Redirecting process output to jtextarea

I'd like to redirect the output of a process to a JTextArea that is continuously updated as the output comes in. Can anyone help me with this?

I'm basically confused as to how to do this.
I have the following class that I obtained from a site.
There's an example posted as to how to redirect system error ouput to a JTextArea using the Stream class below. I want to take the ouput of a launched process, and send it to a textarea.
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
public class TextAreaOutputStream extends OutputStream{
       private JTextArea textArea;
       private StringBuffer buff;
       public TextAreaOutputStream(JTextArea textArea){
         this.textArea = textArea;
         this.buff = new StringBuffer();     
       public void write(int b)throws IOException{
         // this next line is kind of a hatchet job... it works... but still
       public void flush()throws IOException{
         this.buff = new StringBuffer();
       public void close()throws IOException{
         this.textArea = null;
         this.buff = null;
     }So I'd like to launch my process, and direct all output from that process to a Jtextarea? Is there a rough overview anyone can give me as to how this can be done?

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    here is a simple class that redirects the standard output to a file called a.txt. you have to look into the class java.class.System. and other i/o classes
    public class A {
        public A() {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            PrintStream fileOut = new PrintStream("a.txt");
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    }for your case where output goes to a textArea you might wanna use a multithreaded solution. redirect your output to a file as above and use the thread to read the file and paste text into your text area. there is other better solution that directly passes data into the textArea. i'll post it if can find it in my code base.

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    What you need to do is create a printf function that will print the information into a string, then you can use stdwrt to display it in Xmath.
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    Hope this helps.
    printf.c ‏1 KB

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    You could try something like thisjava.util.List al = new ArrayList();
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         Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c dir");
         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
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    Good day to you.
    Apologize for quoting "Parallel" port. It is a in-built 25pin serial connector placed next to regular 15 pin serial port.
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    Here is sample code for that:
        try {
          PrintStream obj_ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("internal.log"));
        catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error creating log file", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

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    cellcli has spooling capabilities similar to sqlplus:
    CellCLI> help spool
      Usage:  SPO[OL] [<filename> [ CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] | APP[END]] | OFF ]
      Purpose: SPOOL <filename>: Direct the results to the file <filename>.
               SPOOL OFF: Turn off the spooling.
               SPOOL: Check the current spooling status.
        <filename>: The filename where the results will be output.
        [APPEND]: If the filename already exists, the following output will
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                  contents will be replaced.
        [CREATE]: If the filename already exists, an error is reported.
        [REPLACE]: If the filename already exists, the contents will be
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        spool myfile
        spool myfile append
        spool off
        spoolBut if you are trying to script it, it would be easier to just run it command line:
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    Aravinda wrote:
    I dont want to hard-code the directory of the $filename in XSL, I want to set it or resolve it programatically in the java code.
    Can you please tell me if this can be done in someway ?You + setParameter + method of your Transformer in java code to set parameters. like below:
    transformer.setParameter("message1", "This is my message to XSLT from Java Class.");
    transformer.setParameter("message2", "Hello XSLT how are you?");
    . . .You can retrieve above parameters in global parameters/variables(must be as child of xsl:stylesheet element in xslt) defined in xslt like below:
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
         <xsl:param name="message1"></xsl:param>
         <xsl:variable name="message2"></xsl:variable>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <xsl:value-of select="$message1"/>     // retrieving message1
              <xsl:value-of select="$message2"/>     // retrieving message2
              <xsl:value-of select="concat($message1,$message2)"/>     // performing concat on message1 and message2
    (Tejas Purohit)

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    Hi Sam,
    Unfortunately, this feature does not exist in Workshop 9.2
    Regarding your question about redirecting the output, the logs are saved under the domain directory.
    You could also refer to the following section for additional info on redirecting the output to multiple destinations.
    Hope this helps.

