Trouble shooting services

I learned the eternal Hyperion Essbase and planning . recently i attended an interview regarding the admin role .it was my first interview lasted for 30 mins but i realised that i need to learn many things in Hyperion .
i know that i can get responses from this forum
please tell me any 3 services issues that u troubleshot & resolved it ?
With regards,

recently i attended an interview regarding the admin role .it was my first interview lasted for 30 mins but i realised that i need to learn many things in Hyperion .
Hi Naresh,
If you don't mind, Can you share those interview questions here bcoz many people are learning things from here. Please provide those questions here that will be helpful for others too.
Thanks in advance...

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    제품 : SQL*NET
    작성날짜 : 2002-11-24
    이 글은 고객들이 Oracle Server의 Oracle Networking 제품들을 사용하다가
    Networking과 관련된 문제를 만났으나 스스로 해결할 수 없는 경우, 예를
    들어 에서 같은 case를 발견할 수 없는 경우,
    원인을 찾기 위하여 Networking 제품의 trace를 떠 보는 방법을 설명합니다.
    Oracle Networking 제품을 사용 중에 어떠한 문제를 겪는 경우 무엇보다도
    OS의 Networking Protocol Stack 쪽을 살펴보는 것이 선행되어야 합니다.
    일부 고객분들은 Oracle Networking 제품들이 OS의 Protocol Stack이 동작
    하는데 어떤 중대한 영향을 주는 것이 아닌가 하고 문의를 합니다만
    그러한 의문은 Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 사용하는
    하나의 network client라는 것을 이해함으로써 해소가 됩니다.
    Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 이용하는 하나의 network
    client이기 때문에 Oracle Networking 제품이 OS Protocol Stack의 동작에
    어떠한 식으로든 영향을 준다던가 하는 것은 있을 수 없기 때문입니다.
    고객의 관점에서 OS의 Protocol Stack은 정상적으로 설정이 되었다고 믿고
    있으며 기타 networking 환경을 정확히 판단할 수 없는, 예를 들어
    host설정은 잘 되어 있다고 믿고 있으나 firewall을 통해야만 하는 등의
    다소 접근하기 어려운 networking 환경에서 networking이 잘 되지 않는,
    예를 들어, Oracle Server에 연결이 잘 안되거나 연결 중 networking
    error가 발생하는 경우에는에서 같은 case를
    찾는 것이 가장 빠른 해결 방법입니다.
    그러나 드물게에서 같은 case가 나오지 않는
    경우 Oracle Networking 제품의 trace file을 떠서 원인을 찾게 됩니다.
    Oracle Networking 제품은 Oracle 7.x에서 SQL*Net, Oracle 8.x에서 Net 8.x,
    Oracle 9.x에서 Oracle Net Services라는 이름이 가지고 있으나 여기에서는
    편의상 모두 Oracle Networking 제품으로 부르도록 하겠습니다.
    아울러 여기서 언급하는 Trace File은 Oracle Server의 Trace File과
    다른 것입니다. Oracle Server의 Trace File은 database instance의 대한
    내용만을 기록하며 Oracle Networking 제품의 Trace File은 networking에
    대한 내용만을 기록합니다.
    Trace File의 작성 방법은 Oracle 7.x부터 9.x까지 같습니다.
    Solution Description
    1. Client가 되는 host에서 어떠한 문제를 경험한 경우, 간혹 문제의 발생
    빈도가 낮거나 network나 server 쪽에 이상을 느끼시면서도 문제를 확인하기
    여러운 경우가 있습니다. 이런 경우엔는 문제가 다시 발생될 때 까지
    Client에서 Client Trace File를 작성하여 보아야 합니다.
    a. prompt$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
    b. $TNS_ADMIN이 설정되어 있으면, prompt$ cd $TNS_ADMIN
    아니면, prompt$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    c. vi sqlnet.ora
    # 다음 line들을 추가
    예를 들어, client가 Windows OS인 경우 다음과 같이 합니다.
    prompt> notepad sqlnet.ora
    d. SQL*Plus와 같은, 또는 사용하던 Client software를 계속 이용
    e. 다시 문제가 발생
    f. 작성된 trace file들의 날자를 보아 문제가 발생한 시간과
    거의 같은 시간에 작성된 file들이 있는지 확인
    prompt> dir D:\temp
    client_<PID1>.trc ...
    client_<PID2>.trc ...
    g. trace를 중단합니다.
    prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
    h. Trace Assistant를 이용하여 Oracle Networking 제품의 error code
    (이하 TNS error code)를 trace file에서 찾아냅니다.
    prompt$ cd <directory of TRACE_DIRECTORY_client>
    prompt$ trcasst <filename of TRACE_FILE_client>_<PID>.trc > trcasst.out
    prompt$ vi -R trcasst.out
    Trace Assistant (trcasst command)는 Oracle 8.x부터 제공되며,
    Oracle 9.x의 Trace Assistant를 사용할 것을 권합니다.
    i. oerr command로 tns error에 대한 error message를 봅니다.
    예를 들어, 흔한 경우 중에 listener가 실행 중이지 않거나 잘못된
    tnsnames.ora 설정으로 client가 listener가 service 중이지 않은
    network address로 연결을 시도하다가 TNS-12541 TNS-12560 TNS-511
    error가 차례대로 나왔다면 다음과 같이 하여 각 TNS error code에
    대한 message와 설명 및 해결방법을 볼 수 있습니다.
    prompt$ oerr tns 12541
    prompt$ oerr tns 12560
    prompt$ oerr tns 511
    j. Trace Assistant가 알려준 TNS error code를
    에서 검색하여 같은 case가 있는지 확인합니다.
    Web browser에서:
    1) Go to, then login
    오른쪽 위 HTML frame에서 :
    2) "Advanced" Button을 누릅니다.
    오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
    3) "Enter Keyword" text box에 tns error code를 모두 입력합니다.
    예를 들어, tns-12541 tns-12560 tns-511
    4) "Search" button을 누릅니다.
    k.에서 검색이 거의 되지 않거나
    문제가 매우 이상한 경우 이 글 아래를 보시기 바랍니다.
    2. Client에서 SQL*Plus나 Oracle Client를 사용하는 다른 3rd party
    appliction은 잘 동작하나 유독 tnsping command에서 error가 나는 경우가
    드물게 있습니다. 이 때에는 tnsping command의 trace file을 작성해봅니다.
    prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
    prompt$ tnsping <tns alias>
    3. Server, 즉 listener에 문제가 있다고 생각되는 경우 우선 listener의
    log file을 봅니다. listener의 log에 대해서는 bulletin.18364를
    4. listener의 trace file은 다음과 같이 설정합니다.
    listener의 trace 설정은 parameter 이름에 trace file을 작성하고자 하는
    listener의 이름이 오는 점, 설정 후 listener process를 restart해야 하는
    점 두 가지를 제외하면 나머지 절차가 앞서 설명드린 client와 같습니다.
    prompt$ vi listener.ora
    TRACE_LEVEL_<listener name>=16
    TRACE_FILE_<listener name>=<filename>
    TRACE_DIRECTORY_<listener name>=<directory>
    prompt$ lsnrctl stop <listener name>
    prompt$ lsnrctl start <listener name>
    5. 만일 위와 같이을 검색하여도
    같은 case가 전혀 없거나 찾아낸 error message들이 원인과 관련이 없어
    보일정도로 매우 이상한 경우 다음과 같이 해봅니다.
    a. Oracle Software의 version과 OS의 version이 certification matrix에
    있는 지 확인합니다.
    Web browser에서:
    1) Go to, then login
    왼쪽 menu에서 :
    2) "Certify & Availabilty" menu item을 click합니다.
    오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
    3) 현재 사용중인 Product와 그 version 및 OS와 그 version을 선택하
    여 검색합니다.
    Certification Matrix는 매우 정확하게 정보를 보여주고 있습니다.
    Matrix에 없는 Oracle Product와 OS version은 certify되어 있지 않으며
    모든 Oracle 제품을 Certify되지 않은 OS version에서 사용하는 것은
    그 어떠한 이유로든 보증과 지원이 되지 않습니다.
    만일 사용중인 제품이 certify되지 않은 경우, 무조건 certify된 제품
    과 OS의 version으로 install하여 다시 시도를 해야 합니다.
    예를 들어, Windows OS의 경우 그 어떠한 Oracle 제품도 Windows Me 및
    Windows XP Home Edition에 certify되어 있지 않습니다.
    Windows 2000 Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 8.1.6부터
    이며 XP Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 9.0.1부터
    Oracle 제품은 software이기는 하나 매우 완벽한 수준의 제품이라고 할
    수 있습니다. 그러나 Oracle 제품은 하나의 OS의 process로써 실행이
    되고 시간이 지나며 많은 환경이 major upgrade가 되면서 그러한 환경
    에 따라 Oracle software도 새로운 version으로 제작이 되면서 다시
    certification이 이루어지게 됩니다.
    그렇기 때문에 고객들은 특히 다수의 client나 고가의 server를 계획하
    시는 고객들은 저희 certification matrix를 사전에 철저히 확인하셔야
    앞서 Certification Matrix이전에 Installation Guide에 명시된
    OS version만이 certify되어 있다고 생각하시면 되겠습니다.
    b. Unix에서는 Oracle Software를 install한 후 OS의 Networking patch를
    씌우고 사용하다보면 문제가 되는 경우가 있습니다.
    이런 경우 relink를 해주어 바뀐 OS환경에서 Oracle 실행 file들을 다
    시 만들어 주어야 합니다.
    자세한 내용은에서
    다음 글을 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.
    Note:131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
    c. Certify된 환경에서도 원인을 찾을 수 없는 경우 trace file을 가지고
    Oracle Support Services에 문의를 합니다. (지원 계약 고객에 한함)
    Reference Documents
    Chapter 17 Trouble shooting Oracle Net Services
    Oracle 9i Net Services Administrator's Guide
    SQL*Net, Net8.x, Net Services 9.x Network Administration Guide/Reference

