Refreshing data in an IFRAME

Hi all,
I have a jsp which has 2 forms 'frame_form' and 'main_form'. The 'frame_form' has a dropdown which contains list of cheque types (with the current cheque type selected) while 'main_form' contains an IFRAME whose src is a jsp to whom i passed the value of the selected cheque type. This value is contained in a java variable 'cType'.
String cType="";
cType = "3";
<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0" text="#000000">
<form name="frame_form" method="POST" action="">
<select size="1" name="type" onChange="typeChanged();">
<option value="1">Regular</option>
<option value="2">Manual</option>
<option value="3" selected >Reversal</option>
<form name="main_form" method="POST" action="">
<IFRAME height="500" width="760" src="adjmain.jsp?ctype=<%=cType%>" name="main" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
When user change the selection of cheque type, I want to retrieve data in 'main_form' again with the new value. I have defined a javascript funtion typeChanged() for this purpose but here I am lost on how to do it. As we are passing the value of a java varaible 'cType' to jsp, I believe I have to set its value to the one user selected and then refresh the IFRAME. But dont know how to do it. Can anybody please help me?

One way to do it is to give your IFRAME itself an id such as:
<IFRAME height="500" width="760" id="mainFrame"
src="adjmain.jsp?ctype=<%=cType%>" name="main"
scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
Then, the following code should do it:
document.getElementById("mainFrame").location.href = "adjmain.jsp?ctype=" + type.value;
Or something like that. I'm assuming that you want the value of ctype to be the value of the option selected.
Let me know if that works, and if I understood your question correctly.
[email protected]

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    Hi all,
    I have a jsp which has 2 forms 'frame_form' and 'main_form'. The 'frame_form' has a dropdown which contains list of cheque types (with the current cheque type selected) while 'main_form' contains an IFRAME whose src is a jsp to whom i passed the value of the selected cheque type. This value is contained in a java variable 'cType'.
    String cType="";
    cType = "3";
    <body bgcolor="#C0C0C0" text="#000000">
    <form name="frame_form" method="POST" action="">
    <select size="1" name="type" onChange="typeChanged();">
    <option value="1">Regular</option>
    <option value="2">Manual</option>
    <option value="3" selected >Reversal</option>
    <form name="main_form" method="POST" action="">
    <IFRAME height="500" width="760" src="adjmain.jsp?ctype=<%=cType%>" name="main" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
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    Right off hand, without changing what you have
    already, I would have your typeChanged() javascript
    function get the selected value of the dropdown and
    then call another javascript function which is on
    adjmain.jsp which receives the new value as a
    parameter, sets this value in a hidden field, and then
    calls 'submit()' for itself (adjmain.jsp). Thus,
    adjmain.jsp will then be able to access this hidden
    value using 'request.getParameter("hiddenValueName")
    and will reload based on the 'newly' selected value.
    Hope that helps...I find an easier solution :
    function typeChanged()
    var ct = document.frame_form.type.value;
    Thanks for your input.

