps.

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    So, played around with what you mentioned, and nether of them will do what I needed. I ended up playing with scripting and finally finished getting what I wanted.
    #target aftereffects
    var colors = [[1,0.95294117647059,0.4,1],[1,1,0.6,1],[1,0.91764705882353,0.21960784313725,1],[1,1,0.054901960784314,1],[1,0.96470588235294,0.36470588235294,1],[1,0.8156862745098,0.26274509803922,1],[1,0.92156862745098,0.26274509803922,1],[1,0.88235294117647,0.26274509803922,1],[1,0.90980392156863,0.43529411764706,1],[1,0.97254901960784,0.49803921568627,1]];
    app.beginUndoGroup("Color Change");
    var comp1 = app.project.item(1); //Comp 1
    var duration = comp1.workAreaDuration;
    var squares = comp1.layer(2).property("ADBE Root Vectors Group"); //Squares
    for (var i=1; i<=squares.numProperties; i++) {
        var square = squares.property(i);
        var fillColor = square.property("ADBE Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill").property("ADBE Vector Fill Color");
        while (fillColor.numKeys!=0) {
        var previousColor = 0;
        for (var t=0; t<duration; t+=0.5) {
            var choosenColor  = 0;
            while (true) {
                var choosenColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length);
                if (t==0 || choosenColor!=previousColor) {
            previousColor = choosenColor;
            var color = colors[choosenColor];
            fillColor.setValueAtTime(t, color);
        for (var k=1; k<=fillColor.numKeys; k++) {
            fillColor.setInterpolationTypeAtKey(k, KeyframeInterpolationType.HOLD, KeyframeInterpolationType.HOLD);

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    Does anyone have any ideas for what might be the best way to accomplish this? I'd like to stick to standard, "approved" APIs as much as possible, but I'd be willing to bend some rules if necessary.

    I assume you've asked this question here:
    https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/elearning-technology-and-development/e5 vWZfJ6X8I
    I asked a similar question here:
    https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/elearning-technology-and-development /leichliter/elearning-technology-and-development/Au88bu7LB5o/TC7xlo8iBpQJ
    Philip gave you sound advice.  You'll have to hijack/re-purpose the comments or the suspend data.  I was successful in using SCORM comments in a Moodle system to store extra data I needed for a customer.  It's not ideal, but it gets the job done. Here's a thread about that:
    https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/elearning-technology-and-development/Yg YAMGfXQNw
    If you use suspend data, you have to watch out for a few things:
    1.  It's base 64 encoded... so any data you append to what Captivate outputs will need to be in base 64 (that's a good practice anyway since the data has to be serialized).
    2.  On course re-entry, you'll need to capture the suspend data before it hits Cp to strip off / read your needed data.  If the suspend data isn't in the format Cp expects, you'll get a nice white screen of death.
    Ideally, it would be nice to be able to dynamically create user variables for purposes like this... and it's been requested in Cp 6.... we'll see if it gets added (not holding my breath).  Until then, I'd use cmi.comments.
    Jim Leichliter

  • How can I randomly deform / wobble a shape?

    Hi there, I was wondering if there is an easy way to slightly, randomly deform a shape or vector mask.
    I wanna suround objects with circles and have these circles wobble. At some point the circles will transform  into another shape and while transforming and reaching the new state, they should keep wobbling.
    I hope my explanation is somewhat comprehensible.
    Best, T

    There are a number of distort effects that, when tweaked with, could provide a wobbly-looking deformation. I'm not quite sure what you're asking for though.
    Now, if it's their position you want to wobble, the wiggle expression is your friend.

  • Applying shape styles to multiple shapes or paint strokes...

    Is it possible to apply a shape style (such as "Hard Chalk") so multiple shapes or strokes at once?
    Dragging and dropping onto one line at a time until the drawing is completely made up of chalk strokes is quite tedious...
    Alternatively, perhaps there is a way to combine paint strokes...grouping is OK, but you can't drop a shape style onto a group...so it doesn't help here.
    any thoughts?

    Hi Daniel,
    If you need to use the master page for multiple site collections, then you’d better to choose the option 2 or options 3, as you do not need to make copies of the CSS or JS files and re-upload them to each site collection.
    And per my knowledge, option 3 is better. Because the CSS or JS files are stored at the local system of SharePoint server in option 3, it is faster than referring a file which is stored in database in option 2.
    Generally, it depends based on your situation as you don’t like option 3 when the CSS or JS files are not accessible in SPD.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Creating a shape outline without stroke

    I'm creating navigational elements in photoshop and I want to be able to adjust the outline by itself, as well as there are some elements that are only an outline with no fill. How do I create shape outlines without the fill?
    Adobe Photoshop CS4, PC.

    they changed this a few times, on one version there was a stroke style option to do it.
    the earlier versions there was a long winded way of
    1. Draw your rounded rect etc with the tool
    2. Ctrl-select that layer to select the shape
    3. Create a new layer
    4. Edit -> Stroke... to create the outline
    5. Delete the original shape
    another was was Select->Modify->Border
    don't forget there is a stroke from the drop down menus not just in effects, this is what you need when you want a stroke on a stroke on a stroke etc

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