Re: Serial number problem msi gtx 750 tf 1gb ddr5

I still have the box. I dont know how to translate this. So the store says taking over my card on parole. The store send my card to i think the right description is manufactuer distribution or importer to decide to send my card the manufacture (i think...

Thanks again got it sorted all a bit confusing even though it was conneted to dvi it is a vga screen but that makes no difference, found out from Nvidia as you said it is built into the bios  DVI,DP HDMI so as long as a dvi is connected it wont boot...

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    The threads that you referenced do contain specific MSI NVIDIA GTX 750 models that offer you the best chance for using the NVIDIA GTX 750.  If you search this forum you should find others that have reported success with using these specific MSI GTX 750 graphics cards.
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    Are you able to test the card in different PC? Speak to friend/colleague, maybe they can help.
    Also try some older nvidia driver versions.
    Did you try different cable/port?
    If works fine in other PC, it means your PC is not compatible with latest cards and either you have to RMA the card and get something older like 5 or 6 series or get newer computer. If it doesn't work in different PC then RMA it.

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    M_Austin wrote:
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    There is a tiny label on the bottom edge of the box. Mine says "Aperture 2.0 Retail". The tiny label on my box for Final Cut Express 4 says "Final Cut Express 4.0 UPG". Does yours not say "UPG" on that little label? If not, you should be able to return it for the full version (plus pay the difference, of course). If it does say "UPG" you might be out of luck as most open software can't be returned.

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    Hi,thank you, that is fine, just not so quick but I resolved the problem alone.Thanks anyway you helped me.Eva
    Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 11:53:58 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Pls help me with  Mac and had a trial  serial number problems
    Hello, Eva. For CS4 problems, you need to ask in the Photoshop forum (this is the Photoshop Elements forum). It's here:
    Good luck!

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    What does the Dual BIOS switch do on the card? Does it relate to the motherboard BIOS, or no?
    No, it offers a legacy and UEFI/GOP vbios for Win8 feature support (fastboot/secureboot). If using a board with a legacy bios it is irrelevant what vbios is selected as both are supporting legacy mode (UEFI/GOP vbios is hybrid). Only for boards with a UEFI bios which is not GOP compliant using the legacy vbios is required.

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    The problem is with the component support of your HP machine. The problem is not GOP or legacy vios but the need for a ME8 firmware including bios to run a GTX7xx on a socket 1155 based system. If HP can't supply such you will never be able to run a GeForce GTX7xx or later in your system.

  • Goods receipt MB01 with serial number problem

    Dear MM Experts,
    Iam a PM Consultant and this problem faced me while doing goods receipt from external maintenance order so i will appreciate any help regarding this issue,
    In serial number profiles i did the stock check indicator to give an error message if there were incosistinces in stock data,
    now this is the scenario:
    after doing an external maintenance order and creating a PO with reference to the maintenance order PR, and also entering the specified serial number in the PO:
    1) Goods Issuing: i used MB1B with movement type 541 and as the serial number already exist and not wrong so it didnt show any error messages and by checking the stock data in MMBE the material was in stock provided to vendor.
    2) Goods Receipt: when using MB01 with movement type 101 and when entering the serial number of the material it gives an error message ALTHOUGH it is the same serial number issued and the same serial number in the PO
    This is the error message :
    Stock data of serial number G081 not suitable for movement
    Message no. IO231
    The current stock information for the serial number G081 contradicts the stock information of the movement to be posted. The following stock information is valid for the document and the serial number:               Batch Number Stock data Serial data   C2
    Only the first different field for the stock data/serial data is assigned. However, further data may also be inconsistent. To determine whether this is the case, you can start an analysis.
    System Response
    Two system responses are possible (set using Customizing): If the case of an error occurring, the assignment of the serial number to this posting procedure is not possible. In the case of a warning, you can, if necessary, transfer the notification.
    Assign a serial number which corresponds in your stock information to the stock data of the posting. You can display the serial numbers which can be used using Select serial numbers.
    Any help is appreciated
    Thanks in advance