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    Application on C#.
    1. Get Report without data from the database
    2. Change the dataconnections in report to the current user
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    4. Resave report file with data
    5. Automatically open CrystalReportsViewer2008 and load the report
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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
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         * u041Au043Bu0430u0441u0441 u0434u043Bu044F u0430u0432u0442u043Eu043Cu0430u0442u0438u0437u0438u0440u043Eu0432u0430u043Du043Du043Eu0433u043E u0432u0438u0437u0443u0430u043Bu044Cu043Du043Eu0433u043E u0434u043Eu0441u0442u0443u043Fu0430
         * u043A u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0430u043C u0448u0430u0431u043Bu043Eu043Du043Eu0432, u0441u0433u0435u043Du0435u0440u0438u0440u043Eu0432u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445 u0432
         * u043Fu0440u043Eu0433u0440u0430u043Cu043Cu0435 Crystal Reports
        public partial class Export2CR_MForm : Form
            public Export2CR_MForm()
            public void Start()
                LoginForm Login = new LoginForm();
                DialogResult Dres = Login.ShowDialog();
                if (Dres == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (Login.GetConStr().ToString() != "")
                        Visible = true;
                 * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0430u0435u043C u043Fu0443u0442u044C u043A u0432u0440u0435u043Cu0435u043Du043Du044Bu043C u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0430u043C
                TempFilePath = Path.GetTempPath();
             * u041Au0440u0438u0441u0442u0430u043Bu043Eu0432u0441u043Au0438u0439 u0432u044Cu044Eu0432u0435u0440u043Eu043A
            CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer viewer;
             * u041Fu0443u0442u044C u043A u0432u0440u0435u043Cu0435u043Du043Du043Eu0439 u043Fu0430u043Fu043Au0435
            private string TempFilePath;
             * u041Fu0430u0440u0430u043Cu0435u0442u0440 u0437u0430u043Fu0438u0441u0438 u0432 u0440u0435u0436u0438u043Cu0435, u0442u0430u0431u043Bu0438u0446u0435 (u0438u0442u0434...)
             * u041Du0443u0436u0435u043D u0434u043Bu044F u0442u043Eu0433u043E u0447u0442u043Eu0431u044B u0432u044Bu0431u0438u0440u0430u0442u044C
             * u043Eu043Fu0435u0440u0435u0434u043Bu0451u043Du043Du044Bu0439 u0434u0430u0442u0430u0441u0435u0442, u0441u043Eu043Eu0442u0432u0435u0442u0441u0442u0432u0443u044Eu0449u0438u0439 u0432u044Bu0431u0440u0430u043Du043Du043Eu0439 u0437u0430u043Fu0438u0441u0438
            private int ObjectIDOfTemplate;
             * u0423u0441u0442u0430u043Du043Eu0432u043Au0430 u0437u043Du0430u0447u0435u043Du0438u044F ObjectIDOfTemplate
            public void SetObjectIDOfTemplate(int /*
                                                   * ObjectID u0442u043Eu0433u043E u0448u0430u0431u043Bu043Eu043Du0430,
                                                   * u043Au043Eu0442u043Eu0440u044Bu0439 u043Du0430u0434u043E u043Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C
                ObjectIDOfTemplate = EnternalObjectID;
             * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C ObjectID u0448u0430u0431u043Bu043Eu043Du0430
             * u0441 u043Au043Eu0442u043Eu0440u044Bu043C u0440u0430u0431u043Eu0442u0430u043Bu0438 u0434u043Bu044F
             * u0438u0441u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u043Du0438u044F u0435u0433u043E u0432u043Du0435 u0431u0438u0431u043Bu0438u043Eu0442u0435u043Au0438
            public int GetObjectIDOfTemplate()
                return ObjectIDOfTemplate;
             * u041Fu0443u0442u044C u043A u0432u044Bu043Fu043Bu044Eu043Du0443u0442u043Eu043Cu0443 u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0443
            private string TemplateFilePath;
             * u0423u0441u0442u0430u043Du043Eu0432u0438u0442u044C u043Fu0443u0442u044C u043A
             * u0432u044Bu043Fu043Bu044Eu043Du0443u0442u043Eu043Cu0443 u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0443
            public void SetTemplateFilePath(string In)
                TemplateFilePath = In;
             * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u043Fu0443u0442u044C u043A
             * u0432u044Bu043Fu043Bu044Eu043Du0443u0442u043Eu043Cu0443 u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0443
            public string GetTemplateFilePath()
                return TemplateFilePath;
             * u0424u0443u043Du043Au0446u0438u044F u043Eu0442u043Au0440u044Bu0442u0438u044F u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0430,
             * u043Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0435u043Du043Du043Eu0433u043E u0438u0437 u0431u0430u0437u044B u0438
             * u043Fu043Eu043Bu043Eu0436u0435u043Du043Du043Eu0433u043E u0432u043E u0432u0440u0435u043Cu0435u043Du043Du0443u044E u043Fu0430u043Fu043Au0443
            public int ParseReport(string FilePath)
                viewer = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer();
                CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument rd =
                    new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
                        for (int i = 0; i < rd.DataSourceConnections.Count; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < rd.Database.Tables.Count; j++)
                                DataTable dataSet = new DataTable();
                                SqlConnection C = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString().ToString());
                                string ViewName = GetDataViewName(GetConnectionString(), ParseTableName(
                                SqlCommand Q = new SqlCommand("select * from " + ViewName
                                    , C);
                                Q.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                                SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
                                adapter.SelectCommand = Q;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        SetTemplateFilePath(TempFilePath + "\\" + FileTreeView.SelectedNode.Text.ToString() + ".rpt");
                        rd.ReportOptions.EnableSaveDataWithReport = true;
                        viewer.ReportSource = rd;
