Refreshing the BLOB

I've made a small web application about movies. For those interested
to see it work : go to
The web app works with servlets and JSP's.
Now the problem is this : in the local version, I can select on the first
page the letter "B" to get all movies starting with a B. When I select
, say, "Bad Santa" in thsi list, I can see the detail screen containing
the poster of the movie (a BLOB).
If I go back to the list and select "the Blob" from 1958, I see the poster
with the photo of Steve Mc QUeen. If I go back to the list once more,
I can select "the Blob" from 1988, and I see the poster from this movie.
So locally, everything is OK. Then I published the web application on my
web site, and this still keeps on working.
But when I go to the office, and try to go to my web application at work,
whichever poster I see first, this is the poster that will be shown on all
the other detail screens.
So, for instance, with the above scenarion, I see the data from "bad santa"
and its poster. If I go to the blob, I see the data of the blob (title, year)
but still the poster of "bad santa".
So, at work, I can only view the first poster, even though I select other
movies. Can anyone tell me where the error is ?

The error has been found : it was due to the caching of
the proxyserver at work. The fact that I wrote
<img src="/gco/cluifimg" width="150" height="200">made the proxyserver think he already had done that when I asked him
for a second poster. So, he always kept on showing the first poster .
What is the solution ? Well, a very simple one : add a parameter
so the proxyserver thinks he has to do something different.
The most simple thing is to add a parameter equal to date + time.
So, writing the following lines did the trick :
<img src="/gco/cluifimg?nocache=<%=new java.util.Date()%>" width="150" height="200">With this line I fooled the proxyserver and got every poster I asked for.
I thought this might interest some other members of this forum.

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  • Blobs and refreshing the schema

    Hi all,
    I have two questions about Kodo 3.3.3.
    1) About blobs. A blob is the serialization fof an object. Does Kodo store
    the hashCode of the class (ir the serialVersionUID of the class) that was
    used to serialize the object ? Will I have a problem if I want to get back
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    serialVersionUID ?
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    -a export -f dump.xml package.jdo, it's very handy. From the
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    My problem is : I cant find the command to perform this refresh, the
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    Btw, I came across a bug using SQL Server : a field named "index"
    generated a column named "index", SQL Server was quite angry at that.
    Sorry if this one is know already.
    Thanks for your answers,

    1) About blobs. A blob is the serialization fof an object. Does Kodo store
    the hashCode of the class (ir the serialVersionUID of the class) that was
    used to serialize the object ? Will I have a problem if I want to get back
    that blob with a recompiled version of that class, with a different
    serialVersionUID ?Kodo just serializes the field value to a byte array using standard Java
    serialization. So yes, you will have problems if the serialVersionUID of the
    class changes. If you want more control over this process, you can create a
    custom DBDictionary that overrides the serialize() method. Or you can use a
    field of type byte[] and a byte-array mapping rather than a blob mapping, so
    that Kodo doesn't do any serialization.
    My problem is : I cant find the command to perform this refresh, the
    schema is just not "synchronized" with the XML. Any hint ? :)Use the schema tool to synchronize the schema with the XML. See:
    Btw, I came across a bug using SQL Server : a field named "index"
    generated a column named "index", SQL Server was quite angry at that.
    Sorry if this one is know already.Thanks. We'll make sure this is fixed in Kodo 3.3.4.

  • Error deleting VHD: There is currently a lease on the blob and no lease ID was specified in the request