    제품 : SQL*NET
    작성날짜 : 2002-11-24
    이 글은 고객들이 Oracle Server의 Oracle Networking 제품들을 사용하다가
    Networking과 관련된 문제를 만났으나 스스로 해결할 수 없는 경우, 예를
    들어 에서 같은 case를 발견할 수 없는 경우,
    원인을 찾기 위하여 Networking 제품의 trace를 떠 보는 방법을 설명합니다.
    Oracle Networking 제품을 사용 중에 어떠한 문제를 겪는 경우 무엇보다도
    OS의 Networking Protocol Stack 쪽을 살펴보는 것이 선행되어야 합니다.
    일부 고객분들은 Oracle Networking 제품들이 OS의 Protocol Stack이 동작
    하는데 어떤 중대한 영향을 주는 것이 아닌가 하고 문의를 합니다만
    그러한 의문은 Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 사용하는
    하나의 network client라는 것을 이해함으로써 해소가 됩니다.
    Oracle Networking 제품도 OS의 Protocol Stack을 이용하는 하나의 network
    client이기 때문에 Oracle Networking 제품이 OS Protocol Stack의 동작에
    어떠한 식으로든 영향을 준다던가 하는 것은 있을 수 없기 때문입니다.
    고객의 관점에서 OS의 Protocol Stack은 정상적으로 설정이 되었다고 믿고
    있으며 기타 networking 환경을 정확히 판단할 수 없는, 예를 들어
    host설정은 잘 되어 있다고 믿고 있으나 firewall을 통해야만 하는 등의
    다소 접근하기 어려운 networking 환경에서 networking이 잘 되지 않는,
    예를 들어, Oracle Server에 연결이 잘 안되거나 연결 중 networking
    error가 발생하는 경우에는에서 같은 case를
    찾는 것이 가장 빠른 해결 방법입니다.
    그러나 드물게에서 같은 case가 나오지 않는
    경우 Oracle Networking 제품의 trace file을 떠서 원인을 찾게 됩니다.
    Oracle Networking 제품은 Oracle 7.x에서 SQL*Net, Oracle 8.x에서 Net 8.x,
    Oracle 9.x에서 Oracle Net Services라는 이름이 가지고 있으나 여기에서는
    편의상 모두 Oracle Networking 제품으로 부르도록 하겠습니다.
    아울러 여기서 언급하는 Trace File은 Oracle Server의 Trace File과
    다른 것입니다. Oracle Server의 Trace File은 database instance의 대한
    내용만을 기록하며 Oracle Networking 제품의 Trace File은 networking에
    대한 내용만을 기록합니다.
    Trace File의 작성 방법은 Oracle 7.x부터 9.x까지 같습니다.
    Solution Description
    1. Client가 되는 host에서 어떠한 문제를 경험한 경우, 간혹 문제의 발생
    빈도가 낮거나 network나 server 쪽에 이상을 느끼시면서도 문제를 확인하기
    여러운 경우가 있습니다. 이런 경우엔는 문제가 다시 발생될 때 까지
    Client에서 Client Trace File를 작성하여 보아야 합니다.
    a. prompt$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
    b. $TNS_ADMIN이 설정되어 있으면, prompt$ cd $TNS_ADMIN
    아니면, prompt$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    c. vi sqlnet.ora
    # 다음 line들을 추가
    예를 들어, client가 Windows OS인 경우 다음과 같이 합니다.
    prompt> notepad sqlnet.ora
    d. SQL*Plus와 같은, 또는 사용하던 Client software를 계속 이용
    e. 다시 문제가 발생
    f. 작성된 trace file들의 날자를 보아 문제가 발생한 시간과
    거의 같은 시간에 작성된 file들이 있는지 확인
    prompt> dir D:\temp
    client_<PID1>.trc ...
    client_<PID2>.trc ...
    g. trace를 중단합니다.
    prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
    h. Trace Assistant를 이용하여 Oracle Networking 제품의 error code
    (이하 TNS error code)를 trace file에서 찾아냅니다.
    prompt$ cd <directory of TRACE_DIRECTORY_client>
    prompt$ trcasst <filename of TRACE_FILE_client>_<PID>.trc > trcasst.out
    prompt$ vi -R trcasst.out
    Trace Assistant (trcasst command)는 Oracle 8.x부터 제공되며,
    Oracle 9.x의 Trace Assistant를 사용할 것을 권합니다.
    i. oerr command로 tns error에 대한 error message를 봅니다.
    예를 들어, 흔한 경우 중에 listener가 실행 중이지 않거나 잘못된
    tnsnames.ora 설정으로 client가 listener가 service 중이지 않은
    network address로 연결을 시도하다가 TNS-12541 TNS-12560 TNS-511
    error가 차례대로 나왔다면 다음과 같이 하여 각 TNS error code에
    대한 message와 설명 및 해결방법을 볼 수 있습니다.
    prompt$ oerr tns 12541
    prompt$ oerr tns 12560
    prompt$ oerr tns 511
    j. Trace Assistant가 알려준 TNS error code를
    에서 검색하여 같은 case가 있는지 확인합니다.
    Web browser에서:
    1) Go to, then login
    오른쪽 위 HTML frame에서 :
    2) "Advanced" Button을 누릅니다.
    오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
    3) "Enter Keyword" text box에 tns error code를 모두 입력합니다.
    예를 들어, tns-12541 tns-12560 tns-511
    4) "Search" button을 누릅니다.
    k.에서 검색이 거의 되지 않거나
    문제가 매우 이상한 경우 이 글 아래를 보시기 바랍니다.
    2. Client에서 SQL*Plus나 Oracle Client를 사용하는 다른 3rd party
    appliction은 잘 동작하나 유독 tnsping command에서 error가 나는 경우가
    드물게 있습니다. 이 때에는 tnsping command의 trace file을 작성해봅니다.
    prompt$ vi sqlnet.ora
    prompt$ tnsping <tns alias>
    3. Server, 즉 listener에 문제가 있다고 생각되는 경우 우선 listener의
    log file을 봅니다. listener의 log에 대해서는 bulletin.18364를
    4. listener의 trace file은 다음과 같이 설정합니다.
    listener의 trace 설정은 parameter 이름에 trace file을 작성하고자 하는
    listener의 이름이 오는 점, 설정 후 listener process를 restart해야 하는
    점 두 가지를 제외하면 나머지 절차가 앞서 설명드린 client와 같습니다.
    prompt$ vi listener.ora
    TRACE_LEVEL_<listener name>=16
    TRACE_FILE_<listener name>=<filename>
    TRACE_DIRECTORY_<listener name>=<directory>
    prompt$ lsnrctl stop <listener name>
    prompt$ lsnrctl start <listener name>
    5. 만일 위와 같이을 검색하여도
    같은 case가 전혀 없거나 찾아낸 error message들이 원인과 관련이 없어
    보일정도로 매우 이상한 경우 다음과 같이 해봅니다.
    a. Oracle Software의 version과 OS의 version이 certification matrix에
    있는 지 확인합니다.
    Web browser에서:
    1) Go to, then login
    왼쪽 menu에서 :
    2) "Certify & Availabilty" menu item을 click합니다.
    오른쪽 아래 HTML frame에서:
    3) 현재 사용중인 Product와 그 version 및 OS와 그 version을 선택하
    여 검색합니다.
    Certification Matrix는 매우 정확하게 정보를 보여주고 있습니다.
    Matrix에 없는 Oracle Product와 OS version은 certify되어 있지 않으며
    모든 Oracle 제품을 Certify되지 않은 OS version에서 사용하는 것은
    그 어떠한 이유로든 보증과 지원이 되지 않습니다.
    만일 사용중인 제품이 certify되지 않은 경우, 무조건 certify된 제품
    과 OS의 version으로 install하여 다시 시도를 해야 합니다.
    예를 들어, Windows OS의 경우 그 어떠한 Oracle 제품도 Windows Me 및
    Windows XP Home Edition에 certify되어 있지 않습니다.
    Windows 2000 Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 8.1.6부터
    이며 XP Professional 이상에 Certify된 제품은 Oracle 9.0.1부터
    Oracle 제품은 software이기는 하나 매우 완벽한 수준의 제품이라고 할
    수 있습니다. 그러나 Oracle 제품은 하나의 OS의 process로써 실행이
    되고 시간이 지나며 많은 환경이 major upgrade가 되면서 그러한 환경
    에 따라 Oracle software도 새로운 version으로 제작이 되면서 다시
    certification이 이루어지게 됩니다.
    그렇기 때문에 고객들은 특히 다수의 client나 고가의 server를 계획하
    시는 고객들은 저희 certification matrix를 사전에 철저히 확인하셔야
    앞서 Certification Matrix이전에 Installation Guide에 명시된
    OS version만이 certify되어 있다고 생각하시면 되겠습니다.
    b. Unix에서는 Oracle Software를 install한 후 OS의 Networking patch를
    씌우고 사용하다보면 문제가 되는 경우가 있습니다.
    이런 경우 relink를 해주어 바뀐 OS환경에서 Oracle 실행 file들을 다
    시 만들어 주어야 합니다.
    자세한 내용은에서
    다음 글을 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.
    Note:131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
    c. Certify된 환경에서도 원인을 찾을 수 없는 경우 trace file을 가지고
    Oracle Support Services에 문의를 합니다. (지원 계약 고객에 한함)
    Reference Documents
    Chapter 17 Trouble shooting Oracle Net Services
    Oracle 9i Net Services Administrator's Guide
    SQL*Net, Net8.x, Net Services 9.x Network Administration Guide/Reference