                        return 0;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return -1;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rd.ReportOptions.EnableUseDummyData = true;
                    rd.ReportOptions.EnableSaveDataWithReport = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: " + ex.Message);
                    return -1;
             * u0420u0430u0437u0431u0438u0435u043Du0438u0435 u0438u043Cu0435u043Du0438 u0442u0430u0431u043Bu0438u0446u044B
             * u0434u043Bu044F u043Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0435u043Du0438u044F u043Du043Eu043Cu0435u0440u0430 u043Au043Bu0430u0441u0441u0430
            public string ParseTableName(string TableName)
    //            MessageBox.Show(TableName);
                int x = 0;
                if (TableName.Contains("Class"))
                    x = TableName.LastIndexOf("s");
                    return TableName.Remove(0,x+1);
                    x = TableName.IndexOf("r");
    //           MessageBox.Show(x.ToString());
    //           MessageBox.Show(TableName.Remove(0, x+1));
                return TableName.Remove(0, x+1);
             * u0424u0443u043Du043Au0446u0438u044F u043Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0435u043Du0438u044F u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0430 u0438u0437 u0431u0430u0437u044B
            public int ParseReportWithDataBase()
                    string ConnectionString = GetConnectionString().ToString();               
                    SqlConnection C = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
                    string SelectString = "select P119 from "+ GetDataViewName(GetConnectionString(),"24") +" where P115='";
                    SelectString = SelectString+FileTreeView.SelectedNode.Text.ToString()+"'";
                    SqlCommand Q = new SqlCommand(SelectString, C);
                    Q.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
                    adapter.SelectCommand = Q;
                    DataTable table = new DataTable();
                    byte[] b = (byte[])table.Rows[0].ItemArray.GetValue(0);
                    FileStream fs = File.Create(TempFilePath+"\\"+FileTreeView.SelectedNode.Text.ToString()+".rpt");
                    fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
                    return 0;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return -1;
             * u0421u0442u0440u0443u043Au0442u0443u0440u0430, u043Eu043Fu0438u0441u044Bu0432u0430u044Eu0449u0430u044F u043Fu0430u0440u0430u043Cu0435u0442u0440u044B
             * u043Fu043Eu0434u043Au043Bu044Eu0447u0435u043Du0438u044F u043A u0431u0430u0437u0435 u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445,
             * u043Au0430u043A u0434u043Bu044F u0432u043Du0435u0448u043Du0435u0433u043E u0438u0441u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u043Du0438u044F
             * u0442u0430u043A u0438 u0434u043Bu044F u0432u043Du0443u0442u0440u0435u043Du043Du0435u0433u043E
            public struct ConnectionString
                 * u0418u043Cu044F u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440u0430 u0431u0430u0437u044B u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445
                private string DataSource_Value;
                 * u041Du0430u0437u0432u0430u043Du0438u0435 u0431u0430u0437u044B u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445
                private string InitialCatalog_Value;
                 * u0418u043Cu044F u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u0442u0435u043Bu044F
                private string UserID_Value;
                 * u041Fu0430u0440u043Eu043Bu044C
                private string Password_Value;
                 * u041Fu0435u0440u0435u0433u0440u0443u0436u0435u043Du043Du044Bu0439 u043Au043Eu043Du0441u0442u0440u0443u043Au0442u043Eu0440
                 * u0434u043Bu044F u0440u0443u0447u043Du043Eu0439 u0438u043Du0438u0446u0438u0430u043Bu0438u0437u0430u0446u0438u0438
                 * u0441u0442u0440u043Eu043Au0438 u043Fu043Eu0434u043Au043Bu044Eu0447u0435u043Du0438u044F,
                 * u043Du0443u0436u0435u043D u0434u043Bu044F u0438u0441u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u043Du0438u044F u0435u0433u043E
                 * u0432 u043Eu0434u0440u0443u0433u0438u0445 u0444u043Eu0440u043Cu0430u0445
                public ConnectionString(string /*
                                                * u0418u043Cu044F u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440u0430 u0431u0430u0437u044B u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445
                                        string /*
                                                * u041Du0430u0437u0432u0430u043Du0438u0435 u0431u0430u0437u044B u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445
                                        string /*
                                                * u0418u043Cu044F u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u0442u0435u043Bu044F
                                                */ InUserID_Value,
                                        string /*
                                                * u041Fu0430u0440u043Eu043Bu044C
                                                */ InPassword_Value)
                    DataSource_Value = InDataSource_Value;
                    InitialCatalog_Value = InInitialCatalog_Value;
                    UserID_Value = InUserID_Value;
                    Password_Value = InPassword_Value;
                 * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u0438u043Cu044F u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440u0430
                 * u0431u0430u0437u044B u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445
                public string GetServerName()
                    return DataSource_Value;
                 * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u043Du0430u0437u0432u0430u043Du0438u0435
                 * u0431u0430u0437u044B u0434u0430u043Du043Du044Bu0445
                public string GetDatabaseName()
                    return InitialCatalog_Value;
                 * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u0438u043Cu044F
                 * u0442u0435u043Au0443u0449u0435u0433u043E u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u0442u0435u043Bu044F
