Re: AMEX Cli denied**

Hello Everyone,  I recently request an credit increase on my Amex delta Gold upon ACTIVATION .I've got a  7-10 days message. And I talked someone from Amex via chat.he said my relationship with Amex is very new. But he suggested me to call CLI department to see if they can help me. My reason is I need to buy a plane ticket thru Delta Air and I wanna use my Amex, since my limit is only 1.5k  I am requesting 4.2k. my question is:a.)   should I call that CLI department or I'ts a denied even I call.b.)   when can I request another CLI is it 61 days 90 days or 180 days?c.)   will my CLI request affect my  account since it was very new? Please help me any suggestion, I am very new to rebuilding and I need an expert advice. Thanks Everyone!!  

Jtheoaks212 wrote:
Hello Everyone,  I recently request an credit increase on my Amex delta Gold upon ACTIVATION .I've got a  7-10 days message. And I talked someone from Amex via chat.he said my relationship with Amex is very new. But he suggested me to call CLI department to see if they can help me. My reason is I need to buy a plane ticket thru Delta Air and I wanna use my Amex, since my limit is only 1.5k  I am requesting 4.2k. my question is:a.)   should I call that CLI department or I'ts a denied even I call.b.)   when can I request another CLI is it 61 days 90 days or 180 days?c.)   will my CLI request affect my  account since it was very new? Please help me any suggestion, I am very new to rebuilding and I need an expert advice. Thanks Everyone!!  You can call but Amex likes to see some sort of history ....61 day 6 months etc etc IMHO I would wait until my 61 day and go for it unless you need to book this ticket ASAP

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  • How Soon for Fidelity Amex CLI??

    I was approved last week for the card with only $1k SL, tried to recon SL but was denied. I have cards that are much higher. How soon can I go for CLI and is it a HP? Thanks 

    jamesdwi wrote:
    the goodnews you can apply for a CLI imediately but it will cost you a second HP.  The bad news, a 1k approval doesn't bode well, since they are basicly saying we are willing to give you a chance, but we are only willing to give you the lowest limit possible. So it may be better to wait 6 months before trying.  
    From what I have seen they offer frequent 12+ month 0% BT deals so waiting won't mean losing out on BT offers.   This^^^^^^....

  • Amazon Store card, CLI denied but credited!

    So i hit up Amazon store card chat for a's what happeneD Not an approval, but $25 for free I'll take that any day!  2015-07-07 13:48:40      MEwill this require a hard pull?   2015-07-07 13:48:51      Sean  I understand your concern, Your request for a credit line increase may result in an inquiry on your credit bureau; however, some requests are determined using only internal factors on your account and may not result in an inquiry on your credit bureau.   2015-07-07 13:48:57      Sean  It is really difficult to determine on which requests there will be a credit line inquiry,as the requests are processed by the system.   2015-07-07 13:49:42      MEIf that is the case I will pass. I do not want to risk a hard pull only to be let down with no increase. I will just make the purchase using my other credit cards.   2015-07-07 13:50:22      Sean  I understand and respect your decision, as for the inconvenience I will credit your account with $25.00 from my end.   2015-07-07 13:50:31      Sean  This is the least I can do to help you from my end today.   2015-07-07 13:50:37      Sean  Please give me a moment. 

    Sean  I understand your concern, Your request for a credit line increase may result in an inquiry on your credit bureau; however, some requests are determined using only internal factors on your account and may not result in an inquiry on your credit bureau.   The Above is the exact wording I received from Sychrony when I intitated a chat for a CLI.  Then I called the backdoor number and the rep told me that it is never a HP and I haven't received an alert about an HP from Sync

