Re: Mysql bindings in DW8

jblattert wrote:
> Relative to the incompatibility of Apache 2.2 to PHP 5,
would the possibility
> exist that DW8 connects without problem to the database,
but then issues a 500
> error upon a binding attempt?
Where did you get PHP 5.2.0? Which dll file are you using?
PHP 5.2.0 Release Candidate 4 works perfectly with
Dreamweaver 8.0.2 in
combination with Apache 2.2.3. However, you need to use
php5apache2_2.dll, not php5apache2.dll.
David Powers
Adobe Community Expert
Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)

They used PHP too?
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
- Template Triage!
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Tutorials & Resources
- Macromedia (MM) Technotes
"David Powers" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eh577t$g94$[email protected]..
> John Waller wrote:
>> I fell into the same trap, David.
>> I spent a week, part time, sifting through every
applicable line of my
>> config files trying to work out why Apache 2.2
wouldn't work until I
>> checked the FoE website, installed Apache 2.0 and
all was then fine.
> It's a major problem with printed books. They become
fixed in a time warp.
> Apart from urging readers to check the website for
updated information,
> there's not a great deal either an author or a publisher
can do. Maybe I
> should write my next book about Ancient Rome. :)
> --
> David Powers
> Adobe Community Expert
> Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of

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  • Mysql bindings in DW8

    I've posted twice, but haven't received any solutions. I'm
    currently looking through David Power's PHP for Dreamweaver 8, and
    still do not see what is wrong.
    Before I go into it (hoping that David will see this...), I
    want to ask -
    Relative to the incompatibility of Apache 2.2 to PHP 5, would
    the possibility exist that DW8 connects without problem to the
    database, but then issues a 500 error upon a binding attempt? If
    you say yes or possibly, I'll deinstall 2.2.2 and install 2.0.59.
    However, with David's more recent post at
    it appears that it should be OK.
    I would really like to use DW8 for the project, but it's been
    two months now with no answers--would really appreciate some
    I posted extensive detail on the situation at
    , second last post has all the info.
    Thank you, and hoping for some help!
    Joe B.
    [email protected]

    Thanks for your quick reply!
    I assume you scanned over my posts on the other forum I
    Windows XP Professional
    Dreamweaver 8.0.2 (by the way, it's a nightmare trying to
    contact Adobe about the PHP fix - I ended up sending something to
    customer support instead of technical)
    apache 2.2.2, php 5.2, mysql 5.0.24
    Joe B.

