Recordsets with multiple options - AND, OR If Else and the "Any" Rule

Been trying to get this to work for days now... I have a form with drop down lists that feeds through variables to a search page... The Recordset Jobsearch2 shown below works great so long as a user chooses and option that has info in the DB.... ie all fields must be present. I cannot seem to work out how to achieve and Any rule?...
I have had 2 options suggested to me...
a) the code below...
if(isset($searchsector) && $searchsector !== "") {
$query_jobsearch2 .= ' AND Sector LIKE "%' . mysql_real_escape_string($searchsector) . '%"';
putting this in for each option..... but If Im told I have to add this in before the "$jobsearch2 = mysql_query" line... but when I do this the recordset disappears\is deleted...
b) Using an Array and "Implode" -  this wouldbe great I'm sure if I had any clue how to do this and what it meant.
<?php require_once('Connections/steelbakercouk_473245_db1.php'); ?>
$searchsector = $_POST['Sector'];
$searchlocation = $_POST['clocation'];
$searchmin = $_POST['minsalary'];
$searchmax = $_POST['maxsalary'];
$searchtype = $_POST['Type'];
mysql_select_db($database_steelbakercouk_473245_db1, $steelbakercouk_473245_db1);
$query_jobsearch2 = "SELECT jobs.clocation, jobs.Ref_id, jobs.RefCode, jobs.jobtitle, jobs.blurb, jobs.Consultant, jobs.Salary, jobs.tlocation, jobs.Sector, jobs.Type FROM jobs WHERE jobs.Salary BETWEEN '$searchmin' AND '$searchmax' AND clocation = '$searchlocation' AND jobs.Sector  = '$searchsector' AND jobs.Type = '$searchtype'";
$jobsearch2 = mysql_query($query_jobsearch2, $steelbakercouk_473245_db1) or die(mysql_error());
$row_jobsearch2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($jobsearch2);
$totalRows_jobsearch2 = mysql_num_rows($jobsearch2);
Please help... ... pulling my hair out!

Ok.. I've tried all methods and still not getting anywhere..
David... following the link you gave me... and to the letter.. apart from GetSQLValueString()which does not seem to exist.
All it does is return all the records (as per the basic recordset)
Heres the code.... please please tell me where I am going wrong.... downloaded your book Foundation PHP but struggaling.,
<?php require_once('Connections/steelbakercouk_473245_db1.php'); ?>
$searchsector = $_POST['Sector'];
$searchlocation = $_POST['clocation'];
$searchmin = $_POST['minsalary'];
$searchmax = $_POST['maxsalary'];
$searchtype = $_POST['Type'];
$any = $_POST['any'];
$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
mysql_select_db($database_steelbakercouk_473245_db1, $steelbakercouk_473245_db1);
$expected = array('Sector' => 'text',
                  'clocation'         => 'text',
                  'minsalary'          => 'int',
                  'maxsalary'      => 'int');
$query_jobsearch2 = "SELECT jobs.clocation, jobs.Ref_id, jobs.RefCode, jobs.jobtitle, jobs.blurb, jobs.Consultant, jobs.Salary, jobs.tlocation, jobs.Sector, jobs.Type FROM jobs";
$where = false;
// Loop through the associatiave array of expected search values
foreach ($expected as $var => $type) {
  if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
    $value = trim(urldecode($_GET[$var]));
    if (!empty($value)) {
      // Check if the value begins with > or <
      // If so, use it as the operator, and extract the value
      if ($value[0] == '>' || $value[0] == '<') {
        $operator = $value[0];
        $value = ltrim(substr($value, 1));
      } elseif (strtolower($type) != 'like') {
        $operator = '=';
      // Check if the WHERE clause has been added yet
      if ($where) {
        $query_search .= ' AND ';
      } else {
        $query_search .= ' WHERE ';
        $where = true;
      // Build the SQL query using the right operator and data type
      $type = strtolower($type);
      switch($type) {
        case 'like':
          $query_search .= "`$var` LIKE " . GetSQLValueString('%' .
$value . '%', "text");
        case 'int':
        case 'double':
        case 'date':
          $query_search .= "`$var` $operator " .
GetSQLValueString($value, "$type");
        $query_search .= "`$var` = " . GetSQLValueString($value,
$jobsearch2 = mysql_query($query_jobsearch2, $steelbakercouk_473245_db1) or die(mysql_error());
$row_jobsearch2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($jobsearch2);
$totalRows_jobsearch2 = mysql_num_rows($jobsearch2);
$queryString_jobsearch2 = "";
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
  $newParams = array();
  foreach ($params as $param) {
    if (stristr($param, "pageNum_jobsearch2") == false &&
        stristr($param, "totalRows_jobsearch2") == false) {
      array_push($newParams, $param);
  if (count($newParams) != 0) {
    $queryString_jobsearch2 = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
$queryString_jobsearch2 = sprintf("&totalRows_jobsearch2=%d%s", $totalRows_jobsearch2, $queryString_jobsearch2);

