Record select exclusion help

My report looks at data for the previous 3 days and I would like to exclude the records that have a END DATE/TIME or DISCH DATE/TIME that is less than 08/06/2014 9:20 AM (CurrentDate -1).  Below is the sample data and my current record selection formula.
Record Selection
{HSP_TRTMT_TEAM.TRTMNT_TM_BEGIN_DT} in [CurrentDate -1, CurrentDate -2,CurrentDate -3] and
{HSP_ACCOUNT.LOC_ID} = 410 and
{HSP_TRTMT_TEAM.PROV_ID} <> '411467' and
({ZC_TRTMT_TEAM_REL.NAME} = "Hospitalist" or
{HSP_TRTMT_TEAM.PROV_ID} = '11095') //dummy hospitalist provider ID
Sample Data

If you also want to the take into account (9:20 AM) then it should be:
{HSP_TRTMT_TEAM.TRTMNT_TM_BEGIN_DT} IN [CurrentDate -3 TO CurrentDate -1] AND
({End_Time} > cdatetime(currentdate - 1, time(09,20,00)) OR {DISCH_Time} > cdatetime(currentdate - 1, time(09,20,00))
{HSP_ACCOUNT.LOC_ID} = 410 and
{HSP_TRTMT_TEAM.PROV_ID} <> '411467' and
({ZC_TRTMT_TEAM_REL.NAME} = "Hospitalist" or
{HSP_TRTMT_TEAM.PROV_ID} = '11095') //dummy hospitalist provider ID

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    <p>RCAPI (Report Creation and Modification) calls are only available with Crystal Reports Server RAS SDKs.  This means that using the bundled version of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio will not allow you to place fields onto the report.  A free copy of Crystal Reports Server comes with a registered copy of Crystal Reports Developer.  My guess is that you don&#39;t have either of these products and that you are just using the product that came with Visual Studio.</p><p>All is not lost.  The first question is, do you really need to add the fields at runtime?  In many cases developers just want to have control of the data that gets sent to the report and they are ok with having the same fields display.</p><p>In your code you are changing the datasource which is fine, and you are assigning a Record selection formula which is also fine.  </p><p>The problem with the record selection is that it doesn&#39;t fit the syntax of the Report.  I would suggest printing out the value that you programatically get for the formula and insert it into the Crystal Report Designer.  You will probably get the same error there and gets some  hints as to why it doesn&#39;t work.</p><p>What I would suggest is creating a template report that already has the fields on the report and then change its datasource at runtime and add a RecordSelectionFormula.</p><p>Otherwise you will have to use RAS to be able to add fields at runtime. </p><p>Rob Horne<br /><a href="/blog/10">Rob&#39;s blog -</a></p>

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    Why not just use a CheckBox to indicate the selected records? The downfall to almost all methods is that you end up looping through the block to see which records are selected. An alternative to this is to use a record group to record which the selected records. I created a nice little wrapper package to work with Record Groups (RG). Take a look at Forms - Record Group Processing (Duplicate Value Checking). As the name suggests, this example demonstrates how to use an RG to perform duplicate checking, but you can easily adapt the process to keep track of selected records. I use RG's for this all the time. By using the RG, it eliminates the need to LOOP through the datablock - which can be very time consuming. Instead, you loop through the RG and only navigate to the specific records you need too in order to process that record. Looping through the RG is much faster than looping through the block - especially if you have a lot of records displayed in your block.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Record Selection doesn't work with VS 2005 & CR 2008

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    tTransactionDetails.acid} = 1
    . still it didn't work.
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    Sorry i couldn't do search before I posted the thread. After posted, I just did a search and found the solution by reading [this thread||].
    As it has suggested, I just delete the existing Crystal Report Viewer Control from the form and add it again by clicking on CrystalReportViewer version 12.0.2000.0. It worked.

  • Program ZRFFOM100: No records selected - Automatic payment run

    Hi Guru's,
    I am facing a problem in payment run.
    I am able to do the payment run. Vendor balance is getting reduced. But when it come to print(Cheque, payment advise and payment summary) it is not working.
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    Job started
    Step 001 started (program SAPFPAYM_SCHEDULE, variant &0000000000096, user ID SATYA)
    Step 002 started (program ZRFFOM100, variant &0000000000017, user ID SATYA)
    Program ZRFFOM100: No records selected
    Job finished
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    Generally SAPFPAYM  program is used  for wire transfer, if you want cheque details to be displayed in spool you might choose some other standard program name like Rffous_c and assign it to your payment method at country level
    in your case you might have selected  different program name, check it out at country level in T.code FBZP.
    and if you are using it for wire transfer follow these steps
    1create a payment method z i.e. wire transfer for country, select bank transfer instead of cheque and select use payment medium work bench and assign wire transfer form as ACB_ZA in format field
    2.Define payment method in co.code.
    3.configure bank determination for z payment method.
    4.add payment method z in your vendor master record.
    5.posting a invoice and mention z payment method in that. the payment programme in T.code F110.
    7.go to T.code SE38 and run the programme called SAPFPAYM by execute button and give identification of your run details and give format as ACB_ZA and click on execute button then pop up window will appear then give all the required fields as one 1 and execute it will give you the out put.