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    npm http GET
    npm http 200
    npm http GET
    npm http 200
    > [email protected] install /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
    > node-gyp rebuild
    info it worked if it ends with ok
    spawn python [ '/Users/yangzhaojie/.node-gyp/0.6.17/tools/gyp_addon',
      '-I/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/build/confi g.gypi',
      'make' ]
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      CXX(target) Release/
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    make: *** [Release/] Error 1
    ERR! Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
        at ChildProcess.onExit (/opt/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:209:23)
        at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:70:17)
        at maybeExit (child_process.js:362:16)
        at Process.onexit (child_process.js:398:5)
    ERR! not ok
    npm ERR! [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
    npm ERR! `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
    npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the mysql-libmysqlclient package,
    npm ERR! not with npm itself.
    npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
    npm ERR!     node-gyp rebuild
    npm ERR! You can get their info via:
    npm ERR!     npm owner ls mysql-libmysqlclient
    npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! System Darwin 11.3.0
    npm ERR! command "node" "/opt/local/bin/npm" "install" "mysql-libmysqlclient"
    npm ERR! cwd /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs
    npm ERR! node -v v0.6.17
    npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.21
    npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
    npm ERR! message [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
    npm ERR! message `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
    npm ERR! errno {}
    npm ERR! Error: EACCES, open 'npm-debug.log'
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! System Darwin 11.3.0
    npm ERR! command "node" "/opt/local/bin/npm" "install" "mysql-libmysqlclient"
    npm ERR! cwd /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs
    npm ERR! node -v v0.6.17
    npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.21
    npm ERR! path npm-debug.log
    npm ERR! code EACCES
    npm ERR! message EACCES, open 'npm-debug.log'
    npm ERR! errno {}
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
    npm ERR!     /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/npm-debug.log
    npm not ok
    localhost:nodejs yangzhaojie$
    debug install log:
    info it worked if it ends with ok
    verbose cli [ 'node',
    verbose cli   '/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/bin/npm',
    verbose cli   'i',
    verbose cli   'mysql-libmysqlclient' ]
    info using [email protected]
    info using [email protected]
    verbose config file /Users/yangzhaojie/.npmrc
    verbose config file /Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/etc/npmrc
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    verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/node-cluster/package.json
    verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/redis/package.json
    verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/
    verbose cache add [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', null ]
    silly cache add: name, spec, args [ undefined,
    silly cache add: name, spec, args   'mysql-libmysqlclient',
    silly cache add: name, spec, args   [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', null ] ]
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    verbose parsed url   path: 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
    verbose parsed url   href: 'mysql-libmysqlclient' }
    verbose addNamed [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', '' ]
    verbose addNamed [ null, '' ]
    silly name, range, hasData [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', '', false ]
    verbose raw, before any munging mysql-libmysqlclient
    verbose url resolving [ '', './mysql-libmysqlclient' ]
    verbose url resolved
    http GET
    http 200
    silly get cb [ 200,
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    silly get cb     server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
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    silly versions [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
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    silly versions     '0.0.7',
    silly versions     '0.0.8',
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    silly versions     '1.0.1',
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    silly versions     '1.1.1',
    silly versions     '1.2.1',
    silly versions     '1.2.2',
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    http GET
    http 200
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    verbose chown   20 ]
    silly resolved [ { name: 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
    silly resolved     description: 'Binary MySQL bindings for Node.JS',
    silly resolved     keywords: [ 'mysql', 'libmysqlclient', 'sql', 'database', 'addon' ],
    silly resolved     homepage: '',
    silly resolved     version: '1.3.2',
    silly resolved     author: { name: 'Oleg Efimov', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved     contributors:
    silly resolved      [ { name: 'Oleg Efimov',
    silly resolved          email: '[email protected]',
    silly resolved          url: '' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Surendra Singhi',
    silly resolved          email: '[email protected]',
    silly resolved          url: '' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Akzhan Abdulin', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Pavel Ponomarenko', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Robin Duckett', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Roman Shtylman', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Dan Beam',
    silly resolved          email: '[email protected]',
    silly resolved          url: '' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Maurits Lamers', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Benjmain Reesman', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Krists Krīgers', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Sergey Novgorodsky',
    silly resolved          email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Ștefan Rusu', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Zhiqiang Zhao', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Zhao Cheng', email: '[email protected]' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Zhao Lei', email: '[email protected]' } ],
    silly resolved     bugs: { url: '' },
    silly resolved     licenses: [ { type: 'MIT' } ],
    silly resolved     repository:
    silly resolved      { type: 'git',
    silly resolved        url: 'git://' },
    silly resolved     main: './mysql-libmysqlclient',
    silly resolved     scripts:
    silly resolved      { test: 'make test',
    silly resolved        doc: 'make doc',
    silly resolved        install: 'node-gyp rebuild' },
    silly resolved     engines: { node: '0.4.x || 0.5.x || 0.6.x || 0.7.x || 0.8.x' },
    silly resolved     devDependencies: { nodeunit: '>= 0.7', nodelint: '>= 0.6' },
    silly resolved     _id: '[email protected]',
    silly resolved     dependencies: {},
    silly resolved     optionalDependencies: {},
    silly resolved     _engineSupported: true,
    silly resolved     _npmVersion: '1.1.20',
    silly resolved     _nodeVersion: 'v0.6.16',
    silly resolved     _defaultsLoaded: true,
    silly resolved     dist: { shasum: '2e0901d4c28613050078931d2930b7f98a9353d0' },
    silly resolved     _from: 'mysql-libmysqlclient' } ]
    info into /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs [email protected]
    info installOne [email protected]
    verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package/package.json
    info unbuild /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
    verbose unpack /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz
    silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