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    pthread lock failed: Invalid argument
    PANIC: Invalid argument
    From searching with Google I can see that issues arising from incorrectly setting up the environment to support concurrency are are fairly common. But I have not been able to find a match for this problem, and as far as I can make out from the documentation I am using the correct combination of flags; I use DB_REGISTER and DB_RECOVER to handle the fact that multiple processes join the environment independently. Each process uses on a single environment handle, and joins using
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    db_env_create(&env, 0);
    env->open(env, path to environment, env_flags, 0);
    Although the environment requests DB_INIT_TXN, I am not currently using transactions. There is an intention to implement this later, but my understanding was that concurrent reads would function correctly without the full transaction infrastructure.
    All workers seem to join the environment correctly, but then fail when an attempt is made to read from the database. They will all try to access the same XML document in the same container (because it gives them instructions about what work to perform). However, the worker processes open each container setting the read-only flag:
    DbXml::XmlContainerConfig models_config;
    DbXml::XmlContainer models = this->mgr->openContainer(path to container, models_config);
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    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 0] 2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff8eed35aa _sigtramp + 26
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 1] 3   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 2] 4   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff87890bba abort + 125
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    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 5] 7   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff89ac0322 _ZL15_objc_terminatev + 124
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 6] 8   libc++abi.dylib                     0x00007fff83b223e1 _ZSt11__terminatePFvvE + 8
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 7] 9   libc++abi.dylib                     0x00007fff83b21e6b _ZN10__cxxabiv1L22exception_cleanup_funcE19_Unwind_Reason_CodeP17_Unwind_Exception + 0
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 8] 10  libdbxml-2.5.dylib                  0x000000010f30e4de _ZN5DbXml18DictionaryDatabaseC2EP8__db_envPNS_11TransactionERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEERKNS_15ContainerConfigEb + 1038
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [ 9] 11  libdbxml-2.5.dylib                  0x000000010f2f348c _ZN5DbXml9Container12openInternalEPNS_11TransactionERKNS_15ContainerConfigEb + 1068
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [10] 12  libdbxml-2.5.dylib                  0x000000010f2f2dec _ZN5DbXml9ContainerC2ERNS_7ManagerERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEPNS_11TransactionERKNS_15ContainerConfigEb + 492
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [11] 13  libdbxml-2.5.dylib                  0x000000010f32a0af _ZN5DbXml7Manager14ContainerStore13findContainerERS0_RKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEPNS_11TransactionERKNS_15ContainerConfigEb + 175
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [12] 14  libdbxml-2.5.dylib                  0x000000010f329f75 _ZN5DbXml7Manager13openContainerERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPNS_11TransactionERKNS_15ContainerConfigEb + 101
    [lcd-ds283:27730] [13] 15  libdbxml-2.5.dylib                  0x000000010f34cd46 _ZN5DbXml10XmlManager13openContainerERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEERKNS_18XmlContainerConfigE + 102
    Can I ask if it's clear to anyone what I am doing wrong?