    When attempting to delete a VHD's blob you may receive the following error:
    There is currently a lease on the blob and no lease ID was specified in the request
    While these errors are expected if a VHD is still registered as a disk or image in the portal, we have identified an issue where a lease remains even if the blob is not registered as a disk or image in the portal.
    If you receive one of these errors, first make sure the VHD is not in use:
    In the Windows Azure management portal, if the disk shows up under Virtual Machines,
    Disks, and the Attached To column is not blank, you should first remove that VM in the
    Attached To column by going to VM Instances, selecting the VM, then clicking
    If Attached To is blank, or the VM in the Attached To column was already removed, try removing the disk by highlighting it under
    Disks and clicking Delete Disk (this will not physically delete the VHD from blob storage, it only removes the disk object in the portal). If you have multiple pages of disks it can be easier to search for a specific disk by
    clicking the magnifying glass icon at the top right.
    If Delete Disk is grayed out, or the disk is not listed under Disks, but you still cannot reuse it or delete it, review the options below.
    Breaking the lease
    You can use the
    Lease Blob API to break the lease in this scenario, which is also available in the Windows Azure PowerShell assembly
    Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll using
    LeaseAction Enumeration.
    To use the BreakLease.ps1 script to break the lease:
    Download Azure PowerShell by clicking Install under Windows here:
    Start, Search, type Windows Azure PowerShell and open that console.
    Run Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile to launch a browser window to to download the management certificate in a
    .publishsettings file in order to manage your subscription with PowerShell.
    Run Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile to import the certificate and subscription information. Replace the path below with the full path to the .publishsettings file if you didn't save it to your
    Downloads folder. If you saved it to Downloads you can run it as-is, otherwise replace the path with the full path to the
    .publishsettings file.
    Import-AzurePublishSettingsfile $env:userprofile\downloads\*.publishsettings
    Copy the script below into a text editor such as Notepad and save it as
    Run Set-ExecutionPolicy to allow script execution:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
    Run BreakLease.ps1 with the URL to the VHD in order to break the lease. The script obtains the necessary storage account information, checks that the blob is not currently registered as a disk or as an image, then proceeds to break the
    current lease (if any).
    Sample output:
    BreakLease.ps1 -Uri ''
    Reading storage account information...
    Confirmed - storage account 'clstorage'.
    Checking whether the blob is currently registered as a disk or image...
    Confirmed - the blob is not in use by the Windows Azure platform.
    Inspecting the blob's lease status...
    Current lease status: Locked
    Unlocking the blob...
    Current lease status: Unlocked
    Success - the blob is unlocked.
    Param([string]$Uri = $(Read-Host -prompt "Please specify a blob URL"))
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    echo "Processing $Uri"
    echo "Reading storage account information..."
    $acct = Get-AzureStorageAccount | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.Endpoints[0])).Host -eq (new-object System.Uri($Uri)).Host }
    if(-not $acct) {
    write-host "The supplied URL does not appear to correspond to a storage account associated with the current subscription." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $acctKey = Get-AzureStorageKey ($acct.StorageAccountName)
    $creds = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=$($acctKey.StorageAccountName);AccountKey=$($acctKey.Primary)"
    $acctobj = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($creds)
    $uri = $acctobj.Credentials.TransformUri($uri)
    echo "Confirmed - storage account '$($acct.StorageAccountName)'."
    $blobclient = New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.CloudBlobClient($acctobj.BlobEndpoint, $acctobj.Credentials)
    $blobclient.Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1)
    $blob = New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.CloudPageBlob($uri, $blobclient)
    echo "Checking whether the blob is currently registered as a disk or image..."
    $disk = Get-AzureDisk | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.MediaLink)) -eq $blob.Uri }
    if($disk) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as a disk with name '$($disk.DiskName)'. Please delete the disk first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $image = Get-AzureVMImage | ? { $_.MediaLink -eq $blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri }
    if($image) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as an OS image with name '$($image.ImageName)'. Please delete the OS image first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Confirmed - the blob is not in use by the Windows Azure platform."
    echo "Inspecting the blob's lease status..."
    try {
    } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    if($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus -ne [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.LeaseStatus]::Locked) {
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"
    echo "Unlocking the blob..."
    $request = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol.BlobRequest]::Lease($uri, 0, [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Protocol.LeaseAction]::Break, $null)
    $request.Timeout = $blobclient.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds
    try {
    $response = $request.GetResponse()
    catch {
    write-host "The blob could not be unlocked:" -foregroundcolor "red"
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"
    Alternate method: make a copy of the VHD in order to reuse a VHD with a stuck lease
    If you have removed the VM and the disk object but the lease remains and you need to reuse that VHD, you can make a copy of the VHD and use the copy for a new VM:
    Download CloudXplorer. This will work with other
    Windows Azure Storage Explorers but for the sake of brevity these steps will reference CloudXplorer.
    In the Windows Azure management portal, select Storage on the left, select the storage account where the VHD resides that you want to reuse, select
    Manage Keys at the bottom, and copy the Primary Access Key.
    In CloudXplorer, go to File, Accounts,
    New, Windows Azure Account and enter the storage account name in the
    Name field and the primary access key in the Secret Key field. Leave the rest on the default settings.
    Expand the storage account in the left pane in CloudXplorer and select the
    vhds container (or if the VHD in question is one uploaded to a different location, browse to that location instead).
    Right-click the VHD you want to reuse (which currently has a stuck lease), select
    Rename, and give it a different name. This will throw the error
    could not rename…there is currently a lease on the blob… but click
    Yes to continue, then View, Refresh (F5) to refresh and you will see it did make a copy of the VHD since it could not rename the original.
    In the Azure management portal, select Virtual Machines,
    Disks, then Create Disk at the bottom.
    Specify a name for the disk, click the folder icon under VHD URL to browse to the copy of the VHD you just created, check the box for
    This VHD contains an operating system, select the drop-down to specify if it is
    Windows or Linux, then click the arrow at the bottom right to create the disk.
    After the portal shows Successfully created disk <diskname>, select
    New at the bottom left of the portal, then Virtual Machine,
    From Gallery, My Disks, and select the disk you just created, then proceed through the rest of the wizard to create the VM.