    silly extracting entry package.json
    silly extracting entry .npmignore
    silly extracting entry LICENSE
    silly extracting entry mysql-libmysqlclient-bindings.js
    silly extracting entry mysql-libmysqlclient.js
    silly extracting entry build-stamp
    silly extracting entry CHANGELOG.markdown
    silly extracting entry conf-stamp
    silly extracting entry devdependencies-stamp
    silly extracting entry DEVELOPMENT.markdown
    silly extracting entry doc/example_http.js
    silly extracting entry doc/examples.js
    silly extracting entry doc/api.html
    silly extracting entry doc/changelog.html
    silly extracting entry doc/examples/url_shortener/index.js
    silly extracting entry doc/examples/url_shortener/index.html
    silly extracting entry doc/examples.html
    silly extracting entry doc/index.html
    silly extracting entry
    silly extracting entry .idea/.name
    silly extracting entry .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/encodings.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/misc.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/modules.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/node-mysql-libmysqlclient.iml
    silly extracting entry .idea/projectCodeStyle.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/vcs.xml
    silly extracting entry .idea/workspace.xml
    silly extracting entry Makefile
    silly extracting entry .travis.yml
    silly extracting entry AUTHORS
    silly extracting entry nodelint.conf
    silly extracting entry binding.gyp
    silly extracting entry README.markdown
    silly extracting entry src/
    silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings.h
    silly extracting entry src/
    silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_connection.h
    silly extracting entry src/
    silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_result.h
    silly extracting entry src/
    silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_statement.h
    silly extracting entry src/node_async_shim.h
    silly extracting entry tests/config.js
    silly extracting entry tests/complex/setup-complex.js
    silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-binary-buffers.js
    silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-call-stored-procedure.js
    silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-datatypes-cast.js
    silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-fetchAll-options.js
    silly extracting entry tests/high-level/test-javascript-interface.js
    silly extracting entry tests/ignored/
    silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-102.js
    silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-106.js
    silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-110.js
    silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-83.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/setup-low-level-async.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlconnection-async.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlresult-async.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/setup-low-level-sync.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlconnection-sync.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlresult-sync.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-connect-different-args.js
    silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlstatement.-syncjs
    silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-connect.js
    silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-fetchAll.js
    silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-query.js
    silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-querySend.js
    silly extracting entry tools/run-check-tests.js
    silly extracting entry tools/run-debug.js
    silly extracting entry tools/run-memoryleaks-finder.js
    silly extracting entry waf-stamp
    silly extracting entry wscript
    verbose has bindings.gyp [ undefined,
    verbose has bindings.gyp   { file: '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json' ,
    verbose has bindings.gyp     gypfile: true,
    verbose has bindings.gyp     serverjs: false,
    verbose has bindings.gyp     wscript: true,
    verbose has bindings.gyp     contributors:
    verbose has bindings.gyp      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
    verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ] } ]
    verbose has wscript [ undefined,
    verbose has wscript   { file: '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json' ,
    verbose has wscript     gypfile: true,
    verbose has wscript     serverjs: false,
    verbose has wscript     wscript: true,
    verbose has wscript     contributors:
    verbose has wscript      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
    verbose has wscript        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
    verbose has wscript        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
    verbose has wscript        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
    verbose has wscript        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ] } ]
    verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
    verbose loadDefaults [email protected]
    info preinstall [email protected]
    verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
    verbose readDependencies: using package.json deps
    verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
    verbose readDependencies: using package.json deps
    silly resolved []
    verbose about to build /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
    info build /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
    verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
    verbose linkStuff [ false,
    verbose linkStuff   false,
    verbose linkStuff   false,
    verbose linkStuff   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules' ]
    info linkStuff [email protected]
    verbose linkBins [email protected]
    verbose linkMans [email protected]
    verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
    info install [email protected]
    verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle false
    verbose Setting uid from 0 501
    verbose stack at uid setting Error
    verbose stack at uid setting     at exec (/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/exec.js:36:1 7)
    verbose stack at uid setting     at Array.0 (/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js :146:5)
    verbose stack at uid setting     at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:40)
    silly exec sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"
    silly spawning [ 'sh',
    silly spawning   [ '-c', 'node-gyp rebuild' ],
    silly spawning   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient' ]
    info [email protected] Failed to exec install script
    info unbuild /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
    verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
    info preuninstall [email protected]
    info uninstall [email protected]
    verbose unbuild [email protected] [ true,
    verbose unbuild [email protected]   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules',
    verbose unbuild [email protected]   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules' ]
    info postuninstall [email protected]
    ERR! [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
    ERR! `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
    ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
    ERR! This is most likely a problem with the mysql-libmysqlclient package,
    ERR! not with npm itself.
    ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
    ERR!     node-gyp rebuild
    ERR! You can get their info via:
    ERR!     npm owner ls mysql-libmysqlclient
    ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
    ERR! System Darwin 11.3.0
    ERR! command "node" "/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/bin/npm" "i" "mysql-libmysqlclient"
    ERR! cwd /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs
    ERR! node -v v0.6.16
    ERR! npm -v 1.1.20
    ERR! message [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
    ERR! message `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
    ERR! errno {}
    verbose exit [ 1, true ]