    Is it possible that the root problem to this is in the MPI code or usage?  Because if the writer process crashes while holding an active transaction or open database handles, it could leave the environment in an inconsistent state that would result in the readers throwing a PANIC error when they notice the inconsistent environment.
    Thanks for looking into this.
    It looks like there was a small typo in the code I quoted, and I think it was this which caused the segmentation fault or memory corruption. Although I checked a few times that the code snippet produced expected results before posting it, I must have been unlucky that it just happened not to cause a segfault on those attempts.
    This is a corrected version:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include "dbxml/db.h"
    #include "dbxml/dbxml/DbXml.hpp"
    #include "boost/mpi.hpp"
    static std::string envname = std::string("test");
    static std::string pkgname = std::string("packages.dbxml");
    static std::string intname = std::string("integrations.dbxml");
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        boost::mpi::environment  mpi_env;
        boost::mpi::communicator mpi_world;
        if(mpi_world.rank() == 0)
            std::cerr << "-- Writer creating environment" << std::endl;
            DB_ENV *env;
            int dberr = ::db_env_create(&env, 0);
            std::cerr << "**   creation response = " << dberr << std::endl;
            if(dberr > 0) std::cerr << "**   " << ::db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "-- Writer opening environment" << std::endl;
            dberr = env->open(env, envname.c_str(), env_flags, 0);
            std::cerr << "**   opening response = " << dberr << std::endl;
            if(dberr > 0) std::cerr << "**   " << ::db_strerror(dberr) << std::endl;
            // set up XmlManager object
            DbXml::XmlManager *mgr = new DbXml::XmlManager(env, DbXml::DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV | DbXml::DBXML_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_ACCESS);
            // create containers - these will be used by the workers
            DbXml::XmlContainerConfig pkg_config;
            DbXml::XmlContainerConfig int_config;
            std::cerr << "-- Writer creating containers" << std::endl;
            DbXml::XmlContainer packages       = mgr->createContainer(pkgname.c_str(), pkg_config);
            DbXml::XmlContainer integrations   = mgr->createContainer(intname.c_str(), int_config);
            std::cerr << "-- Writer instructing workers" << std::endl;
            std::vector<boost::mpi::request> reqs(mpi_world.size() - 1);
            for(unsigned int                 i = 1; i < mpi_world.size(); i++)
                reqs[i - 1] = mpi_world.isend(i, 0); // instruct workers to open the environment
            // wait for all messages to be received
            boost::mpi::wait_all(reqs.begin(), reqs.end());
            std::cerr << "-- Writer waiting for termination responses" << std::endl;
            // wait for workers to advise successful termination
            unsigned int outstanding_workers = mpi_world.size() - 1;
            while(outstanding_workers > 0)
                boost::mpi::status stat = mpi_world.probe();
                    case 1:
                        mpi_world.recv(stat.source(), 1);
            delete mgr; // exit, closing database and environment
            mpi_world.recv(0, 0);
            std::cerr << "++ Reader " << mpi_world.rank() << " beginning work" << std::endl;
            DB_ENV *env;
            ::db_env_create(&env, 0);
            env->open(env, envname.c_str(), env_flags, 0);
            // set up XmlManager object
            DbXml::XmlManager *mgr = new DbXml::XmlManager(env, DbXml::DBXML_ADOPT_DBENV | DbXml::DBXML_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_ACCESS);
            // open containers which were set up by the master
            DbXml::XmlContainerConfig pkg_config;
            DbXml::XmlContainerConfig int_config;
            DbXml::XmlContainer packages     = mgr->openContainer(pkgname.c_str(), pkg_config);
            DbXml::XmlContainer integrations = mgr->openContainer(intname.c_str(), int_config);
            mpi_world.isend(0, 1);
            delete mgr; // exit, closing database and environment
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    This repeatably causes the crash on OS X Mavericks 10.9.1. Also, I have checked that it repeatably causes the crash on a virtualized OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5. But I do not see any crashes on a virtualized Ubuntu 13.10. My full code likewise works as expected with a large number of readers under the virtualized Ubuntu. I am compiling with clang and libc++ on OS X, and gcc 4.8.1 and libstdc++ on Ubuntu, but using openmpi in both cases. Edit: I have also compiled with clang and libc++ on Ubuntu, and it works equally well.
    Because the virtualized OS X experiences the crash, I hope the fact that it works on Ubuntu is not just an artefact of virtualization. (Unfortunately I don't currently have a physical Linux machine with which to check.) In that case the implication would seem to be that it's an OS X-specific problem. 2nd edit (14 Feb 2014): I have now managed to test on a physical Linux cluster, and it appears to work as expected. Therefore it does appear to be an OS X-specific issue.
    In either OS X 10.8 or 10.9, the crash produces this result:
    -- Writer creating environment
    **   creation response = 0
    -- Writer opening environment
    **   opening response = 0
    -- Writer creating containers
    ++ Reader 7 beginning work
    -- Writer instructing workers
    -- Writer waiting for termination responses
    ++ Reader 1 beginning work
    ++ Reader 2 beginning work
    ++ Reader 3 beginning work
    ++ Reader 4 beginning work
    ++ Reader 5 beginning work
    ++ Reader 6 beginning work
    pthread lock failed: Invalid argument
    PANIC: Invalid argument
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
    libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
    [mountainlion-test-rig:00319] *** Process received signal ***
    [mountainlion-test-rig:00319] Signal: Abort trap: 6 (6)
    [mountainlion-test-rig:00319] Signal code:  (0)
    Message was edited by: ds283