                public string GetUserName()
                    return UserID_Value;
                 * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u043Fu0430u0440u043Eu043Bu044C
                 * u0442u0435u043Au0443u0449u0435u0433u043E u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u0442u0435u043Bu044F
                public string GetPassword()
                    return Password_Value;
                 * u041Fu0435u0440u0435u0432u043Eu0434 u0441u0442u0440u0443u043Au0442u0443u0440u044B u0432 u0442u0435u043Au0441u0442u043Eu0432u044Bu0439 u0432u0438u0434
                 * u0434u043Bu044F u0438u0441u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u043Du0438u044F u043Fu0440u0438 u0441u043Eu0437u0434u0430u043Du0438u0438 u043Au043Eu043Du043Du0435u043Au0442u043Eu0440u0430
                public override string ToString()
                    return "Data Source="+DataSource_Value+";Initial Catalog="+
                        InitialCatalog_Value+";User ID="+UserID_Value+";Password="+
             * u0424u0443u043Du043Au0446u0438u044F u043Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0435u043Du0438u044F u0441u0442u0440u043Eu043Au0438 u043Fu043Eu0434u043Au043Bu044Eu0447u0435u043Du0438u044F u043Fu043E u0443u043Cu043Eu043Bu0447u0430u043Du0438u044E
             * u043Du0443u0436u043Du0430 u0431u044Bu043Bu0430 u0434u043Bu044F u0442u0435u0441u0442u043Eu0432
            static private string GetDefaultConnectionString()
                return "Data Source=BSRV01;Initial Catalog=Prokat_Last;User ID=sa;Password=";
             * u0412u043Du0443u0442u0440u0435u043Du043Du044Fu044F u0441u0442u0440u043Eu043Au0430 u043Fu043Eu0434u043Au043Bu044Eu0447u0435u043Du0438u044F
             * u043Du0435 u0434u043Eu0441u0442u0443u043Fu043Du0430 u0434u043Bu044F u0432u044Bu0437u043Eu0432u0430 u043Du0430u043Fu0440u044Fu043Cu0443u044E
            private ConnectionString localConnectionString;
             * u0423u0441u0442u0430u043Du043Eu0432u0438u0442u044C u0441u0442u0440u043Eu043Au0443 u0432u043Du0443u0442u0440u0435u043Du043Du0435u0433u043E u043Fu043Eu0434u043Au043Bu044Eu0447u0435u043Du0438u044F
            public void SetConnectionString(ConnectionString CS)
                this.localConnectionString = CS;
             * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u0441u0442u0440u043Eu043Au0443 u0432u043Du0443u0442u0440u0435u043Du043Du0435u0433u043E u043Fu043Eu0434u043Au043Bu044Eu0447u0435u043Du0438u044F
            public ConnectionString GetConnectionString()
                return this.localConnectionString;
             * u0424u0443u043Du043Au0446u0438u044F u0443u0434u0430u043Bu0435u043Du0438u044F u0432u0440u0435u043Cu0435u043Du043Du043Eu0433u043E u0444u0430u0439u043Bu0430
             * u043Fu043Eu0441u043Bu0435 u0437u0430u0432u0435u0440u0448u0435u043Du0438u044F u0432u0441u0435u0445 u043Eu043Fu0435u0440u0430u0446u0438u0439 u0441 u0448u0430u0431u043Bu043Eu043Du043Eu043C
            private void MainForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
                if (FileTreeView.Nodes.Count!=0)
                    if (File.Exists(TemplateFilePath))
             * u041Eu0431u0440u0430u0431u043Eu0442u0447u0438u043A u0434u0432u043Eu0439u043Du043Eu0433u043E u043Au043Bu0438u043Au0430
             * u043Fu043E u0448u0430u0431u043Bu043Eu043Du0443 u0432 u0434u0435u0440u0435u0432u0435 u0444u0430u0439u043Bu043Eu0432
            public void FileTreeView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int Result = 0;
                    Result = ParseReportWithDataBase();
                    if (Result == 0)
                        Result = ParseReport(TempFilePath + FileTreeView.SelectedNode.Text.ToString() + ".rpt");
                        if (Result == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("u0424u0430u0439u043B u043Du0435 u043Cu043Eu0436u0435u0442 u0431u044Bu0442u044C u043Eu0442u043Au0440u044Bu0442!");
                catch (Exception ex)
             * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0435u043Du0438u0435 u0432u0441u0435u0445 u0444u0430u0439u043Bu043Eu0432 u0441 u0440u0430u0441u0448u0438u0440u0435u043Du0438u0435u043C .rpt
             * u0438u0437 u0431u0430u0437u044B u043A u043Au043Eu0442u043Eu0440u043Eu0439 u043Fu0440u0438u0441u043Eu0435u0434u0438u043Du0438u043Bu0438u0441u044C
            public void GetReportNamesFromDataBase(ConnectionString CS)
                    SqlConnection C = new SqlConnection(CS.ToString());
                    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
                    DataTable table = new DataTable();
                    string sqlcom = "Select P115 from " + GetDataViewName(CS,"24") + " where P116 like '%.rpt'";
                    SqlCommand Q1 = new SqlCommand(sqlcom,C);
                    Q1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    adapter.SelectCommand = Q1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
    //                        MessageBox.Show(table.Rows<i>.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
             * u041Fu043Eu043Bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044C u0438u043Cu044F DataView
             * u0434u043Bu044F u0442u0435u043Au0443u0449u0435u0433u043E u043Fu043Eu043Bu044Cu0437u043Eu0432u0430u0442u0435u043Bu044F
            private string GetDataViewName(ConnectionString CS,string ClassID)
                string ViewName = "";
                SqlConnection C = new SqlConnection(CS.ToString());
                SqlCommand Q = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[_SysGetClassesInfoNew1]"/*P115 from dbo.Attr24 where P116='.rpt'*/, C);
                Q.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
                adapter.SelectCommand = Q;
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (table.Rows<i>.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString() == ClassID)
                        ViewName = table.Rows<i>.ItemArray.GetValue(13).ToString();
                        // MessageBox.Show(ViewName);
                return ViewName;
             * u041Eu0431u0440u0430u0431u043Eu0442u0447u0438u043A u043Au043Bu0438u043Au0430 u043Du0430 u0432u044Bu043Fu0430u0434u0430u044Eu0449u0435u043C
             * u043Cu0435u043Du044E u0432 u043Fu0443u043Du043Au0442u0435 "Delete"
            private void deleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