    Hi Simon,
    Thanks for posting!
    Firstly, I suggest you could try how to connect to local MySQL database from Azure. Similar issue for your reference.
    Secondly, What's your local machine? Is  it a server or just a PC? If it is a PC for you dev, I guess it could not be accessed from internet. You need use the server and open the 3306 port.
    >> “tried to link the resource but the option to link an existing mysql database is greyed out.”
    Base on my experience, when we create website on azure portal, azure will create a free database which is 20 M. If you want to use MySQL on azure, you may need use Clear DB. It is used to connect to a MySQL database that created in Azure (
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • DW 8 site crashes CS3

    A while back I designed a .php / MySQL site in DW8. The site
    included DW8
    add, edit, and delete server behaviors.
    I've since upgraded to CS3
    Today I was called on to edit the site. When I tried to open
    any page that
    contained the add, edit or delete server behavior CS3
    crashes. The rest of
    the pages open fine in CS3.
    If I go on-line all of the pages work fine and there is no
    problem using
    them. I can open them in DW8 but not CS3.
    Any ideas as to the problem?

    Worked like a charm.... Thank you Alan
    So, Does this mean that I will now have to delete the
    "WinFileCache-AD76BB20.dat" file twice a year?
    I guess its a small annoyance for such a essential app.
    "Alan" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:C55993DB.3176C2%[email protected]..
    > as a guess- it may be the daylight savings time issue.
    > Dreamweaver CS3 crashes after Daylight Savings Time ends
    > Issue
    > Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 crashes when working with certain
    PHP or ASP files
    > in
    > Code view or Design view after the clock goes back one
    hour, when Daylight
    > Savings Time ends. The crashes only occur when selecting
    certain lines in
    > Code view, or selecting certain objects in Design view.
    The crashes only
    > occur in files that have PHP or ASP code, intermingled
    with HTML code. The
    > crashes do not occur in Dreamweaver 8 or earlier (Ref.
    > Reason
    > The Dreamweaver CS3 WinFileCache-AD76BB20.dat file has
    been corrupted by
    > the
    > time change.
    > Solution
    > 1. If Dreamweaver is open, quit the application.
    > 2. Delete the WinFileCache-AD76BB20.dat file from the
    Dreamweaver user
    > configuration folder. Note that on Windows, the
    Application Data and
    > AppData
    > folders are hidden by default, so verify that your
    Windows Explorer folder
    > options are set to View Hidden Folders. The location of
    this file is as
    > follows:
    > * Dreamweaver CS3 on Windows Vista:
    > C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver
    > * Dreamweaver CS3 on Windows XP:
    > C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
    > 9\Configuration
    > 3. Restart Dreamweaver.
    > --
    > Alan
    > Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Delete database in phpMyAdmin?

    Anyone know how to delete a database created in phpMyAdmin?
    I got a lot of databases which I don't want anymore but cant
    find out
    how to get rid of the buggars or where they are stored in
    They must be stored somewhere? Somewhere which I can just get
    to and
    drag them to the bin?
    What happens if I want to transfer the database to another
    computer.......where the heck are they kept?

    I can't praise David's book highly enough, Osgood. It's just
    an excellent
    piece of work....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Osgood" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > David Powers wrote:
    >> phpMyAdmin is context sensitive. Click the Drop tab
    when you have the
    >> database structure displayed in the main frame. This
    drops the entire
    >> database. It also warns you what you're about to do,
    so there's little
    >> danger of deleting the wrong thing, unless you also
    hit OK.
    > the hang of it now...thanks David. I'm
    deleting furiously :)
    >>> Heck.....why so complicated. Well obviously not
    if you know anything
    >>> about mysql but I don't. I want to see something
    physical that I can
    >>> move about manually lol. I feel a lot more in
    control that way.
    >> MySQL is designed to be platform neutral.
    Unfortunately, OS X puts more
    >> barriers in your way than either Linux or Windows.
    However, using Export
    >> in phpMyAdmin or mysqldump from the command line in
    Terminal is the
    >> standard way of moving a database from one server to
    another. Both
    >> methods create a text file that contains all the
    necessary SQL statements
    >> to rebuild the database on any other system.
    > Right. Oh well if that how it was meant to was
    meant to be I
    > suppose.
    >>> I need something which explains fully what the
    hell the php code does/is
    >>> doing. I'm clicking all these server behaviours
    in DW and getting lots
    >>> of code I don't understand. I need to understand
    what is going on for it
    >>> to be of any use to me. I've kind of got a
    little bit into some simple
    >>> php but then my brain gets overloaded as more
    and more coding gets put
    >>> into the mix, so I give up.
    >> "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" is designed for
    Dreamweaver 8, but
    >> since you're an experienced DW user, I don't think
    you will find any
    >> problem using the book with MX 2004. Chapters 2 (new
    things in DW 8) and
    >> 12 (XSLT server behavior) won't be of any use to
    you, but the rest of the
    >> book should be fine. Apart from the XSLT server
    behavior and the removal
    >> of a bug in the User Authentication SBs, the
    PHP/MySQL side of DW8 is
    >> identical.
    > Great. Think I'll invest in that then. I've got some
    spare time right now
    > so I need something to get my teeth into. I need to
    start learning again
    > as I'm 'treading water' at the moment and just playing
    safe covering old
    > ground.
    >>> I've just refreshed myself on a login page using
    DW behaviours. Although
    >>> it works fine I'd rather be able to look at the
    code and know what its
    >>> doing and to be able to manipuate it it
    >> My whole approach is to show you how to tweak DW's
    code to your needs. I
    >> don't explain the inner workings of DW code in much
    detail, but you
    >> should have a better understanding of it by reading
    the book.
    > Is Amazon the best place to get a hold of it?
    > ev-t=D3K2MC6S685TRT%26camp=2025%26link_code=xm2

  • FindServerBehaviors in DynAttribute.htm ... Syntax error Invalid quantifier ??

    I get this error: While executing findServerBehaviors in
    DynAttribute.htm the following JavaScript errors occured:
    SyntaxError { Invalid quantifier
    I get this sort of thing from time to time when I handwrite
    php / mysql code and DW8 can't digest it for some reason. My files
    always work fine on the server, but DW8 (and MX, MX2004) seem to
    get confused by things that don't fit in its idea of how recordsets
    and queries work.
    I have NO EXTENSIONS installed, and have already reinstalled
    this once in the past to no avail.
    It's just annoying, as I can hand code fine and just click
    "OK" about the error, but it happens every time DW changes from
    codeview to design view, or upon opening the doc, or saving it.
    Any ideas?
    BTW, I really wish Adobe / MM would give us a way to disable
    these warnings (i.e., "do not show this message again...) for a
    given file. Maybe it could be in the file notes? Are you listening,
    Adobe? Probably not...