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  • Bizarre networking problem with multiple 8.1 GA systems -- RT and Pro

    Hi everyone,
    I'm having a particularly bizarre problem with the networking on two Windows 8.1 machines, one running Pro and one running RT. Both demonstrate the same behavior.
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    happen on at least 3 wireless access points.  In most cases, the networking actually appears to be up -- the limited access warning icon isn't up, although occasionally it does realize the networking isn't working.
    Here's the bizarre part -- on both systems, local IP connectivity is fine. I can communicate perfectly well between devices on the same internal network, wired or wifi. During the time the networking isn't working on one or the other 8.1 system, other systems
    on the network running Windows 8 (and other systems) work fine. There's no correlation between one 8.1 system stopping working and the other.
    On *both* systems, when the networking appears to be failing, a traceroute actually gets 4-5 (or more) hops before going out to lunch. Other systems on the same internal network will cruise along to the same point on the route that is failing on the 8.1
    machines and keep right on happily continuing the trace.
    So that's the bizarre thing -- something on two 8.1 machines is doing *something* to the packets that is causing them to not route properly to a target system 10-15 hops away, the same routers handling the same kind of traffic from other systems behind my
    firewall work fine, and whatever is happening to the packets that is causing issues resolves itself for some period of time if I reset the adapter.  (The two systems are a MacBook Air and a Surface RT, so there's no drivers in common between them, either.)
    I'm completely at a loss. Anyone see anything like this before, or have any thoughts on what to check?
    (And, please, if you're one of those Microsoft support forum people who skim questions for keywords and cut-n-paste back a generic reply without any actual understanding of the problem -- like so many replies on here -- please do not waste my time. I am
    trying to find someone who knows Windows 8.1 networking, not someone who knows just enough English to use ctrl-c/ctrl-v)

    Hi George,
    There is a known issue about Cisco device. It caused some windows 8 clients disconnected from wifi. I understand your windows 8 clients works fine, when the issue occurred on windows 8.1 clients. However, I think the KB article is worth a shot
    Best regards,
    Alex Du
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread

  • Problem with multiple counter plan containing running hrs and no of months

    Hey gurus,
    In my project the preventive maintenance of compressor is such that it is performed after 500 hrs or 6 months whichever comes first. Now i ve created a cycle set cosisting of 500 hrs and 6 months. In the multiple counter plan i ve assigned a counter to the plan for calculating 500 hrs and chosen the link as OR. I scheduled the plan and given the start date as 01.05.09. Now I am facing the following problem:
    Suppose my counter value reaches the 500 mark on 01.08.09. Now a maintenance order is generated. My client now wants that the next order should be generated after the counter reading reaches 1000 or the date reaches 01.02.10, ie, the order should be generated for next 500hrs or NEXT 6 MONTHS from
    the date of completion of first cycle, whichever comes first.
    Pls help....