    A possibility to fix serial number status is by running the report RISTEQ07 in SE38 transaction. Please run this report as mentioned in the SAP Note 316868 (point 2).
    While running the report please consider following points:
    The report does not set any locks on the records to be corrected, in other words, the report should only then be executed in the correction mode if the master records (within the client) are not being used in another (changing) access.
    During the search for inconsistent serial numbers, the system assumes that the stock segment is correct and the existence indicator might be incorrect.
    In the correction mode, the existence indicator is adjusted (depending on the existence of the stock segment).
    The report provides a test option (LP_TEST); if this option is active,  the system only checks whether inconsistencies exist. Corrections are  only carried out if the test mode is deactivated. Option LP_EXTD for the enhanced check should remain deactivated for the first run. In particular, if no inconsistency is recognized, the run should be repeated with the activated option.
    Another possibility is to create/post a physical inventory document for the affected material and serial number.
    Determine which material serial number is really on stock (physically on stock). You can do this, by either analyzing the history of each Serial Number or by carrying out a physical inventory.
    Before posting the Physical Inventory the stock validation of the serial number profile of the material has to be switched off in OIS2 transaction (if it is switched on).
    When you do this, you will get a Pop-up, please read the long text and execute the report RISERNR9 which is mentioned there.
    After executing this report the inventory can be posted. When this is done please switch stock validation on again and execute report RISERNR9 again.
    Perform this inconsistency correction only when you are sure that no one else is working on the system otherwise it could lead to more inconsistencies while the stock validation is switched off. Check SAP Note 612132 for further details.
    In another words, you have to:
    Create a physical inventory in MI01 transaction;
    Enter a counted quantity in MI04 transaction;
    Define each serial number to each qty on stock.
    I hope this information helps you.
    Good  luck,
    Fábio Almeida
    MM Consultant