  • The Definitive Amex 3X CLI Guide

     Note:  while this was at one time the correct guide, recent changes in policy have changed.  There will be updated information coming soon. One of the most popular topics of discussion on the forum is the American Express 3X CLI. Here is a small guide I put together to alleviate some misconceptions based on personal experiences and discussions here and other boards. Please feel free to suggest modifications or enhancements. Please don't copy/paste the information to other boards. Linking here is fine.  
    What is the 3X CLI?
    =========================================================== American Express is one of the most sought after credit cards in the market. They are also typically one of more generous companies with respect to credit limits outside of the credit unions. For folks who do not qualify for NFCU and other credit unions known to issue high credit limits despite low FICO scores and or moderate credit history, the best way to get high(er) CLs is to first get accepted into American Express and then apply for an increased credit limit upto 3 times the existing approved limit after a certain minimum number of days have passed (discussed in details below). This really comes in handy when the initial approved limit is on the lower side (example $2,000) due to internal American Express risk score models, mostly for folks starting out in their credit journey or with other risky credit/income factors. After completing the "60" day magic number of the account being open and in good standing, one can request an increased credit limit upto 3X the initial limit starting with the 61st day, meaning someone who got approved for $2,000 could request that the new credit limit be $2,000 x 3 = $6,000, someone who got approved for $3,000 initially could request the new credit limit be $3,000 x 3 = $9,000 and so on.  Why is the 3X CLI Important?
    =========================================================== Credit Utilization is one of the most important components of the FICO score (30% per official wording from FICO).Given the same amount of spending, with higher available credit, utilization is lower and hence FICO scores are higher. But more importantly this is a gateway to getting approved for other prime cards/rewards cards like Visa Signature, MasterCard World, points, cashback etc offered by various lenders like Chase, Citi, BoA, US Bank etc who typically issue them if they see an existing high limit card. Higher limits from one lender attracts higher limits from others up until the overall available credit reaches a certain threshold. No other lender is known to have a 3X CLI policy and that too as early as the 61st day. One may be able to procure a CLI from other lenders but typically it is a hard inquiry or sometimes flat out denial because the account is considered too new. Amex is the only lender that offers this. More recently though GEMB issued credit cards are also known to get generous increases (sometimes even > 3X initial limits) via a Soft Pull. This policy is relatively new but widely reported to be successful across different boards.  Is the 3X CLI automatic or guaranteed?
    =========================================================== Most definitely not. The components factored into a CLI approval or denial are not published but widely accepted to be similar to the FICO models. Amex also asks for income and rent during the CLI request process. Other factors remaining same, chances of a CLI approval are higher if the account has always been in good standing e.g lower utilization, low risk spending patterns, on time payments etc. The 3X CLI request has to be manually initiated by the account holder after becoming eligible. 
    Will there be a hard inquiry when requesting 3X CLI?
    Fortunately not. American Express initiates soft pulls on Experian throughout the life of an open account with random frequency. During the first 60 days, it is not uncommon for Amex to have soft pulled at least 3-4 times. The CLI approval or denial will be based on the last soft pull before the CLI request and other factors like income/rent etc. A new hard pull or soft pull is not initiated when requesting the 3X CLI. If in doubt, get a copy of your Experian report and see when Amex issued a soft pull to gauge account statistics at that snapshot and request CLI accordingly. Post 186 explains how to get your experian report and check for soft pulls. If there are concerns that the overall utilization or Amex utilization was high during the last soft pull, it might be worth waiting a few more days and then applying for CLI after Amex has issued a new soft pull. 
    When does an acccount become eligible for CLI?
    =========================================================== Amex does NOT increase an account's credit limit during the first 60 days after it has been OPENED, or for at least 6 months from the last credit limit increase. The key word here is OPENED aka the account creation date. There are a few ways to find out the exact date the account was opened. a) Call the number on the back of the card and simply ask the friendly customer service rep. There is nothing to be worried about here or get nervous. You are not asking for a CLI to the rep, but simply the day the account was opened. This can be done during card activation itself or any point later. Some friendly CSRs will also calculate and mention the first eligible date for CLI (61st day since account opening). If they are not aware of the first eligible date, simply ask for account opening/creation date and calculate it yourself. b) "Date Opened" field on your Equifax or TransUnion credit report. Both EQ and TU report the account opened day and month accurately (Equifax started doing this recently). 3rd party credit pullers may or maynot pull the date opened field accurately, the official credit reports are the only reliable source. It is important to note that the year field in "Date Opened" is affected by your American Express Member Since date, so may not reflect the year the card was originally opened. The only downside is one has to wait for the card to report to EQ and TU first, but Amex is usually very prompt to report.
    c) Before the first statement has been cut, the account opened date is reflected under the Recent Charges field next to the "Since". Example in this pic, the account opened date is Jan 08. The "Since" field changes every statement period as it starts tracking the spending for that statement, so it is a good idea to get the account open date information using this method as early as possible. Existing Amex card members with an online profile are at an advantage to use this method because any new approved cards show in the profile before the card has been delivered physically, displaying several key account details like the account open date, first statement closing date, last 5 digits of card etc. First time Amex card members should try to setup the online profile as early as possible after physically receiving the card(s) to take advantage of this method as the first statement can sometimes close very soon after receiving the card(s). 
    Example calculation of 1st eligibility date taking the above screenshot as an example (Account opened : 01/08/2013). The account will complete 60 days on March 9, 2013 based on the following calculations:
    Number of days by January 31 : 23
    Number of days by February 28 : 28
    Number of days by March 9 : 9