  • Refresh Data in Xcelsius

    In Dashboard  using Web Intelligence Report  and updating it through live office.I created a dashboard but i have to refresh data every day for that  i used a button  to refresh the data in the screen.
    i.e connection refresh Button will  it works for live office . if it means please explain how to get data .
    Thanks & Regards,

    Or you trying to get the refreshed data on open then check the webi report is scheduled.
    If you are using any prompt to get the refresh data, then check the trigger to cell is configured properly.

  • A better way to refresh data

    Hey everyone, I'm creating a Flex/ColdFusion app. and I've
    been working with CFCs and RemoteObjects. I know that when you want
    to refresh data you have to call the CFC with the RemoteObject
    every time (after the creationComplete is called I use addedToStage
    and removedFromStage to re-call the CFC). Is there a better way to
    refresh my data or "re-initialize" the component?
    Also, does anyone know the proper way to log someone out
    using ColdFusion and Flex? I pass the cflogout method in my CFC and
    in Flex I return the user to the login page and "reset" my objects
    I use to store user data, but after logging in as a different user
    the previous user's info is still present. So I've resorted to
    reloading the URL to clear the application of all data. Any tips?

    I don't really get what you mean with "re-initialize the
    Here you can learn about login and logout in ColdFusion. -Uses-ColdFusion-CFLogin-and-CFC-Role-Security

  • Cannot refresh data in Excel Services with SQL Azure databases

    I am using Excel Services on a SharePoint Online.
    I get my data from a SQL Azure. When i create my Excel repor with Excel 2013 pro I have no problem. So I upload my file on my Sharepoint and try to refresh data.
    Connexion : Power Query - RPT_Event_ByEventType 
    Erreur : Erreur sur site (OnPremise) : Sorry, the data source for this data connection isn't registered for Power BI. Ask your Power BI
    admin to register the data source in the Power BI admin center. 
    I do not understad why I get that error because my data source is on Azure why It told me "OnPremise" ?

    >> this button of excel gets just address of web and have button for import it
         i test it by rest API project , but doesn't work, do you know how it is work?
    Do you mean that you don't know how to get the table? You may input the site address into the address box, and then click go button nearby, select the table you want to import into the Excel. Then click import button.That also works for  rest API,
    and your rest API should get the data that you want
    By the way, this is the forum for discussions about Excel develop(VBA ,customization), better to go to TechNet forum for Excel for Excel features question, so that you could get more professional help.
    Best Regards
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Report prints Saved Data not Refreshed Data

    We were running VS 2005 and using the Basic CR 2005 Basic that comes with it.  We upgraded to use CR 2008 and found MANY issues after we went live in production that were apparent in the development.  This has caused a lot of stress with us as well as our users.  Iu2019ll summarize everything we found, possible workarounds and the open issues including the Printing/Loading of Saved Data.
    First, it was reported that printing changed.  It turns out when PrintMode = u2018PDFu2019 (default setting) it now asks after you choose u2018EXPORTu2019 (use to be u2018OKu2019) that it asks to Open or Save the Adobe.  When our customers were running 20 some reports at a time and we had hundreds of users, this became a nuisance for the heavy reporting users and a training issue in general for us.  With research, I found that we can change the PrintMode to be u2018ActiveXu2019.  This was much better when we were testing.  However, in Production it became a nightmare.  If the user is on a Domain that disallows itu2019s user from installing software or if the user has tight security settings, this became a nightmare.
    The second thing reported was that it was exporting to the wrong format.  It was exporting into RPT format.  It turns out with CR2008, it automatically defaults to RPT and the new pop-up, doesnu2019t isnu2019t clear to the user they even have a choice (the pop-up is much prettier, but it doesnu2019t look like a dropdown anymore).  In addition, they reported it was taking twice as long to export (we think it was related to export file type now).  With CR2005 Basic, it would have no default selection and if the user didnu2019t pick one, it would remind them they need to pick one.  After much research, I found there is no way to customize the operation of the export without writing my own export.  My users 90% of the time want to export to PDF and Excel the rest of the time.  Since we arenu2019t using a CR Server like product, they NEVER will do RPT.  There is no way with CR2008 to limit this list or to default the File Format.  So now, if they forget to select the type, they get the wrong file format instead of being reminded to select one.  Since the new pop-upu2019s dropdown selection isnu2019t easily apparent, this was a BIG issue for us.  Since I have close to 300 reports on 7 websites, this will be a lot of work for me to write my own code and change all the ASPX page to use my own control.
    The third thing reported was that the default name on Exporting was changed.  Export uses the ID property of the Crystal Report Viewer as the default name of a file on export.  When it replaced the viewer on all our pages, it set the ID to CrystalReportViewer1 instead of preserving the original ID.  We now have to go back and change them to what we wanted manually.  BEAWRE of this!  For our power users who wanted to export 40 reports they now have type the name in manually on all of them.  What took minutes now takes over an hour for them to do, until we can fix all the pages.
    Now it was reported that some reports are showing OLD data.  It turns out there shows Saved Data from design time.  In our site, we have a parameter page which getu2019s user selected parameters, save to a session and then load the report page using the session variables, and then redirect them to the report page which on page load we set the reports parameters.  We use the CrystalReportSource using ODBC.  The report has all the connection information.  Well if the user happens to select the same parameters I used at design time, it wonu2019t pull the data from the database.  They see our test data instead which is garbage.  If they select different parameters, display the report and then go back and select the original parameters, they will get the correct data.  This can be catastrophic for us!  So I added at the beginning of the Page Load before setting parameters the following:
         If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
         End If
    This seemed to work.  A pain to add on every report page though when it wasnu2019t necessary before.  But then I just got called this morning and they say when they print, it prited the OLD data.  It seems the refresh pulled new data and updated the display in the viewer but the ActiveX print still used the original Saved Data!  I couldnu2019t find a solution for this.  I found switching PrintMode back to u2018Pdfu2019 worked but now I have the extra click issue again, which I described above.  I tried setting the reports u2018Discard Saved Datau2019 option but it still had the data!
    In the end, had I known about all these issues I would have NEVER upgraded to CR2008.  Iu2019m still looking for help on getting by the following:
    u2022     Stop using Saved Data at runtime (either on Display or Print)
    u2022     Getting the PrintMode=u2019Pdfu2019 to just pull up Adobe in Open mode without prompting the user.
    u2022     Remove File Type options from Export
    u2022     Set the default File Type options to nothing or something I want.
    Another nice feature to have would be the ActiveX control for printing to be part of the .NET Framework so users donu2019t need to download it.  Come on BO is a big company Iu2019m sure they can work with MS.  

