Rebuilding partitions indexes takes a lot of time

We have 5 partitions in one table with the following sizes:
P1 ---- 160MB
P2 ---- 160MB
P3 -- 1280MB
P4 -- 5400MB
P5 - 24640MB
Nobody is connected to the instance, no apps is running on this server, the server is dedicated to the database and only for my session
I rebuild the index in theP1 partition it takes 52minutes but when i rebuild P3 partitions it takes only 12 minutes.
Why it happens?

Trace the CREATE INDEX statement with 10046 event trace and analyze the trace output.

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       where    docnr  in   s_belnr
        and     rbukrs eq   p_bukrs
        and     ryear  eq   p_gjahr.
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    best regards
    Moderator message: this has been discussed many times, please search in the ABAP performance sub-forum.
    Please Read before Posting in the Performance and Tuning Forum
    locked by: Thomas Zloch on Aug 12, 2010 3:13 PM

    Of course you can add an index - the best fields depends on your WHERE clause and field usage.  How broad is the doc number selection?  Have you traced the selection?  It doesn't really make sense that you'd need a secondary index with those fields unless you're not using the DOCNR specification or it's very broad.

  • Transport Studio import takes a lot of time...Please help

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    2. What can I do to make this process a little faster?
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    Thanks & Warm Regards,

    Hi Ritu,
    1. That heavily depends on what you do, i.e. what is contained in the SCAs and what already exists in your track.
    As you can see from the details importing an SCA means you import sources into DTR (if the SCA contains sources), then everything is built and finally deployed (if there is a runtime system).
    Import into DTR can involve some heavy database operations. This step alone may take a few hours (e.g. SAP_ESS). Building depends on how much is changed and what was imported. If you import SAP_BUILDT usually everything is rebuild. If you import an SCA from another development track maybe only a few DCs are built. And then some DC builds only take a few seconds while others require several minutes (e.g. those tra/tre/tr* components in ESS.)
    2. Optimize DTR & CBS performance. Check database for performance bottlenecks, put CBS temporary build space on a fast harddisk, make sure the threadPoolSize fits your hardware, etc.
    3. You mean the import fails because you check details? I somehow doubt that, but I've seen in the past that the CMS request "fails" because of a timeout while CBS is still busy building things. I consider that a bug in CMS, but you have to restart the import to get deployment...
    Can you elaborate what you mean?

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    However, we want to avoid manual operations every time we want to boot the server.
    Please share your ideas.

    The only suggestions I have off the top of my head are:
    * Ensure (1) the host system has at least 2GB (file store size) of free physical memory in addition to the memory used by current processes, and (2) the host system is not rebooted between each WebLogic restart. If you make sure of these two items, then the operating system will implicitly cache the store's file contents in memory even between boots -- when WebLogic subsequently boots the file store, the O/S should serve the file contents up much more quickly.
    * Consider moving to a JDBC store. JDBC store runtime performance is lower, but since you have a typically only have a small amount of records to recover, boot performance should be higher in this case.
    * Not that it helps your particular case, but it happens that we have boot performance enhancements in process for a future release (hopefully a near future release).