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    Assumed you like to replace your defined variable VP by number 4. SInce it is posintional parameter,instead of wrinting &VP, write
    sqlplus>spool redirect.txt
    sqlplus>@myfile.sql 4
    sqlplus>spool off


    Hi all,
    Is it possible to redirect the output when I excute my query in iSQL*plus to another predifined html page?
    If yes how do I do this?
    Thanks a mill

    You could do this..just read on..
    It would generate a html page for on..!
    In addition to plain text output, the SQL*Plus command-line interface enables you to generate either a complete web page, or HTML output which can be embedded in a web page. You can use SQLPLUS -MARKUP "HTML ON" or SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON to produce complete HTML pages automatically encapsulated with <HTML> and <BODY> tags.
    By default, data retrieved with MARKUP HTML ON is output in HTML, though you can optionally direct output to the HTML <PRE> tag so that it displays in a web browser exactly as it appears in SQL*Plus. See the SQLPLUS MARKUP Options and the SET MARKUP command for more information about these commands.
    SQLPLUS -MARKUP "HTML ON" is useful when embedding SQL*Plus in program scripts. On starting, it outputs the HTML and BODY tags before executing any commands. All subsequent output is in HTML until SQL*Plus terminates.
    The -SILENT and -RESTRICT command-line options may be effectively used with -MARKUP to suppress the display of SQL*Plus prompt and banner information, and to restrict the use of some commands.
    SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON generates an HTML page for each subsequently spooled file. The HTML tags in a spool file are closed when SPOOL OFF is executed or SQL*Plus exits.
    You can use SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL OFF to generate HTML output suitable for embedding in an existing web page. HTML output generated this way has no <HTML> or <BODY> tags.

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    Is it possible to redirect the output of a JSP either directly to a printer or directly to a File object? I would like to write a report template using JSP and be able to display it via a browser (so far so good, that's what JSP does) but I'd also like to take the same output that the JSP generates and either print it directly (as in printing many many reports without having to run each one in a browser and click the browser print button) AND to be able to email the report to a client.
    Each of these means I need to redirect the output of a JSP. I couldn't find anything in this forum about that. Is this even possible?
    Thank you in advance for your answers.

    The problem with using a new URLConnection is that the current session is not applied to the JSP page as desired.
    For those using Tomcat 4, which implements the Servlet 2.3 spec, this page describes how to replace the output stream of a servlet with your own.
    The example implements a character replacement mechanism. Using a filter and a wrapper. I modified this example to redirect the output stream to a file, which allowed me to then e-mail the output of a JSP. I did this by only using the wrapper classes.
    Here are the relavant excerpts from my code
    //Inside the servlet:
    String sFileName = "e:\\temp\\email\\temp.html";
    RedirectTextWrapper rTW =
    new RedirectTextWrapper(response, sFileName);
    gotoPage(sAddress, request, rTW);
    //Supporting classes:
    class RedirectTextStream
    extends ServletOutputStream {
    private OutputStream intStream;
    private boolean closed = false;
    public RedirectTextStream(String sFileName) {
    intStream = new FileOutputStream(sFileName);
    }catch(FileNotFoundException e){
    public void write(int i)
    throws {
    public void close()
    throws {
    if (!closed) {
    closed = true;
    public void flush() throws {
    class RedirectTextWrapper
    extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
    private PrintWriter tpWriter;
    private RedirectTextStream tpStream;
    public RedirectTextWrapper(ServletResponse inResp,
    String sFileName)
    throws {
    super((HttpServletResponse) inResp);
    tpStream = new RedirectTextStream(sFileName);
    tpWriter = new PrintWriter(tpStream);
    public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream()
    throws {
    return tpStream;
    public PrintWriter getWriter()
    throws {
    return tpWriter;

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    how to write redirect process in dynamic action when i click a button and at the same time page should not refresh.And should take me to that page num which i give

    You don't really need DA for that. A Button in Region Postion type, Action When Button Clicked > Action = Redirect to Page in this Application will do the job.

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    how can we execute daily SM50 daily and redirect html output on unix file?
    I Tried SE38, execute SM50 succefully, but no way to redirect output of this transaction on a unix file ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi majda,
    Hope you are doing good.
    Maybe check /nSM49 and create a OS command using ">>" operator Divyanshu mentioned:
    Restrict Authorizations for Executing External Commands - SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP Security Guide - SAP Lib…
    Thank you!
    Kind Regards,

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