  • Automatic payment printing error:Program RFFOUS_C: No records selected

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    - Assigned printing program in 'payment method in country
    - Created check lot. Check created successfully.
    - Entered variant in printing program RFFOUS_C in automatic payment F110.
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    Job started
    Step 001 started (program SAPFPAYM_SCHEDULE, variant &0000000001950, user ID xxx)
    Step 002 started (program RFFOUS_C, variant &0000000000093, user ID xxx)
    Check number status at beginning of processing: 1002
    Program RFFOUS_C: No records selected
    Job finished
    Please give me help.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    In F110 in the tab, Additional log, tick all that is there and mention your vendor no. range that you have specified in parameters tab and run Proposal again.
    Then go to proposal log to see the exact error reason..It will help..

  • Program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM: No records selected (F0073)

    hi everyone
    im having a nasty issue when trying to output payment advices
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    Program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM: No records selected
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    has anyone experienced this issue too? or know anything that might help?
    thank you!
    PS: it seems to be the same problem with report RFFOAVIS too

    Program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM: No records selected
    If I am correct, the issue is when you were executing F110 where system will throw the above error if you have not maintained the payment method.  Check in F110 under "Parameter" tab, whether you have maintained Payment Methods for your company code.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Program RFFOUS_C: No records selected

    Hello Experts,
    I'm having issue cannot assign cheque in payment run.
    Currently I'm using outsource bank to issue cheque. When I do payment run, it will send the data through EDI to the respective bank.  In future, I want to have 2 method, outsource and internal cheque payment.
    When I do F110, and I create payment medium for program  RFFOUS_C - variant (check form = Z110_PRENUM_CHCK) , I always get this error.
    Program RFFOUS_C: No records selected
    The following documents were not processed since they will be sent by EDI
    Is it possible to have both ways of payment ? using EDI and also cheque number assignment in SAP ?
    I can do 2 times, 1 time for EDI and next time for the internal cheque number (I maintained my check lot number already).
    Can anyone help me ?

    Hi Kenghua,
    are you saying that when I fill in the parameter for F110, I should maintain the variant for program RFFOEDI1 instead of RFFOUS_C ?
    Is this means that the data will be send to bank and also update my cheque number assignment ?
    I think this would cause duplication.
    what I meant is .. sometimes I will use F110 to send data to bank, and sometimes I will only use F110 to create payment with my cheque number I maintained in FCHI.
    Just want to clarify are we having the same thoughts ?

  • MySQL Select Statement Help Required

    I am trying to generate a report in VS 2008 (C#) using a mysql select statement but cannot get it right.
    I have groups that meet on a weekly basis on different days. I want to generate a report that shows me all the members that have not attended their group where they have missed 3 meetings in a row.
    Below is the select statement I have tried but it does not give me the results I am looking for. I have tried to look at all the meetings in a 4 week period but would prefer to look at the last 3 meetings that are recorded. Some groups might not record a meeting every week. So I want to look at the last 3 recorded meetings and count each members attendance and only report on the members with more than 3 meetings missed.
    SELECT COUNT(`groupattendance`.`Attended`) AS Attendance, `smallgroupform`.`MeetingDate`, `userinfo`.`FirstName`, `userinfo`.`Surname`, `smallgroup`.`GroupName`, `groupattendance`.`Attended`, `groupattendance`.`UserID`, `groupattendance`.`GroupID`
    FROM ((`anatomy`.`groupattendance` `groupattendance`
    INNER JOIN `anatomy`.`smallgroupform` `smallgroupform` ON `groupattendance`.`FormID` = `smallgroupform`.`FormID`)
    INNER JOIN `anatomy`.`userinfo` `userinfo` ON `groupattendance`.`UserID` = `userinfo`.`UserID`)
    INNER JOIN `anatomy`.`smallgroup` `smallgroup` ON `groupattendance`.`GroupID` = `smallgroup`.`GroupID`
    WHERE (`smallgroupform`.`MeetingDate` >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 4 WEEK) AND `smallgroupform`.`MeetingDate` <= CURDATE()) AND `groupattendance`.`Attended` = 'False'
    GROUP BY `userinfo`.`UserID`
    HAVING Attendance >= 3

    Hi Garth,
    Seems no one can help you directly. Try googling your SQL request. Someone may be able to help you. At this point its not really a Cr problem.
    One option is to get all the data and add filtering using the record selection formula.
    Thank you

  • Can't record selecting from menus

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    recording mode, Captivate 2 does not record selecting a menu option
    from a menu on the menu bar. The drop-down menu is not recorded and
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    Other times I can see the mouse click where I was selecting the
    menu option but there is no menu visible.
    Is there a workaround for this?