    Just to add an update to this, it looks like the namespaces have changed with the latest version of the SDK. I have updated the script to use the new namespaces, namely: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudPageBlob and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount.
    Param([string]$Uri = $(Read-Host -prompt "Please specify a blob URL"))
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    echo "Processing $Uri"
    echo "Reading storage account information..."
    $acct = Get-AzureStorageAccount | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.Endpoints[0])).Host -eq (new-object System.Uri($Uri)).Host }
    if(-not $acct) {
    write-host "The supplied URL does not appear to correspond to a storage account associated with the current subscription." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $acctKey = Get-AzureStorageKey ($acct.StorageAccountName)
    $creds = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=$($acctKey.StorageAccountName);AccountKey=$($acctKey.Primary)"
    $acctobj = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($creds)
    $uri = $acctobj.Credentials.TransformUri($uri)
    echo "Confirmed - storage account '$($acct.StorageAccountName)'."
    $blob = New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudPageBlob($uri, $creds)
    echo "Checking whether the blob is currently registered as a disk or image..."
    $disk = Get-AzureDisk | ? { (new-object System.Uri($_.MediaLink)) -eq $blob.Uri }
    if($disk) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as a disk with name '$($disk.DiskName)'. Please delete the disk first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    $image = Get-AzureVMImage | ? { $_.MediaLink -eq $blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri }
    if($image) {
    write-host "The blob is still registered as an OS image with name '$($image.ImageName)'. Please delete the OS image first." -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Confirmed - the blob is not in use by the Windows Azure platform."
    echo "Inspecting the blob's lease status..."
    try {
    } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    if($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus -ne [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageClient.LeaseStatus]::Locked) {
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"
    echo "Unlocking the blob..."
    $request = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageClient.Protocol.BlobRequest]::Lease($uri, 0, [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageClient.Protocol.LeaseAction]::Break, $null)
    $request.Timeout = $blobclient.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds
    try {
    $response = $request.GetResponse()
    catch {
    write-host "The blob could not be unlocked:" -foregroundcolor "red"
    write-host $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -foregroundcolor "red"
    echo "Current lease status: $($blob.Properties.LeaseStatus)"
    write-host "Success - the blob is unlocked." -foregroundcolor "green"

  • How to modify the blob size, or how to set the size?

    i want to know how to modify the blob size, or how to set the size?
    what's the default size of blob?
    Thanks in advance.

    Blob datatype can contain binary data with a maximum size of 4 GB.
    when you enter 10kb file, the database will only use 10kb to store the file (depending on block size etc)
    if you want to modify the blob size, you may do like this:
    SQL> create materialized view t_mv refresh fast on commit
    2 as select id, dbms_lob.getlength(x) len from t;
    Materialized view created.
    SQL> alter table t_mv add constraint t_mv_chk check (len < 100);
    Table altered.

