Re: Transports of Workbook to QA

I transported my Work books from Dev to QA, my Transports went through successfully but I cannot see that work book in QA. How can I see my work books in QA?

Hello Kumar,
Have you transported the Roles to QA? If not transport the Roles then you can see the Workbooks.

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                  I got an Error while transporting a Workbook from Development to quality.The error is "logical transport object 432L not found in table RSTLOGOPROP".     
        Could u let me out with a possible solution....Plz...

    You have to create a new request and transport it again before transporting ensure that you collect all the dependent objects manually in the "Transport Connection" in the collection options.
    Hope this helps
    Assign points if useful

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    What do you mean by you published the Workbook.. ?? could you pls explain if it is different than what I am thinking..
    you created a new workbook in Dev and assigned(saved) to the role..and you transported this workbook across the landscape.. (but sure, you have to transport the Role too)..
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    As you are saying role are already moved to quality system,before transporting
    the workbook make aure role ,query are present in the quality system.
    Please give more input.
    Saveen kumar

  • Missing Workbook in Production

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    Appreciate your help and points will be assigned.

    Hi Priya,
    There is no Option to Restore the Deleted workbook.
    But You Can check the Log by Executing the ABAP Program RRMX_WORKBOOKS_GARBAGE_COLLECT in SE38.Here you can find the ID of your work book which was Deleted.There by you can Transport the workbook from Development Server.
    or Once you get the workbook ID that was Deleted Go to Try to fin the Request that has this workbook Just Re-Import that Request.
    Message was edited by:

  • Workbook does not exist in document store

    Hi All,
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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Robyn.
    Sounds VERY like the issue we have to manage carefully, where an old transport has gone through, and undone the impact of a later transport - could that be the problem? If so, I will explain how we have set up a process to enable us to manage it, cos there are times when we have had up to 6 different workbooks going through in parallel, each with a role transport, and ensuring that the older ones dont undo the effect of the newer ones was nearly impossible!

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    We’re running BW 3.5 on Oracle 10g.
    I’ve never run across this before, and I’m not sure where I should look next.  Can anybody point me in the right direction?
    Thank you very much!

      when you did not transport any workbooks or queries how can you find them in prod.
    If that is not the case check....
    RSRWORKBOOK(table)- if you have workbook ID
    RRMX_WORKBOOK_LIST_GET -function module       
    hope this helps you.....
    Message was edited by: AVR - IGA

  • Change properties to refresh when opening new workbook

    Hi All,
    I am trying to change the properties of queries and saved the workbook, when i am tranport those changes into QA environment it was not reflecting the changes in QA.
    Please help me on this issue, this is an urgent.
    Thanks in adwance....

    You have to check two areas
    1. Have you chekcked bex refresh checked in the workbook properties
    Right click on workbook result ->properties -> Interaction -> 3rd option
    Refresh workbook when query is changed
    2. During transport, you have to transport the workbook ..have you did that?
    N Ganesh

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    Please can you tell me how to make my workbook available in the analyzer?

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  • Workbooks

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    when you collect the objects in transport connection select the role you will get all the workbooks under that role then select you workbook and assing it to request and release the request and transport  .

  • Automatically change datasource for several workbooks

    Hi all,
    is there any possibility to change the data source (source system) of several workbooks at once? We have several BW systems with lots of queries with only one test BO Machine. Each BW system has the queries, but with different data (for example for tests of large projects).
    BW-Query Q123 on BW systems BW1, BW2 and BW3 (transported with BW-Transport)
    Analysis-Workbook W123 with connection to Q123 on BW1 on BO System BO1 (transported with the promotion management from development system)
    This Workbook has to be copied to:
         W123-2 with connection to Q123 on BW2 on BO System BO1
         W123-3 with connection to Q123 on BW3 on BO System BO1
    We know that we can make a copy of the query and change the data source manually, but for let's say 50 workbooks or even more that's too much effort (as it has to be done several times if there are new versions).

    Hi Florian,
    did I get you right, you like to exchange the datasource name (within a workbook in my case Workbookname is Test_1)like in my (figure) example ReportDistributor_Q001?
    Or do you like to copy the workbook( Excel) in DEV ( Test_1) to quality system as Test_2 (including the same datasource
    Or do you like to change both , Workbookname ( Test_1 => Test_2) and name of datasource(ReportDistributor_Q001 =>ReportDistributor_Q001_2) ?
    Just let me know what option you are looking for
    Jörg Böke

  • Not able to see the workbook created

    Hi all,
    I have created a workbook in Dev system with my id and i am not able to view that workbook when i login with other id's apart from my id.
    Is there any authorizations that needs to be maintained in order to be able to view workbooks created by other id's
    And also when i transported the workbook that i have created to TST system,even there i am not able to view that workbook using any of the id's including my id.
    Kindly let me know if there are any roles that needs to maintained in order to view the workbooks

    Check where u have created this workbook. Is it in your favorites then no one else will able to see it.
    Add this in any role and then attach that role to other users.
    Also will transporting to another client transport the role including that workbook.
    It will work properly.
    Sachin J

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