  • Serial number problem upgrading from Tryout and 5.1 to 5.5 CS Standard

    Long one...!
    I bought a new iMac and CS5.5 Design Standard. Installed it. Didn't have my education serial at the time so ran as trial. All good.
    Received serial from Adobe. Put it in and Indesign was OK with it and upgraded to 5.5, but others stayed as Tryouts. Reinstalled, same problem.
    Contacted Adobe who said the serial was for Windows. After much messing around they issued another serial. Put it in. It changed when I put the disk in to try and reload. (Last four digit box changes itself to XXX). Other two packages went from Tryout to 5.1.
    Uninstalled whole package and reinstalled using the code Adobe Support gave me. Indesign back as 5.5 but other two still only 5.1
    Why might this be?
    You don't have to read the following but it may help.
    Thank you for answers or suggestions. At wits' end here!
    Thank you for choosing Adobe. A representative will be with you shortly. Your estimated wait time is 0 minute(s) and 2 second(s) or longer as there are 1 customer(s) in line ahead of you.
    You are now chatting with Arun Kumar.
    sam: Hello
    Arun Kumar: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Arun Kumar: Hi! Sam.
    sam: My copy of CS design standard says my serial number isn't correct
    Arun Kumar: May I please have your email address registered with Adobe while I review your request?
    sam: .......................
    Arun Kumar: Thank you for the information.
    Arun Kumar: I understand that you need assistance regarding serial number. Is that correct?
    sam: You emailed me the serial after I sent in supporting evidence of eligibility and i pasted it into the startup. The startup seems to have gone but the prgarm still says trial version
    Arun Kumar: Okay, sure I will help you with this.
    Arun Kumar: May I have the serial number?
    sam: "Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- .....................
    sam: I pasted it into the box
    Arun Kumar: Okay.
    Arun Kumar: I checked with the serial number and it's correct.
    Arun Kumar: Are you using the correct dvd?
    sam: The suite installed and the nag screen's gone but the product still says it's a trial version
    sam: I used the dvd provided
    Arun Kumar: May I know which software trail version is installed on your machine?
    Arun Kumar: Are we still connected?
    sam: Sorry
    sam: Creative Suite Design Standard 5.5
    sam: Ai and PS say it's a tryout on the startup screen
    Arun Kumar: In this case, I suggest you to uninstall the trail version and install the Design Standard CS 5.5 with the help of DVD.
    sam: The dvd was where I installed what I have from
    sam: I deleted and reinstalled PS as I thought there was another problem with it
    Arun Kumar: May I know which software was there before you installing the software form DVD?
    sam: Brand new iMac
    Arun Kumar: Sam, you install it in trial version, there you will get option of help, click on help and register the serial number.
    Arun Kumar: Your product will get converted to full version.
    sam: I'm new to Macs. How do I uninstall it?
    Arun Kumar: Don't uninstall it.
    sam: OK. Can you give me a refernce for this case for itf it doesn't work?
    Arun Kumar: With the help of DVD run the software and choose  the trial version.
    sam: Choose the trial version???
    Arun Kumar: You will get two options when you will install it with DVD one is run the trail version and another is enter the serial number.
    Arun Kumar: Did you got this two option when you installed the software?
    sam: I was going to do it later! Shall I do it now?
    sam: If you don't mind waiting...
    Arun Kumar: Installation will take time and we can't wait for so much time.
    Arun Kumar: I will provide you all the steps.
    sam: OK
    Arun Kumar: If you still get any problem, you can contact us back. We are available 24/7
    Arun Kumar: When you will install the software, you will get two option.
    Arun Kumar: 1) install on trail version.
    Arun Kumar: 2) enter the serial number.
    Arun Kumar: By both way you can activate the product.
    Thank you for choosing Adobe. A representative will be with you shortly. Your estimated wait time is 0 minute(s) and 3 second(s) or longer as there are 1 customer(s) in line ahead of you.
    You are now chatting with 'Pritam'
    Pritam: Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
    Pritam: I have received your query. Please allow me a moment to verify your account and to review the details of your request.
    Pritam: Could you please provide your email address?
    sam: [email protected]
    Pritam: Hello SAm
    Pritam: *Sam
    Pritam: AS I understand you are having an issue with the activation of the product,am I correct?
    sam: Hi Pritam
    sam: I've had two long discussions with your chatroom people. Very willing but still no success activating two of the products. The ID product has changed to 5.5 but AI and PS don't accept the serial code I was given. Please would someone let me know what to do? The trial is running out and I need the software!
    sam: I mean Live Chat
    Pritam: Thank you fro confirming the issue.
    Pritam: *for
    Pritam: I will try my level best to help you out with the issue.
    Pritam: May I have the serial number of the product?
    sam: 1408-1108-9876-3887-8290-4164
    Pritam: Sam ,may I know are you trying to activate the product in Windows or MAC?
    sam: A new iMac
    sam: You're welcome to remote view the machine if it helps
    Pritam: Sam, this is why you are having an error in activating.
    Pritam: The serial number which you have provided is for Windows and you are trying to activate the product in MAC ,because of this you are not able to activate the product.
    sam: It's the one you sent me this morning
    sam: I sent in my education user support case stuff yesterday and included tproduct code from the packaging
    sam: Can you give me a Mac serial?
    Pritam: Please allow me a moment.
    Pritam: Thank you fro staying online.
    sam: No problem
    Pritam: As we are from the technical team ,we don't have the resource for the changing serial number to MAC.
    Pritam: In this case I will transfer the chat to our customer service team,they will help you out with the issue.