    Try this:
    Troubleshooting JavaScript errors in Dreamweaver
    David Alcala
    Adobe Product Support

  • DW8.02 + php + mysql recordet issue

    Am absolutely new to PHP and MySql having been using ASP
    & MSSql for a
    long while.
    I have the latest versions of PHP and MySql installed which
    would both
    appear to be working correctly.
    When I go to create a recordset in the usual manner - if I
    press test I
    can see the correct data, when I click OK to finish I get a
    series of
    JavaScipt errors "while executing findSeverBehaviours in
    (line 53??) etc etc cannot find TomLR-PHP-AdvRS.htm
    DW puts the code in the page, but the Bindings window remains
    I've cleared the winfilecache - anyone got any other
    There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot

    twindude wrote:
    > Buzby
    > I too am trying to convert some apps to mysql
    > CAn you please post how you got this to work with DW8
    > I am getting an error trying to setup the RS
    > when i try to 'select database"
    > i get this:
    > Your PHP server doesn't have the MySQL module loaded or
    you can't
    > use the mysql_(p)connect functions.
    > I am running php/mysql on my xp pro workstation....with
    dw8 on it
    > ??? loss......
    Sounds like you haven't installed the mysql module.
    I'm sure someone who knows much much more about it than me
    will be
    along in a moment.
    However - possibly the easiest way to do it without getting
    your hands
    dirty is to delete and then reinstall PHP - make sure you do
    detailed route and look out for the modules section and check
    all the
    MySql ones (sorry can't remember exactly what they were
    called - I've
    only done this twice - the first one I bodged up!) -
    otherwise it's
    trawl through your php.ini file and uncomment all the mysql
    that you think you may need!
    There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot

  • Using math functions DW8, MySQL...

    Hey Guys!!!
    I know i've probably asked this question a couple of times
    but i just can't get the hang of it.
    Here i've got a text field. In this text field i want to
    multiply values from 2 fields in my database(mysql) and display.
    (ie field1 * field2 = result displays which should display in
    the text field). HOW DO I DO THIS??
    My database connection is working fine through DW8, but what
    commends do i put in the dynamicsource to have it multiply the said

    Gosh you've got some memory
    Lol, no, my memory as such is in shambles as always -- but as
    I´ve established a local testing directory named "ramsthedon",
    it´s easy to track my previous stuff ;-)
    Where do i go from there to input the SQL code you have
    generously assisted me with?
    at times using DW´s "visual interfaces" isn´t that
    appropriate for custom-built code -- that said, DW comes with a
    substantial list of built-in "data bindings", but apart from that
    isn´t aware of manually introduced data preprocessing like
    your $result - variable.
    When being in "Design" view, you´ll just need to click
    on the respective form field, then switch the page to "Code", and
    copy/paste the <?php echo $result; ?> fragment into the
    field´s value="" parameter -- after pasting you should see
    this result:
    value="<?php echo $result; ?>"

