Reference Path in Dynamic Pages?

Hi all,
is there a possibility to use the portlet_runtime_record in an <oracle> tag within a dynamic page or a xml-component.
I need expecially the reference_path and the page_url.

Here is how you can implement (without worrying about the reference paths and page_urls)
1. Create a Dynamic Page that accepts TAB NAME as parameter.
2. Put that on the page with TABS.
3. Click on Edit Defaults and enter the TAB NAME and save.
4. In your Dynamic page, refer to that parameter to know which tab you are on!!
Hope it helps.
- Haranadh

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    Currently the validation of the PL/SQL block of a dynamic page is not in the
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    There is a way to do it:
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    parm1 varchar2(30) :=
    portal30.wwpro_api_parameters.get_value('parm1', :path);
    htp.p('The value of Parameter 1 is ' &#0124; &#0124; parm1);
    2. In the Parameter Form Setting, set the default value for the bind variable to #p_reference_path
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    Just open the page,with portlets added to it in the browser.Click View->Source.Find for "Customize",in the ahref tag ,you will find the p_referencepath value you need to pass to the getvalue function for that specific portlet.

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    This is a known issue with the way Wordpress generates the URLs to included content:
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    <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#444444">
    cursor c_runway is select distinct runway from vem_flights where nvl(:v_runway,runway) = runway;
    v_runway vem_flights.runway%type;
    v_select number;
    v_totaal number;
    v_percentage number;
    v_aantal_jaren number;
    v_aantal_maanden number;
    v_aantal_weken number;
    v_aantal_dagen number;
    v_tijd number;
    teller number;
    kopstring varchar2(500);
    selectstring varchar2(500) := '';
    v_tijd := :v_tijdvak;
    :v_begindate := :v_begindate;
    :v_enddate := :v_enddate;
    if v_tijd = 3 then
    select round(months_between(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'))) into v_aantal_maanden from dual;
    if last_day(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')) > add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),v_aantal_maanden) then
    v_aantal_maanden := v_aantal_maanden + 1;
    for teller in 1 .. v_aantal_maanden loop
    if teller = 1 then
    kopstring := '<td><b><i>Baan\Tijdvak </i></b></td>'||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</i></b></td>';
    elsif teller > 1 and teller < v_aantal_maanden then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    elsif teller = v_aantal_maanden then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</i></b></td>';
    end if;
    end loop;
    v_aantal_maanden := v_aantal_maanden - 1;
    for teller in 1 .. v_aantal_maanden loop
    if teller = 1 then
    kopstring := '<td><b><i>Baan\Tijdvak </i></b></td>'||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</i></b></td>';
    elsif teller > 1 and teller < v_aantal_maanden then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    elsif teller = v_aantal_maanden then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</i></b></td>';     
    end if;
    end loop;
    end if;
    htp.p('<font face = "arial" size="3"><b>Verticale afwijkingen overdag van naderende vliegtuigen buiten de TMA</b></font><p>&nbsp<p>');
    htp.p('<table border="1">');
    open c_runway;
    fetch c_runway into v_runway;
    exit when c_runway%notfound;
    selectstring := '<td><b><i>'||v_runway||'</i></b>';
    if last_day(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')) > add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),v_aantal_maanden) then
    v_aantal_maanden := v_aantal_maanden + 1;
    for teller in 1 .. v_aantal_maanden loop
    if teller = 1 then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;
    elsif teller > 1 and teller < v_aantal_maanden then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;               
    elsif teller = v_aantal_maanden then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.gs21 = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;               
    end if;
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;
    end loop;
    v_aantal_maanden := v_aantal_maanden - 1;
    for teller in 1 .. v_aantal_maanden loop
    if teller = 1 then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
    and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;     
    elsif teller > 1 and teller < v_aantal_maanden then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
    and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')-1,teller)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;               
    elsif teller = v_aantal_maanden then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
    and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between add_months(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),teller-1)
    and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;          
    end if;
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;
    end loop;
    end if;
    end loop;
    close c_runway;
    elsif v_tijd = 1 then
    select to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') - to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') into v_aantal_dagen from dual;
    for teller in 0 .. v_aantal_dagen loop
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + teller,'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    end loop;
    htp.p('<font face = "arial" size="3"><b>Verticale afwijkingen overdag van naderende vliegtuigen buiten de TMA</b></font><p>&nbsp<p>');
    htp.p('<table border="1">');
    htp.p('<td><b><i>Baan\Tijdvak </i></b></td>'||kopstring);
    open c_runway;
    fetch c_runway into v_runway;
    exit when c_runway%notfound;