    Hi KashiC
    Let me guess. You are recording a Web Based application.
    Do the menus get captured but are on the next slide?
    If so, you simply need to supplement your auto captures with
    occasional manual captures. Perhaps as follows:
    Start the app and begin recording. Move slowly and listen for
    the shutter sound. Where you tend to notice the shutter sound came
    too fast and the screen wasn't fully "there" at the time it
    occurred, press Print Screen to force a capture. Then move to the
    next action.
    Hopefully this helps... Rick

  • Program RFZALI120: No records Selected

    This is Jyothi.  I am not able to see the Proposal list after creating the Parameters.  I am getting a message : "Program RFZALI120: No records Selected". I have records in the vendors.
    Can anyone help me with this issue.
    Thank you

    HI ,
    create teh Parameters & save .
    then run the proposal & save it.
    then you go for view the list.

  • RFFOUS_T: No records selected

    I am trying to run the DME for child support with payment method S. But I get the message that says "No records selected". Pre DME has run fine and has generated the ID feature. The results table has all the garnishment related tables and BT table as well.
    Any help highly appreciated.

    Hi Amosha
    Thanks for the reply. In the REGUH I only see the payment method D and not S, which is prolly why RFFOUS_T is picking up this entry. We want to send the Child Support as an ACH file with the addenda records on it. To this end, we configured the FBZP, FKO3 enabling payment method as S( child support).  Also, in the config. we tried using the RFFOUS_T instead of the payment medium work bench. We also tried switching to Payment Work Bench, in which case, the ACH file is generating but the addenda records are not visible.
    If you or anyone here can help me with, I'd really appreciate that.
    Thanks in advance!
    Edited by: Payroll Noob on Aug 20, 2010 3:58 AM

  • Slow record selection in tableView component with large number of records

    Hi experts,
    we have a Business Server Page (flow logic) with several htmlb:inputField's. As known from SAP standard we would like to offer value helper (F4) to the users for the ease of record selection.
    We use the onValueHelp() method of the inputField to open a extra browser window through JavaScript. In the popup another html-website is called, containing a tableView component with all available records. We use the SINGLESELECT mode for the table view.
    Everything works perfect and efficient, unless the tableView contains too many entries. If the number of possible entries is large the whole component performs very very slow. For example the selection of the record can take more than one minute. Also the navigation between pages through the buttons at the bottom of the component takes a lot of time. It seems that the tableView component can not handle so many entries.
    We tried to switch between stateful and stateless mode, without success. Is there a way to perform the tableView selection without doing a server-round-trip? Any ideas and comments will be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Hi Raja,
    thank you for your hint. I took a look at sbspext_table/TableViewClient.bsp but did not really understand how the Java-Script coding works. Where is the JavaScript code in that example? Which file, does it contain.
    Meanwhile I implemented another way to evite the server round trip.
    - Switch page mode of the popup window to "Stateful"
    - Use OnInitialization method like OnCreate (as shown in [using OnInitialization like OnCreate])
    - Limit the results of the SELECT statement with UP TO 1000 ROWS
    Best regards,

  • Problem with data selection (F4 help) in Enterprise Portel

    I have a field Sales Org. there is a data under this Object like No. Organization.
    But my Problem is this will display all records (under F4 help) like sales Office No. along with the Sales Org.
    (This Sales off is attribute of Sales Org)
    User wants only Sales Org data in that selection. This Sales Org is reference object os Org Unit.
    How can i get only Org data in F4 Help?
    Please tell me if any body knows.
    Edited by: MadhuSudhana Boya on Jun 30, 2009 2:12 PM

    Once you click on F4 help of sales org, you can go to settings and see, if any attribute is added into the selection of sales org. If you are seeing sales office along with the sales org in the selection screen, I am sure that sales office is added from the list of attributes.
    To disable it, remove the sales office from the "displayed attribute" list and close the dialog box.
    Now you and your user should see only sales org values.
    - Danny

  • Record Selection in Japanese not pulling the correct records.

    I am using Crystal XI running off of a Remedy SQL Database that has Japanese data in the records.  When I place the following criteria in the Record Selection, I pull no records.  But, If the put the criteria with the japanese criteria in the Group Selection formula, I get the records that I want but then many of my formulas are adding up all the records.
    {HPD_HelpDesk_VW.Severity} in ["1","2"] and
    {HPD_Affected_Organizations.Organization} like "ジブラルタ"
    How can I get Crystal to recognize the japanese criteria in the Record Selection criteria?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Stacy

    I am using Crystal XI running off of a Remedy SQL Database that has Japanese data in the records. When I place the following criteria in the Record Selection, I pull no records. But, If the put the criteria with the japanese criteria in the Group Selection formula, I get the records that I want but then many of my formulas are adding up all the records.
    {HPD_HelpDesk_VW.Severity} in \"1\",\"2\" and
    {HPD_Affected_Organizations.Organization} like "ジブラルタ"
    How can I get Crystal to recognize the japanese criteria in the Record Selection criteria?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Stacy

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