  • Not having to refresh the data in the main report but only in the subreport

    Hi SAP,
    I have a report that uses a stored procedure in the main report and uses regular database tables in the subreport.  The data returned from the stored procedure reports information from the month-end database (a cutoff point from the previous month's numbers) while the subreport reports information from the live database.  This report gets run everyday to show the changes in numbers from the live database.  Obviously the numbers from the month-end database remainds static until the next month's cutoff database is created. 
    My problem is that everyday when I run the report, the data needs to refresh from both the stored procedure in the main report and the live database tables in the subreport.  How can I leave the data returned from the stored procedure static or as is without refreshing the stored procedure returned data and just have the subreport data refresh itself?  The stored procedure really puts a strain on the database and I would like to cut-out the time to process the report as well.  Does anyone have any ideas?

    Hi Zack,
    Try the following under Report options.
    1. Clear the check box of "Verify Stored Procedures on First Refresh" in the Main report.
    2. Select the check box of "Verify on First Refresh" in  the sub report.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can not refresh the metrics in schedular

    Post Author: sachinddalal
    CA Forum: Performance Management and Dashboards
    When I refresh the metric using schedular, the metric is not refreshed , nor schedular return any error. But when checked in metrics proparties, the last refresh date is not changed, niether the values are updated.
    Whe I try to refresh the metric manual, the values are refresh.
    Please help me to troubleshoot the problem of refreshing metric through schedular.
    Sachin Dalal

    Post Author: jezbraker
    CA Forum: Performance Management and Dashboards
    Scheduler is pretty horrid for refreshing metrics.Better of to use the Rules engine and create a rule thats based on a schedule that based on condition (1=1 works well ) then refreshes metircs.troubleshooting is best done with the trace options in setup/parameters.there are a few other ways or seeing what the schedulers up to - but id stick to rules if i were you.

  • How can I fast refresh the  materialized view !!

    I created a MV base on some tables in order to improve the querey speed.
    but the mv I have created falied to refresh fast.
    because there are two same table in the from clause:
    jcdm jc1,jcdm jc2
    create materialized view temp_mv
    pctfree 0
    storage (initial 2048k next 2048k pctincrease 0)
    build immediate
    refresh force
    on demand
    TAB_GSHX.rowid hx_rid,
    TAB_GSHD.rowid hd_rid ,
    JC1.rowid jc1_rid ,
    JC2.rowid jc2_rid ,
    YSHD_ID     HXID,          
    JC1.JCDM     QFD,     
    JC2.JCDM     JLD     
    jCDM JC1,
    JCDM JC2
    AND TO_CHAR(YSHX_time,'YYYYMMDD')='20030101'
    the column msgtxt of the table MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE is :
    "the multiple instances of the same table or view" and " one or more joins present in mv".
    How can I succeed in fast refresh the above temp_mv!!!

    When you are using Oracle9i there is a procedure which can help you setup the materialized view. If some option isn't working it gives you hint why it doesn't work.
    The procedure is dbms_mview.explain_mview.
    Take a look at the documentation how to use it. (In the Oracle9i DWH guide the package is explained.)
    Hope this helps
    With kind regards,
    Bas Roelands

  • Refreshing the Data Source View in Analysis Services

    I have added columns to the SQL Database table that is used as a dimension in an Analysis Services Cube.  The new columns will be used as additional Property Fields for the dimension.  When I attempted to refresh the Data Source view so that the additional columns are present, I am given the following error:
    Property not accessible because 'Parent Columns and Child Columns don't have type-matching columns'
    I have done nothing to the columns used for the parent of child and the error message provides nothing to gon on. Does anyone have any ideas on this?

    Thanks for your response.  I will try and answer your questions
    1) I have not tried removing the columns yet.  I will try that this afternoon but have limited hope.  The two columns I added are simple text columns that will be used as attributes in the dimension.  I have made no change to the parent or child columns.
    2) The table I modified is the source table for a parent-child dimension.
    3) The reference to the "check list" does not take me to any kind of check list.
    4) The parent-child dimensions I am trying to modify have been in use for months and the parent and child columns do have the dame data types.
    5) I have also check the data types between the dimension table and the fact table.  they use the same data types (small int).
    6) I have not made a collection for the parent key, it is a single column. The remainder of your last paragraph is not clear to me. Can you give me an example.
    I am fairly inexperienced with Analysis Services, please talk slow and use small words  :-)
    Thanks again for your help!

  • Visio Diagram is not refreshing the data from list

    I made a pivot diagram in visio 2013 and linked it with SharePoint 2013 list. I configured the Visio services, uploaded it document library. I can view the diagram in browser but it is not automatically refreshing not even by pressing the "Refresh"
    Instead i have to open it in visio, refresh the diagram manually and the save it in SP document library to refresh the diagram.
    I am using visio web access to view the diagram and also the auto-refresh is enable. 