    selectstring := '<td><b><i>'||v_runway||'</i></b>';
    for teller in 0 .. v_aantal_dagen loop
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time = to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + teller
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
    and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time = to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + teller
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;
    end loop;
    end loop;
    close c_runway;
    elsif v_tijd = 2 then
    select trunc(to_char(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') - to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')) / 7) into v_aantal_weken from dual;
    for teller in 0 .. v_aantal_weken loop
    if teller < v_aantal_weken then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*14) - 1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    elsif teller = v_aantal_weken then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*14) - 1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';                         
    end if;      
    end loop;
    htp.p('<font face = "arial" size="3"><b>Verticale afwijkingen overdag van naderende vliegtuigen buiten de TMA</b></font><p>&nbsp<p>');
    htp.p('<table border="1">');
    htp.p('<td><b><i>Baan\Tijdvak </i></b></td>'||kopstring);
    open c_runway;
    fetch c_runway into v_runway;
    exit when c_runway%notfound;
    selectstring := '<td><b><i>'||v_runway||'</i></b>';
    for teller in 0 .. v_aantal_weken loop
    if teller < v_aantal_weken then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*14) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);           
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*14) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;
    elsif teller = v_aantal_weken then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*14) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*14) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;          
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;                    
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7)
         and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7)
         and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;
    end if;
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;
    end loop;
    end loop;
    close c_runway;
    elsif v_tijd = 4 then
    select trunc(to_char(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') - to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')) / 365) into v_aantal_jaren from dual;
    for teller in 0 .. v_aantal_jaren loop
    if teller < v_aantal_jaren then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*730) - 1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    elsif teller = v_aantal_jaren then
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*730) - 1),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';
    kopstring := kopstring||'<td colspan="3"><b><i>'||to_char(to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*7),'DD-MM-YYYY')||' t/m '||to_char(to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),'DD-MM-YYYY')||'</b></i></td>';                         
    end if;      
    end loop;
    htp.p('<font face = "arial" size="3"><b>Verticale afwijkingen overdag van naderende vliegtuigen buiten de TMA</b></font><p>&nbsp<p>');
    htp.p('<table border="1">');
    htp.p('<td><b><i>Baan\Tijdvak </i></b></td>'||kopstring);
    open c_runway;
    fetch c_runway into v_runway;
    exit when c_runway%notfound;
    selectstring := '<td><b><i>'||v_runway||'</i></b>';
    for teller in 0 .. v_aantal_jaren loop
    if teller < v_aantal_jaren then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*730) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*730) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;
    elsif teller = v_aantal_jaren then
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*730) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
         and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
         and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
         and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
         and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365)
         and to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + ((teller*730) - 1)
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;          
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;                    
    select count(*)
    into v_select
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.gs21      = 'X'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365)
    and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    select count(*)
    into v_totaal
    from vem_flights vem
    where vem.aircrafttype = 'JET'
    and vem.destination = 'EHAM'
    and vem.period = 'DAY'
    and vem.runway = v_runway
    and vem.departure NOT IN ('EHLE','EHRD','EHVB')
    and vem.date_time between to_date(:v_begindate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS') + (teller*365)
    and to_date(:v_enddate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24.MI.SS')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) >= :v_starthour or :v_starthour = '%')
    and (rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'HH24'))) < :v_endhour or :v_endhour = '%')
    and rtrim((to_char(vem.date_time,'DAY'))) IN (:v_day);
    if v_totaal != 0 then
    select round((v_select/v_totaal)*100) into v_percentage from dual;
    elsif v_totaal = 0 then
    select 0 into v_percentage from dual;
    end if;
    end if;
    if v_percentage > 5 then
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td><font color="red">'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</font></td>';
    selectstring := selectstring||'<td>'||to_char(v_select)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_totaal)||'</td><td>'||to_char(v_percentage)||'%</td>';                    
    end if;
    end loop;
    end loop;
    close c_runway;
    end if;