  • Trouble shooting apex application calling web-service reference

    I am developing an APEX application which calls a web-service reference. i am looking for ideas as to how to log necessary information for trouble shooting.
    i already thought about this -
    1. the response from the web-service is displayed to the user (via a collection object).
    but the issue is i want the administrator (who logs in at a later time) to see that an error occurred or what was the response from the web-service.
    Is there any in-built way of accessing this information (is it first of all stored somewhere automatically ?). the one possible solution i see is to create a table and log the info into this table along with user and session id.
    any ideas / pointers will greatly help me.

    It looks like you won't be able to test web service calls on see this WebService on
    Edited by: tfa on Mar 18, 2013 9:59 AM

  • Kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?  Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

    Replacement for the second draft of this Thread   (To be removed if Published as Tip)
    kisight: How do I get my iSight working ?
    Trouble Shooting an iSight Camera.  (Version 3)
    Hi,     On many subjects Apple has Articles and Documents that can help.
    In some case they are written by an Engineer or similar and can miss the mark for the average user.
    In other cases they are crafted, detailed responses to an issue that has popped up many times in the Apple Discussions and take the best from many responses in those User-to-User Discussions, creating something that can not be surpassed.
    This is the case of the Apple Article HT2090 on Trouble Shooting an iSight.
    It lists steps and processes to go through for both Internal iSights and External ones.
    However as with most things it does sometime pay to reword things differently so that people grasp the points in language they understand.
    The info here is a reworking itself of two pages at Jim pages namely EZ JIm's page 2 Where can I Find Help With My iSight ? and his page 4, How Can I Test My iSight is Completely Functional ?  which were written several years ago and predate the Apple Article, being aimed at the External iSight.  They have been updated since to address the Internal iSight as well but some of the comments are useful between the two types.
    External First.  For Internal iSights Start at 2b)  (you will need to adjust some options/steps as the Internal is USB)
    1) Pre Purchase
    If buying an External iSight you should if you an get to see it in action.Apple no longer sells the External iSight so you will be buying it second hand.If you cannot get to see the device plugged in and working on  Mac then check the smaller print of the seller and selling site as to nature of Returns and Faulty Goods.
    2) Does it work ?
    a) First of all Plug it in.  It should come with a suitable mount (although there are variants on this) and a 6 pin to 6 pin Firewire cable.
    Ideally it should have it's own Firewire port/socket on your computer. Connecting it "DaisyChained" to other devices can be a problem as they do not all use Firewire at the same Data speed.
    It will then go through some checks as the OS powers it up and checks it's firmware.
    Do not be concerned that the little green indicator light atop your iSight illuminates for a few seconds and then goes dark when you first connect your iSight or power on your Mac. Do not be concerned if you hear a soft whir as iSight attempt to focus either. Both these occurrences are normal. If your iSight passes the following tests, do not worry about this sound or the status of the green light.
    There is no ON switch as such.  It does have an iris mechanism that can be controlled by the User.  The iris should be turned so you can see the Lens for the iSight to send pictures to an application.
    b) Pick an Application to see the picture the iSight produces.iChat is one application you can use. Photobooth is another. iMovie (Version 4 or above for external iSight -- Version 6 or above for in-built iSight) and Comic Book (if bundled on your Mac) are yet more.
    See this Users Tip for more applications Or this page for yet more.
    Photo Booth is probably the simplest as it has no Preferences to choose a camera in the original version and is done from the Menu items in later versions  (nor is there any setting in the OS) and Photo Booth will default to the External Camera if one is plugged in before the application is started.     If you see your self or what the camera is pointing at, It Works !!
    3) If it does Not Work
    a) Check Cables/leads.  Re-seat the cable at both ends. DO this carefully as although Firewire cables are keyed to fit the right way it has been known to force them the wrong way.
    Try another 6 pin to 6 pin firewire cable.
    b) Unplug the cable from any other FireWire device and give the iSight it's Own FireWire port/socket on the Mac (exclude issues with other FireWire devices). It is important that this be a port/socket on your computer and that you know that it works. Do not use a port in a FireWire hub or another FireWire device or a FireWire port in an Apple Display for testing.  (Also see d below if you have an 800 FIreWIre Computer)
    c) Check System Profiler (Apple Icon menu top Left > About this Mac. > More Info Button)Open the Reveal Triangles to see the list and go to Hardware > FireWire.  (Use USB for Internal Cameras)
    If it appears here try booting or Logging in as another user on the Mac (Create a Test account if you don't have one) and try item 2b) above again.
    d) With FireWire 800 computers you may have to change your FireWire 400 to 800 Adaptor or Cable to get full Audio functionality with Lion Apps
    If it is not in the System Profiler you are almost certainly going to need the Trouble Shooting Article from Apple at this point.  This Article may also be of help (number HT1317 What to do if your computer won't recognise a FireWire or USB device).
    If you have not resolved things at this stage it is going to be time for an Engineer with Apple credentials.There are no user serviceable parts inside any iSight.
    Other Items
    The External Camera has two mics inside.The volume it records at or plays through for iChat is controlled in System Preferences > Sound > Input tab (select device) and this should be set to get the blue response bar to at least half way (preferably three quarters) when you talk.The same applies to any other Mic, even the Internal one on laptops and some other Macs.
    The System Profiler as detailed above should tell you the Firmware the iSight has.  The current version is 1.0.3 and was updated in Panther.  (Essentially it is an Audio compatibility update but does seem to help in other situations)
    If your computer is running Panther (10.2.x) then use this Updater
    If running Tiger (10.4.x) or Leopard (10.5.x) then navigate manually to your Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/iSight Updater and run the updater found there.
    If an iSight is Plugged in on the Computer when you do an  OS update and the firmware needs updating on the iSight this app is supposed to be triggered but it seem it may need a hand at times.
    Focusing on the External iSight
    Essentially the External iSight is self or Autofocusing.
    If in doubt then try better lighting and strong colours as opposes to light or pastels.
    (All built-in iSights are fixed focus. Therefore, unless a built-in iSight lens cover is dirty or smudged, any built-in iSight whose image is blurry needs service by an Engineer with Apple credentials.)
    EZ Jim has these more specific recommendations for piece of mind.
      Make a cross whose lines are about one-half inch or more wide on a plain background to use as a focus target. (I have even used black electrical tape.)
    Turn on plenty of light and hold the target very still at about two or three feet from the lens. Watch iSight focus. (You may need to use a tripod or brace yourself to hold the target still enough.)
    Then quickly move the target and hold it very still at about one foot away from the lens. Watch iSight focus.
      Finally, move in to about six inches from iSight, and check focus there, too. (Holding the target still is more important as you get closer to iSight.)
    This Users Tip by Ian Bickerstaff  can give you clues for any application really  "Look  and sound good in iChat"
    Other Info and Links
    iSight Support info at Apple Links to Users Guide, Manual and many other topics on the External iSight.
    Apple's iSight Firewire Connectivity FAQs
    Apple's iSight Service FAQs
    If you feel you have not understood or think you have not grasped something here or in the links so far try the iSight Discussion Forum
    1:13 PM      Saturday; October 8, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Trouble shooting guide! Read this first!!!! rev 13-1-2004