    If u have scheduled ur plan according to cycle set. It will take the Point of contact as 6 months.
    Ex : Cycle set : 500 hrs and 6 months, maintained OR functions
    i have entered the measurement reading as 500.. thats why, it gives the call for todays date...
    see the next date will be after 6 months... If u update the measuring point only, it will open a order... otherwise.. once u have scheduled it for 6 months.. once in 6 months it will give a order...
    1     11.05.2009               0     New start  Save to call
    2     07.11.2009     07.11.2009          0     Scheduled  Hold
    3     06.05.2010     06.05.2010          0     Scheduled  Hold
    4     02.11.2010     02.11.2010          0     Scheduled  Hold
    5     01.05.2011     01.05.2011          0     Scheduled  Hold
    6     28.10.2011     28.10.2011          0     Scheduled  Hold
    7     25.04.2012     25.04.2012          0     Scheduled  Hold
    Schedule for a long period.. u will be able to understand the scenario...
    - Pithan

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    I can reopen muse and it recovers all my work, but how do I fix this? Is it because of the 2014.3 update?  I can't even get it saved to send support a copy of it... help!

    Send the .muse file. If you've made a large number of unsaved changes, please send both the .muse file (if any) and the Recovery folder found in
    Mac: "~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2014.3/Local Store" (copy and paste into the Go > Go To Folder dialog in the Finder)
    Windows: "%appdata%/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2014.3/Local Store" (copy and paste into a file explorer window)
    In both cases above, include everything between the quotes (including the tilde ~ on the Mac) in the copy/paste, but not the quotes themselves.
    Send the files to [email protected] along with a link to this thread. If the files are larger than 20Mb you can use a service like Adobe SendNow, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc. (If you use a service, please include your return e-mail address in the body of the message, since not all services include it in the sharing invite they send.) Thanks.

  • Submit button with multiple email addresses doesn't work while the same form with one email address does.  The multi email version works on windows computer.

    The email comes up when I press the "Submit" button but the email to field is blank.

    What is the separator character between two email addresses?  Is it a comma (,) semicolon(;) or something else?
    According to the mailto URI scheme (RFC 6068), you need to use a comma (,) to separate multiple email addresses.
    You can see the third example in the following Wikipedia page.
    mailto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Would you double check the mailto value in your PDF form?

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    one answer with the use of Type Custom, but i am unsure how to have
    multiple correct answers for one textField.

    Hi Barry,
    to validate more values inside the textfield widget, you have
    to create your custom regular expression that fits with what values
    you accept for that input field.
    So your contructor should look similar with this:
    var sprytextfield1 = new
    Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "custom",
    {regExpFilter:/test1|test2|test3/, useCharacterMasking:true});
    This regexp is translated: the textfiled will accept only
    test1, test2, test3 values.
    You can also have this behavior if you create a custom
    function having a set of switch values:
    case1: ...
    and you call this function as option in the widget

  • OK I have a question about "game center" Is it possible to log into the game center with a different apple ID, just within the game center and not anywhere else in the phone?

    I have 2 Iphones, 1 is a personal phone and the other is a work phone, i will be using my work phone only right away, I have an appointed Apple ID on my work phone and i want to transfer my Clash of clans Village with out having to attach my other apple ID to the phone? So basically can my Game center have 1 Apple ID and my phone use another? Hopefully that makes sense.

    Well crafted story = kudos, but try this User Tip FIRST
    Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions

  • Issue with Multiple LTS for a fact table and filters

    I am facing an issue with obiee 10g.
    In my model, I have a huge FACT table F1 (partitioned and indexed). The average response time for the queries, which targeted it, was ~30-60 seconds, which was not really convincing our end user.
    So, we decided to create a materialized view, which removes some dimensions that are not used by default, but might be used if the end user adds some filters. I added the Materialized view in the Physical Layer and in the corresponding Logical Table Source.
    I then tried to see if it works, but I was a bit surprised by the result. Indeed,
    -> If the report does not reference a truncated dimension, it targets the materialized view. -> Perfect
    -> If the report does reference a truncated dimension in the columns, it targets the Fact Table. -> Perfect
    -> If the report does reference a truncated dimension in the Filters, it targets the materialized view. For this reason, the filter is never resolved and no join on the dimension table is applied, whereas it exists in logical SQL generated. -> Ko.
    A suggestion could be to add the filters into the columns, but I am not satisfied by this response because it will never use the materialized view in that case.
    An other suggestion could be to use query rewrite, but I 'd like to have the full control on the generation of the queries.
    Does someone know if the filters are not evaluated to determine which LTS to use? How can I force this evaluation?