    What is that method to clear Saved Data; I looked and couldn't find it.  I never had to call one in the prior version of CR 2005 Basic in .Net.  With the .NET controls, it always refreshed the data before.  This is a change in behavior for me.
    As for the Print using Adobe, with CR2005 Basic, it didn't prompt the user to Open or Save before.  This is new behavior.  It used to just open the report in Adobe in memory before without this specific prompt (it did have the first prompt for All or specific pages, but it would just open after that).  This is a change in behavior from prior versions and it has caused me several issues. 
    Many users don't like change and I didn't know to communicate this to them.  They were taken by surprise.  We'll learn to live it I guess, but I would ask you just to consider, why have an option to "Save" to PDF when you choose to print?  I would think you would use Export if you want to save.  It would never hurt to add an option to allow alternatives either.
    As for including with .NET Framework, it was just an idea.  I know how hard it can be working with third parties.  However, given that CR Basic comes with it, I thought it may be possible to work with them.  The better the integration the better the product is for the developers.  I was thinking the button could call JavaScript/Java to print instead of an ActiveX, or some other method.  Since I donu2019t know how the Control works, I couldnu2019t say.  It just would be nice.  I had a smiley face after that request, it didn't come out right when I saved the post.
    I still don't understand why .Refresh will update the data in the viewer but printing using the ActiveX Control will still print the saved data instead of refreshed data.  Since I never used this in the prior version I don't know what it would of done or not, but it just doesn't seem right it shows one set of data, and prints another.
    In addition, why the designer still saves data with the report when you state not to, I think may be a problem still.
    Edited by: Thomas Johnson on Nov 21, 2008 12:26 PM

  • Error when Refresh Data on Webi from Infoview with Preferred viewing locale

    I am getting an error -"An internal error occured while calling 'processDPCommands' API. (Error:ERR_WIS_30270).
    All the universes are translated to German using Translation Manager. I get the above error only when ' Preferred viewing locale' is set to 'German' otherwise the Refresh Data button works fine when the Preferred vieiwng locale is 'Use browser locale'.
    As per the note 1352299 the settings on the Webintelligenceprocessingserver from CMC is adjusted and the heapsize is also adjusted but still the issue is coming up.
    Could anyone please help to resolve this error.
    Thank you & Regards,

    I have faced this problem earlier and took lot of time for Root Cause Analysis and fixed the issue.
    Root Cause for some of the objects not being translated is provided below:
    If two objects has same translation in German, obviously Universe will not progress further for translation.
    for e.g.
    Objects in English and German
    1.Country  -> de county
    2.Land -> de county
    from the above example, two distinct objects in English have same German translation which makes Universe not accepting the duplicate objects within the same class.
    Similarly, you need to figure out these duplicates at Class/Object/Condition/Hierarchy levels in translated XLIFF file.
    Duplicates can be identified by opening XLIFF file in Excel and use Data Filters etc... This is a manual task.
    Then for identified duplicates provide Other names in XLIFF file such that Universe accepts them.
    For e.g. the above scenario can be solved by adding a trailing space to the 2nd translated object. Adding space is best option because meaning will not be changed w.r.t end user there by eliminating duplicates.

  • Powerpivot for sharepoint error: Unable to refresh data for a data connection in the workbook