    (Revision 13-1-2004)  
    Hi there,
    Follow everything on the list, even if it doesn't look like it would solve your problem, most problems are created somewhere else!
    To give some examples:
    CPU won't run FSB133....mostly powersupply or CPU-cooler.
    Videocard won't load drivers....mostly powersupply.
    Sound won't work.....mostly metal-standoff's.
    Windows won't install, file read error.....mostly CPU-cooler, Bad-ram or powersupply.
    That is why you need to go over the entire list and check all!
    Before you start doing anything, remove the power and make sure that you have touched the metal case of your system. If you don't you could damage your system due to static discharge!  
    Thanks to Arioch and Dragon60 for comments on this.
    There are several reasons why this name the most commen:
    CPU speeds  
    You have a Duron, that CPU is 100FSB!
    You have a Athlon(XP) and it's showing the wrong speed, set the CPU-FSB to 133....
    Or 166 when it's a FSB333 CPU....or 200 when it's a FSB400 CPU....
    Some boards have a jumper to set it, other do it in the BIOS.
    Check your manual for this.
    Speeds must be:
    Duron upto 1300MHz = 100MHz (=200DDR)
    Duron from 1400MHz = 133MHz (=266DDR)
    Athlon B type = 100MHz (=200DDR)
    Athlon C type = 133MHz (=266DDR)
    Athlon XP - C type = 133MHz (=266DDR)
    Athlon XP - D type = 166MHz (=333DDR)
    Athlon XP - E type = 200MHz (=400DDR)
    Use this link to see if your motherboard actually supports your CPU.
    The TBred CPU's (0.13) start from XP-1700 and up, but not all boards support this CPU and they either show on the D-LED all red or don't start at all!!
    The K7T266pro2 is an exception, it can be made to support the TBred CPU's, on this link you find all the info on how to make it work.
    Many reports have told us that FSB333 CPU's work on KT3-Ultra boards work just fine, but it's unsupported by MSI, we don't know why....
    As for mulipliers with AMD CPU's, just set them Automatic, as they are hardcoded on the CPU themselves and will allway's be correctly, even if if you think the BIOS doesn't know it.
    How to recognise the CPU:
    If you look on the dice, there are letters after the speed.
    The last letter will tell you the FSB of the CPU.
    B=100MHz (=200DDR)
    C=133MHz (=266DDR)
    D=166MHz (=333DDR)
    E=200MHz (=400DDR)
    To recognise a CPU quickly, checkout this link.
    Thanks Mellops.
    The MHz setting must match your setting in the BIOS for FSB value, as it translates to the correct FSB setting for the CPU.
    The best way to identify a processor is by using the OPN (Ordering Part Number) which can be found on the processor (E.g. AXDA 2700 D K V 3 D).
    Detailed information on the code can be found in this AMD document. (Thanks Hans)
    CPU Cooling  
    CPU cooler not made for your CPU, check if it can handle your CPU....
    CPU cooler mounted wrong!, take it off and check it as it will fit 2 way's, but only 1 is the right one, examine very carefull!
    The cooler has a lower part that needs to go over the bump (higher part) of the socket, if it's not over there it won't cool the entire dice and WILL give you trouble.
    Also check if it's making contact with the entire dice of the CPU...
    Make sure you regrease it again, the same grease/paste can't be used twice!
    top 2 show how not to do it
    Used too much silver-grease! It will shorten the bridges on the CPU, clean it and use white-paste.
    (Silver-paste is not recommended in any case!)
    The latest AMD XP CPU's (XP-2200 and above) require a copperbased heatsink because the dice is smaller and generates far more heat per square cm then the "old" CPU's do.
    How to check the cooler before taking it off.
    There is a simple way to check the cooler without taking it off.
    You do this by first checking your idle temp with PCAlert, it should be below 50-55C.
    Then you download a client from, let this client run for about 10 minutes while monitoring the temps, after about 1 minute or so it should stabilize and your temp should have gone up about 10-15C (max).
    If it still goes up or the system crashes, there is a big chance you mounted the CPU-cooler wrong.
    When you can't run this check, try with FSB100, if the system does run the check then, it could be well that the cooler is mounted wrong or your powersupply doesn't have enough power.
    Cleaning the CPU and Cooler - thanks to Dragon60 for his addition.
    An additional comments about this is what you clean the CPU with in this situation. The best thing to use is isopropyl alcohol. If this is not available then metholated spirits would do.
    Make sure you allow the CPU to dry properly before you put it back in. This also means DO NOT try and clean it whilst it is still in the socket as some of the cleaning fluid, grease and dirt may get underneath and short some pins.
    Last but not least. DO NOT use acetone to clean anything inside your PC. (or outside for that matter) It MAY not do any damage BUT it may disolve some parts.
    Thanks Dragon60.  
    If you don't understand what we are talking about on this cooler matter, then read this link: AMD CPU & Cooling guide  
    Powersupply too little, most commen cheap 300W CPU's can't handle an XP-1700 or above, try a better one to be sure.
    Make sure your powersupply has about 185W combined on the 3.3+5V and that the 3.3V has 20A or above.
    That should be enough for most systems.
    On the latest boards the 12V has become very important too, expecialy with TBred CPU's.
    Make sure yours can give 18A or more on the 12V line too.
    I have found that a lot of cheap 350W will fail with modern boards and TBred CPU's.
    Allway's make sure you have a decend PSU, it never fails to spent a bit more on that part!
    Borrow a bigger one from a friend if you are not sure....
    More info about powersupplies: Click here.
    And the second you must read: Click here.
    Powersupplies with these type of numbers on them or higher should be fine:
    3.3V - 28A or better
    5V - 30A or better
    12V - 18A or better
    Watch out!! Cheap PSU's like Q-Tec come nowhere near these figures!!
    Do NOT trust the 300W or 400W rating on them!!!
    Q-Tec is about the worst of them all!!  
    Stand-off's left between the board and the case, take the board out and check for too many of those metal-clips, they can shorten circuits and cause al sorts of problems (most of the time audio problems)
    Ram problems, don't try to run with PC100 (SDram boards) when you have a 133FSB CPU, get PC133 ram of decend quality.
    In any case, don't use cheap quality ram (Crucial seems decend, but give's a lot of problems, I consider these cheap quality too :P ), replace the ram with another brand to see if it fixes it....
    DDR ram speeds:
    Duron upto 1300/Athlon-B =100FSB=PC-1600=DDR200
    Duron from 1400 =133FSB=PC-2100=DDR266
    Athlon-C/XP upto 2600 =133FSB=PC-2100=DDR266
    Athlon XP D-type and above =166FSB=PC-2700=DDR333
    Athlon XP E-type and above =200FSB=PC-3200=DDR400
    Higher DDR speeds are only a must if you try to overclock, they have no speed gain if run at the correct speed. You may use faster ram on a slower system, the speeds given are what is needed minimum.
    Perform RAM test tools, ie if you suspect RAM is faulty, such as BSOD or data corruption. [added by Maesus]
    Try your system allway's with 1 stick of ram, adding more sticks can give all the trouble too.
    Some sticks just won't work in pair and a lot fail when you put 3 or more in the system.