  • Dreamweaver 8 bindings - to MySQL, error code 500

    Well, I've spent five days searching online forums, and a few
    posts come close to my problem, but not getting any clues to a
    solution. I hope one of the resident experts or members could shed
    some light...
    Windows XP
    Dreamweaver 8.0.2 (just upgraded - same problem)
    - Used setup-v1.17-apache-2.2.2-win32.exe for setup - from PHP 5.2.0-dev MySQL 4.1.7 (installed new after package.
    Have two instances of mysql on my system - one active, one in
    - All was going well until trying to establish bindings in
    Dreamweaver. PHP is up and running. MySQL loaded, and database
    connection fine. Bindings gets the error... "HTTP Error Code 500
    Internal Server Error"
    Just getting back to it... Again, thank you for your help!
    Dreamweaver 8 has support for PHP 5. Version I'm using is
    5.2.0. MX specifies versions 4.x and above are required. I'll have
    to research if the support cuts off at 5.0.
    My Connections file: conn_newland.php (I'm following the book
    # FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
    # Type="MYSQL"
    # HTTP="true"
    $hostname_conn_newland = "localhost";
    $database_conn_newland = "newland_tours";
    $username_conn_newland = "root";
    $password_conn_newland = "";
    $conn_newland = mysql_pconnect($hostname_conn_newland,
    $username_conn_newland, $password_conn_newland) or
    $Recordset1 = mysql_query("SHOW variables", $Connection1);
    echo "<table border=1 width=100%>";
    while ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1)) {
    "<tr><td>".$row_Recordset1['Variable_name']."</td><td>".$row_Recordset1['Value']."</td></ tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    Recordset parameters I entered in bindings:
    Name: rs_journal
    Connection: conn_newland
    Table: tbl_journal
    Columns: Selected - journalID, journal_entry
    Filter: none
    Sort: journalID Descending
    Clicking Test gives: "HTTP Error Code 500 Internal Server
    By the way, the reason I didn't specify a password in "root'
    is that I had a problem before that I didn't know enough to
    overcome, so had to reinstall MySQL. However, the same error occurs
    if I specify another user name and password (previously set up).
    7:30 pm -
    Adding to this post...
    I found the following at
    However, it appears it may be referring only to Dreamweaver MX 2004
    on Mac OS X. I have Dreamweaver 8 on Windows XP:
    Verify that the connection scripts are up on the server
    This section is related to the section above. In a web
    browser, browse to the URL prefix you have defined in the Testing
    Server category of the site definition and add
    /_mmServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php. For example:
    http:/myserver/mysite/_mmServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php. If things are
    working correctly, you should see something like the following text
    returned in the web browser:
    Notice: Undefined index: Type in
    c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\_mmServerScripts\MMHTTPDB.php on line 13
    Notice: Undefined variable: oConn in
    c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\_mmServerScripts\MMHTTPDB.php on line 20
    When I go to the file above, this is the message I receive
    (only thing that appears):
    The files from the _mmServerScripts folder are for the server
    model PHP-MySQL. You try to connect to a database using a different
    server model . Please remove this folder outside the Dreamweaver
    environment on both local and testing machines and try again.\n
    Is there a hint here of what the problem is? I need some help
    in possible interpretations.
    Previous attempts made to solve:
    - re-installed MySQL with in
    recommended directory (outside the www directory). I now have two
    instances of MySQL on my local server - one set to automatic
    loading and the other manual (switched off)
    - one post suggested problem might be with ODBC - installed
    SQL ODBC with mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.msi. However, I
    don't have a clue as to whether it's connected to anything...
    - successfully connected to SQL database through root without
    password and specific logon and password. No difference.
    - other posts suggest problem could reside in php.ini,
    htaccess, my.ini (SQL). I know where to find them, but don't have
    an understanding of what parameters to shift, if any. One post
    suggested a port problem, and I did see a port problem, presently
    set to 3306.
    From what I've been able to gather, this has been recognized
    as an issue before, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation
    online (or at least what I've been able to find) dealing with this.
    And any mention of the problem that I've seen references
    Dreamweaver MX, not 8, although I don't think the version
    difference is a significant issue.
    This error must be relatively rare, or I'd see more out there
    about it. Still, I hope that at least one of the community experts
    may have come across it.
    Will be waiting with bated breath -- at least for a few

    I have also had the same error - namely that whilst I could connect via ftp, upload/download files, and view database tables, any attempt to view of modify recordsets resulted in error 500.
    Having checked other potential causes (e.g. selection/non-selection use of passive FTP setting, enabling of php, etc.), on the back of posts here I contacted my host and asked if if could relate to mod security, as further investigation revealed that the issue only occurred on sites where mod security had not been disabled (I don't like to disable mod security for obvious reasons - and I'm told you can't do that site by site with apache2 anyway).
    After a few false starts, the problem was resolved - with the following response from my host: "The false positives were being generated by "/_mmServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php" and that is what we've worked around in the rules. As such, any domain on [servername] using that script in the same way shouldn't generate a false-positive moving forward."
    So it seems the answer (assuming your on an apache server of course) may be to modify the rules to allow full access for MMHTTPDB.php.
    I hope that is of help to some.

  • DW8 Bindings Panel not showing recordsets

    I have a number of sites configured, with many pages using
    recordsets. For some reason DW8 is no longer showing the recordsets
    in the bindings panel. This is true for pages that were created in
    DW8 and still in their original code state and for pages that I
    have modified to send e-mail when a record is added, so it is not
    due to me modifying code.
    Any tips on how to refresh or re-populate the bindings panel
    would be gratefully appreciated.
    DW8 | ASP | VBScript