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    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-form.tld" prefix="form" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/rswtags.tld" prefix="rsw" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="dateFormatIntl" scope="session" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <title><bean:message key="title.application"/> - <bean:message key='header.return_to_vendor_detail'/></title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <%@ include file="rsw_functions.jsp" %>
    <%@ include file="shipment_rtv_functions.jsp" %>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var page = "<bean:message key='header.return_to_vendor_detail'/>"
    var rtvEntryArray = new Array();
    var totalAmtString;
    function setFormValues()
    var rtvEntriesString = "";
    for (var v = 0; v < rtvEntryArray.length; v++)
    var rtvEntryString = rtvEntryArray[v].itemNumber + "~"
    + rtvEntryArray[v].itemQty + "~"
    <rsw:display displayElementName="rtv_reason">
    + rtvEntryArray[v].inventoryStatusCode + "~"
    + rtvEntryArray[v].inventoryStatusName + "~"
    + rtvEntryArray[v].reasonCodeId + "~"
    + rtvEntryArray[v].reasonCodeName + "~" +
    <rsw:display_false displayElementName="rtv_reason">
    + " " + "~"
    + " " + "~"
    + " " + "~"
    + " " + "~" +
    rtvEntriesString = rtvEntriesString + rtvEntryString + ";";
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.rtvEntriesString.value = rtvEntriesString;
    function writeItem(itemNumber, itemQty, inventoryStatusCode, inventoryStatusName,
    reasonCodeId, reasonCodeName)
    if(!acquireFakeLock()) return;
    if (!arrayContainsItem(itemNumber, reasonCodeId))
    addEntry(itemNumber, itemQty, inventoryStatusCode, inventoryStatusName,
    reasonCodeId, reasonCodeName, "true");
    setItemQtyReasonArray(itemNumber, itemQty, reasonCodeId, reasonCodeName);
    function handleApply()
    <%-- change this if 'please select...' value changes to something other than a space --%>
    if (document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyReasonCode.value == " ")
    alert('<bean:message key="error.must_enter_a_reason" />');
    if (checkQuantityGreaterThenZero(document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyQty))
    if (document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyId.value == '')
    alert("<bean:message key='error.no_dsd_order_entries' />");
    <rsw:display displayElementName="rtv_reason">,
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyId.value = '';
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyQty.value = 1;
    <rsw:display displayElementName="rtv_reason">
    = document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.selectedInventoryStatus.options[0].value;
    function clearFields()
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.returnAuth.value = "";
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyId.value = "";
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.applyQty.value = "1";
    document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.selectedInventoryStatus.value = document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.selectedInventoryStatus.options[0].value;
    function getCurrentOptions()
    if (document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.selectedInventoryStatus.value == "AVAILABLE")
    return availableOptions;
    return unavailableOptions;
    function populateDropDown(dropdownField)
         var currentOptions;
    currentOptions = getCurrentOptions();     
    dropdownField.options.length = 0;
    var oPleaseSelectOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
    oPleaseSelectOption.value = " ";
    oPleaseSelectOption.text = "<bean:message key="label.please_select"/>";
    for (var i = 0; i < currentOptions.length; i++)
    function selectFromInvStatus()
    function initialize()
    <logic:equal name="rtvVsatShipmentForm" property="returnAuthRequired" value="true">
    if (document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.returnAuth.value == '')
    createEntryArray(document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.rtvEntriesString.value, false);
    <rsw:display displayElementName="rtv_reason">
    function next()
    if (document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.rtvEntriesString.value == '')
    alert("<bean:message key='error.no_dsd_order_entries' />");
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    if (document.rtvVsatShipmentForm.returnAuth.value == '')
    alert("<bean:message key='error.return_auth_required' />");
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    "<bean:message key='label.comments'/>", 255))
    return false;
    function doBack()
    backLink.href = "<bean:write name='rtvVsatShipmentForm' property='previousAction' />";
    function handleItemLookup() + "?actionToReturnTo=shipment_rtv_vsat_create&fieldToPopulateUponReturn=applyId","RSWLookupWindow");
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    <!-- Beginning of Page Body -->
    <body onload="initialize();displayErrors();">
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    <td class="bodymd">
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    <td class="leadSpacerCell">
    <%-- <tr>
    <td class="bodymd">
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    function updateArray(itemNumber, itemQty, fromEditWindow,
    inventoryStatusCode, inventoryStatusName,
    reasonCodeId, reasonCodeName, position, supplierCost)
    if (((rtvEntryArray[position].reasonCodeId != reasonCodeId)
    && arrayContainsItem(itemNumber, reasonCodeId))
         ((rtvEntryArray[position].itemNumber != itemNumber)
         && arrayContainsItemsExceptPos(itemNumber, reasonCodeId, position)))
    setItemQtyReasonArray(itemNumber, itemQty, reasonCodeId, reasonCodeName, supplierCost);
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    <td bgcolor="#ff0000" height="15" align="right"><span
    class="titleTxt"><bean:message key="label.application_title" />   </span></td>
    <td bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" height="1" colspan="2"></td>
    <form name="editPopupForm" style="margin-top:0;margin-left:0,margin-bottom:0;margin-right:0"
    onsubmit="handleOk();return false;">
    <input type="hidden" name="editWindowPosition" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="hiddenReasonCode" value="">
    <table cellspacing='0' class='bgColor' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='330'>
    <tr><td> </td></tr>
    <td class='bodymd'>  <bean:message key='label.item'/>:</td>
    <td class='bodymd'><input type="text" name="editWindowId" value="[id]" ></td>
    <!--Start RQST 34502 SIR 61007-->
    <!--td class='bodymd'--><!--  --><!--bean:message key='label.count_quantity'/--><!--:--><!--/td-->
    <td class='bodymd'>  <bean:message key='label.return_quantity'/>:</td>
    <!--End RQST 34502 SIR 61007-->
    <td class='bodymd'><input type="text" maxlength="8" name="editWindowQty" value="[qty]"></td>
    <rsw:display displayElementName="rtv_reason">
    <td style="display:none" class='bodymd'>  <bean:message key='label.inventory_status'/>:</td>
    <td style="display:none" class='bodymd'><select name="editWindowInventoryStatusCode" onchange="setReasonOptions();">
    <option value="AVAILABLE"><bean:message key="label.available"/></option>
    <option value="UNAVAILABLE"><bean:message key="label.unavailable"/></option>
    <td class='bodymd'>  <bean:message key='label.reason_code'/>:</td>
    <td class='bodymd'><select name="editWindowReasonCode">
    <logic:iterate name="rtvVsatShipmentForm" property="rtvReasons" id="editWindowReason">
    <option value="<bean:write name="editWindowReason" property="code"/>">
    <bean:write name="editWindowReason"

