Reading relative position on multiple axis

Hi all,
I need to read the relative position on two axis via the encoders. I have open loop steppers with encoders. I can read the encoder position on one axis easy enough be we need to read the encoder position of two axis simultaniously. I have looked at high speed capture but this only supports one axis. We have the top end motion card 7358. Taking two reads of the encoders a different times is not good enough for our application - any ideas? I guess I could write a DSP program, if this is the answer does anyone know of any examples? I was hoping there would be an easier way to solve this challenge.
Certified LabVIEW Architect

Dear Martin.D
To effectively measure and monitor the position of the encoders, use the DAQmx functions. And use a digital trigger with the source as the encoder channel that starts recording data as soon as the encoder is initialised. Look at the Cont Acq & chart samples Int-Clk-Dig Start VI in the examples or from examples and use this for your two lines. Set the sample clock for both lines as the same so that both are synchronised. The VI is an adaptation on the example using the two lines. Set your relevant sources and what outputs you desire. Please let me know how you get on with this.
Xiaofengliu, your -70006 error code typically corresponds to an error on the axis input. If you receive this error code when using a Load DAC function, it is
most likely due to an improper 'DAC' input. This error is common when
using the flex_load_dac function in a text based programming language.
The DAC input requires a resource identifier for the DAC to be used.
This identifier is not just a simple number, but rather a hex id number
unique to each axis. The resource IDs for DAC outputs are listed below.
Please see the link I have attached below to guide you through and resolve your error:​3189486256FDB004CF7F6?OpenDocument
Many thanks for using the NI forums and I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK

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    You may, with one image in the set masked:
    1) Direct Select the Clipping Path and Ctrl/Cmd+C+F+X+F, then move it by the distance between the centres of the images; you may do that for the whole set by repetition;
    2) Select the/each image and path and Object>Clipping Mask>Make.
    Alternatively, in 1), you may select the Clipping Path (Mask) in the Layers palette, within the Group.
    The Ctrl/Cmd+C+F+X+F is to get the path out of the Group.

  • Problems with relative positioning divs

    Hi all,
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    To pinpoint one example of this recurring problem, the #sidenav_one div will float: left with a spacing of top 8px and left 8px, but then #sidenav_two refuses to float: left, clear: both with a spacing of top 8px (I've had to put in 16px to actually get 8px, in both Firefox, Safari and Opera). (relevant parts of code highlighted).
    I am happy to change how I've structured the page, if people think there is a better or cleaner way to do it. Thanks in advance.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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        left: 30px; 
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    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="curvycorners.js"></script>
    <script type="text/JavaScript">
    window.onload = function() {
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    <body onload="MM_preloadImages('images/news_down.jpg','images/about_down.jpg','images/what_up.j pg','images/who_down.jpg','images/support_down.jpg','images/contact_down.jpg')">
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    <div id="spot">you are here</div>
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    <div id="text">
    <h2> Breaking the Cycle - United Future Foundation</h2>
    <p>United Future Foundation is an Australian non-government organisation operating in Uganda. UFF is “breaking the cycle” through education. We believe that education is the primary means of creating lasting change, increasing literacy and improving employment. UFF is building a combined primary school and vocational training centre for over 300 students in the Kasanje region of Uganda. </p>
    <p>United Future Foundation is focussed on facilitating access to education and skills training for disadvantaged youth in poverty stricken and remote areas of Uganda. We strongly believe that education is the first and foremost method to break the cycle of illiteracy, ill health and lack of opportunities. </p>
    <div class="rounded" id="sidenav_one">
    <div class="rounded" id="sidenav_two">
      <h1>Press Releases</h1>
    <div class="rounded" id="sidenav_three">
    <div id="home_home"><a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('home','','images/news_down.jpg',1)"><img src="images/news_up.jpg" name="home" width="250" height="188" border="0" id="home" /></a></div>
    <div id="home_about"><a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('about','','images/about_down.jpg',1)"><img src="images/about_up.jpg" name="about" width="250" height="188" border="0" id="about" /></a></div>
    <div id="home_events"><a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('events','','images/what_up.jpg',1)"><img src="images/what_down.jpg" name="events" width="250" height="188" border="0" id="events" /></a> </div>