    Total days open by March 9 : 60 In this example the first eligible date for CLI is March 10, provided there have been no other CLIs for any other accounts in the last 6 months, as the 60 days are completed by March 9th,  A better and easier way to calculate Amex milestones has been explained in Post 227. Using the time and date calculator, we see the same result that we got from the manual calculation above. 
    How to request the CLI?
    =========================================================== a) Calling the number on the back of the card. The number is unique to each credit product and is automated. Usually the option to request a credit limit increase is option #4 or #5, or if you are comfortable a CSR can take the application and let you know approval/denial once they submit. If you are denied, they may not be able to give the specific reason and you have to wait for an email or a letter in the mail outlining the reasons. b) Logging into your account. Click on "Profile and Preferences -> More Options -> Manage Credit Limit" under Account Management.  It is also available by clicking "Manage My Account"(Toggled to "HIDE ACCOUNT OPTIONS" in the pic below) next to the "Outstanding Balance/Available Credit" on main page    In both cases you want to request the new credit limit itself (e.g $6,000 if initial limit is $2,000). Don't calculate the increase ($6.000 - $2,000 = $4,000) yourself and mention it. 
    What happens if you are denied CLI?
    =========================================================== If you jumped the gun before the 60 days/6 months rule, the reason for denial is considered ineligibility. If that is the case you can reapply after the original and correct 60day/6month timeline. You do not have to wait an additional 90 days, so the clock doesn't get reset. If you were eligible and got denied due to other factors, then you are ineligible to reapply for another 90 days since the denial date. If you get the message after requesting CLI, that a decision will be mailed within 7-10 days, it most likely means that the CLI has been denied. There is an outside chance that the letter that comes from Amex may ask for a signed 4506T in order to give further consideration to the CLI request(details below) but in 99% of the cases it is a letter outlining the reasons for denial. It also provides the true FICO score from the bureau that was used in the decision making process. Most of the time it is Experian FICO, but Amex is known to use EQ and or TU in rare circumstances. Sometimes the reason(s) for denial is also sent via email immediately after the CLI request in addition to the letter in mail. Update 06/23/2013 : Lately there have been reports of approvals in emails within a 24 hr period after initially getting the 7-10 day message. The 7-10 day message indicates manual review and there has been a report of successful partial CLI after talking to CSR post 7-10 day message as well in Post 182  Can you request 3X CLI again after 6 months since last CLI?
    =========================================================== Absolutely. There have been lots of success stories where people have gone from $2,000 to $6,000 to $18,000 because their income and credit profile supported the increase request. It is generally tougher to get the full 3X CLI after 6 months on the same account since the first CLI however. Even if a 3X CLI is requested, Amex may counter offer a partial increase which you can choose to accept or refuse. It is a good idea to not short change yourself and ask for a partial increase from the beginning because Amex system is smart enough to offer and approve a partial CLI if eligible. Amex may request documentation to support a CLI to a CL above $25K, including a request for a 4506T.  Accounts are not suspended, nothing is mandatory. They may ask for documents, and if you don't present them, they may deny the CLI. More details below.  Additional Documentation/4506T for certain CLI Requests
    =========================================================== For certain CLI requests, Amex sends a letter requesting a signed 4506T from the card holder. Amex can then obtain tax return transcripts from IRS in order to verify income. Here is a sample tax return transcript which shows what kind of information can be obtained via a signed 4506T. A tax return transcript has far more details than just income and hence is considered very intrusive by many. If Amex does not receive the signed 4506T within 30 days from the date on the letter, then no further consideration is given to the CLI request and a letter of denial is sent. No CLI can be requested for 90 days from the date in the denial letter. Sending back the signed 4506T also doesn't guarantee a CLI approval as Amex will also evaluate the usual credit factors via soft pulls on Experian in addition to income verification. Income to overall credit available across all accounts(amex and non-amex) is one of the key factors for Amex Internal Risk Score. Lower risk score improves chances of getting approved for the CLI. The following often (but not always) are potential reasons why Amex asks for 4506T for a CLI request.  New requested credit limit exceeds $25,000 for that particular account.New requested credit limit would make overall credit extended across all Amex revolving accounts exceed $34,500 (post 123)High internal risk score due to income on file to overall credit across amex and non-amex accounts ratio being too low.Unusual/large/manufactured/risky spending patterns. It is important to note that this whole process,although inconvenient/complicated/intrusive, is different from the dreaded Amex Financial Review. During an Amex FR, all accounts are suspended and sending back the signed 4506T is mandatory in order to be considered for lifting the suspension. For business accounts, even more documentation is required during an FR. Also an FR can happen at any time and not necessarily after requesting an increase in credit limit.    Some generic Amex CLI Guidelines
    =========================================================== Requesting CLI > 3X current limit results in automatic denial. Letter in the mail indicates that credit limit cannot be greater than three times the current limit. So American Amex credit limits are capped at 200% increase. Update: Requesting CLI > 3X no longer results in automatic denial. If the account is eligible for CLI, then new limit is counter offered keeping the 200% cap in effect(meaning CLI counter offered will not exceed 3X current limit under any scenario)Canadian Amex are capped at 50% increase every 6 months (Post 45)Minimum 6 month since last CLI rule applies across ALL accounts held by an individual and includes both personal & business accounts for the same person. So if CLI was successful on a personal account, no CLI can be approved on all other personal and business accounts for the same person for a period of 6 more months. (Posts 5 and 6 of the AmEx 61 day CLI result: 7-10 day written response thread)Credit limits can be moved between accounts only after the completion of 13 statements cycles on both the donor account. Post 170 explains how to move limits between Amex cards. Additionally limits cannot be moved between personal and business cards as mentioned in Post 171 Moving credit limits doesn't reset the 6 month clock and is a backdoor to receiving CLI on same account twice within 6 months (Post 128)"6 months" timeline used in context of this guide actually is 180 days to be more precise (not 6 calendar months)  