    Pritam: May I transfer the chat?
    sam: Thanks... this is from the email today: Your Adobe ID:............ Your Case Number:............ With this response, we believe your issue is resolved and have therefore closed your case 0207655150. If your support case has not been completed to your satisfaction or you should you need to contact us on this issue again, please reference your case number. You can reopen your case up to 14 days after it has been closed. Hello, Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- ........................
    Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group.
    You are now chatting with Daniel Pedapenki.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Hi Sam.
    Daniel Pedapenki: May I please have your email address registered with Adobe while I review your request?
    sam: Hi Daniel
    sam: ...............
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the email address.\
    sam: Email to me today:
    sam: sam: Thanks... this is from the email today: Your Adobe ID:............... Your Case Number:................... With this response, we believe your issue is resolved and have therefore closed your case 0207655150. If your support case has not been completed to your satisfaction or you should you need to contact us on this issue again, please reference your case number. You can reopen your case up to 14 days after it has been closed. Hello, Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- .....................
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please elaborate the issue which you are facing now.
    sam: The activation screens won't accept the number as the product
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, I see that the serial number is for the product Design Standard CS 5.5 Win platform and it is not activated till now, may I know the exact error message please?
    sam: AI and PS startup screens say they're CS5 tryout
    sam: The Indesign package seems happy with the code and says it's 5.5. Off the same CD
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Okay Sam.
    sam: Hi
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please allow me a moment to search for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for your patience.
    sam: Thanks for your help
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, on the installation window, is it mentioned as Design Standard CS5.5 and Design Premium CS5.5?
    sam: Just looking now
    Daniel Pedapenki: Alright!
    Daniel Pedapenki: Just to confirm, are you trying to install the program on Mac  machine?
    sam: Yes. The programs work as trials fine
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.|
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, since you are using the Windows version serial number, to install the program on Mac machine, you are getting this issue.
    sam: One of the three packages seems OK
    sam: I'm opening the installer now
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sorry for the wait. Please do stay online.
    sam: It just goes through to the Enter Serial Number... Provide a serial number...Install this product as a trial... etc
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, please confirm, me if you have installed the product in Win or Mac?
    sam: Mac
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, as the serial number of the product is for Win platform, you can use the product in Mac platform.
    sam: Do you mean 'cannot'?
    Daniel Pedapenki: *cannot
    Daniel Pedapenki: Yes, you are correct.
    sam: The three programs are running fine but two as tryout only. I only have this one disk to load from, supplies by Apple with the new machine
    sam: The box says 'For sale only with a new Mac'
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, you have to install the product in Win platform as the serial number issued for you is for Win.
    sam: Not going to do that. Please give me a working serial number
    sam: I haven't got a disk for Windows installation anyway
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'll be right with you.
    sam: Thanks
    sam: I have only a couple of weeks to register this! And I need it for my coursework!
    Daniel Pedapenki: You are welcome.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the coupon code and the part number which you have provided to use for the edu serial number is for Win platform, in this case, we have provided you the serial number for the Win platform.
    Daniel Pedapenki: You can check in your mails for this information,.
    sam: Can you confirm back to me the product code?
    sam: I can photograph the box and email you showing the stickers etc
    sam: The part number on the back of the package is 91047958, yes?
    Daniel Pedapenki: Product name: CS5.5 Design Standard.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Part number (PN): 91047958
    Daniel Pedapenki: Coupon code: dsgnm3-1........
    Daniel Pedapenki: Design Standard CS 5.5---  ................
    sam: There's also a sticker saying PN: 65147483
    sam: Lot code 12056
    sam: I don't know where in my emails I said it was for Windows?
    sam: Also, why has Indesign activated properly?
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the serial number is for the Win platform, in this case, you can use this serial number in the Win platform.
    sam: I did not buy the software to use in Windows. I am moving completely to Apple
    sam: As I asked above:
    sam: sam: I don't know where in my emails I said it was for Windows? sam: Also, why has Indesign activated properly?
    sam: Why did the Education activation people give me the wrong number?
    sam: Two possible solutions now are that you give me the correct serial number, or send me another disk which will activate properly on OS X
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'll be right with you.
    sam: I'm feeling like I have done something wrong here... and it's not a good feeling
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please allow me a moment to search for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for your patience.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, in this case, I'll provide you the new serial number for Mac version.