    If I understand your description correctly, then your materialized view skips some dimensions (infrequent ones). However, when you reference these skipped dimensions in filters, the queries are hitting the materialized view and failing as these values do not exist. In this case, you could resolve it as follows
    1. Create dimensional hierarchies for all dimensions.
    2. In the fact table's logical sources set the content tabs properly. (Yes, I think this is it).
    When you skipped some dimensions, the grain of the new fact source (the materialized view in this case) is changed. For example:
    Say a fact is available with the keys for Product, Customer, Promotion dimensions. The grain for this is Product * Customer * Promotion
    Say another fact is available with the keys for Product, Customer. The grain for this is Product * Customer (In fact, I would say it is Product * Customer * Promotion Total).
    So in the second case, the grain of the table is changed. So setting appropriate content levels for these sources would automatically switch the sources.
    So, I request you to try these settings and let me know if it works.
    Thank you,

  • Preparedstatement with multiple parameters on joined tables w/ (AND,OR)??

    Ihave a Query that reads a list of materials (1 to many) and a string of delimited numbers. I am currently going through a couple of loops to build my Query string. For example:
    WHERE (materials.material = '?' OR materials.material = '?' )........ AND (materials.ONE = '?' "; OR materials.ONE = '?' "; )........
    It also involves reading data from two tables: See Query String below:
    Query = "Select transactions.control,transactions.date_sent, transactions.date_received, transactions.sender,transactions.recipient,materials.control,materials.material,materials.R,materials.ONE,materials.parent_item,materials.sub_ctrl,materials.quanity FROM transactions LEFT JOIN materials ON transactions.control = materials.control WHERE (LOOP) materials.material = '?' AND (LOOP)materials.ONE = '?' ";
    Is it possible to use a preparedstatement with parameters when the number of parameters is unknown until the user selects them?

    Is it possible to use a preparedstatement withparameters when the number of parameters is unknown
    until the user selects them?
    masuda1967 is being too Japanese. The answer to your
    question is "No".Actually, I would take masuda-san's suggestion--sort of.
    You can do the incremental query construction he suggested, but with prepared statements. Something like this. (Note: Probably doesn't match your code exactly, but you should get the idea.)StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("select ... whatever ...");
    for (int ix = 0; ix < numParams; ix++) {
        if (x > 0) {
            query.append(", ")
        query.append(" ? ");
    ps = con.prepareStatement(query.toString());
    for (int ix = 0; ix < numParams; ix++) {
        set the param
    } You won't get the performance benefit that can come from using PreparedStatement, but you still avoid the headache of escaping strings, formatting dates, etc.

  • Problem with a recordset with multiple field

    Ive a problem with Dreamweaver and SQL query.
    This query works:
    SELECT *
    FROM table
    WHERE table.field1 LIKE %MMColParam%
    The MMColParam is a Request.Form("variable") from a previous
    form in ASP page.
    But if i try to extend to two or more fields the WHERE
    function with OR, like the following query, i receive a syntax
    SELECT *
    FROM table
    WHERE table.field1 LIKE %MMColParam% OR table.field2 LIKE
    Whats the right syntax format for this type of query?
    Thanx a lot

    If you are using the tabbed user form, then there is a <FormRef> to 'MissingFields'. This special form will build a text box and label for each Left-hand side schema attribute for every assigned resource, if that attribute is not already represented by a field on the form.... got all that?
    So, if you create a new field on the form, Missing fields will not create a text box.
    Check the sample/forms directory for examples of Multiselect fields.

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