    When you want to use 3 sticks, make very sure you use the MSI tested ones, they are your best chance that they work without problems.
    If still nothing, try to seat the ram in another slot, sometimes they work better in another slot.
    Thanks boost
    Or rise the Ram voltage a little, be carefull doing this!
    Sometimes this works when you have a lot of ram in there.
    BIOS settings not right, clear the CMos and start with the default settings, if it works, try setting ONLY the FSB to 133 if needed, nothing more.....
    And go further from there......
    Clearing CMos
    When you clear the CMos, make sure that all power is cut from the system.
    This is done by takeing the wall-plug out or use the switch on the powersupply to turn it off.
    On most boards, as far as I know all MSI boards, you must set the JBat1 to position 2-3 (clear position) for about 10 seconds, then set it back to 1-2 (keep data position)
    After this your CMos should be cleared and you can turn the system back on.
    In some rare cases it's needed to take the battery out too for a minute or so.
    It can happen that the system will prompt you to set the BIOS again, go into the BIOS and set everything you need, then save the settings.
    Thanks fguevara.
    Harddisk is giving problems, most of the time with WD drive's, they are jumpered somewhat strange compared to others:
    No jumper = Stand-Alone no other drive attached to the cable.
    Jumper master = if you have a slave drive attached
    Jumper slave = when it's slave to another drive
    Harddisk is doing weird things:
    Make sure you have connected the blue connector to the board, and don't let the other end of the cable unused, make sure there is a device connected to it.
    The middle connector can be left into the air without problems if not needed.
    IBM harddisks seem to fail a lot, try Drive-Fitness-Test on it, see if it has problems.
    Click here for DFT
    Other brand drives can have problems too, make sure they are ok, as harddisk failure can cause all sorts of problems.
    Allway's be sure your harddisk is in tip-top shape, if not, replace it and try another to verify.
    For more information read this: Click here.
    To know what harddisks your motherboard support, use this link.
    To enable harddisk over 137GB in Win2000 edit this registry key:
    The KT4 raid boards only support 1 harddisk on IDE3, the rest must be SATA drive's!!
    Harddisk/power led not functioning - thanks to Tweetyoost
    If your HD led or power led not work try to switch(wrong + or - side) the connectors on the motherboard.
    leds will work only when + or - is correct
    Thanks Tweetyoost.  
    Floppy drive's  
    If your floppy drive doesn't work or the led stay's on all the time.
    Make sure the floppy is set correctly in the BIOS, as the BIOS doesn't autodetect a floppy drive.
    Check the cable, make sure the twist in the cable is at the floppy-drive side.
    If the light stay's on, flip the connector at the floppy-drive arround.
    Sometimes it happens that even after all this, they still don't work, try with another drive from another brand.
    Not able to enter the BIOS or lockup  
    When you try to enter the BIOS it won't go in there or
    lockup, but your system is running fine.
    This symtom can happen when your CPU-Cooler is giving spikes on the coolerwire.
    Try with another brand of cooler to test if it solves it.
    Keyboard and optical mouse lights stay on after power off[/U]
    Some motherboards have a jumper called JKBV1, this jumper is located (mostly) near the keyboard connector, put it in the other position.
    If your board doesn't have the jumper, try to find the following BIOS settings and turn them off:
    resume on KBC
    resume on PS/2
    resume by alarm
    USB ports not working[/U]
    Check in the BIOS if the ports are enabled.
    USB2.0 ports are supported in Win2000+SP3 and XP+SP1, just let the OS reinstall the ports and they should work.
    Thanks Stygge
    Replacing parts and the system won't boot after
    It's never a good idea to replace stuff like CPU and ram without taking the board out of the case.
    But if you still like to do so, please support the board, because if you don't you might bent the board a little and cause other components to make bad contact.
    Allways support the board when you replace stuff, no matter what!
    Also make sure your system can take the replacement, it could happen for example that your powersupply can't handle your changed videocard from GF2MX to GF4Ti4600.
    Test all the parts in another system
    Make sure that the new part is in good working order in the first place (in particular: videocard, CPU, memory): try it in another system, or have it demonstrated by the one you bought it from if possible.
    Testing might also give you a clue on what is actually wrong in your own system.
    Thanks HansH.
    Checking the powersupply
    Don't do this if you don't know what you are doing!
    Disconnect the powersupply.
    Orientate the 20pin Powerconnector with the clip up.
    Locate pin 4 and pin 8 top row, mostly green and black wire.
    Use a wire to short them (or better a 12V test lamp).
    Now connect the power and the fan inside the powersupply should start spinning.
    If it doesn't your powersupply maybe dead.
    Thanks HansH.
    KT4 users  
    Please read the Un-Official KT4 guide if you have CRC errors or strange crashes.
    These can be BIOS problems.
    In any case !!!Only flash if the system is stable!!!
    Set default-settings and FSB100 to make it stable first!!!
    Motherboards making a Siren-sound
    If your board is making the sound of a firetruck, BEEP-BOOP-BEEP-BOOP...
    Check the folowing:
    1. CPU too hot
    2. chassis intrusion was enabled in the BIOS
    3. PSU is below min/max allowable value
    Stutter in audio
    Remove your antivirus software.
    We have heard a few cases where the stuttering was created by badly behaving antivirus software.
    Disable cpu halt command if it's in the BIOS (Thanks Pascal16)
    Windows2000/XP won't run stable, try to disable APIC and install again....
    Not all drivers/devices like the APIC.
    Windows2000/XP won't install USB2.0, install the latest servicepak (SP3 Win2000 or SP1 WinXP).
    Let Windows rediscover the USB ports, they should work now.
    If you have driver or other problems and don't know what to do anymore but Windows does function without crashing, read this: Click here.
    Audio [added by Maesus, 20/2/2003]
    Can't stream AC3 via SPDIF to external DD decoder? try this ac3filter [info provided by Manfred ]
    Lan not working 100MBit
    You could try this patch, seems to work on some boards.
    The download-link is at the bottom of this post.
    I think I have about covered all most commen problems....
    Check those first before you ask us, as it's not fun to type the same over and over again.... :(
    Another good link for trouble shooting is here: Link
    If you have more issues that can solve problems, please write your thing below......
    I will insert your comments in this guide, with credits, offcourse 8)
    !!I will delete any attempt for discussion or problem report below this message.....!!
    Please report back, in another thread, if your problem was solved and how you did it, this will help others a great deal.
    It's only ment to help people as a guide to where the problem can be, start a new thread if this guide didn't solve your problem and you need more help!
    This thread is only for the experts to guide you into a solution :]