    sam: OK
    Thank you for choosing Adobe. A representative will be with you shortly. Your estimated wait time is 0 minute(s) and 3 second(s) or longer as there are 1 customer(s) in line ahead of you.
    You are now chatting with 'Pritam'
    Pritam: Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
    Pritam: I have received your query. Please allow me a moment to verify your account and to review the details of your request.
    Pritam: Could you please provide your email address?
    sam: [email protected]
    Pritam: Hello SAm
    Pritam: *Sam
    Pritam: AS I understand you are having an issue with the activation of the product,am I correct?
    sam: Hi Pritam
    sam: I've had two long discussions with your chatroom people. Very willing but still no success activating two of the products. The ID product has changed to 5.5 but AI and PS don't accept the serial code I was given. Please would someone let me know what to do? The trial is running out and I need the software!
    sam: I mean Live Chat
    Pritam: Thank you fro confirming the issue.
    Pritam: *for
    Pritam: I will try my level best to help you out with the issue.
    Pritam: May I have the serial number of the product?
    sam: 1408-1108-9876-3887-8290-4164
    Pritam: Sam ,may I know are you trying to activate the product in Windows or MAC?
    sam: A new iMac
    sam: You're welcome to remote view the machine if it helps
    Pritam: Sam, this is why you are having an error in activating.
    Pritam: The serial number which you have provided is for Windows and you are trying to activate the product in MAC ,because of this you are not able to activate the product.
    sam: It's the one you sent me this morning
    sam: I sent in my education user support case stuff yesterday and included tproduct code from the packaging
    sam: Can you give me a Mac serial?
    Pritam: Please allow me a moment.
    Pritam: Thank you fro staying online.
    sam: No problem
    Pritam: As we are from the technical team ,we don't have the resource for the changing serial number to MAC.
    Pritam: In this case I will transfer the chat to our customer service team,they will help you out with the issue.
    Pritam: May I transfer the chat?
    sam: Thanks... this is from the email today: Your Adobe ID:............... this response, we believe your issue is resolved and have therefore closed your case 0207655150. If your support case has not been completed to your satisfaction or you should you need to contact us on this issue again, please reference your case number. You can reopen your case up to 14 days after it has been closed. Hello, Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- 1.............
    You are now chatting with Daniel Pedapenki.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Hi Sam.
    Daniel Pedapenki: May I please have your email address registered with Adobe while I review your request?
    sam: Hi Daniel
    sam: .................
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the email address.\
    sam: Email to me today:
    sam: sam: Thanks... this is from the email today: Your Adobe .............0 With this response, we believe your issue is resolved and have therefore closed your case .. If your support case has not been completed to your satisfaction or you should you need to contact us on this issue again, please reference your case number. You can reopen your case up to 14 days after it has been closed. Hello, Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- ...............4164
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please elaborate the issue which you are facing now.
    sam: The activation screens won't accept the number as the product
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, I see that the serial number is for the product Design Standard CS 5.5 Win platform and it is not activated till now, may I know the exact error message please?
    sam: AI and PS startup screens say they're CS5 tryout
    sam: The Indesign package seems happy with the code and says it's 5.5. Off the same CD
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Okay Sam.
    sam: Hi
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please allow me a moment to search for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for your patience.
    sam: Thanks for your help
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, on the installation window, is it mentioned as Design Standard CS5.5 and Design Premium CS5.5?
    sam: Just looking now
    Daniel Pedapenki: Alright!
    Daniel Pedapenki: Just to confirm, are you trying to install the program on Mac  machine?
    sam: Yes. The programs work as trials fine
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.|
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, since you are using the Windows version serial number, to install the program on Mac machine, you are getting this issue.
    sam: One of the three packages seems OK
    sam: I'm opening the installer now
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sorry for the wait. Please do stay online.
    sam: It just goes through to the Enter Serial Number... Provide a serial number...Install this product as a trial... etc
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, please confirm, me if you have installed the product in Win or Mac?
    sam: Mac
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, as the serial number of the product is for Win platform, you can use the product in Mac platform.
    sam: Do you mean 'cannot'?
    Daniel Pedapenki: *cannot
    Daniel Pedapenki: Yes, you are correct.
    sam: The three programs are running fine but two as tryout only. I only have this one disk to load from, supplies by Apple with the new machine
    sam: The box says 'For sale only with a new Mac'
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, you have to install the product in Win platform as the serial number issued for you is for Win.
    sam: Not going to do that. Please give me a working serial number
    sam: I haven't got a disk for Windows installation anyway
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'll be right with you.
    sam: Thanks
    sam: I have only a couple of weeks to register this! And I need it for my coursework!
