RE: Clock on desktop

On my G4 800mhz PowerBook with Tiger (10.4.11) I'm able to go into System Preferences then Date and Time, choose digital and have an option to have the clock on my desktop and I REALLY like that. It shows up on the desktop as a small square with the month on top in small letters, the day of the month (4, for example) and then the day of the week in small letters on the bottom.
I can't find that option on myIntel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz White 24" iMac with Leopard 10.5.1.
Does anyone know if that is a plugin of some kind or how to enable it?

Thanks but it isn't what I'm looking for.
I'm looking for a program that has a window about the size of an icon and text on the desktop that displays the time in the biggest font, then the month and day of the week. All that should be in one "window" which is moveable on the screen and not stuck on the menu bar.
SimpleFloatingClock seems to be the best so far ...

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    digital clock on desktop?

    Verbs, man, Verbs!
    Complete sentences, in English or your native language!
    What computer? What Mac OS X?
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    I wasn't at the computer with Tiger when I posted before so did not post the exact path. Specifically, you can change common key assignments by going to System Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse and select the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab. The instruction are on that pane.
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    Thanks for your reply svet.
    I do in fact use that method to remove drivers, its the only effective way of really getting everything off your pc in my opinion. And yes, tried all drivers, both MSI and ATI site versions, too bad it ended being a waste of much of my weekend.
    Either way. Case closed. The Egg offered a full refund and free return shipping. Taking them up on that.
    Thanks again.

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    Last edited by RobF (2009-11-04 11:22:40)

    FrozenFox wrote:As far as imminent hd failure goes, you should take a look at smartctl's output for your disk. However, take it with a grain of salt because it's not a definite indicator of disk health or lack thereof, but should be considered as a general report of such as determined by the disk itself. Also, some filesystems have problems with incorrect shutdowns eating files. During any of these times kde screwed up, did you shut down by force in any way (or did the power go out?) or did the shut-down process proceed normally? What filesystem do you use for /home ?
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    Note: This discussion has been moved to the intel-gfx mailing list: … 08315.html
    Last edited by milki (2010-10-07 07:42:55)

    It's likely that the laptop's attempting to output audio through the HDMI as well. Have you tried this? Right-click on the speaker icon in the notification area near the clock (in Desktop mode) and select "Playback devices." What's listed there, and what has the green check mark? Try selecting your speakers and clicking "Set Default."
    - Peter

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    It's likely that the laptop's attempting to output audio through the HDMI as well. Have you tried this? Right-click on the speaker icon in the notification area near the clock (in Desktop mode) and select "Playback devices." What's listed there, and what has the green check mark? Try selecting your speakers and clicking "Set Default."
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    Best regards

    It's likely that the laptop's attempting to output audio through the HDMI as well. Have you tried this? Right-click on the speaker icon in the notification area near the clock (in Desktop mode) and select "Playback devices." What's listed there, and what has the green check mark? Try selecting your speakers and clicking "Set Default."
    - Peter