    This is much simpler than you would think. You're making it hard work for yourself because you believe css is much more comlex than it really is or need be.
    You rarely need to use relative positioning at all. You are using too many <divs> and redundant css attributes to reach your goals.
    Think of the web as a simple structure of boxes and ino those boxes you place html tags or 'when' needed other <divs> ('when' is the choice word here. In time you will know when and when not to)
    Copy the css and page code below and paste into a new Dreamweaver document. See how much leaner and cleaner the css and html code is.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    font-family: "Myriad Pro", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
    p {
    font-family: "Myriad Pro", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #000;
    .rounded {
    #spot {
    text-align: right;
    #container {
    margin: 0 auto; /* horizontally centers container which has a width */
    margin-top: 15px;
    width: 972px;
    background-color: #999;
    padding-bottom: 25px;
    overflow: hidden; /* a method to clear floated containers within a parent container */
    #banner {
    width: 872px;
    background-color: #FFF;
    margin: 0 auto; /* horizontally centers container which has a width */
    margin-top: 15px;
    color: #999;
    #banner_left {
    float: left;
    margin-left: 5px;
    margin-top: 5px;
    #banner_right {
    float: right;
    margin-right: 5px;
    margin-top: 5px;
    #banner_name {
    clear: both;
    margin-left: 5px;
    #content {
    margin: 0 auto; /* horizontally centers container which has a width */
    background-color: #FFF;
    margin-top: 20px;
    overflow: hidden; /* a method to clear floated containers within a parent container */
    #sidenav {
    float: left;
    h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: #000;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: #999;
    padding: 10px 0 10px 0; /* short hand for top/right/bottom/left */
    margin: 0 0 6px 0; /* short hand for top/right/bottom/left */
    #text {
    margin: 8px 0 0 18px; /* short hand for top/right/bottom/left */
    background-color: #FFF;
    float: left;
    #home_home {
    clear: both;
    margin: 10px 0 0 31px; /* short hand for top/right/bottom/left */
    #home_home img {
    float: left;
    <div class="rounded" id="container">
    <div id="spot">you are here</div>
    <div class="rounded" id="banner">
    <div id="banner_left"><img src="banner_uff.jpg" width="450" height="70" /><img src="banner_name.gif" width="509" height="133" /></div><!-- end banner left -->
    <div id="banner_right"><img src="ufflogo.jpg" width="208" height="200" /></div><!-- end banner right -->
    </div><!-- end banner -->
    <div class="rounded" id="content">
    <div class="rounded" id="sidenav">
        <h1>Press Releases</h1>
    </div><!-- end sidnav -->
    <div id="text">
    <h2> Breaking the Cycle - United Future Foundation</h2>
    <p>United Future Foundation is an Australian non-government organisation operating in Uganda. UFF is “breaking the cycle” through education. We believe that education is the primary means of creating lasting change, increasing literacy and improving employment. UFF is building a combined primary school and vocational training centre for over 300 students in the Kasanje region of Uganda. </p>
    <p>United Future Foundation is focussed on facilitating access to education and skills training for disadvantaged youth in poverty stricken and remote areas of Uganda. We strongly believe that education is the first and foremost method to break the cycle of illiteracy, ill health and lack of opportunities. </p>
    </div><!-- end text -->
    </div><!-- end content -->
    <div id="home_home"><a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('home','','images/news_down.jpg',1)"><img src="images/news_up.jpg" name="home" width="250" height="188" border="0" id="home" /></a>
    <a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('about','','images/about_down.jpg',1)"><img src="images/about_up.jpg" name="about" width="250" height="188" border="0" id="about" /></a>
    <a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('events','','images/what_up.jpg',1)"><img src="images/what_down.jpg" name="events" width="250" height="188" border="0" id="events" /></a>
    </div><!-- end home_home -->
    </div><!-- end container -->

  • Time of reading encoder position

    I want to ask you people where can i learn function execution times of NI 7358 board? I'm developing driver for this card on QNX 6.5. When i send read encoder position package to 7358, the first data comes to RDB register after around 10 ms for first time. Is it normal? Is there any documentation file that includes all function execution times (average)?
    Best regards.