    It looks like you are creating a query from a query rather
    than from a data
    table. Is that right?
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004:
    A Beginner''s
    Guide, Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "emjemnsw" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > yes they do.
    > I've attached a code sample of one recordset that I
    haven't "messed" with
    > but
    > doesn't show in the bindings panel.
    > I have created some other recordsets today and they are
    showing OK in the
    > panel.
    > Thanks,
    > Mark
    > <%
    > Dim rsOpenPlans
    > Dim rsOpenPlans_cmd
    > Dim rsOpenPlans_numRows
    > Set rsOpenPlans_cmd = Server.CreateObject
    > rsOpenPlans_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_NewsDB_STRING
    > rsOpenPlans_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM
    > qryMigration_Open_Migrations"
    > rsOpenPlans_cmd.Prepared = true
    > Set rsOpenPlans = rsOpenPlans_cmd.Execute
    > rsOpenPlans_numRows = 0
    > %>
    > <%
    > ' *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record:
    declare stats
    > variables
    > Dim rsOpenPlans_total
    > Dim rsOpenPlans_first
    > Dim rsOpenPlans_last
    > ' set the record count
    > rsOpenPlans_total = rsOpenPlans.RecordCount
    > ' set the number of rows displayed on this page
    > If (rsOpenPlans_numRows < 0) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_numRows = rsOpenPlans_total
    > Elseif (rsOpenPlans_numRows = 0) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_numRows = 1
    > End If
    > ' set the first and last displayed record
    > rsOpenPlans_first = 1
    > rsOpenPlans_last = rsOpenPlans_first +
    rsOpenPlans_numRows - 1
    > ' if we have the correct record count, check the other
    > If (rsOpenPlans_total <> -1) Then
    > If (rsOpenPlans_first > rsOpenPlans_total) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_first = rsOpenPlans_total
    > End If
    > If (rsOpenPlans_last > rsOpenPlans_total) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_last = rsOpenPlans_total
    > End If
    > If (rsOpenPlans_numRows > rsOpenPlans_total) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_numRows = rsOpenPlans_total
    > End If
    > End If
    > %>
    > <%
    > ' *** Recordset Stats: if we don't know the record
    count, manually count
    > them
    > If (rsOpenPlans_total = -1) Then
    > ' count the total records by iterating through the
    > rsOpenPlans_total=0
    > While (Not rsOpenPlans.EOF)
    > rsOpenPlans_total = rsOpenPlans_total + 1
    > rsOpenPlans.MoveNext
    > Wend
    > ' reset the cursor to the beginning
    > If (rsOpenPlans.CursorType > 0) Then
    > rsOpenPlans.MoveFirst
    > Else
    > rsOpenPlans.Requery
    > End If
    > ' set the number of rows displayed on this page
    > If (rsOpenPlans_numRows < 0 Or rsOpenPlans_numRows
    > rsOpenPlans_total)
    > Then
    > rsOpenPlans_numRows = rsOpenPlans_total
    > End If
    > ' set the first and last displayed record
    > rsOpenPlans_first = 1
    > rsOpenPlans_last = rsOpenPlans_first +
    rsOpenPlans_numRows - 1
    > If (rsOpenPlans_first > rsOpenPlans_total) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_first = rsOpenPlans_total
    > End If
    > If (rsOpenPlans_last > rsOpenPlans_total) Then
    > rsOpenPlans_last = rsOpenPlans_total
    > End If
    > End If
    > %>

  • DW8 accessing online MySQL DB

    I have set up a local MySQL server and have been building a
    site in php, using DW8. Everything is going nicely and it is now
    time for me to start placing things online to test and complete the
    I have FTP access to my online php files, and have phpMyAdmin
    available to me to replicate the local database online. Dreamweaver
    doesn't seem to want to connect to this database though .. so i
    can't see how I can replicate the connection from within DW8. I am
    unable to set up recordsets and access tables .. any idea how I get
    around this? .. It can't be the first time this has cropped up?
    thanks in advance .. any help is appreciated... seems to be
    the final fence to jump but it's a big one.

    davidfarndon wrote:
    > access to my nice local server is not
    > the same as the online database .. so how to I change
    the php pages so they go
    > looking for the correct database (i.e. the replicated on
    The simplest way is to open the connection file (it's in the
    folder, and has the same name as your MySQL connection).
    Change the
    values of $hostname_connectionName, $username_connectionName,
    $password_connectionName to those used by your remote server.
    Then FTP
    it to your remote site. Everything should work exactly the
    same as locally.
    > I don't suppose you or anyone else has a
    > nifty bit of drop in code to allow me to pop a
    breadcrumb into the pages
    Sorry, I don't have any nifty breadcrumbs up my sleeve. I use
    breadcrumb script from ProjectSeven on some of my sites. It's
    part of
    the commercial Pop Menu Magic Dreamweaver extension. Costs
    $90, but well
    worth it (though not just for breadcrumbs).
    David Powers
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "Foundation PHP 5 for Flash" (friends of ED)

  • DW8 -MySQL - CF

    I've installed the CF Server on the Mac, established a MySQL
    connection in the CF Administrator. I have the MySQL server
    loaded and
    running and can connect to it easily with Cocoa.
    I've installed DW on the Mac and set up my Files.
    The problem is that I can't establish a connection to the
    databases. they do show up in the Database window of DW but I
    connect to them. A box pops up asking for User Name and
    Password for
    the CF Administrator even though I have eliminated that.
    If I try to establish a new new database connection with the
    + button in
    the Database window and enter the information that I use with
    Cocoa to
    access the database - I get the window asking for the
    connection data.
    When I try to either TEST or OK it - nothing happens. The
    only button
    that seems to work is the CANCEL.
    I've gone over this for hours but still can't get the
    connection. When
    I try the Bindings I get a long error message about MySQL
    syntax errors
    Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