     I have three errors when i try to use a simple powerpivot workbook published in sharepoint: (nothing on google has help me..)
    1-Unable to refresh data for a data connection in the workbook.
    Try again or contact your system administrator. The following connections failed to refresh:
    PowerPivot Data
    2-The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook cannot be loaded due to a version mismatch
    3-01/21/2012 17:26:47.08  w3wp.exe (0x1950)                        0x0AD0 Excel Services Application     Excel
    Calculation Services     bccc Medium   Session.HandleTrimmedWorkbookReloading: userOperation ApplySlicerSelectionOperation requires BaseWorkbook: "http://crm2011:2020/Marketing%20Reports/test2_excel32bits.xlsx"
    [0x409] [Saturday, 21 January 2012 09:40:18] [BaseWB ID: 2] to be untrimmed if it is currently trimmed. The workbook is currently NOT trimmed. fb614a65-e398-4b97-a98d-fb7b23eab39f
    01/21/2012 17:26:47.08  w3wp.exe (0x1950)                        0x0AD0 Excel Services Application     Excel Calculation
    Services     f1va Medium   CWorkbookWrapper::CWorkbookWrapper: Created with ID=4 fb614a65-e398-4b97-a98d-fb7b23eab39f
    01/21/2012 17:26:47.09  w3wp.exe (0x1950)                        0x0AD0 Excel Services Application     Excel Calculation
    Services     eq3r Medium   ConnectionRequest.ConnectionRequest: New connection request. SessionId=1.V21.4PI+fCwIq52LH++nOoMzs90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0060#0000-10-00-05T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-05T02:00:00:0000#-006036.bfceb31b-7122-46ca-9e2a-ae52cefcfcaf1.N,
    WorkbookVersion=ConnectionInfo.WorkbookVersion: Uri=http://crm2011:2020/Marketing Reports/test2_excel32bits.xlsx, Version=Saturday, 21 January 2012 09:40:18 fb614a65-e398-4b97-a98d-fb7b23eab39f
    01/21/2012 17:26:47.12  w3wp.exe (0x1950)                        0x0AD0 Excel Services Application     Excel Calculation
    Services     aysl Medium   Succeeded to initialize a chart. fb614a65-e398-4b97-a98d-fb7b23eab39f
    01/21/2012 17:26:47.12  w3wp.exe (0x1950)                        0x0AD0 Excel Services Application     Excel Calculation
    Services     8xk9 Medium   ExternalSource.ExecuteOperation: We exhausted all available connection information. Exception: Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInfoException: Exception of type
    'Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Interop.ConnectionInfoException' was thrown.     at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ConnectionInfoManager.GetConnectionInfo(Request request, String externalSourceName, Int32
    externalSourceIndex, Boolean& shouldReportFailure)     at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.ExternalSource.ExecuteOperation(Request request, ExternalSourceStateInfo externalSourceStateInfo, ExternalSourceStateInfo prevExternalSourceStateInfo,
    Int32 index, ConnectionInfoManager connectionInfoManager, ExternalDataScenario scenario, DataOperation dataOpe... fb614a65-e398-4b97-a98d-fb7b23eab39f
    01/21/2012 17:26:47.12* w3wp.exe (0x1950)                        0x0AD0 Excel Services Application     Excel Calculation
    Services     8xk9 Medium   ...ration, Boolean verifyPreOperationConnection), Data Connection Name: PowerPivot Data, SessionId: 1.V21.4PI+fCwIq52LH++nOoMzs90.5.en-US5.en-US73.-0060#0000-10-00-05T03:00:00:0000#+0000#0000-03-00-05T02:00:00:0000#-006036.bfceb31b-7122-46ca-9e2a-ae52cefcfcaf1.N,
    UserId: 0#.w|contoso\manager fb614a65-e398-4b97-a98d-fb7b23eab39f
    My server and client olap versions are the same: MSOLAP.5, i used sql server 2008 R2 SP1 and sharepoint 2010 SP1 and reboot or iisreset have no effect
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Hello Challen Fu
    I would be so grateful if you could please help me out
    I have been trying to find a solution to the same error message
    In my case, the power pivot reports were working before on a regular team  site , but then two things changed:
    a)  I  created a toplevel site using the BI Center template. Now I am using a Business Intelligence template , created a power pivot gallery library and uploaded a few powerpivot reports
    b)  On the  backend, the database instance was upgrated to SQL Server 2012 
         Front end Server VDSP01  remains  SQL Server 2008 R 2 where Sharepoint 2010  was installed as a FARM  
    Now, the reports will display in sharepoing however they will not refresh. the error message i get is the same.
     Scenario recap:
    a- Server VDSP01  uses SQL Server 2008 R 2 where Sharepoint 2010  was installed as a FARM
    b- On the back end,  the database instance name was replaced with SQL 2012 Server:
               from SQL Server 2008 R 2 (instance DBDEV-COTS\COTS)
               to     SQL Server 2012 ( instance VTSQL01\COTS)
    c-  I was told that:
         From VDSP01, they ran
    CliConfg.exe   to create SQL Server Alias :
           where    BEFORE: vdsharepoint -->  DBDEV-COTS\COTS
                and  AFTER    : vdsharepoint -->  VTSQL01\COTS
     I appreciate in advance any help you can provide<v:shapetype coordsize="21600,21600" filled="f" id="_x0000_t75" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f">
      <v:stroke joinstyle="miter">
      <v:formulas>  <v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0">
      <v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0">
      <v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1">
      <v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2">
      <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth">
      <v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight">
      <v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1">
      <v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2">
      <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth">
      <v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0">
      <v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight">
     <v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0">
     <v:path gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect" o:extrusionok="f">
    <o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit">
    </o:lock></v:path></v:stroke></v:shapetype> <v:shape alt="" id="Picture_x0020_2" o:spid="_x0000_i1025" style="width:630pt;height:475.5pt;" type="#_x0000_t75">
    <v:imagedata o:href="cid:[email protected]" src="file:///C:\Users\wlarange\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpg">
    wanda larangeira

  • Apps no longer refreshing data

    Another issue with iOS 8.0.2 in that today I noticed that all my non-Apple apps are no longer able to refresh data from servers.  My POP email is not working, my Tapatalk forum app is not able to download new topics and a EA game I play that must connect to the EA server is not connecting.  I just get the endless wheel of agony indicting it's updating, but it's not!!  What's the point of a smartphone if it cannot connect to the apps the developers have designed for it.
    Fix this now Apple!!!
    Jobs is surely disappointed!!!!!!

    yeah they're all showing correctly in there.
    I just don't understand the Message app, that it does nothing until I open the app and open this particular conversation

  • CR 2008/VS 2005/Winform : HOW TO REFRESH DATA ONLY ?