    Hi erhan,
    I'm not too surprised that once the motion has started, the "Read Axis Status" function takes more time. The card should devote more resources towards managing the movement. That being said, the timing help document is only in reference to the individual function calls and as you stated the Read Axis Status alone has no latency. 
    Unfortunately, besides this timing help document, there isn't other documentation that is released that discusses the execution timing. If this is a bigger concern, I would try benchmarking the process on multiple computers.
    Paul M
    National Instruments | Applications Engineer |

  • Font Smoothing + Relative Positioning = Problem

    I ran across a strange inconsistency while designing a relative position based layout.
    My page has two divs, both relative positioned for height. They do not overlap. The page renders excellent in Firefox 3.5, and not bad in Chrome (though a little different from FF). Safari however pushes my second div down too far.
    I found that by disabling font smoothing (or rather switching it to anything besides "windows standard") fixes this issue. However there isn't even any actual text on the site, at all. There's 4 images, a couple input fields and a submit button.
    I can post some of the code, or example screenshots of what's happening. I've tried a couple css hacks to target safari (without targeting chrome) with no success. Anybody have any advice?

    Please disreard...
    I got it figured out. I just moved the paragraph tag outside
    of the table
    and changed the position from bottom:50% to top:50%
    once the <p> was moved out of the table, it's normal
    position would be at
    the very top. So, I moved it 50% down from the top using
    positioning. Being inside the table caused it to not work in
    Gecko? I
    wonder why?
    "-D-" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:f7fr0d$jb8$[email protected]..
    > I'm using relative positioning for an <p> tag that
    is positioned normally
    > at the bottom of a table cell "valign="bottom".
    > I set the paragraph tag to <p
    > so, the text will position itself 50% from the bottom
    positioning. This
    > works fine in IE, but Mozilla and Netscape still
    position the text at the
    > bottom of the table cell.
    > Here is the test page to see what is happening:
    > fill out the form and click send to see the problem.
    > Thanks for any help.

  • Do I understand AP Divs & relative positioning?

    So to cut a long story short....
    I am newbie & plunged into creating my first website using all AP elements, only to find out that this is not a good way because of the nature of the AP's.
    After much help from this forum (PZ in particular) I decided to do my research a little bit more.
    I still have to create another website that I guess should really be built in flash (as suggested by someone). But as I dont know Flash this is not an option. (please see attached design concept).
    The only elements I really need at this point would be for the "get a quote" & "about", "contact" bubbles to have rollover states that change colour when the mouse goes over them.
    I have been trying to find the best way of doing this without AP elements.
    1) Create a Div container with the main image for the background, then insert a table and try to insert the rollover images that way. But after research, I am finding that I should be steering away from tables and moving towards CSS. Which then led me to Idea no 2.
    2) Create a Div container with the main image for the background, then insert Div's and adjust the margins (relative positioning?) to move to the Divs in correct places I need the rollovers. But again I read that this method should only be done for tweaking a web page and not  structuring a webpage as may cause problems.
    3) Create a Div container with the main image for the background, then insert Div's in a grid like system (see attached image of my guides where I would place Div's), But this seems a over complicated way to do it and you end up with divs that have no use & lots of unwanted code.
    OR am I right in thinking this works?
    4) Apply a relative positioned Div, set background image, then place AP div's inside RP Div that I would use for my rollovers? If I did this would this then avoid the problem of the AP divs moving in different browsers?
    Or have I got this all completely wrong and have to go back to the drawing board again?
    Your thoughts would be appreciated :-)
    Many thanks in advance