    Larry - you might need to provide some info on the error you
    are getting.
    You said you can create a connection in the CF Admin - you
    successfully set
    up a DSN? You can view the database through command line, or
    a GUI (like
    Navicat) - to see the DB exists, and is functioning?
    Have you set the DSN in the application.cfm file? Is your
    site defined
    "LIB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:euu0hj$3ef$[email protected]..
    > I've installed the CF Server on the Mac, established a
    MySQL database
    > connection in the CF Administrator. I have the MySQL
    server loaded and
    > running and can connect to it easily with Cocoa.
    > I've installed DW on the Mac and set up my Files.
    > The problem is that I can't establish a connection to
    the MySQL
    > databases. they do show up in the Database window of DW
    but I can't
    > connect to them. A box pops up asking for User Name and
    Password for
    > the CF Administrator even though I have eliminated that.
    > If I try to establish a new new database connection with
    the + button in
    > the Database window and enter the information that I use
    with Cocoa to
    > access the database - I get the window asking for the
    connection data.
    > When I try to either TEST or OK it - nothing happens.
    The only button
    > that seems to work is the CANCEL.
    > I've gone over this for hours but still can't get the
    connection. When
    > I try the Bindings I get a long error message about
    MySQL syntax errors
    > Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.
    > Thanks
    > Larry

  • Please help setting up Mysql ASP connection on a Mac DW8

    Dear All
    I have posted previously but I still have not solved this
    problem, and really need anybody with a mac DW setup to give some
    advice. I have spoken to Adobe and trawled the net looking for a
    solution to getting ASP and DW working on a mac. I know I need a
    windows machine and a local network which I have. I have a real
    issue making a database connection from within dreamweaver.
    Please help anybody with experience.
    Many thanks in advance

    I don't know how you can define the MySQL database connection
    string in DW,
    because I only use DW for layout purposes (HTML + CSS). But I
    have an
    ASP/VBscript site running against a MySQL database, and it
    successfully uses
    the following connection string:
    "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=" & myDBhost
    & ";DATABASE=" &
    myDBname & ";USER=" & myDBuserid & ";PASSWORD="
    & myDBpassword &
    Hope this helps.
    Regards, Marja
    "spydersweb" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f21g1i$65i$[email protected]..
    > Dear All
    > I have posted previously but I still have not solved
    this problem, and
    > really
    > need anybody with a mac DW setup to give some advice. I
    have spoken to
    > Adobe
    > and trawled the net looking for a solution to getting
    ASP and DW working
    > on a
    > mac. I know I need a windows machine and a local network
    which I have. I
    > have
    > a real issue making a database connection from within
    > Please help anybody with experience.
    > Many thanks in advance
    > Graham


    Hi all
    I am just getting back into PHP MySQL after a couple of years
    away. I have
    a problem trying to format a date returnedby the Mysql into
    UK format can
    anyone please help? I have tried google and the result and I
    have managed
    find do not relate to what I need;
    Data returned is <?php echo
    $row_coursedates['FdCourseStartDate']; ?>
    but it displays as 2007/03/26.
    I needit to display 26/03/2007.
    I beleive it is a simple syntax but I just cant find it!
    Thanks in advance

    On 26 Mar 2007 in macromedia.dreamweaver, Mike Green wrote:
    > I am just getting back into PHP MySQL after a couple of
    years away.
    > I have a problem trying to format a date returnedby the
    Mysql into
    > UK format can anyone please help? I have tried google
    and the
    > result and I have managed to find do not relate to what
    I need;
    > Data returned is <?php echo
    > ?> but it displays as 2007/03/26.
    > I needit to display 26/03/2007.
    > I beleive it is a simple syntax but I just cant find it!
    I find it easiest to do it in the SQL statement:
    SELECT field1, DATE_FORMAT(FdCourseStartDate, '%e/%c/%Y') AS
    FROM myDatabase ...
    If you do it in PHP, you need to convert to a Unix timestamp,
    format that.
    $mytime = strtotime('2007/03/26');
    echo date('j/n/Y', $mytime);
    Joe Makowiec

  • Why Dreamweaver CC delete Databases, Bindings and Server Behaviors (PHP/MySQL)

    I installed Dreamweaver CC on my laptop and notice that Dreamweaver CC has no Binding, Server Behaviors and Database.
    A lot of my project get done by these feature (Binding, Server Behaviors and Database.), mostly for the website mock up for my clients.
    Why Dreamweaver these features? We need these feature back...
    For the liquid layout I don't like it, I prefer to use bootstrap then Dreamweaver feature.
    Dreamweaver CC just change Dreamweaver into CSS editor comparing to previous version.

    I'm not a spokesperson for Adobe.  I just use the products.
    DW CC extensions use .zxp files.  Formerly, CS extensions used .mxp files.  It's imperative that you use the correct Extension Manager version for your version of  DW.
    CS5 = CS5 extension manager
    CS5.5 = CS5.5 extension manager
    CS6 = CS6 extension manager
    CC = CC extension manager and so on... r-dreamweaver-cc/
    There have been exhaustive discussions in this forum about the deprecated server-behaviors and Adobe's decision to remove them from CC -- presumably to discourage people from using them anymore. If you want to continue using SBs, do so at your own risk since Adobe no longer officially supports or endorses them.  And if you can't get the extension from DMZone above to load in CC, your fallback is to use CS6.
    Nancy O.

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