    I set up a helper package to return my reference cursors:
    Package SOME_PKG as type t_RefCur is REF CURSOR;
    I added the appropriate function to return the cursors. Here a simple example:
    FUNCTION get_leads(x in NUMBER, y in NUMBER)
    RETURN t_RefCur IS
    v_ReturnCursor t_RefCur;
    v_SQL VARCHAR2(500);
    v_SQL:= 'select * from SOME_TABLE_OR_VIEW where account = :n and location = :m';
    OPEN v_ReturnCursor FOR v_SQL using x,y;
    RETURN v_ReturnCursor;
    END get_leads;
    Then I make my call from the portlet which goes something like this:
    invcursor SOME_PKG.t_RefCur;
    X number;
    Y number;
    invcursor := SOME_PKG.get_leads(get_account_number(X), get_location(Y));
    /*portlet formatting and looping...
    fetch invcursor into arow;
    I have gotten very good performance with reference cursors in Oracle.
    Good luck.

  • Displaying a Blob with a Dynamic Page

    A dynamic page was created where one of the columns on the database table is a BLOB. The following error is received when trying to query the column from the dynamic page:
    : Unable to execute query (WWV-10201)
    The preference path does not exist:
    FYI - when running a similar query from a form component, the blob displays fine. This problem occurs only with dynamic page components.

    What version of Portal are you using ??
    Have you tried using reports like QBE,Wizard or SQL rfor displaying Intermedia Objects.

  • Error when run a dynamic page

    I am using portal 10g. I have a simple test dynamic page to output the page_url:
    myPortlet_rec portal.wwpro_api_provider.portlet_runtime_record;
    myUrl varchar2(32767);
    myUrl :=myPortlet_rec.page_url;
    It compiles successfuly in portal, but when I click 'run as portlet' link, I got this error:
    Error: Internal error (WWC-00006)
    User-Defined Exception (WWV-11230)
    The preference path does not exist: ORACLE.WEBVIEW.PARAMETERS.1631499120 (WWC-51000)
    The preference path does not exist: ORACLE.WEBVIEW.PARAMETERS.1631499120 (WWC-51000)
    The preference path does not exist: ORACLE.WEBVIEW.PARAMETERS.1631499120 (WWC-51000)
    If I click 'Run', I got 'HTTP 404 not found' page.
    Can anyone tell me what is wrong here? Thanks!

    Thanks for the reply, I will try to clarify things a bit. If I attempt to create a LOV (Shared Component), I get the first error. If I type in the LOV query directly into my field definition's LOV (as opposed to using a Named LOV), I get the report error when I run the page. The 'F_FORMAT_NAME' is a database function NOT in the ASMGR schema, but it has a public synonym...looking at the grants to it, that might be a problem (ASMGR doesn't have execute on it, nor does public), however, when I first started attempting this LOV creation, the call to the function wasn't there.... I will have to re-try it. In the meantime, I got around the problem rather inelegantly by creating a view in the ASMGR schema that pointed to the fields I needed for the LOV.

  • Dynamic page structure

    I am using ADF 11g.
    I am trying to implement a page structure which differs in order to a logic behind. As a result, page might have different count of facets and these facets should be filled programmatically. I wonder what is the best method for doing this. I am trying to use different page templates for each possible page structure. But i have some questions about it, any idea would be appreciated.
    1- Is this supported: Main jsp file with a page template (which has a facet named contentArea), a jsff file (which has a dynamic page template reference) included in contentArea.
    2- When using dynamic page template binding, is it a requirement that used page templates must have the same amount of facetrefs?
    3- Can i dynamically change jsp:include tag's "page" attribute, e.g. with expression language?
    4- How can i find a page template (RichPageTemplate component) from backing bean.

    1- Is this supported: Main jsp file with a page template (which has a facet named contentArea), a jsff file (which has a dynamic page template reference) included in contentArea.
    I tried it and it works with full support by the IDE.
    2- When using dynamic page template binding, is it a requirement that used page templates must have the same amount of facetrefs?
    3- Can i dynamically change jsp:include tag's "page" attribute, e.g. with expression language?
    The page include is added during compile tme, not runtime. So I don't think this is possible. However you can change the <af:pageTemplate> content dynamically. If you need to dynamically change parts of a pae, have a look at the Dynamic Page Template tag in the ADF Faces tag documentation
    4- How can i find a page template (RichPageTemplate component) from backing bean.
    You can start searching from the UIViewRoot or relatve to the parent container, which is af:form. In the latter case, you create a JSF component binding reference for the RichForm in the managed bean and then call getChildren
        public String cb1_action() {
            // Add event code here...
            List<UIComponent> l = form1.getChildren();
            for (UIComponent u : l){
                System.out.println("Child "+ u.getId() + "--"+u.getClass());
            return null;