    Dude thank-you for your wonder detailed knowldge, I have descovered that lets say xp 1700 in a ultra 2 can only handle at the most 143fsb mult at 12.
    Given the settings" irq's are a major",part of directing traffic and power? example:
    Sound blaster Live , uses two irq's most common at"Auto" is, irq 10, or 5, and Sound blaster 16 emulation usually takes irq 5,. I have found that the sound card in slot3 works great , but to do this I had to change the Bio's and assign slot 3 irq 7 . and make sure printer port has share irq enabled
    Problems that accure with bad traffic are like this. Start a dedicated server. minimize than start your game?":censored:  no sound what could be wrong"? Shoot another problem Connection problem?. The computer nerd is getting trouble over the ordeal. ANSWER! IRQ can fix the problem, Study the irq and make changes as you go. "what would it be like with no stop signs,,,that is the same as a irq. with the same knowldge this topic brings IRQ need to be clearly understood.
    I can honestly say my system is error free and running like a dream.
    xp 2500 barton 333
    creative sound 5.1gamers.
    512 mb kingston ram 400 mhz
    boadband either onboard.
    MSI 5700 128 mb ddr
    Setting are:
    163 fsb
    mult of 11
    ddr 333
    video memory clock down to 450mhz
    3d clock to 390mhz
    The delta is a smooth running board also I want to mention to the person with crackling sounds, change the irq like I did, that fix the problem and the power is totaly too good to be true.

  • My Ipod Nano 5th generation is not being detected by Widows and Itunes. I have tried everything based on the trouble shooting tips outlined. Has anyone had this situation before? How was it resolved. My Ipod is just out of warrenty

    Have done all trouble shooting tech a through Apples and still have not resolved issues on Windows and itunes not detecting my Ipod  nano 5th generation device. Tried restoring the device manually using disk mode and still not being detected by the computer. Device is our of warenty as when service repair charges are $125.00 dolars more than I paid for this device. There must be some way to restore the entire device to factor settings without having to be connected to itunes and Windows. I wish I could connect but again device is not being read. I have another Ipod that is 8GB instaed of 16GB and it works fine. The sad thing about this situation is that my 9year old daughter worked hard doing delivering fliers for a long time to save her money to buy this 16 GB 5th generation Nano. Otherwise the Ipod works well but will not syncronize songs as it is not being detected. Maybe this is a result of corrupt files that got onto my daughters Ipod somehow and thus causing it not the be detwected through the USB connection thus as a result not be understoud as a working device through Windows and itunes. If anyone can help me out there including itune techs that would be well appreciated, but for now my daughter is not able to add new or delete any songs on her ipod as well pictures, and everything. Thanks

    Try changing the cord. I could NOT get my computer to recognize my iPod 5th Gen until I read somewhere that different apple devices use different cords. I was inadvertently using my iPad cord and that caused my computer to not recognize my ipod.