    Daniel Pedapenki: You are welcome.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the coupon code and the part number which you have provided to use for the edu serial number is for Win platform, in this case, we have provided you the serial number for the Win platform.
    Daniel Pedapenki: You can check in your mails for this information,.
    sam: Can you confirm back to me the product code?
    sam: I can photograph the box and email you showing the stickers etc
    sam: The part number on the back of the package is 91047958, yes?
    Daniel Pedapenki: Product name: CS5.5 Design Standard.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Part number (PN): 91047958
    Daniel Pedapenki: Coupon code: dsgnm3-1.........
    Daniel Pedapenki: Design Standard CS 5.5---   ...........
    sam: There's also a sticker saying PN: 65147483
    sam: Lot code 12056
    sam: I don't know where in my emails I said it was for Windows?
    sam: Also, why has Indesign activated properly?
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the serial number is for the Win platform, in this case, you can use this serial number in the Win platform.
    sam: I did not buy the software to use in Windows. I am moving completely to Apple
    sam: As I asked above:
    sam: sam: I don't know where in my emails I said it was for Windows? sam: Also, why has Indesign activated properly?
    sam: Why did the Education activation people give me the wrong number?
    sam: Two possible solutions now are that you give me the correct serial number, or send me another disk which will activate properly on OS X
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'll be right with you.
    sam: I'm feeling like I have done something wrong here... and it's not a good feeling
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please allow me a moment to search for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for your patience.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, in this case, I'll provide you the new serial number for Mac version.
    sam: OK
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, please be online for 2 minutes.
    sam: OK
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the new serial number is .........6201.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    sam: Can I just try that serial
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'm sure you can activate the product with out any issue.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please feel free to contact us if you need more assistance.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Do you have any further questions for me today?
    sam: No thanks
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for contacting Adobe.  We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!
    Thank you for chatting with us. Please click the "Close" button on the top right of the chat window to tell us how we did today.
    You are not currently connected to a chat representative.
    Thank you for choosing Adobe. A representative will be with you shortly. Your estimated wait time is 0 minute(s) and 3 second(s) or longer as there are 1 customer(s) in line ahead of you.
    You are now chatting with 'Pritam'
    Pritam: Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
    Pritam: I have received your query. Please allow me a moment to verify your account and to review the details of your request.
    Pritam: Could you please provide your email address?
    .......Pritam: Hello SAm
    Pritam: *Sam
    Pritam: AS I understand you are having an issue with the activation of the product,am I correct?
    sam: Hi Pritam
    sam: I've had two long discussions with your chatroom people. Very willing but still no success activating two of the products. The ID product has changed to 5.5 but AI and PS don't accept the serial code I was given. Please would someone let me know what to do? The trial is running out and I need the software!
    sam: I mean Live Chat
    Pritam: Thank you fro confirming the issue.
    Pritam: *for
    Pritam: I will try my level best to help you out with the issue.
    Pritam: May I have the serial number of the product?
    sam: .-4164
    Pritam: Sam ,may I know are you trying to activate the product in Windows or MAC?
    sam: A new iMac
    sam: You're welcome to remote view the machine if it helps
    Pritam: Sam, this is why you are having an error in activating.
    Pritam: The serial number which you have provided is for Windows and you are trying to activate the product in MAC ,because of this you are not able to activate the product.
    sam: It's the one you sent me this morning
    sam: I sent in my education user support case stuff yesterday and included tproduct code from the packaging
    sam: Can you give me a Mac serial?
    Pritam: Please allow me a moment.
    Pritam: Thank you fro staying online.
    sam: No problem
    Pritam: As we are from the technical team ,we don't have the resource for the changing serial number to MAC.
    Pritam: In this case I will transfer the chat to our customer service team,they will help you out with the issue.
    Pritam: May I transfer the chat?
    sam: Thanks... this is from the email today: Your Adobe ID:. Your Case Number:0207655150 With this response, we believe your issue is resolved and have therefore closed your case 0207655150. If your support case has not been completed to your satisfaction or you should you need to contact us on this issue again, please reference your case number. You can reopen your case up to 14 days after it has been closed. Hello, Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- 1.-4164
    Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group.
    You are now chatting with Daniel Pedapenki.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Hi Sam.
    Daniel Pedapenki: May I please have your email address registered with Adobe while I review your request?
    sam: Hi Daniel
    sam: [email protected]
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the email address.\
    sam: Email to me today:
