Refresh sheet

My workbook contains 3 sheets.Sheet 2 & sheet3 contains two different Queries.
Sheet1 is teh summary of Sheet2 & sheet3.
When I execute the workbook for the first time , all the data is populated correctly.for eg . sheet1 displayes 1000 rows.If i refresh the queries again with some selection criteria , & if only 100 records are extracted, then sheet1 displys first 100 rows corretcly & the remaining 900 rows are displayed as # , as sheet1 was not cleared after the query refresh
I want to refresh sheet1 , which does not contain any queries .
Message was edited by:
        Anita Prasanna

here is the VBA code we are using for the same .(defined in module).
Take any VBA Programmer help.
Public Sub clear_all()
End Sub
' Function to Protect the Data_input sheet
Public Sub Protect_cockpit_chart()
    data_input.Protect gc_password
End Sub
' Function to Clear the content of a range
Public Function ClearTargetArea(in_RangeAddress As String, in_worksheet As String)
    'Dim TargetArea As Range
    If in_worksheet <> vbNullString Then
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(in_worksheet).Range(in_RangeAddress).Cells.Value = gc_xlsNoContent
    End If
End Function
' Function to clear the data input table
Public Function Clear_All_Query_Fields(Optional in_keyf As String = "ALL")
' ------------------------------+
' Clear headline in input sheet
    Call ClearTargetArea("D9:I9", gv_worksheet_input)
' Clear data in input sheet
    Call ClearTargetArea("C10:I28", gv_worksheet_input)
' ------------------------------+
End Function
Public Sub FormulaTransfer(SAPQueryResult As Range, _
                            BlattNamen As String, _
                            FromQueryColumn As Integer, _
                            FromQueryRow As Integer, _
                            ToSAPRow As Integer, _
                            ToSAPColumn As Integer)
    Dim mc As Range
    Set mc = SAPQueryResult.Cells(FromQueryRow, FromQueryColumn)
    data_input.Cells(ToSAPRow, ToSAPColumn).Value = mc.Value
End Sub
Assign points if its useful.

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    Is this problem happening in Viewer?
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    there is a possibility to use the SAP Workbook protection.
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    Raymond Baggen
    Uphantis bv

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    At the top of your module, declare a public variable:
       Dim NextTime As Date
    Then, at the and of your Sub, use
        NextTime = Now() + TimeValue("00:20:00")
        Application.OnTime NextTime, "RESFRESHCUSTOMERORDERS", Schedule:=True
    But you also need to use this in the before close event of the Thisworkbook codemodule:
    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    End Sub
    where you have this procedure in a standard codemodule to cancel the refresh:
    Sub CancelRefresh()
        Application.OnTime NextTime, "RESFRESHCUSTOMERORDERS", Schedule:=False
    End Sub

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    Have a nice long weekend to some of you...

    There is a golden principle, Excel (Not BPC Excel client software) itself will take care about order of calculation. So, if your first sheet uses 2nd sheet's data, Excel will refresh 2nd sheet prior to 1st sheet. I am sure about it but what I am not sure is possibility of bug. Because I already heard similar issue as yours from other customer/consultant.
    If one of your sheet in workbook required other sheets' refresh, I suggest to use VB macro to make sure refresh sheet 2-5 then refresh sheet 1.
    But to do that, you should use EVDRE instead of EVGTS because BPC do not provides refresh by sheet macro but EVDRE.
    For your first question, you are true. If your applications sharing a dimension, you do not need to fill that dimension's member. BPC client will use CV member automatically.
    For second question, it depends on setting. If your BPC client has data that associated to your CV, it will be appeared. For example, you have refresh input schedule with Entity:SalesKorea. And refresh again with Entity:Sales. Then change VB again to Entity:SalesKorea. In this case, CV change to SalesKorea will make cell data change by data in cache. If you change CV to Entity:Worldwide1, your data will not be changed.

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    The JDeveloper probably has a differnet vesion of the XDK - we have to be careful of the uptake of new versions to make sure we don't have any regressions.
    <?xslt:maximum?> in the RTF becomes
    <xsl:value-of select="xdoxslt:minimum(.//Measures.Dollars)" xdofo:field-name="xdoxslt:minimum(Measures.Dollars)" />
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xdoxslt="">
    Of course that works ONLY in xml publisher. I also would strongly recommend that you try the RTF templates.
    Edited by: KlausFabian on Mar 17, 2010 1:08 PM - correct typo

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    What abour your earlier thread 'Refresh Sheet'?
    please  Try to respond to our replies.Have you not read Rules of Engagement?
    Welcome and Rules of Engagement

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    running under  Manage
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    what need to be done here to fix this issue ?
    Deepak Patel

    Hi Deepak,
    We are currently looking into this issue and will give you an update as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Meanwhile, could you please check if there is any related ULS log for help troubleshoot the issue when error occurs.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Is the error message displayed in Firefox or in IE, or in a customized window that doesn't identify the browser?
    ''If it displays in Firefox:''
    It's possible that the Troubleshooter doesn't work correctly unless IE is your default browser. You could test that possibility by having IE make itself the default and testing the Troubleshooter again.
    ''If it displays in IE or embedded in another Microsoft application:''
    In a web search I found these suggestions:
    (1) Reset your Internet Explorer settings, according to
    (2) Try the System File Checker, according to
    Any luck?