     Carrying Balance vs PIF & Other Utilization Factors=========================================================== This section is a work in progress.  To see how charge cards affect credit scores, please check Post 204Amex clearly dislikes carrying balance. Check Post 189 to see more details and the official reason for denial as "one or more payments received in the past 12 months on your american express account were too low given the outstanding balance and repayment history"          Change Log
    =========================================================== 06/23/2013: All changes since last update marked in RED Added method to check Amex softs in official EX reportAdded time and date calculatorAdded verbiage to 7-10 message section to reflect recent experiences.Modified CLI > 3X point in generic CLI guidelines.Modified verbiage for moving credit limits to reflect 13 statement cycles for donor account only. Added links on how to move credit limits and restriction clause to move limits between personal and business cards.Added a new work-in-porgress Carrying Balance vs PIF section.
    03/30/2013: "Letter in 7-10 business days" interpretation added in "What happens if you are denied CLI?" section thanks to Revelate03/29/2013: Modified verbiage on method (c) to find account eligibility date, corrected some typos, added new 4506T section, updated generic CLI guidelines.01/26/2013: a) Added section "Some Generic CLI Guidelines") b) Added pic for another way to access CLI online c) Modified verbiage in "What happens if denied CLI".01/14/2013: Minor edits in formatting and ready for sticky.01/13/2013: Initial document. Changes incorporated via posts from bradpitt (GEMB), OptimasPrime (cropped pic) and Walt_K (4506T documentation)  

  • Denied for Amex ED Preferred

    I was denied for an Amex EDP about one month ago, shortly after being approved for the Chase Freedom for $3k. A few weeks later I was approved for the CSP for $5k, and I recently got a $1,000 CLI from Cap1 from their Credit Steps program. That's brought my limits up from $2k between three cards (including a Cap1 secured card I cancelled after getting the Chase cards and a $600 credit union cc) to about $9.9k in the past month! Now, about the Amex denial:  Factors that contributed to being denied were:Number of trades (?) EXFico score at the time (679 EX)Number of inquiries, type and recencyAmount of available credit being too lowNumber of delinquent accounts (paid off two collections, one being a medical bill, back in May)No recent loan accountsToo few accounts paid as agreedTime since last delinquency too recent or unknownToo many inquiries last 12 months (Can't be more than 4-5, if that) Anyway, my current scores sit at 678 EQ, 618 TU, and 683 EX. FAKO scores 713TU, 714EQ. I'd like to shoot for the Amex ED in a few months, seeing how maybe I was too bold going for the EDP. Though at the same time, considering I got the two cards I wanted most (Freedom and Sapphire), maybe I should just hang loose and let those accounts build my score up before applying for anything else.  Cards I've applied for since June: AAdvantage Citi (denied), Chase Freedom and Sapphire (approved!) and Amex EDP (denied) Suggestions??!! Thank you

    Based on the denial reasons I believe it is as you stated yourself "Though at the same time, considering I got the two cards I wanted most (Freedom and Sapphire), maybe I should just hang loose and let those accounts build my score up before applying for anything else."
    Also, let inquiries age and just manage what you have properly..IIRC seems like the Amex revolvers supposedly have more stringent underwriting standards last I possibly the choice of card was a problem,not sure if much diff,ED or EDP seems they'd have the same req.
    I am by no means an expert and I can't wait to see what some of them have to say....
    Congrats on your approvals, welcome 2 the forum, the Freedom & Sapphire fams

  • CLI question (regarding Amazon and mainly AMEX)

    My credit had been doing great until a few weeks ago when I faced an emergency. In 2 weeks, I went from around 2% utilization to over 35% (once my new balances begin to report). I'm paying down the balance on each card as fast as I can but it's going to take a while. My scores have already begun taking a hit but are all still above 700 (checked earlier). I'm a couple weeks away from my 4th statement from Amazon which was to be my cue to request a CLI. However, I'm worried that my scores will continue to drop by then. I was really hoping that a couple of CLIs in conjunction with large payments would help my utilization and soften the hits my scores have been talking. My payment history is perfect right now and will continue to be perfect. My issue right now is my utilization. Should I expect a definite denial regarding my CLI request? Is it even worth an attempt? Right now, any cushion would be helpful while I pay these balances down. And more importantly, I'll be reaching my 180th day since my last AMEX CLI in about 2 months. I currently have a balance of $4k on a $6k limit due to my emergency. I'll be paying off $2k of the balance before this current statement closes and probably another $1k by the end of the next statement. I'm not sure that I'll be able to pay off the last $1k before my 180th day. I heard AMEX doesn't care for carrying a balance when you request a CLI. If that's the case, is my second 3x CLI potentially doomed?

    No telling for certain.  All we can really say is that the CLI you're eligible for depends on your credit and income and that revolving utilization is a significant factor.  If you want the best possible odds then get your utilization as low as possible and make sure that the rest of your profile is in the best possible shape. Ares19 wrote:
    I heard AMEX doesn't care for carrying a balance when you request a CLI.That's an oversimplified generalization that gets parroted a lot around here.  Both my BCP and TE were carrying balances when they received their CLI's.  Again, it's about one's credit and income as it is with any creditor.  Balances play a part they're factored into utilization.  There are many other factors at play that all matter.  Worst case is you get a denial, reason(s) and have 90 days to try again.  It's not the end of the world.

  • Capital One Suddenly Generous with CLIs

    A few week back I used the 'luv' button to request a CLI for my QuickSilver One Mastercard (which I will likely close if they don't help out with the annual fee - but that's in a different thread) and was pleasantly surprised when they gave it a $1000 increase - more than 50% of the previous limit.  I have a QuickSilver Visa Signature I intend to replace it with that has a SL of $5K.  Just a few days ago, the 4th statement was generated so I figured what the heck, let's hit the button and see what happens on the Visa, not expecting much especially since I had such good luck just a few days ago with the other card.  I was immediately offered a $2K increase, making the new CL $7K    I know there's been reports of folks getting Venture cards with nice SLs, but this post is regarding CLIs on existing accounts.  My poor MasterCard with them struggled for years to even get a $200 increase, much less an increase in the thousands.  Are they finally realizing they have been leaving money on the table by forcing customers to other banks, or do you think this is just a 'fluke'?  I'm not one to question good luck, but I figure I'm among friends here, so I'm reaching out to see what you think. 

    Littlewing745 wrote:
    UncleB wrote:
    Littlewing745 wrote:
    UncleB wrote:
    A few week back I used the 'luv' button to request a CLI for my QuickSilver One Mastercard (which I will likely close if they don't help out with the annual fee - but that's in a different thread) and was pleasantly surprised when they gave it a $1000 increase - more than 50% of the previous limit.  I have a QuickSilver Visa Signature I intend to replace it with that has a SL of $5K.  Just a few days ago, the 4th statement was generated so I figured what the heck, let's hit the button and see what happens on the Visa, not expecting much especially since I had such good luck just a few days ago with the other card.  I was immediately offered a $2K increase, making the new CL $7K    I know there's been reports of folks getting Venture cards with nice SLs, but this post is regarding CLIs on existing accounts.  My poor MasterCard with them struggled for years to even get a $200 increase, much less an increase in the thousands.  Are they finally realizing they have been leaving money on the table by forcing customers to other banks, or do you think this is just a 'fluke'?  I'm not one to question good luck, but I figure I'm among friends here, so I'm reaching out to see what you think.  I'm curious to hear what others think as well. I have a Cap One QS1, and I have been absolutely battling them for an adult level of credit for months. It started at $300 in July 2014 - I was subprime, for sure - and completed credit steps. I had used just about the full $300 and PIF every month. Got a measely $200 increase to $500 in January, but  i didn't complain. Few months later, I tried an CLI, denied. Was told there had been a change in the account. Of course, they were referring to the $200 increase. So, I let it go, and apped for other cards. one gave me a limit under $1500, and that was Discover (who is conservative, anyways). My next lowest was $3500.  Ringed back Capital One and, long story short, had to escalate all the way to the EO to get the card *up to* $1,000. So basically, because Cap One is being stingy, they are still viewing me - and lending credit to me - as if I'm subprime. Wee bit irritating. I had explained to them that though the QS1 gave me 1.5% cash back, the annual fee and $1000 limit hampered use for me; my NFCU cashRewards is the same reward structure, but with no annual fee, an $8,000 limit and even a lower interest rate. No dice. Heck, even my Merrick Bank still has a higher limit. Embarrassing.  I'm planning to hammer my QS1 with charges for 2-3 more months - paying down a couple times a month - and see if they get the message. If I can't get a bump after that, it's definitely a candidate for closure, since it's only 1 year old.Littlewing, have you checked out the pre-qualification site yet to see what they show you good for?  I was equally disgusted four months ago due to dealing with the same type stuff you describe (before these latest CLIs, my last one was for only $200).  I'm with you, it seems easier to just re-app for another card, in my case it was another QuickSilver (but the Visa Sig instead) with no annual fee and a starting line more than double the credit line on the old account, which has taken me eight years to even get as high as it is now. (This much is certainly well-documented) See what they show you pre-qual'd for, and if you like what you see it might be worth your sanity to bite the bullet and take the HPs just to be done with it.  For me, "protecting" my report from HPs is not worth as much as the piece of mind I have now knowing I don't have to call and "beg" each year for them to throw me a bone for the annual fee on the new account, and if I choose to do so for the old QS1 MasterCard it's not because I have to.  Many folks don't mind sending email to CEOs, waiting for call-backs that may or may not come, or calling a list of backdoor numbers, but I think I've decided I've grown tired of feeling likeI am always begging them to do business with me, either by waiving an AF or giving me a (until recently) $200 increase.  Ironically, going by their willingness to approve the QS Visa a few months back, it seems it's not me they have an issue with but strangely it's the account itself.  It's too bad they don't realize it's the same person behind *both* accounts, but they don't... we're just numbers. If the nice CLIs on the QS1 Mastercard had come a little earlier, this could have been a very different conversation.Yeah, I'm very seriously considering that. I try to time my apps so that everything in on a June/July and December/January cycle for increases. SO...I may be getting myself a Christmas Venture One app, haha.LOL... I like that plan.  Here's an idea; even if you aren't ready to actually app for a new account, the pre-qual site will at least tell you which cards you are good for and what the interest rate will be.  That's actually what pushed me into 'taking the plunge'; once I saw that I wouldn't get the highest rate as I had feared would be the case (they gave me a not-great-but-not-horrible 17.9%) it made me pull the trigger.  As a side-note, the interest rate offered on the pre-qual was spot-on with what I was actually given on my new account. If the rate is higher than you would like, or you don't get offered that Venture, you can always try back later.  Or if you get pre-qual'd for a fantastic rate, you can still wait and know you have something to look forward to.  Even more importantly, you'll know that all the calling and emailing for the account you presently have is because you want to, not because you are forced to... Whatever you decide, you have to do what's right for your situation and your personal plan. 

  • 10/10 App Spree

    Hi guys I have been learning a lot from this forum and wanted to share my story. I started my credit journey last year when I became a US resident. 5/07/14 I got my first secured credit card from Wells Fargo for $300 and after 4-5 months graduated and cli to $6009/12/14 I received a pre-qual letter Approved for capital one platinum for $500 after 6 months PC'd to QS and cli to $3,5009/22/14 Wife and I was Approved for a Honda Lease $10,612 Originally I applied by myself got denied so wife co-signed11/01/14 Approved for Chase Freedom $5,000 Then I found  Spree begins Ex 741 5/01 Citi ApprovalTU 746 6/26 Discover Free FicoEq 728 5/26 Citi Free Fico 5/01 Amex BCE $2000 after 25 days approved 3x cli to $6,0005/01 Discover it $2,5005/01 Citi DC $3,000 SP CLI 7/20 $4,200 5/18 BofA Cash Rewards $2,500 6/01 Bloomingdales in store app $3,000 6/24 Penfed Visa Sig $7,000 cli denied 7/01 CreditCare $9,000 asked for $25k approved for $11,000 7/15 Barclay Arrival $4,000 cli denied7/15 Lowes $1,000 asked for $30,000 Approved!!!! 7/16 Walmart MC $400!!!! denied CLI  I have to stop but it really feels good to get approved.I know its gonna hurt my scores and it did but I'm happy I have more than what I need and my AAOA will grow together. Recently Joined CCT and my Ex really took a blow 7/18 Ex 670 9 inq TU 732 5 inq Ex 722  5 inq Thanks to all the members here who shared their knowledge I am learning something new everyday. 

    That was quite a credit adventure!!! Awesome job!! I love how Capital One seem to like you! I've been with them two years now and they're still my lowest non-retail CL!!!
    Anyway, congrats on your successful spree!

  • Trying to decide if I should apply for the Citi Double Cash

    I have a ton of inquiries.  Wanting to garden, but I want to try.  Just approved for a Venture for $5k a few days ago.  CLI with Citi AAdvantage yesterday.  Denied for both Delta Exp and Amex.  Denied for even a Macys CLI even though that's just a soft pull.  I think the Delta wasn't even a pull because when I went to check on the status, it was "canceled" instead of denied - may have been because I applied for the Amex the day prior. Really wanting that Citi Double.  I know, I'm an addict now.

    Citi likes to pull EQ and EX, which are your lowest scores respectively.  That, coupled with your INQ's, probably won't bode well for your recon. I wouldn't apply for DC again until you see that you're prequalified online for it (where you are given a specific APR range).  Cold apping for it is risky, especially if you have a lot of INQ's.  The DC is probably Citi's toughest card to get given its UW requirements.  Sorry to hear about the decline.

  • Bumped Delta by $3k

    Used my AMEX CLI request to move my Delta Gold card from $9k to $12k. Recently got the Hilton card at $10k, and didn't want to do too much with AMEX limits yet.This also serves to scratch the CLI itch, forcing me to wait another 6 months to do it again, likely another $3k at that time.


  • Ask for amex x3 cli or wait?

    I recently was approved for 3 cards all on the same day. One of which was the amex bce. I've read a lot of people asking for x3 cli upon activation. I'm a bit nervous to do so given the fact that I opened 2 other cards the same day. Should I give it a shot or wait? Don't want to start this relationship off on the wrong foot.
    If it matters, I will be closing some of my accounts since I was able to add these 3

    CAPTOOL wrote:
    Yes-Its-Me wrote:
    Scar15 wrote:
    BARCLAY fico 719
    INQ 6-8What are the limits on your other cards? I am asking these questions to see why your starting limit is 2k.  They use the information in your entire file to make the initial decision as to how much to approve you for. So I hope you don't mind me asking..And how old is your file? Short history could be a factor.Agreed..

  • Best Course of Action for AMEX Optima Oasis CLI

    OK, so a little over a year ago, I lost most of my credit cards due to bad decisions, and was left with only an AMEX Optima rebuilder with a $900 cl and a BOA card, which they reduced my limit from $5000 to $700, and tacked on a ridiculous AF, which I never had before on the card. Anyway, fast forward a year later, and I have been learning so much from this board, and I now have a healthy credit profile with 6 total cards back under my belt. My question is...I have healthy cl on all of my newfound cc's ranging from $6000-$15,000, however, BOA and AMEX continue to stand out like sore thumbs with their paltry limits. I've tried getting BOA to increase my limit and to remove my AF and they've refused multiple times, so I've already decided if they do not remove the AF before it posts again, I will cancel that card, despite it being my oldest. However, I want to remain with AMEX, and am looking for advice on dealing with that low limit. Should I call them and request a cli on the Optima Oasis card? Is it worth the hit of a hardpull? Or should I just apply for a new AMEX, and if approved, with a decent limit, cancel the year old Optima? Or is there a better option? I just hate having these two extremely low limit cards (both with Annual Fees) in my file, that stand out like sore thumbs amongst otherwise strong credit limit cards. All advice is welcome. Thanks!

    tomfromrictmame wrote:
    Repairman wrote:
    OK, so a little over a year ago, I lost most of my credit cards due to bad decisions, and was left with only an AMEX Optima rebuilder with a $900 cl and a BOA card, which they reduced my limit from $5000 to $700, and tacked on a ridiculous AF, which I never had before on the card. Anyway, fast forward a year later, and I have been learning so much from this board, and I now have a healthy credit profile with 6 total cards back under my belt. My question is...I have healthy cl on all of my newfound cc's ranging from $6000-$15,000, however, BOA and AMEX continue to stand out like sore thumbs with their paltry limits. I've tried getting BOA to increase my limit and to remove my AF and they've refused multiple times, so I've already decided if they do not remove the AF before it posts again, I will cancel that card, despite it being my oldest. However, I want to remain with AMEX, and am looking for advice on dealing with that low limit. Should I call them and request a cli on the Optima Oasis card? Is it worth the hit of a hardpull? Or should I just apply for a new AMEX, and if approved, with a decent limit, cancel the year old Optima? Or is there a better option? I just hate having these two extremely low limit cards (both with Annual Fees) in my file, that stand out like sore thumbs amongst otherwise strong credit limit cards. All advice is welcome. Thanks!I had similar circumstances and ended up with an AMEX Optima card.  I rebuilt over the years knowing I wanted to do something about that low limit card.  I was repeatedly told by the AMEX EO I would not be able to increase the limit on that card, my only option was to apply for a new card.  When my credit profile supported it, I did apply for the AMEX card I wanted.  I haven't used the Optima card in 3 years.Thanks for the response. So I guess the 1st thing I should do is call them to ask if it is even eligible for a cli.

  • Amex auto CLI question and 100k plat offer

    Two questions: 1. Does Amex do auto cli? I feel like I may be near the line with all my amex credit so I do not want to do a SP CLI request and send up any flags, but if they were willing to give me an auto CLI I'd like one on my SPG card because I only have a 2k limit on it which is somewhat annoying. I could shift spend over to it and max it out each month, but I do not want to do so if the chances are limited on an auto cli. 2. I have seen reports of people getting a 100k signup offer on the amex plat via has anyone gotten this offer? I punch in my info and see no amex offers, but I see offers for chase CSP/Freedom/Slate. The first two I have and the last I do not need. 

    Yes, Amex does auto CLIs.  As for your 2nd question, the offers does come up for those who qualify.  You just have keep checking and see if it shows up for you.

  • Finally got my ALMOST Amex 3X CLI

    I joined Amex on 03/01/15. And tried way to early. Only 30 days in. So I kept trying every few weeks and decline after decline. AND THEN BOOM!! I tried today and got $5000. It asked how much I wanted and I entered $5000 and got it instantly. Only downside is now I am thinking if I should have went for way higher and if I shorted myself. Still not bad though I went from $2000 to $5000 so this is ALMOST a triple increase with the click of a button and best thing SOFT PULL! Just wished I would have asked for more. 

    Right on!  I wonder if you request too much, they will decline you all together or would the counter?  Enjoy in good health!

  • Capital One: Denied CLI / Approved for $50K on New Card

    I have two CapitalOne Cards that were open in early 2007 after my bankruptcy in August 2006. They were the first company to give me credit cards following the bankruptcy, the first one received a $3,500 limit and the second one received a $3,000 limit.
    In 2013/2014, they upgraded me to their Quicksilver card so I could get cash back on my purchases. As my finances have drastically changes since then, I've attempted to request multiple limit increases, and I've kept getting denied because they say I don't use enough of my credit limit to justify a limit increases.
    Then in December I just decided to apply for a CapitalOne Venture card for their 40,000 bonus miles, and was given a $50,000 credit limit.
    Can someone explain how/why they won't increase my limit on a card with $3k limit, but will give me a new card with a $50,000 limit? I would rather have the limit on one of these older cards that's I've now had for 8 years. 

    anm688 wrote:
    I have two CapitalOne Cards that were open in early 2007 after my bankruptcy in August 2006. They were the first company to give me credit cards following the bankruptcy, the first one received a $3,500 limit and the second one received a $3,000 limit.
    In 2013/2014, they upgraded me to their Quicksilver card so I could get cash back on my purchases. As my finances have drastically changes since then, I've attempted to request multiple limit increases, and I've kept getting denied because they say I don't use enough of my credit limit to justify a limit increases.
    Then in December I just decided to apply for a CapitalOne Venture card for their 40,000 bonus miles, and was given a $50,000 credit limit.
    Can someone explain how/why they won't increase my limit on a card with $3k limit, but will give me a new card with a $50,000 limit?@anm688, This -$50,000 credit limit with CAP 1. Am I reading that right or is it a typo

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