    God Lord! Does anyone else here write JSPs that look like that?
    If I had to maintain that I would shoot myself straight in the temple.
    Sorry, I don't have answer to your question, I just had to say that.
    Do you like your job?

  • Quicktime takes a lot of time to open after last Quicktime or iTunes update

    I have actually no big problems, but its a bit annoying that Quicktime Player takes a lot of time (maybe twice as before) for opening a Quicktime file (mp3 or video file, it doesnt matter).. I think this situation arised after the last Quicktime update or the update before this I dont know for sure. I think the last Quicktime update.. I am using the latest Quicktime which is 7.6 and its Tiger (10.4.11). When Quicktime Player is not opened, and its getting opened for the first time by clicking for instance on a mp3 file, it takes more then 10 seconds to open up, when I click the file Quicktime Player bounces normally as always but then the spinning rainbow beachball is shown for more then 10 seconds before the player window appears. There is no delay when I go open a mp3 from another mp3. The delay occurs only when Quicktime Player is not opened yet (quit/closed) and you click on a Quicktime file then the delay happens during the opening of the player.. Sometimes it doesnt even open the file I clicked, but only Quicktime Player so I have to click the same file again..
    What I tried is :
    deleted all Quicktime player preference files.. Didnt help
    removed all plugins from the Quicktime library.. Didnt help either
    What could the problem possibly be? What can I do to recover it except for installing my system all over again? Will Apple fix this problem with the next update?
    PS: I dont exclude that the latest iTunes update (8.1) can be a cause of this problem. Do you know if the iTunes update also changed/updated something regards Quicktime (Player)?