    Build your HTML content logically from top of page to bottom of page.  Use default CSS positioning (which is no positioning at all) for the majority of your page layout.
    Use AP Divs only when absolutely necessary because doing so removes them from normal content flow.
    To control APDivs in relation to other content on the page, you many need to wrap them inside a relatively positioned container.
    Example of APDivs inside a Relatively positioned container:
    As far as your design concept goes, you could do this a number of ways.  With CSS sprites or an Image Map, for example.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Getting error while reading the positional flat files

    I have a requirement to read a Positional Flat file and convert into XML through oracle B2B. I have created a positional flat file .ecs, XSD and parser .ecs file using the blog and updated the same in the server.
    I have created a agreemnt for inbound scenario But while testing the inbound scenario i am getting an error in B2B as :
    Error Code     B2B-50083
    Error Description     Machine Info: Description: Document protocol identification error.
    Error Severity     ERROR
    Error Text     Document protocol identification error.
    I have tried all the possible ways but getting the same error.
    Please guide me to overcome this.

    Have you followed the step#2 correctly -
    Copying the parser ecs in the installation directory and adding an entry in XERegistry.xml (of all machines if domain is spanned across multiple machines)
    Also make sure that you have provided Identification Value, Identification Start Position and Identification End Position correctly in Document Defintion. Please remember that start position starts from 1 (instead of 0)

  • Relative position of splitter in panelSplitter

    I wount to set the splitterPosition in panelSplitter to a relative value, e.g. 50%.
    I see that only an integer value is possible for this attribute.
    Is it possible to achieve a relative position to the availabe space on the screen?
    I need it also for the case the web browser window is resized and the splitters should be moved relativelly to the new available screen size.
    Best regards.

    Hmmmm... That's not working either.
    Inserting this expression into an Effect's point control doesn't put it in the right position.  I tried inserting this expression into another (2D) null's position, but it's in the same incorrect place.
    Original Null A Position (from C4D project import).  This comp is put into Comp ZZ.
    Applying that Expression to Null's position in Comp ZZ puts the new Null B way off in the corner.

  • Read Encoder Position is too slow, why?

    I am controlling a telescope using close-loop servo mode of 7342. What I want is to use get current position of my motor using encoder and since the position value is critical to my telescope motion system I need a fast read back of that value. However, the action is very slow, about 20ms a cycle. Is there any specification on the speed of this function? Is there any solution to speed it up? Are there any new products which is faster than this card?

    The NI-735x family of motion controllers allows you to read the position much faster. The position is read from a shared register that the motion board updates. Since it is a register read, the host takes very little time to get the position information.
    The NI-733x/4x families of motion controllers do send a command to the motion board that the motion board has to process and then return the data. Typically this should only take a few milliseconds or less for a read. But it is dependent on what else the motion board is doing. Things that can effect the time it takes to respond to a host request are number of axes used in arc moves, and short bursts of multiple commands sent to the board. The board has a FIFO that is 16 commands deep. If you send down multiple commands followed by a read position, each command in front of the read command has to be processed first. Which could explain why you are seeing a 20 ms read.
    In NI-Motion 6.1.x we have changed the driver software to help load balance the host request with the rest of the processes running on the board. In most cases this helps performance.
    What version of our driver software are you using? How fast do you really need to get the position information?
    Rodger S.