    sam: sam: Thanks... this is from the email today: Your Adobe ID:..........Your Case Number:......... With this response, we believe your issue is resolved and have therefore closed your case 0207655150. If your support case has not been completed to your satisfaction or you should you need to contact us on this issue again, please reference your case number. You can reopen your case up to 14 days after it has been closed. Hello, Thank you for your proof of academic status. Here is your serial number for Design Standard CS 5.5--- .-4164
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please elaborate the issue which you are facing now.
    sam: The activation screens won't accept the number as the product
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, I see that the serial number is for the product Design Standard CS 5.5 Win platform and it is not activated till now, may I know the exact error message please?
    sam: AI and PS startup screens say they're CS5 tryout
    sam: The Indesign package seems happy with the code and says it's 5.5. Off the same CD
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Okay Sam.
    sam: Hi
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please allow me a moment to search for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for your patience.
    sam: Thanks for your help
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, on the installation window, is it mentioned as Design Standard CS5.5 and Design Premium CS5.5?
    sam: Just looking now
    Daniel Pedapenki: Alright!
    Daniel Pedapenki: Just to confirm, are you trying to install the program on Mac  machine?
    sam: Yes. The programs work as trials fine
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for the information.|
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, since you are using the Windows version serial number, to install the program on Mac machine, you are getting this issue.
    sam: One of the three packages seems OK
    sam: I'm opening the installer now
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sorry for the wait. Please do stay online.
    sam: It just goes through to the Enter Serial Number... Provide a serial number...Install this product as a trial... etc
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, please confirm, me if you have installed the product in Win or Mac?
    sam: Mac
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, as the serial number of the product is for Win platform, you can use the product in Mac platform.
    sam: Do you mean 'cannot'?
    Daniel Pedapenki: *cannot
    Daniel Pedapenki: Yes, you are correct.
    sam: The three programs are running fine but two as tryout only. I only have this one disk to load from, supplies by Apple with the new machine
    sam: The box says 'For sale only with a new Mac'
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, you have to install the product in Win platform as the serial number issued for you is for Win.
    sam: Not going to do that. Please give me a working serial number
    sam: I haven't got a disk for Windows installation anyway
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'll be right with you.
    sam: Thanks
    sam: I have only a couple of weeks to register this! And I need it for my coursework!
    Daniel Pedapenki: You are welcome.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the coupon code and the part number which you have provided to use for the edu serial number is for Win platform, in this case, we have provided you the serial number for the Win platform.
    Daniel Pedapenki: You can check in your mails for this information,.
    sam: Can you confirm back to me the product code?
    sam: I can photograph the box and email you showing the stickers etc
    sam: The part number on the back of the package is 91047958, yes?
    Daniel Pedapenki: Product name: CS5.5 Design Standard.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Part number (PN): 91047958
    Daniel Pedapenki: Coupon code: dsgnm3-1630-0679-7505-5758
    Daniel Pedapenki: Design Standard CS 5.5---   1.4164
    sam: There's also a sticker saying PN: 65147483
    sam: Lot code 12056
    sam: I don't know where in my emails I said it was for Windows?
    sam: Also, why has Indesign activated properly?
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the serial number is for the Win platform, in this case, you can use this serial number in the Win platform.
    sam: I did not buy the software to use in Windows. I am moving completely to Apple
    sam: As I asked above:
    sam: sam: I don't know where in my emails I said it was for Windows? sam: Also, why has Indesign activated properly?
    sam: Why did the Education activation people give me the wrong number?
    sam: Two possible solutions now are that you give me the correct serial number, or send me another disk which will activate properly on OS X
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'll be right with you.
    sam: I'm feeling like I have done something wrong here... and it's not a good feeling
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please allow me a moment to search for the information.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for your patience.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, in this case, I'll provide you the new serial number for Mac version.
    sam: OK
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, please be online for 2 minutes.
    sam: OK
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Sam, the new serial number is 1......-6201.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    sam: Can I just try that serial
    Daniel Pedapenki: I'm sure you can activate the product with out any issue.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Please feel free to contact us if you need more assistance.
    Daniel Pedapenki: Do you have any further questions for me today?
    sam: No thanks
    Daniel Pedapenki: Thank you for contacting Adobe.  We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!
    Thank you for chatting with us. Please click the "Close" button on the top right of the chat window to tell us how we did today.
    You are not currently connected to a chat representative.
    When I inserted the disk it came up with the serial loaded as ...............7313-xxx
    Deleted all and reinstalled, IT! changed my code as above to ...............6201 and all seemed promising….... etc.!