  • Input items on a dynamic page

    I think there must be a simple way to do this but I cant seem to find how. So any help would be most appreciated.
    I have created a dynamic page which contained a html <FORM>. I have created a function that is called by the onsubmit method that I then want perform an update statement setting the value of a column to the value contained in a textbox input. I do not know how to reference this within the oracle tags, or if I have to use some form of function to obtain the value?
    Can some one please point me in the right direction if I had basic example below:
    <Form name=dataform >
    <input name=txt1 type=textbox value=10>
    <input type=submit>
    update testable set COLa = ‘txt1.value’
    I know this may seem like I simple question but I am stumped.
    Thanks for any help,

    sorry I think this should have been posted in "portal applications" I have reposted it there.

  • Problem: Dynamic Page portlet is not displayed on a public-viewable page

    I've written a little dynamic page portal that works nicely on secure pages, but when I create a new page and mark this page as "public viewable" - the portal is not displayed.
    I created a 2nd public page and put several prebuilt and some of our own portlets onto this page - again none worked - except the prebuilt "login" portlet.
    Is there a restriction that I'm not aware of?
    Is there a documentation about this behaviour?
    Can anyone post me a hit or link to documentatin?
    Message was edited by:

    Make sure your Portlet Provider access is set to allow 'PUBLIC' access with Execute';
    To set, navigate to Providers > Locally Built Providers
    Follow 'Grant Access' link near provider name
    Doc Reference, Section A.5.1.2 >

  • Managing recorded files using dynamic page.

    Hi all,
    I have an app that record the user's voice, each time in one
    different file
    adding an index to the end of the file name.
    rec_tom1.flv, rec_tom2.flv....
    I'm having some problems trying to recover this names
    I need to know if it's possible list this recorded files
    using a dynamic
    page. I have a web host at host A that will have an asp page
    pointing to my
    FMS host B, this page will list the flies and return it to my
    flash app,
    then I 'll load this in a list box.
    in the dynamic page at some point I'll need the PATH to the
    FMS server....
    this is where thigns fail....
    I've tried to point using as path the "rtmp + account name"
    without success.
    So, I need to know if first this is possible, then if so, try
    to figure out
    the correct path to it.

    Central comes with predefined tasks PGCNTGET and PGCNTSET (see below). Create a job that includes both thses JFMERGE steps. PGCNTGET will run through the job, count pages and direct output to -zNUL. PGCNTSET will run through the job again and this time have the number of pages stored in variable @pagecount and direct the output to -z@PhysicalDev
    If you create a data field PAGES on your template you can pass this into the field:
    Page @$PAGE. of @PAGECOUNT
    PGCNTGET "@MDFName." "@InFile." -l -apr"@PreambleName." -all"@LogFileName." -asl@SkipLines -amq@ManagedMem -ams"@MSTName." -m@Macro#.@LoadFlag -z"@PhysicalDev." @PrintDirectorParms. @OtherJobTokens. -aii"@IniFileName."
    PGCNTSET "@MDFName." "@InFile." -l -apr"@PreambleName." -all"@LogFileName." -asl@SkipLines -amq@ManagedMem -ams"@MSTName." -m@Macro#.@LoadFlag -z"@PhysicalDev." @PrintDirectorParms. @OtherJobTokens. -aii"@IniFileName." -advglobal:pagecount=@NumberPages.

  • Dynamic Page Layout - Opportunity Product Revenue

    Hi gurus,
    I am trying to setup a dynamic template for "Opportunity Product Revenues"
    I set it up successfully in the object. However, this data is exposed only as a related list of Opportunity and not directly. Now, when I go into the "Opportunity" customization, it only allows me to set up static page layouts, with no option to setup the Dynamic page layouts through the Related list.
    Please help..

    Hi Jonathan,
    Many thanks for your response.
    Our CTE is already on R19. We want to experiment and be ready when our PROD is upgraded to R19.
    Can you help me with the requirement, if you have an idea please? I would really appreciate the help.

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