  • How to read data after select multiple record by checkbox,

    hi experts
    i  m using simple report with check box , and itab whcih contain records
    how to read data after select multiple record by checkbox,

    Hi Prashant,
       Try using this logic.This Code displays the list with check boxes. When you check a checkbox and press a button say 'Select All' or 'De Select all' or 'Display'. It will read the data of those records.
    DATA :
      fs_flight TYPE type_s_flight,
      fs_flight1 TYPE type_s_flight1.
    * Internal tables to hold Flight  Details                             *
    DATA :
      t_flight LIKE
            OF fs_flight,
      t_flight1 LIKE
             OF fs_flight1.
    PERFORM selection.
    PERFORM displaybasic .
    *                      AT USER COMMAND EVENT                          *
      PERFORM selectall .
    *&      Form  SELECTION
    *      Select query to reteive data from SPFLI table
    *  There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine.
    FORM selection .
      SELECT  carrid                       " Airline Code
              connid                       " Flight Connection Number                  
        FROM  spfli
        INTO TABLE t_flight.
      DESCRIBE TABLE t_flight LINES w_lines .
    ENDFORM.                               " SELECTION
    *&      Form  DISPLAYBASIC
    *      Display the basic list with SPFLI data
    *  There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine.
    FORM displaybasic .
      LOOP AT t_flight INTO fs_flight.
        WRITE :
             w_check AS CHECKBOX,
             fs_flight-carrid UNDER text-001,
             fs_flight-connid UNDER text-002.
      ENDLOOP.                             " LOOP AT T_FLIGHT..
      CLEAR fs_flight-carrid .
      CLEAR fs_flight-connid.
    ENDFORM.                               " DISPLAYBASIC
    *&      Form  SELECTALL
    *      To check all the checkboxes with a 'selectall' push button
    *  There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine.
    FORM selectall .
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'SELECT_ALL'.
          w_check = 'X'.
          w_line = 4 .
          DO w_lines TIMES.
            READ LINE w_line .
            MODIFY LINE w_line FIELD VALUE w_check .
            ADD 1 TO w_line .
          ENDDO.                           " DO W_LINES TIMES
          CLEAR w_line.
          w_check = space.
          w_line = 4 .
          DO w_lines TIMES.
            READ LINE w_line FIELD VALUE w_mark .
            IF w_mark = space .
              MODIFY LINE w_line FIELD VALUE w_check .
            ENDIF.                         " IF W_MARK = SPACE
            ADD 1 TO w_line .
          ENDDO.                           " DO W_LINES TIMES
        WHEN 'DISPLAY'.
    IF sy-lilli BETWEEN 4 AND w_lines .
        DO w_lines TIMES.
          READ LINE w_num FIELD VALUE w_check INTO w_check
                                     fs_flight-carrid INTO fs_flight-carrid
                                     fs_flight-connid INTO fs_flight-connid.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            IF w_check = 'X'
              SELECT  carrid
                      fldate               " Flight date
                      seatsmax             " Maximum capacity in economy
                      seatsocc             " Occupied seats in economy class
                FROM  sflight
                INTO  TABLE t_flight1
               WHERE  carrid = fs_flight-carrid
                 AND  connid = fs_flight-connid.
              LOOP AT t_flight1 INTO fs_flight1.
                WRITE :
                  / fs_flight-carrid UNDER text-001,
                    fs_flight-connid UNDER text-002,
                    fs_flight1-fldate UNDER text-007,
                    fs_flight1-seatsmax UNDER text-008,
                    fs_flight1-seatsocc UNDER text-009.
            ENDIF.                         " IF SY-SUBRC = 0
          ENDIF.                           " IF W_CHECK = 'X'.
          ADD 1 TO w_num.
        ENDDO.                             " DO W_LINES TIMES
        CLEAR w_check.
        w_num = 0.
      ELSE .
      ENDIF.                               " IF SY-LILLI BETWEEN..
    ENDCASE.                             " CASE SY-UCOMM
    ENDFORM.                               " SELECTALL
    Much Regards,

  • Prob. with Absolute/Relative Positioning of Layers

    I used the List-u-Like generator to create a menu (
    for this page that I created in Dreamweaver:
    and my menu is acting wacky in Firefox. Everything looks fine
    in IE though. I've been trying to read through the Help on
    positioning, but it gets so confusing. Can anyone help me out on
    what I'm doing wrong?

    romeogq wrote:
    > Noooo, please don't be serious. That's basically what
    I've been doing... and
    > it's way too time consuming, especially when I could
    simply export using
    > tables. Just trying to figure out the simplest way to
    export to css with
    > relative positioning. My graphic has about 40 slices,
    hence I really do not
    > want to hand code.
    Have you checked out the SMART CSS extension available on
    Adobe's web
    site? It may help.
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    Extending Knowledge, Daily
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.



    Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:28:56 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Something is definitely wrong with your install of Reader.
    A PDF consists of only the number of pages it was created with.  Reader can and will only open those pages... IF it's installed and working properly.
    Opening multiple blank pages from a document which contains none is a clear sign that the software isn't functioning. It's like putting a movie into a DVD player, and your TV starts a picture slide show of your last Summer's vacation. Not possible unless there's something seriously wrong.
    Uninstall Reader 9.
    Use either Adobe's clean uninstaller or Windows Installer Cleanup Utility ( exe) to remove all Reader installer files from your system.
    Reinstall Reader 9 from a new download (do not use the old one if you still have it on your system)

  • Change labels of multiple axis in xy-chart

    I want to programmatically change the labels of the axes in a xy-chart with two y-axes.
    I can easily manage this for the x-axis and the first y-axis. But I can't find how to access the properties of the second y-axis. How to do this?
    LV 7.1 - 8.2

    There is a property named "Active Y Scale".
    In dictates which of the multiple axis you are going to act on.
    Set it to the index of the axis you want to change BEFORE setting the label.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • White space below footer due to Relative Positioning?

    I'm pretty new to coding. I'm learning how to do a responsive website and everything is working, EXCEPT for the huge blank space below the footer at the largest screen resolution. I know it is because of the relative positioning I used for the "samples" section. I know this question has been asked before. I've tried the suggestions, but cannot seem to get it to work. I cannot figure out a way to accomplish having the "samples" section at the spot I want without using relative positioning. I've tried "float" to no avail.
    Everything is working, except for the huge space below the footer at the largest screen size for my responsive page.
    Instead of pasting my .html and 3 .css files here, here is my site of which you can right click and "view page source" to get all the code. Don't want to make my question look too long!
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Please share the URL of the web site.
    Abhishek Maurya

  • What function is used to read Angular Position form a Task?

    I have created a DAQmx task in MAX. This task configures a counter on a PCI-6259 to take the A and B counts from an encoder and give the Angular Position. What function do I use to read the value since I am no longer reading counts I am reading the position?
    Thank you in advance for any advice!
    John O'C
    Staff Test Systems Engineer
    Woodward, Inc.
    Skokie, Illinois, USA
    "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely
    in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside,
    thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...
    Wow...What a Ride!"
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Izzy,
    I have Created the task in MAX. The task takes input into the counter from an encoder and converts it to angular position. Do I still use the DAQmxReadCounterF64 function to read the counter? I am guessing that I do and that the function returns the angular position rather than the raw counts. Not sure though.
    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
    John O'C
    John O'C
    Staff Test Systems Engineer
    Woodward, Inc.
    Skokie, Illinois, USA
    "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely
    in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside,
    thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...
    Wow...What a Ride!"

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  • How to display mouse coordinates???

    I wanted to display my custom cursors x and y coordinates on my movie. It seems like it should only be a few lines of actionscript but I can't seem to figure it out. Has anyone done this. If so I would appreciate some help. Thx I am using Flash MX by

  • Newbie ques about timeout

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  • SP installation in PRD after 3 month

    Dear SAP profies, Please, tell, which kind of problems i can faced, if i will install SP on PRD system over 3 month of installation on DEV and QAS? SP: SAP_BASIS 731: SP 0008 SAP_ABA 731: SP 0008 PI_BASIS 731: SP 0008 SAP_BW 731: SP 0008 WEBCUIF 731: