RE: report name in japanese character dispalyed as '?????'

Hi all,
If report name is in japanese langauge, its dispalying as '????'.
Is It related to character set support.
IS it possible to get the report name in japanese language.
Thanks for any help in advance,

Hi All,
Steps are as below using BI publisher
1. Go to Create New Report option.
2. Type report name in japanese language and select create.
After creating report, report name is displaying as '????'.
This issue is happening for all reports in japanese language.
Is there any solution for this issue.
Thanks for any help...

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    Thank You for your reply. I have resolved the issue of exporting to pdf from crystal report X1 having Japanese data after installing the language pack.
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    retrive a byte array out of the input Stream and store the values in String using the condtructor
    String(byte [] bytes, String enc)
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    Hi Felix,
    Fuzzy matching is based on a number of characters, not just one, it is for complete words.
    So it will not match pronunciations, same is with the case when it is reverse, but it may may be matched if you come with an artificial match table.
    So to make it out with SSIS you need to use a Lookup Transformation against this match table that defines what characters constitute a match.
    Arthur My Blog

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    "Monaco" font should work, but try using "Osaka-regular-Mono".
    There was a similar report a few weeks ago:
    [10.6 doesn't show complex characters| 0]
    So it's not only you having the problem, but my (iMac, 10.6.1) displays Japanese characters without problem, and I have no idea what is wrong with your Terminal. If "Monaco" font is used then "Hiragino Kaku Gothic" (HiraKakuProN-W3) is substituted for Japanese characters.
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    different languages in one database, so I use a UTF-8 database. You
    should figure out what your current and future support requirements are
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    Hun Heo wrote:
    I work in NEW japan project.(I am korean)
    Our oracle database characterset is 'US7ASCII'.
    JSP encoding is 'EUC_JP'.
    I cannot input japanese character into database.
    Any japanese people ,Please help me!

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    You can check for issues caused by plugins (plugins are not affected by Safe mode).
    You can check for problems with current Flash plugin versions and try these:
    *disable a possible RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension for Firefox and update the RealPlayer if installed
    *disable protected mode in Flash 11.3 and later
    *disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin

  • Looking for a name with special character

    Hi Gurus,
    In our HR system we use multiple language (eg: polish, french, german, english, finns, ...).  All those languages have some specific characters, like german with ß.
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    For example :
    If I use a german keyboard I can found an employe by completed the correct last name wich contain eg ß .
    if I don t use a german keyboard I have to put a * where the specific characters is.
    I would like to know if somehow it were possible to customize the system in order to do not need to enter a * but the correspondant singular letter.  Is there any function for converting a special character to a singular one to activated ?
    Thank you for all your help
    Best regards

    indexOf() is used to find where a character or substring appears in a
    given string. What you probably need is charAt() which finds out which
    character is at a given position. Like this:private JTextField reportNameText;
    // something needs to be put in the text field here
    String reportName = reportNameText.getText();
    if(reportName.charAt(0) == ' ') {
            // printing a space isn't a lot of good...
        //System.out.println("first character is"+reportName.indexOf(0));
        System.out.println("first character is a space");
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Report Name should not start with Space", "", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    }An even better condition might beif(Character.isWhitespace(reportName.charAt(0))) {This checks for other sorts of space.
    The String methods are described here:

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    sorry if i was not clear with my earlier posts. hope i've made myself clear in this.
    thanks in advance

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    Discoverer Report Naming
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    As I could see, theres a dataitem for the Discoverer Report names, I would imagine the report names are somewhere stored in the database as values in a DB table. So if the name of the report is stored in the database in a table , then it is simpler enough to change the value of the column. It would be more of a find and replace command in SQL.But I'm not sure whether this would have an impact on the actual Report name! for our service provider is telling us that they need to open every report in Discovere to rename and store it. Then they need to delete the other report- which I doubt as I'm not sure !
    Also I would like to know where and how the names of the Discoverer Reports are saved in the database?
    Kindly advice.Many thanks

    You can inform to your SP to edit the table EUL4_documents
    and ask him to modify the name of the report that is stored in the column DOC_NAME .There is absolutely no necessary to open the work book that is stored in the database and change the work book name

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    I opened a report in Disco Desktop 4 -> Resonsibiolity --> Report Name.
    So I know Report name but don’t know which Business Area it belongs to.
    How to find Business Area Name from Report Name?

    There is no relationship between reports and business areas. Each report can be built from many folders. Each folder can be in many business areas.
    However you can try the following SQL which may give you the result you want for an v5 EUL. You will have to modify for Discoverer 4 EUL:
    select distinct doc_name, obj.obj_name folder_name, bas.ba_name
    from eul_us.eul5_documents doc
    , eul_us.eul5_elem_xrefs xref
    , eul_us.eul5_expressions exp
    , eul_us.eul5_objs obj
    , eul_us.eul5_ba_obj_links bol
    , eul_us.eul5_bas bas
    where xref.ex_from_id = doc.doc_id
    and doc.doc_name = &your_report
    and xref.ex_to_id = exp.exp_id
    and obj.obj_id = exp.it_obj_id
    and bol.bol_obj_id = obj.obj_id
    and bas.ba_id = bol.bol_ba_id
    Rod West

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