  • My iPhone is stuck in recovery mode, I can't restore/update my device. I keep getting error 2001. I've tried basically every trouble shooting step out there. Any suggestions?

    I have tried every trouble shooting step there is. restarting my  computer amd restarting my device. It died while i was at work and when i went to plug it into my car charger all i saw was the apple logo coming and going. so when i got home i put it in recovery mode and tried to restore and I got Error 2001. I have no idea what to do.

    Visit an Authorized Apple Service Provider or Apple Store to get it checked. If they can't fix this, you'll have to pay the Out-Of-Warranty-Service fee to get a new replacement for a reduced price:
    Out-of-warranty repair service
    If your repair isn’t covered by Apple’s One Year Limited Warranty, AppleCare+, or AppleCare Protection Plan, your iPhone might be eligible for out-of-warranty service. For example, liquid damage isn’t covered by warranty but might be eligible for out-of-warranty service. Some damage isn’t eligible at all, for example if your device has been broken into multiple pieces. See Apple’s Repair Terms and Conditions for complete details.
    Read Apple’s Repair Terms and Conditions
    Out-of-warranty service fee
    Battery service*
    iPhone 6 Plus
    *available only if battery
    fails Apple’s diagnostic test
    iPhone 6
    iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5
    iPhone 4s
    iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G,
    Original iPhone
    Plus a $6.95 shipping fee, if required. Fees are in USD and exclude local tax. Pricing is for service through Apple. The final service fee we charge will be determined during testing and may be less than the service fee listed above. Pricing and terms vary for service through an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    copied from Service Answer Center - iPhone

  • No sound! Tried everything in trouble shooting.

    So as the title says I have no sound. I have tried all the trouble shooting suggestions none of which have helped. I have unistalled/re-installed skype many times and the probelem still persists. I have checked all the audio options and have set all the appropriate ones to my headset ('Headset Earphone (Razer Kraken 7.1)').
    The only way I can get sound from skype is by changing the audio settings to my speakers and turning them on... My headset isn't broken becuase all other sound from my computer works fine with them.  But why not skype.
    Other info:
    Operating System - Windows 7 64-bit
    Skype Version -
    If nobody is able to provide a solution can someone please point me in the direction of the customer support. I have been unable to find any way to contact them on the site.

    All that's left is either to send it away for service to one of the many 3rd party repair sites (cheaper than Apple), or if you're knowledgeable about these things, open it up yourself. Might be just a loose connection that you can quickly repair.

  • Trouble Shooting Revisited.

    Trouble Shooting Revisited
    Ok We will start with loading Tiger and iChat version 3.0
    From Panther
    There are or were serveral Add-ons and applications avaiblable to Panther users of iChat that are not compatible with iChat 3.
    These following need to be deleted.
    iCAR - An Add-on that posts an Auto response Away message (produces a 1 fps result in a Video chat)
    Virex for Panther - An Anti Virus app avialable to @mac account users (Produces the 1 fsp problem)
    iChatUSBCam for Panther/iChat2.x - A Add-on utility for using iSight or USB cam with iChat2.x (Incompatible with Tiger/iChat 3)
    iProfile - An Add-on for producing a profile on the AIM server that ichat 2.x could not do (not proven to be a problem but now not needed).
    A clean install of Tiger (not Archive and Install) produces the best results.
    But any install should also check these Tiger settings.
    First, UPGRADE to 10.4.2 as this gets past many Connection issues that became apparent with the basic Tiger (10.4) and iChat 3.0 It updates iChat to version 3.0.1
    Check Settings
    Don't be complacent that you have not set anything different.
    There are several new things in Tiger that may trip you up.
    These are worth looking at:
    Mac Firewall. Now includes the ability to Block all UDP traffic in the Advanced button (System Preferences > Sharing >Firewall tab then the Advanced Button).
    Also can now open UDP protocol for ports where as the Panther one only did TCP (Check any old Panther settings you Added to the presets).
    The ports should be:
    <table border=1; cellpadding=5><Tr><td colspan=3; align=center>Tiger TCP and UDP Ports For Mac Firewall</td></tr><tr><td align=center>Method</td><td align=center>TCP Ports</td><td align=center>UDP Ports</td></Tr><tr><td>iChat over AIM</td><td>5190</td><td>5060, 5190, 5678, 16384-16403</td></tr><tr><td>Bonjou</td><td>5298</td><td>5297, 5298, 5353</td></tr><tr><td>Jabber</td><td>5220, 5222, 5223</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>All Ports</td><td>5190, 5220, 5222, 5223, 5298</td><td>5060, 5297, 5298, 5298, 5353, 5678, 16384-16403</td></tr></table>
    QuickTime. This has a change in the name of the Connection Speed tab to Streaming (System Preferences > QuickTime) Check this is set to be equal to your connection speed (the download one if this is faster).
    Date & Time. Not conclusively involved but worth eliminating. Set a Network Server and the correct Time Zone.
    Apple Remote Desktop. If this is active in System Preferences > Sharing > Services tab it causes problems for iChat.
    Next, test the actual speed you are getting from your ISP.
    There is a table here of the speeds you need:
    The one you get linked to in the Help menu is wrong.
    Other Known Problems
    There are several other applications that iChat 3 does not seem to like.
    folding@home This is a application that uses spare processor time to help find protein chains for a University.
    PostgreSQL This is a data base application that can be reset to allow more processor time for iChat. See here
    Lotus Notes Some people have reported problems with this.
    Make sure any Add-on Video cards or input PCI cards have up to date Firmware
    Thread on Miglia.
    IF you are still having problems I would do Routine Maintenance Tasks as laid out here.
    Lastly, some routers/modems are SIP aware and give different results in iChat 3 compared to iChat 2.
    This is due to the Operating System changing (like a new computer connecting to the modem) rather than iChat.