    Why is an Archive & Install not an option for you? It does NOT delete your applications or your settings, and is NOT the same as an Erase & Install which does.
    In my opinion it will be the only way to get your old G3 working properly again.
    How to Archive & Install:
    This document explains how to correctly reinstall a prior version of Mac OS X in the event that other troubleshooting does not resolve an issue:
    BUT: Don't install older versions of Mac OS than what comes with your computer:
    Will Apple fix this problem with the next update?
    For 99.9% of users there is no problem to fix.
    But before doing your archive and install, when did you last perform a bit of maintenance?
    Repairing permissions is important, and should always be carried out both before and after any software installation or update.
    Go to Disk Utility (this is in your Utilities Folder in your Application folder) and click on the icon of your hard disk (not the one with all the numbers).
    In First Aid, click on Repair Permissions.
    This only takes a minute or two in Tiger, but much longer in Leopard.
    Background information here:
    and here:
    An article on troubleshooting Permissions can be found here:
    By the way, you can ignore any messages about SUID or ACL file permissions, as explained here:
    If you were having any serious problems with your Mac you might as well complete the exercise by repairing your hard disk as well. You cannot do this from the same start-up disk. Reboot from your install disk (holding down the C key). Once it opens, select your language, and then go to Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Select your hard disk as before and click Repair.
    Once that is complete reboot again from your usual start-up disk.
    More useful reading here:
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck

  • Minus takes a lot of time

    Hi all,
    My problem is as follows.
    I made a mapping that in less then a minute populated on of my tables. Then I change it to, before inserting, make a minus with target table, it works fine and takes almost the same time to populate the table, except when the target table is empty, in this case it takes four hours.
    If I take the minus it runes ok!
    What could be the problem?
    Owb 9.2
    Oracle database 9.2

    I have a splitter control that makes some records to be inserted in a table and some other's to be updated (complex condition to update needed), after the splitter on the flow that will insert i'm making a Minus between this records and the target table (selection MINUS target). When target table is empty it takes a lot of time.
    I edited the mapping PL/SQL and try to execute the cursor created to this same flow and it takes the same time. I guess my problem is that the original select is made just for the records that doesn't exist in target table (that's for insert, uses all record's for update). When the target table has most of the records it will select few on the source (to insert) and minus run much faster.
    What is odd is that just Original select goes in a few seconds and the minus takes all the time, but i just got 20000 records with 4 small columns, two of them numbers. And target table is empty!!!
    I have made several other MINUS instruction in some other databases much more heavy to the system and worked real fast.
    Could it be database configuration?

  • Import process takes a lot of time to connect to schemas in the RPD

    Hi Gurus,
    I am facing this problem where when I start to import tables from my database into the rpd, it takes hours to load/display the schemas. Once I select tables, the import process takes another hour.
    Does this look like a setting issue on OBIEE end or database connectivity? I can connect to the database through SQL developer within seconds with the same credentials. Its eating a lot into my dev time. Please suggest at the earliest. Much appreciated.

    tried it. It keeps saying connection failed. My problem is my connection is fine. I can connect without the localhost:port/sid. The next step of choosing Tables,views.. that screen too loads within a second. Once I hit next on that screen, it takes a lot of time for my schema to show up.
    My setup here is I hv downloaded the admin tool only, created a dsn connection and trying to import tables in online mode. All connections work fine but they take a lot of time.
    I just need to validate if its a database connecticity issue or obiee connectivity.

  • New ImageIcon(path) takes a lot of time

    I do "new ImageIcon(path)" in while loop (the path is changes) and it takes a lot of time, why? It happens only when the path is different.
    If the path will be always the same it work good and quick
    Thnaks in advance.

    You're right that the preloading will also take time, but it will attempt to load all the images asynchronously. Several images may be loaded simultaneously, thereby shortening the overall time taken.
    // Start the images loading
    Image[] images = new Image[paths.length];
    for(int idx = 0; idx < paths.length; idx++) {
      images[idx] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(paths[idx]);
    // Images might not have been loaded at this point - but are loading in the background
    // Create icons for our images
    for(int idx = 0; idx < images.length; idx++) {
      // This will wait for the image to finish loading but the other images will continue to load at the same time
      icons[idx] = new ImageIcon(images[idx]);
    }While the first icon is waiting for its image to finish loading the other images may also be getting downloaded, thereby shortening the time taken for the operation.
    There's no guarantee this will be any faster since the image loading could be bottlenecked elsewhere (such as on your file system) but it may be worth a try.
    Hope this helps.