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    In terms of installed apps, here's the list:
    adblock plus
    amazon installer
    android theme
    angry birds (1, 2 + 3)
    AP news desktop widget
    AP news installer
    app search widget
    bless n900
    calendar home widget
    coaster ruse 3d
    connectnow internet connection switch
    countdown timer
    crochik geePS
    custom operator name widget
    d-theme blackandred
    desktop clock widget
    desktop command execution widget
    desktop switcher
    documents to go installer
    droid fonts
    enhanced linux kernel for power users (v37)
    exhanced linux kernel for power users (settings)
    extended call log
    extra decoders support
    extra protocol plugins for conversations and contacts
    eyes widget
    facebook desktop widget
    facebook installer
    facebook sharing plugin
    facebook widget and photo uploader
    faster application manager
    feedingit rss reader
    fm radio player
    foreca installer
    foreca weather widget
    friendstatus im statuses aggregator
    googleimages for touchsearch
    headphone daemon
    here and now
    iconset contour for OMWeather
    black winter day theme
    flame theme
    imdb for touchsearch
    kmplayer scrobbler
    link-local XMPP protocol plugin for conversations and contacts
    maemo 5
    media player status area applet (simple)
    mediabox media center
    movie finder
    movie schedule
    mplayer movie player
    msn protocol plugin for conversations and contacts
    now playing notifications
    ogg support
    omweather database for
    openssh client
    openssh client and server
    openssh server
    opera mobile
    password safe
    personal photo frame
    pidgin extra protocols (bonjour and sametime)
    pidgin internet messenger
    pidgin protocols plugin for conversations and contacts
    pixelpipe media uploader to the social web
    pocket calc
    queen beecon widget
    search tool
    simple brightness applet
    simple fmtx desktop widget
    stellarium mobile
    subtitles support
    super tux
    the milkyway wallpaper
    them bloody ducks
    theme customizer
    towerbloxx free
    tvcplayer (tv catch up)
    tweak flash plugin version
    tweego photo, video and audio uploader to twitter
    wifi assistant
    wifi eye
    yellow notes applet

    quoting from cpitchford :
    1) Open these links on your phone
    Choose to save the file and save them into the Documents folder on your phone
    2) open an x terminal and run
    sh MyDocs/.documents/
    Got and get a cup of coffee / read a book / have a snooze.. it'll take about 30 minutes or more..
    3) when it is done run this command in the same x terminal:
    sh MyDocs/.documents/ MyDocs/debug.tgz
    It'll show you a table of values.. The first column is the package, the second column is how much root space that package is using (the third column is how much EMMC space the package is using)
    you will see what installed apps/themes are taking all the roofts, and delete them .
    and whhy are you still on power 37? 42 is in the extras .
    Reality is wrong....dreams are for real... 2pac .
    don't forget to hit that green kudos

  • Hard Disc Test: FAILED

    i have an HP Pavilion dv6 in which when it boots it stays on the HP logo for maybe 10 minutes and then it gives an error about the HD. When I run diagnostics test I get the following:
    Short DST: FAILED
    Failure ID: 0SJCGM-54D781-XD003G-60XJ03
    Hard Disc 1
    Hard Disc Test: FAILED

    Well you've to replace the battery if that fails.
    Do a hard reset first:
    Test by HP battery test.
    You may also run this standalone battery test :
    What are the result?
    Calibrate the battery after the test.
    Is it showing charging indicator when plugged in - anything in system tray - right lower down near the clock in desktop.
    Uninstall & install Microsoft ACPI battery from Device manager - Control Panel :
    a. Remove the battery of the laptop & power in with AC adapter plugged in
    b. Press Windows Key + X. Select Device manager.
    c. Expand the Batteries category.
    d. Under the Batteries category, right-click the Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery listing, and select Uninstall.
    WARNING: Do not remove the Microsoft AC Adapter driver or any other ACPI compliant driver.
    Shut down system after uninstallation finishes.
    Insert battery , remove AC supply - try to power on.
    Immediately press F10 to enter BIOS setup utility,
    In the BIOS Setup utility, select the Exit tab.
    Select Load Setup Defaults.
    Select Save Changes and Exit (pressing F5 and the Enter key will also load the Setup Defaults).
    Press Esc and then Enter to exit Setup.
    Wait for Windows to load completely
    Else, power on with both AC plugged & battery inserted & proceed.
    ++Please click KUDOS / White thumb to say thanks
    ++Please click ACCEPT AS SOLUTION to help others, find this solution faster
    **I'm a Volunteer, I do not work for HP**

  • Setting BB Pearl Flip clock to network? Desktop Manager asks for an update to languages.

    The Flip looks appears to require manual time adjustment rather than pulling the date and time information from the local network, either by setting it through options on the clock function, or through the Options - Date & Time menu.
    My Desktop Manager keeps asking, when launched, an update to the same Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish languages.  How do I turn it off?

