Re-Authorize Itunes to purchase Music

I put in a new credit card for the I tunes store and for some reason a box appears telling me I need to contact customer service to re-authorize my purchase, when I do this it just doesn't work. Any thoughts, what am i missing or not seeing in the how to?
g5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Can you copy and paste the exact error message you're getting? I've never heard of such an error message.
If your credit card is simply not being accepted, make sure all your account information is correct. To check it, visit the following website:
Any tiny difference between the address listed here and the billing address listed on your credit card could cause a funky error.
Hope this help =)

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    Try googling "itunes match"

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    Right click on the video in iTunes and select Get Info, go to the video tab and see if you can set Video Kind to Movie
    When you managed to get it on the phone and you were able to just hear the sound, did you play the file from the video tab on your phone's ipod?

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    M4P files don't play in ver. 9.1. There are numerous posts on this subject already. Type M4P in the Search Discussions box.

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    I'm not using Vista, but I had the exact same problem on my windows XP install of 7.0.2 iTunes. It wasn't the only problem, but it was one of them.
    It boiled down to the latest version of iTunes requiring the user account I was utilizing having full control[\b] privilages on the iTunes install directory. I don't know how you would do that in Vista, but if you grant that permission to the user account in question, you may very well not ever need to worry about disabling UAC, then reenabling it later.
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    How would I be able to use those songs in my project? If you can do it in iMovie, you should be able to do it in Soundtrack. If I bought a CD I would be able to!
    Are there any kind of utilities to take that lock of the songs?

    i haven't actually tried any importing music with drm into STP yet, but in the past on my pc, if drm was causing issue with using an mp3 in certain applications (soundforge was a regular), i'd simply burn the track as audio and extract the audio back from the cd...
    a little cheeky but drm should be there to prevent piracy, not hinder the legally paying customer

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    Please help!
    I have purchased three songs via the iPhone during the last two months. When I connect my iPhone to my computer the purchased songs are erased without any notification. All other material on my iPhone remains intact (i.e., songs imported from cd's, audio books, movies etc...) If I download songs via my computer/iTunes everything is fine.
    sys info:
    iPhone F/W 1.1.4
    iTunes 7
    Windows XP

    Thank you for the quick response.
    However, the files/songs never get copied to my computer. (i.e., never synced over to iTunes nor my hard drive) I have performed a complete search and the files just do not exist. The first time this occurred, iTunes support stated that the download was incomplete and reissued a download. I proceeded to download the song via my computer without any issues. To this day it is still in the purchased folder. (Note: after originally downloading the song via iPhone, it worked perfectly on the phone until sync)
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    Do you think I may have a setting that is hampering my songs from being copied from my iPhone to my computer?
    I would like to get this cleared up before I try to download another song via my iPhone.

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