  • A large universe takes a lot of time to be opened in Designer

    Hi All.
    When opening a large universe (I can't tell at the moment how large...) it takes a lot of time to open it. a lot of time can be up to two hours (I guess even more).
    Well, I have been told that there's a way to open universe in Designer without the Designer verifying objects/tables/whatever in the opened universe, and that can help me open it quickly.
    Does anybody knows how to do it ?
    Thanks you very much

    can you tell us what is the size of this Universe in terms of:
    number of tables, number of objects, size of the .unv file?
    Also, is this behaviour specific to this universe or you have other universes having the same problem?
    Last, are you 'opening it' as in File/Open or importing it as in 'File/Import...' ?

  • Message are sending from Business Process take a lot of time

    in my BP there is the problem that the sending takes a lot of time. I see for example that mapping are not going. How can find the problem; the queues are empty. This seams a generell problem because all processes are effected.
    Thanks in advance,

    Can ou give more details?
    Are you using a BPM? What are the steps in the BPM? What is the step that is taking a lot of time etc?
    Meanwhile, this tuning guide will prove handy,
    <a href="">SAP Exchange Infrastructure Tuning Guide XI 3.0</a>

  • Why does my iPod touch take a lot of time to update and download apps? I got the one of the fastest wifi

    Why does my iPod touch take a lot of time to update and download apps? I got the one of the fastest wifi

    Try this:
    Close all apps in the Task Bar. Double-click the Home button and hold apps down for a second or two. Tap the minus sign to close app.

  • Page using Coolite Combos take a lot of time to load

    I´m using a WEB page that use Coolite combos (now Ext.Net controls). These combos has around 400 to 500 rows of data (aroud 50 bytes each row).
    If I use Google Chrome (last version) or Internet Explorer 8 the page is loaded inmediatly, but using Firefox 3.6.18, 4.0 or 5.0 take a lot of time, between 7 and 20 seconds to load. The load indicator (a green circle) freeze also.
    If you need, I can publish a sample page with the Coolite combos, please say me if you need it.
    Thanks in advance, Jose

    Try posting at the Web Development / Standards Evangelism forum at MozillaZine. The helpers over there are more knowledgeable about web page development issues with Firefox. <br /> <br />
    You'll need to register and login to be able to post in that forum.

  • TS3276 why does it take a lot of time to fetch my mails from yahoo server whenever i open the mail icon?

    why does it take a lot of time whenever i open mail icon from yahoo server?

    Go to Mail Preferences > General Tab > and the second line should say how often it will check for new messages

Maybe you are looking for

  • Exception Handling (in Mapping) with out using BPM

    Hello All, We are on SP17. I have a simple flow involving XI JMS -> XI (Message Mapping -> XSL Mapping)  -> Mail I would like to send an email if there is an exception in any of the mapping. But I <b>don't want to use a BPM</b> for this exception han

  • Recurring Documents run schdule configuration

    Dear all, I have a question regarding the recurring document run schdule configuration. my example is below I received an insurance policy, Period :23.02.2011 - 23.05.2011 (for 3 months) amount: 15.000 USD First I posted this policy to vendor account

  • Odd Safari Youtube Player Issue.

    As of last night safari started doing this in Youtube where half of the video will appear white! It will go away if I enter full screen and back. I've tried every thing to correct this issue and no luck. I have reinstalled safari, deleted the cache,

  • JDBC setup problems

    Hi all, Any idea why I'm getting the following error message while compiling? Do I need to install the JdbcOdbcDriver separetly or will it come default with JDK1.4? unreported exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; must be c

  • PC suite - content copier problem

    Hi everyone... wonder if anyone can help me? I currently own a nokia 6680 and have used it for a few years, yesterday i purchased a N95... i have many saved messages and things in my 6680 that i want to transfer from my 6680 to my laptop and save....