    Trouble Shooting Revisited
    Ok We will start with loading Tiger and iChat version 3.0
    From Panther
    There are or were serveral Add-ons and applications avaiblable to Panther users of iChat that are not compatible with iChat 3.
    These following need to be deleted.
    iCAR - An Add-on that posts an Auto response Away message (produces a 1 fps result in a Video chat)
    Virex for Panther - An Anti Virus app avialable to @mac account users (Produces the 1 fsp problem)
    iChatUSBCam for Panther/iChat2.x - A Add-on utility for using iSight or USB cam with iChat2.x (Incompatible with Tiger/iChat 3)
    iProfile - An Add-on for producing a profile on the AIM server that ichat 2.x could not do (not proven to be a problem but now not needed).
    A clean install of Tiger (not Archive and Install) produces the best results.
    But any install should also check these Tiger settings.
    First, UPGRADE to 10.4.2 as this gets past many Connection issues that became apparent with the basic Tiger (10.4) and iChat 3.0 It updates iChat to version 3.0.1
    Check Settings
    Don't be complacent that you have not set anything different.
    There are several new things in Tiger that may trip you up.
    These are worth looking at:
    Mac Firewall. Now includes the ability to Block all UDP traffic in the Advanced button (System Preferences > Sharing >Firewall tab then the Advanced Button).
    Also can now open UDP protocol for ports where as the Panther one only did TCP (Check any old Panther settings you Added to the presets).
    The ports should be:
    Tiger TCP and UDP Ports For Mac FirewallUDP Ports for iChat over AIM:- 5060, 5190, 5678, 16384-16403
    TCP:- 5190 (this is an As well setting)
    Bonjour:_ 5297, 5298, 5353 on UDP
    TCP:- 5298 (This is an As well setting)
    Jabber:- 5220, 5222, 5223 TCP
    All Ports for TCP:- 5190, 5220, 5222, 5223, 5298
    For UDP:- 5060, 5297, 5298, 5298, 5353, 5678, 16384-16403
    QuickTime. This has a change in the name of the Connection Speed tab to Streaming (System Preferences > QuickTime) Check this is set to be equal to your connection speed (the download one if this is faster).
    Date & Time. Not conclusively involved but worth eliminating. Set a Network Server and the correct Time Zone.
    Apple Remote Desktop. If this is active in System Preferences > Sharing > Services tab it causes problems for iChat.
    Next, test the actual speed you are getting from your ISP.
    There is a table here of the speeds you need:
    The one you get linked to in the Help menu is wrong.
    Other Known Problems
    There are several other applications that iChat 3 does not seem to like.
    folding@home This is a application that uses spare processor time to help find protein chains for a University.
    PostgreSQL This is a data base application that can be reset to allow more processor time for iChat. See here
    Lotus Notes Some people have reported problems with this.
    Make sure any Add-on Video cards or input PCI cards have up to date Firmware
    Thread on Miglia.
    IF you are still having problems I would do Routine Maintenance Tasks as laid out here.
    Lastly, some routers/modems are SIP aware and give different results in iChat 3 compared to iChat 2.
    This is due to the Operating System changing (like a new computer connecting to the modem) rather than iChat.

  • Have done all the trouble shooting connection but my iPad still can not get wifi connection

    i have done all the trouble shooting connection but mu iPAd still can not get wifi connection

    Hi Jo,
    Each router is a little different but here are the basics: login to the router using the administrator account, should have that info from the installer, and then you should find something like security settings, or it may be advanced security.  There will be a setting to the effect of limiting access, or it may say allow Mac address authentication, or admit the Mac addresses in the table...if that is switched on, you can just switch it off and that will allow any wireless device to attach.  If you want to keep it on, then you have to enter the Mac address for the device you want to use for access.  In the case of the iPad, go to Settings > General > About > WiFi Address (another way of saying Mac address).  Enter that very long sequence in the router's Mac address acceptance table and that should take care of things.
    Using the Mac address does not change any of the email settings, just limits attaching to the router in the first place.
    If you are already getting email, you must be attaching already so this should not be an issue.  If you are having email issues, such as receive but not send, you may not have the outgoing server set correctly: Settings > Mail > Account > Outgoing server name (usually an SMTP server) and you may have to go to the advanced settings to enter the outgoing password (normally the same as the account/incoming password) and then check to see if SSL is ON or OFF...most common email services say to set to OFF.

  • Concurrent trouble shooting - Documents

    Hi All,
    Can you please help on getting documents on "Concurrent trouble shooting"
    Please do needful on this?
    Thanks a million.....

    What issues you want to troubleshoot? Startup issues? Performance issues? Please elaborate more.
    Please refer to the following documents, it should be helpful.
    Note: 735148.1 - How to Troubleshoot Concurrent Manager Start Up Issue Related to Service Manager
    Note: 398624.1 - Oracle Application Object Library Concurrent Manager Test Set
    For CM performance, please refer to:
    Note: 117648.1 - Troubleshooting Performance Issues in Oracle Applications/ E-Business Suite
    Note: 105133.1 - Concurrent Manager Questions and Answers Relating to Generic Platform

  • My HP deskjet 3070A is displaying the error code 0x19a0041, and no trouble shooting tips working.

    I have spent all morning trying to resolve a problem on my hp deskjet printer (3070A) keeps displaying 'printer failure 0x19a0041' I have worked through all the trouble shooting tips on your website, but none seem to be working, so I tried to request a service, so then I tried to re-new my warranty, to request a service, but the system couldn't process my request. I then tried to call your helpline numbers listed in your website, but the number is no longer in use. Please help! I am at my wits end, as have spent a whole morning trying to sort this out! Thanks, Sarah

    i tried to reset the printer as you said. it worked. and completely destroyed it.  it keeps asking for the setup cartridges, which i still have, but they're not new ones. which i have found out, is a MUST for the printer to recognise them and start up. since you work for HP is it possible for me ask them to fix this without charge?  i cannot check my warranty because my ORIGINAL problem which i was trying to fix does not allow me to install the driver for the printer and therefore i cannot detect whether my warranty still covers the product. Nor does the the printer allow me to scroll down and check my ID model number in the information menu for some insane reason, so i cannot even check manually....
    ah the terms of use seem to say that i cannot ask them to fix this mess without charge. great.
    do you have any advice?

  • I had a 1 TB Drive that was connected as a back up, but it is no longer recognized by the mac.  How may I trouble shoot to reconnect?

    how do I trouble shoot this?

    emanwine wrote:
    Got it to connect and it is my back up. ...
    Good News.
    If this is your only Backup would suggest getting a New EHD and creating another one... Preferably a Clone if you don't already have one.
    Can never have too many Backups...

  • I uploded the new itunes software and now my ipod touch is not getting reconized in my itunes. I went through all the trouble shooting support from apple. But I do have a avast antivirus on my computer i wonder if that is what is holding it up

    I uploded the new itunes software and now my ipod touch is not getting reconized in my itunes. I went through all the trouble shooting support from apple. But I do have a avast antivirus on my computer i wonder if that is what is holding it up

    Could be since it (security software) is listed as #5 in the following:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

  • TS4268 Ever since I uploaded i0s7 I haven't been able to receive I messages or face time. I have took it to the apple store and they couldn't figure it out. I have also followed the trouble shooting from I tunes and still can't get it working

    Ever since I uploaded i0s7 I haven't been able to receive I messages or face time. I have took it to the apple store and they couldn't figure it out. I have also followed the trouble shooting from I tunes and still can't get it working

    Strikes -
    Go into compositionReady and have 3 variables you will be able to set them like this
    strike1 = 0;
    strike2 = 0;
    strike3 = 0;
    So on the wrong item click have
    if(strike1 == 0) {
    strike1 = 1;
    else if(strike2 == 0) {
    strike2 = 1;
    else if(strike3 == 0) {
    strike3 = 1;
    So this will make it so when the wrong item is clicked each strike will be played in order.
    Random Scrolling -
    You should look into the Math.Random function to make things random in edge.
    This is an example of the Random function. It will generate a random number up to 100.
    var random = Math.floor (Math.random () * 100);
    Lose Screen Score -
    So we can create another variable in compositionReady for the lose score.
    score = 0;
    Now when the user gains a point to add to the score you could do this code on the click
    which would add 1 to the score, However you can add however much you like to the score doing "score + 2" and so on.
    To edit a text with the score at the end which I'm assuming you will want to do you will use .html
    so $("Text").html("You score is " + score);
    I hope this helps!

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