Recording Online Lectures w/ Quicktime

I'm trying to figure out a way to record online lectures (Mediasite) using quicktime. How do I go about recording the internal audio? Are there any apps that can sync up with quicktime to record the audio?

You would have better control with something like AudioHijackPro
hope this helps

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    There's the best way, and the quickest way and they are mutually exclusive. For best audio a USB voice quality headset & microphone will stop background interference and squelch... If auto-gain locking in on the loudest sound in the room near your computer... then the built in is fine... providing you have no external speakers and turn you down your speaker volume.  They are on the left side nearer to the front than the headphone jack.

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    The basic answer is that Apple has not programmed the capture routine with this capability. As such, you can always send QT feedback requesting this feature be added as a future enhancement.

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    Not sure of the format limitations on Mac's but you might do similar to what one does with Export for/Import to Adobe Encore (if no "linking" is used). This entails Exporting as elemental streams, i.e. a Vdieo-only file and an Audio-only file - non-muxed. These two files are then Imported (Encore in this case) and "assembled" within the program. For the above, I use DV-AVI Type II (non-muxed) and PCM/WAV, or AC3 (non-muxed). This is for SD source/output. Obviously, with the Mac, further consideration will be needed. HD material will change my described workflow too, as regards to Export file format for the Video.
    Good luck,

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    In your reply you stated that iPad microphone is not very sensitive. And that you could hardly hear the play back.
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    Macbook Pro does not have a microphone input
    You have two options:
    1 buy a USB mic and connect to a USB port
    2 buy a small very cheap sound mixer that has 3.5 mic level input and a line level out put
    something like this:
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    you could launch the recording application, but it will not
    within your FL app. Then you need to know the file name and
    location since FL cannot browse the file system of the phone.
    Also consider that this type of apps do not work for every
    phone since some phones do not allow to execute other applications.
    Here some tutorials that you can take a look at:

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    Any idea what might be happening here?

    Well i just found this and tried it, it worked
    1) Go to export to QT as usual.
    2) Click the second drop down (Formats) and select 'Custom...'.
    3) A new window will pop up, click the 'Settings...' button.
    My 'Compression Type' drop down was set to 'H.264'....I was told to
    4) Change the 'Compression Type' to 'MPEG-4 Video.
    (I do not think it is related to the fix being suggested or just as a preference, I was told to slide the Compressor - Quality slider on the bottom left to 'Best')
    5) Click the 'OK' button on the bottom left
    That window will close.
    6) Click the 'Next' button and continue with your export.
    Not sure why this works but it did. But i still cant do it the normal way.

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    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Hi there - thanks for your reply.
    It appears I may have mis-reported some information during my earlier post(sorry!). It appears that on the Intel Mac Mini, the clips will play fine in full-screen through QuickTime, but suffer quite badly when played back through FrontRow - as I mentioned earlier, the file jerks every second or so. (QT Playback on the other machines seems to vary in quality - but I am not as concerned about this at the moment - I just want to be able to view these videos in FrontRow!).
    I ran the clip through the Fix Timestamps option in MPEG streamclip, but it found nothing to repair. When I show file info in MPEG streamclip, it reports:
    Type: MPEG program stream
    Duration: 1:04:28
    Data Size: 2.11 GB
    Bit Rate: 4.67 Mbps
    Video Tracks
    224 MPEG-2, 720 × 576, 16:9, 25 fps, 4.35 Mbps, upper field first
    Audio Tracks:
    192 MP2 stereo, 48 kHz, 256 kbps
    Stream Files:
    TestTVRecording.MPG (2.11 GB)
    So it seems that the problem, at least on the Intel Mini, is limited to FrontRow.
    Surely, though, Front Row is just using the same QuickTime playback mechanism as QuickTime Player itself?! What other processing could FrontRow be doing during playback that would have such an imact?
    I am looking to use the Mac Mini as a HTPC - I have it hooked up to my TV and am hoping to use it to play recorded TV shows from my Windows box. I've only had the box a couple of days, and am quite surprised that a dual core intel machine is struggling so badly with a simple mpeg2 file that my old 1ghz windows laptop will quite happily play!!
    I appreciate that FrontRow is in it's infancy, but even so, I wasn't expecting my new machine to be struggling like this!
    Any further suggestions greatly appreciated.

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    I did not try an external mic plugged into the left mic-input jack. Hope this helps many future Keynote users until this bug is fixed.

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