      I display a report in a CrystalReportViewer (Windows Form).
      This report have NO Saved data, use some parameters, use a formula, and connect to a SQL Server via OLE DB.
      I would like to REFRESH THE REPORT after some data has been modified in the Database. (just the DATA in the report, NOT the parameters, NOT their values, and NOT the formula).
      PROBLEM : this SIMPLE TASK seems to be IMPOSSIBLE to do !!! (I can't beleive this !)
      If I call Refresh() or  ReportRefresh(), in the Viewer or in the ReportDocument, the formula AND the report Parameters have no more effects.
       "ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh = true " : DON'T WORK  !!! 
       QUESTION : Is there a way to refresh DATA in a report without completely reload the entire report file & params & formulas & Data & ... ???   
      Thanks a lot for your help.

    I have had a similar issues with report parameters.
    The solution for me was to set the parameter value in the RefreshReport event of the ReportDocument not the crystalReportViewer.

  • How to use url to open report and refresh report's data,but the report's toolbar haven't "refresh data" button

    Post Author: madbird
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    scenario is
    I hope use url to open the report,and refresh the report data,but I didn't the user use the "refresh data" button to refresh the report's data.How to do that?

    Post Author: madbird
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    Thank you for your attention, amr_foci .
    I created a Web Intelligence report,there will be more than 30 companies use.The company only allowed to see the Company Data. I want to use the url of the way, from my company in the development of the system to open report, and refresh reported Table data.but do not want users to use the toolbar of "data refresh" button to refresh the data .
    Now the question of identity authentication system, as well as statements by url open the question of Has been resolved, but it can not shield statements through the pages of "data refresh" button.
    In addition, I now used by the business object XI system is posted on the JAVA environment.

  • Refreshing data in tables from MySQL

    hi guys,
    im currently developing a banking application using Java and MySQL, and some encription methods, for a degree project in software engineering.
    iv have tables displayed on a serperate tab panels.
    im connecting to multiple databases.
    what i want to know, is it possible to "refresh" the data when the application is running.
    so, lets say i update someones records using the application, when i go to the details panel, containing the records, i want the application to re-display the data to its present form.
    iv tried putting the "data call" method from the database as a function, and attatching that call function to a "refresh" button, but it doesnot re-display the information when the application is running.
    although, when the application is closed and executed again the new data is displayed correctly.
    any info appreciated.
    heres a few screen shots for a better understanding of what im working on:
    Thanks alot..

    The easiest way to do this is to create a new TableModel with the refreshed data. Something like:
    a) do SQL query
    b) TableModel model = new TableModel(data from SQL query)
    c) table.setModel( model );

  • Incremental Loads and Refresh Date

    Hi all,
    Thank you for taking the time to review this post.
    Oracle BI Applications 7.9.6 (Financial & Project Analytics)
    Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10
    I have a Test BI Apps 7.9.6 in a Test environment that is connected to a static EBS 11.5.10 data source. As part of my testing phase I'd like to do multiple Incremental Loads to get an accurate performance impact and timing study for the final pre-approval before migrating to Production. I can get a refresh of EBS which has a week's worth of transactions after my Initial Full Load. What I'd like to do is change Refresh Dates to "trick" the Incremental Load into only loading one days worth of data at a time, rather than the full week's worth of data in the Incremental load. Is this possible, and if so, how?
    Example timeline:
    Today - Initial Full load using Test EBS as of today
    1 week later - Refresh static Test EBS from Production with a week of transactions
    Post Refresh - Run daily Incremental jobs using static Test EBS
    First Incremental Load - Today's position + 1 day,
    Second " " - Today's position + 2 days,
    Third " " - Today's position + 3 days, etc
    As always all comments and solutions greatly appreciated.
    Kind Regards,

    Say on the 01st of the month, you did a Load.
    Then on the 08th of the month, the source EBS system was itself refreshed.
    What you want to do is to run a single day refresh on the 08th for all data from the 01st to the 02nd of the month), and then another single day referesh -- whether on the 08th or on the 09th , you don't care -- for all data from the 03rd to the 04th.
    Unfortunately, the refresh is from last refresh date to current date. You can't define "refresh upto date". Therefore, your first 'incremental' refresh on the 08th would refresh all data from the 02nd to the 08th in one shot. What you could try to do is
    a. After the first load on the 01st, shutdown the BI DWH.
    b. When the EBS test source is refresh on the 08th, reset your SYSTEM CLOCK ON THE BI DWH DATABASE SERVER to the 2nd (or 3rd) of the month.
    c. Now, when you run a refresh, BI will extract all data from the 01st to the 02nd or 03rd (even though EBS is as of the 08th).
    d. Once this is done, shutdown BI DWH.
    e. Reet the SYSTEM CLOCK ON THE BI DWH DATABASE SERVER to the 3rd or 4th of the month.
    f. Run another Incremental Refresh.
    ... and so on ...
    Hemant K Chitale

  • Discoverer Portlet Refresh Date

    I have a Discoverer Portlet on a Portal page. Is there any way I can hide or not show the Last Refresh Date and Next Refresh Date from Discoverer Portlet?
    Here's an example:
    Graph or Gauge displayed and then at bottom there is:
    Last Refresh Date           3/31/06 10:46 AM
    Next Refresh Date           4/1/06 9:01 AM
    Thanks in advance,
    -- asit

    If anyone's interested, i found a blog that shows how to remove it.
    UIX Hack 2 – Remove the Last Refresh Date from Discoverer Portlets
    Thanks Abhinav,
    -- asit

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