    Have you bothered to do any research at all? Not every app was upgrade to 5.5. Those that weren’t will next be upgraded to CS6.

  • Serial number problem with CS6

    This morning, after running for over a year, the serial number that came with the copy of CS6 that I bought last August stopped working. I got an "invalid serial number error" and that was the end of CS6. I tried getting help from Adobe, but to no avail. The website was full of deadends or irrelevant pages. When I finally got into the chat cue, and I still don't know how I found it because I haven't been able to find it again, after an hour of waiting I had to go to work. With only 9 other people in line ahead of me.
    So I've uninstalled and reinstalled CS6 twice, but it keeps telling me I have an invalid serial number. It is the serial number I registered with Adobe last year and that has worked since then. It is the same number that shows up when I look up "installed products" in my AdobeID account. Regardless, it is now inexplicably invalid. I found a post suggesting I run CC Cleaner. I did it--twice. I also adjusted file folder permissions on the Adobe program folder based on someone else's advice, but neither solved anything.
    My impression is that it isn't an installation problem but that due to a mistake on Adobe's end, maybe due to an Adobe or MS auto update, my serial number now really is invalid, though it is paid for. This would mean there is nothing wrong with my installation, but just the serial number. With that in mind, and also that I don't want to deal with the aggravation any longer, I bit the bullet and bought...another copy of CS6. That's right, I will have paid twice for one copy because of a problem that is likely Adobe's fault. Congratulations Adobe! I came onto this forum so I could get an answer to the following question: who do I send the bill to? Who at Adobe reimburses their users when this kind of thing happens? If customer support had been better I might have been willing to hang in there while waiting for a fix, but it is obvious that none of the options available are made to assist customers so much as to drive them away. If I had known of an alternative software that could replace PS, Illustrator, and InDesign, I would have bought it instead.

    I know I won't get reimbursed, the question was rhetorical.
    I bought the software through my university supplier of all our software, so it is legit. The point is that I paid for it, I should be able to use it. If it doesn't work, there should be a way to tell Adobe. I wouldn't be angry about it now if not for the fact I couldn't even send the information to Adobe.
    This same thing happened with my copy of IBM SPSS and QVR's nVivo X10 software. The problem is that the way these software keys are installed happens to be very sensitive to system changes or even updates on the other end, at the developer's servers that maintain licenses. I understand why they have the keys, but the way they are implemented ruins the user experience for me. When I spend about two weeks every year fixing software glitches like this, that's my whole Christmas vacation , they need to improve the software because it is becoming more trouble than it is worth.
    I wish there was a competitor for Adobe because I would love to spend my money there, even if it costs more, just to switch to another application and remind Adobe that their monopoly on the market could crumble if the customer experience starts going south.

  • Serial Number problem...

    I have a big problem with my photoshop Serial. My Serial Number is activated on two different computers but these are not alive anymore. How can I deactivate the Software on the software from a different computer so that I can install this on my new computer. Thank you very much! Please have an answer for me ASAP! Thank You so much!

    Call support to reset activations.

  • Serial number problem and downloads

    I had to do a hard re-set of my Centro to remove Versamail since the Palm OS can't recognize the GoDaddy cert on our server.  When I attempted to reload my bonus software, namely documents to go, the program said my serial number was not valid.  When I originally installed the software last December there was not a problem with the serial number being recognized.  I have tried every imaginable combination of "O" and "0" in the number and with all caps and no caps.  Nothing works. 
    Please help.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

    Hello and thank you for using the Palm Help Forums!
    Well, I do apologize for the inconvience. If it helps there are no "O's" in any Palm serial number. They would be zeros. You may need to talk to godaddy if it's still not recognizing your serial number correctly.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

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