Recovering Creative Suites after Upgrading OS

If I upgrade to Windows 8 and lose my CS 5.5 Standard, can I just sign in to Adobe and re-download my purchase to re-install it?

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    ANd what exactly? You hav not told us, what you are actually trying to install onto what system and other details....

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    Support is wrong. Only they can fix serail number issues since only they have access to the databases. Try again and request a different operator.

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    With best regards,

    Correct. You only need to run the CS5 installer and have to provide the pertinent serial numbers in the process. Just make sure you run Help --> Deactivate bevor nuking your Vista install and reformatting your drive. If there are issues during the install, ask in the Download, Install & Setup forum.

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    Thanks everyone,

    Hi- actually no, I had nothing unusual- anything questionable went into the previous system file, but I've had no cause to deal with the previous system file.
    Offhand, if I remember, here's what worked without any problem, although there were some complaints when leopard first came out that these things would NOT work.
    these were ok:
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    I don't follow. Used licenses have nothing to do with Adobe beyond the license transfer. The rest is between and the seller. Adobe only sells current versions, in which case none of this is relevant, anyway. you are long beyond any upgrade cycles and can only buy a fresh license. That said, none of what you are trying to do really makes sense. The last version that fully supported PPC was CS3, in CS4 only Photoshop, illustrator and InDesign support it still and in CS5 only intel Macs are supported. If you were to spend any money, buying an affordable new computer would be almost inevitable to actually run your then to be new software...
    Transfer an Adobe product license

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    Well if you buy it off ebay its most likely a pirate version and the pirates will have your credit card number too. Not a wise move.
    and you only get dreamweaver with CS3 and 4. GoLive 9 was a piece of crap and not worth the upgrade fee.
    If you are going to get CS4 which is the only version available retail and from Adobe, now is the time to do so before you are out of the upgrade path.

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    Each and every license transfer requires to go through the procedures. There are no shortcuts. Selling upgraded versions requires to include all previous qualifying products.

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    Adobe Creative Suite 1 came out in September 2003, according to Wikipedia. It was designed for PowerPC processors on a Mac.
    You've also passed the period where you can get an upgrade price to Creative Suite 5.5, the current version by at least a couple years. You'll have to buy a full version. Go to to look at pricing for various editions.

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    Sorry I had to start this as a new thread. I was logged in, but couldn't find a way to add to the previous discussion.

    There are a few possible reasons for preferences such as the home page not being saved, for details see

  • Cant install creative Suite after deinstalling on other iMac (only 2 licences)

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    Thanx for helping.

    If you contact Adobe Support directly they can help you work out the activation problem.  Since it's a weekend, try the chat option.
    Here are some links to help make contact:

  • How to deactivate Creative Suite after harddisk crash ?

    I have a two user volume license of Creative Suite Design Standard 6.
    Main work is done in the office on two PC's.
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    The problem is, that I am unable to start the Creative Suite from the old notebook, so can not deactivate that software.
    What to do ?
    Gerhard Sachs

    Obviously, you won't be able to deactivate the copy of the Creative Suite that was installed on the crashed disk!
    What you need to do is install the Creative Suite on your new system. If it refuses to activate due to too many activations and a phone number appears on your screen, call that number for activation assistance. If no phone number is provided, call Adobe Customer Support and have them connect you with activation support. Explain to them your problem in terms of the crashed disk. Normally, they will readily provide you with an additional activation. (Obviously, if you call too many times with problems associated with crashed disks, they will probably question the validity of your requests! )
              - Dov

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    The uninstaller might have gone corrupt due to the files missing. Run the Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool: and remove the files from there.
    Once removed, delete the temporary files(Run->%temp%) and empty the Recycle Bin as well.
    Check if that helps.

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