    I'll try to answer to some of your questions.
    The Media Card is according to the OS verison on the BlackBerry. The model doesn't really matter.
    Look at Options > About, third line down beginning with a "".
    Maximum capacities:
    BlackBerry Device Software Media Card Size Limit
    BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.0 -- Up to 2 GB
    BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.1 -- Up to 4 GB
    BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.2 -- Up to 4 GB
    BlackBerry Device Software 4.3.0 -- Up to 8 GB
    BlackBerry Device Software 4.5.0 -- Up to 8 GB
    BlackBerry Device Software and above -- Up to 16 GB
    BlackBerry Device Software 4.6.0 -- Up to 32 GB
    if your issue solved set "Solution" mark at the relevant post

  • Can you put the clock or calendar in your desktop as a widget

    Hi, Apple Community.
    Is it possible to have either the clock or iCal on the desktop as a widget? Kindly advise. Thank you!
    Those are build in widgets

  • Analog desktop clock option disappeared in Leopard

    The option to have a semi-transparent floating desktop clock seems to have disappeared in Leopard... Clicking on the purple ? in the Date/Time Preferences states: "To see a clock in the menu bar or on the desktop, select Show the date and time. Choose options for how the date and time are displayed. Your changes take effect immediately so you can see the results." No such option exists.

    Alas, a shortcoming found with the two freebies!
    After a short trial I have discovered that neither clock works across Spaces. As an old X-Windows user (emphasis on the "old") I am reluctant to give up the Space feature. What to do, what to do? Forego the use of spaces and go back to a cluttered screen or live with a digital clock in the menu bar.
    I think I'll bring in an actual, physical clock and put it on my desk. KISS seems to the the appropriate approach for this problem.

  • Dock looks screwy, clock is missing and LMB not working on desktop

    This seems to touch on several parts of the os at once:
    I maintain two iMacs in a retail environment - the accounts are managed and the users can only access some basic functions of the OS plus our POS software. They can't install apps or adjust settings so there's little they can do theoretically. All software is either in the OS or is made for 10.6 (MS Office on one machine, Salon Transcripts on both)
    I first had this problem on one iMac that had 10.5 (the rest were on 10.4) and out of frustration, I upgraded both machines to 10.6 and now the problem happens on both.
    1. Left clicks don't work in dock (3 button mouse. hover works, right mouse button works) or on desktop icons. Can't launch new apps but can cmd tab to active apps. Once in an app, LMB clicks works fine.
    2. An open app might leave a copy of itself on the desktop (like a buffer not refreshing) except that I can launch the app over that image and the image will remain. It's very confusing to the users who don't know how to tell the difference.
    3. The dock looses it's background graphic. The dock's mirror effect ends up mirroring everything in the lower part of the screen - apps, desktop, dock icons, etc. so the bottom inch of the screen is just a mirror of the inch of screen just above it.
    4. The top bar clock and all icons on the right half of the bar are missing.
    A reboot fixes all of the above for a short while and the problems return. This is really frustrating and debilitating during retail hours. Suggestions or fixes are welcome.
    hardware: both are iMac 17" core 2 duo MA590LL/A, 1Gb ram, 160GB drives that are mostly unused.

    Unlike SideStepSociety, I've never +wiped an HD and reinstalled from scratch+, finding it to be total waste of time. I've beta-tested every OS upgrade from Panther through Snow Leopard and always just upgrade them, ensuring that I have tested bootable backups/clones to revert back to. The only time I install the OS onto an empty volume is to test that the setup assistant does its magic by migrating from the previously good OS. Once I ensure that the procedure works, I wipe the HD, put a clone onto it, and upgrade it.
    As for your query, if the original is mucked up, so will be the backup/clone. I use Carbon Copy Cloner instead of SuperDuper!, but both are viable.

Maybe you are looking for