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    throws error and we have sql server 2014 CU6 updated installed plus sharepoint 2013. i checked following msolap110.dll is available in our environment but assembly
    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ChannelTransport is not available. 
    i found error in event viewer,
    "Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis
    Services\AS OLEDB\110\msolap110.dll". Dependent Assembly
    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ChannelTransport,processorArchitecture="MSIL",publicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",version="" could
    not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
    what should i do to fix it?
    Thanks for help.
    Deepak Patel

    yes, this is issue i am getting.
    context generation failed for "C:\Program
    Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\AS OLEDB\110\msolap110.dll".
    Dependent AssemblyMicrosoft.AnalysisServices.ChannelTransport,processorArchitecture="MSIL",publicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91",version="" could
    not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
    let me know if you can find fix for it.

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                       Member3  Member4
    Member1           A             C
    Member2           B             D
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    We are on of Essbase/APS and smartview.

    Hello Steve Fitchett,
    I found user10132385, Amarnath's suggestion useful. Once Multiple ad-hoc grids are enabled for the sheet I was able to do range based retrievals. But I agree with you that without having that enabled it is not possible (unlike with the add-in). Thanks to all of you for your replies.

  • Refresh of single sheet in  a workbook

    Hi all,
    I have a workbook with 5 sheets and each sheet has 2 different queries. Users want to have a refresh button on each sheet, so that when they click on refresh button only that sheet should be refreshed. I know this can be done using VBA but does anyone have the code which does this functionality?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Hansa,
        Here is what you need to do.
    1) Place a Button on Each Sheet that you would like to Refresh.
    2) On Each button Place the Following Code.
       ' Cell from the first Query.
        Run "SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXrefresh", False
       'Cell in the Second Query
       Run "SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXrefresh", False
       'So on for all the Queries on that Sheet.
    You can add some Error Handling if you need to.
    If you use
    Run "SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXrefresh", True
    Then all Queries will be refreshed so I think you will have to do the above.
    If you Really want this to be Dynamic where in every time you add a Query to the Sheet you don't want to change the Code then here is my Suggestion.
    'Do this when the sheet is setup.
    'On the Button of Each Sheet
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
              Send the Sheet Name to a Generic Code in a Module
             'Here the Row Number is a Cell Where you can add all
             ' the Ranges for that Sheet.
    ' e.g. on a Hidden Sheet
    ' Cell A5 for Sheet 1 looks like Below
    ' B2, Z2, A100
    ' Indicates that Sheet1 has 3 Queries Starting on Cell B2, A100
             Call RefreshSheet("Sheet1",5 )
    End Sub
    ' In a Module Create this
    Public Sub RefreshSheet(ByVal sSheet As String, ByVal iRow As Integer)
        'Assumptions: There is a Sheet called Update.
        'Cells have Starting Cell of Each Query in Rows. Column "A"
        On Error GoTo Err_RefreshSheet
        Dim arrCells() As String
        Dim wks As Worksheet
        Dim iLoop As Integer
            Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sSheet)
            'Here Update is my Hidden sheet and Row, 1 is the Cells that holds Ranges
            arrCells = Split(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Update").Cells(iRow, 1), ",")
            'Activate the Sheet that needs to be refreshed.
            'This will Loop on all the Cells where there is Query and Refresh it.
            For iLoop = 0 To UBound(arrCells)
               Run "SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXrefresh", False
        Set wks = Nothing
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "There Following Error in RefreshSheet" & vbCrLf & _
        Resume Exit_RefreshSheet
    End Sub
    This way when you add a new Query on  Any Sheet all you do is go to Update Sheet and on the Line for the Sheet with new Query Add the Cell to Comma seperated Values.
    The Code is Almost there, you will have to tweak it a bit.
    Hope this Helps. !!

  • Google Sheets: A browser error has occurred. Please hold the Shift key and click the Refresh button to try again.

    Since upgrading to OSX Yosemite last night, I get this error message when I open spreadsheets previously created in Google Drive: "A browser error has occurred. Please hold the Shift key and click the Refresh button to try again." Following these instructions does absolutely nothing.
    Word google docs open fine, as do spreadsheets that aggregate responses from a form and a select few spreadsheets; however most other spreadsheets display the same error message.
    I've tried:
    opening in Google Chrome - uninstalling and reinstalling Google Chrome: same issue
    opening in Firefox: same issue
    opening from same issue

    moving tab doesn't work.

  • EvDRE: Refresh Active Sheet (for VBA)

    Is there a routine I can use that's the equivalent to:
    Right-click, EVDRE: Exand & Refresh...Active Sheet
    I'm aware of the VBA routines like MNU_eTOOLS_EXPANDANDREFRESH and MNU_eTOOLS_EXPAND, and MNU_eTOOLS_REFRESH---but did not find any documentation on this calling this.
    Edited by: Allison Jones on Mar 17, 2008 8:50 PM

    Those may be internal calls to the addin that are accidently exposed.  You should not call anything that isn't documented.  All the MNU commands are documented in the eTools help file I referenced earlier.  Choose, [eTools] > [BPC for Office help] then search on [MNU] and choose [BPC menu commands].
    You can either assign the macro to a form button or call them in a VBA routine as Joost mentioned.  If the goal is to just call the macro, the button works fine.  The only reason to call them from VBA is if you need to string together multiple operations in a single process.  Then you'd write your own macro and assign it to a button.
    The function that is equal to Expand and refresh on a report template would be MNU_ETOOLS_EXPANDANDREFRESH.  This does both an expand of dynamic members and a data refresh.  If you just need to update the data, MNU_ETOOLS_REFRESH is all that's needed.

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