    Hi Rizwan,
    Following url's might help you.
    Regards  Roy Joyson
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered"/"Vote helpful" if this solves/helps your problem.
    Roy Joyson

  • Is there any way to prevent misbehaving solved by refreshing the browser?

    When I play my published Captivate 6 file in the browser (in this case Google Chrome), it sometimes gets "stuck" --- rollovers don't  work properly or buttons don't show up when they are supposed to. Sometimes I get the audio echo problem where audio from some previous slide plays on a future slide). None of these things happen during previews.
    If I refresh the browser and then continue where I left off, the problems are gone.
    What is causing this awful behavior? I am afraid I am disappointing my client, which I never want to do and have never done in the past!  We will have to publish instructions telling people that if anything goes wrong, they should just refresh their browsers. But some may not know how to do that, some may not read the instructions, etc. etc. causing support calls to my client and general dissatisfaction with the training.
    Is this just a shoddy product or did I not do something I need to do to get it to behave itself?
    Please advise! Thank you,

    hmm the a64 is locked so you cannot use a cpu multipier to have only cpu go faster..
    i oc with the fsb....but noticed that i may actually be over running my power, at high oc's(233)  if i unplug at least 3 hard drives, and some fans it will run microsofts memmory tester...but not with them in.
    you may be able to oc if you drop your mem speed down in bios to 333 or 200.
    so when you oc the memm will clib from there...i have seen good results from that.
    one person was able to catch my 232 results from dropping down to 200 mem speeds.

  • After REFRESH the cached object is not consistent with the database table

    After REFRESH, the cached object is not consistent with the database table. Why?
    I created a JDBC connection with the Oracle database (HR schema) using JDeveloper(10.1.3) and then I created an offline database (HR schema)
    in JDeveloper from the existing database tables (HR schema). Then I made some updates to the JOBS database table using SQL*Plus.
    Then I returned to the JDeveloper tool and refreshed the HR connection. But I found no any changes made to the offline database table JOBS in
    How to make the JDeveloper's offline tables to be synchronized with the underling database tables?

    Once you create an offline table, it's just a copy of a table definition as of the point in time you brought it in from the database. Refreshing the connection, as you describe it, just refreshes the database browser, and not any offline objects. If you want to syncrhnonize the offline table, right-click the offline table and choose "Generate or Reconcile Objects" to reconcile the object to the database. I just tried this in (not the latest 10.1.3, I know), and it works properly.

  • How to refresh the data in sharepoint online

    I have an Office365 PowerBI Preview site and I have uploaded a excel sheet with a using power query connecting the
    azure data source. I then setup the "Data Management Gateway" and "Data Source" in the Manage Data settings within PowerBI and the Excel spreadsheet now refreshed data within the Excel web app. 
    Here I won't refresh my data but no error shown.  
    But Selected "Edit the Excel" option and refresh the connection on workbook Queries in power query within excel.
    Tts works fine. I can able to see my modified data.
    Anyone how to resolve this issues?

    Is this still an issue, Ramu?
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • How to refresh the data in Adobe forms

    I have created an Adobe form through SFP transaction and a print program which passes data to the form through an internal table. The probelm is, first time the data is getting printed perfectly as per the internal table, but next time when I again run the program for new set of data, the form doesn't display the current data. It still has previous data in it, though the internal table contains the correct data. Can any one tell me why this is happening? Is there any way to refresh the adobe form data?
    Thanks in advance,

    Your Try and check this statement program level...
    FREE <itab>

  • How to refresh the data in published HTML?

    Hi All,
    I have created a Process Engineering diagram, whcih represents flow of material from Equipment to another equipment.
    I have binded the diagram to data from the data base and saved/published as HTML to view it in browser. So far it is fine.
    But the next step is: What happens when the data changes in the data base? The generated HTML became just a static diagram which is of not much use. If i want to refresh the data, then I need to publish again !!
    Is there a way to make service calls from HTML and update the data dynamically in HTML display?
    Note: I am using VISIO 2013 Professional edition

    If we had saved/published Visiso drawing as HTML file, we could not refresh the data source to control the HTML data directly. We need to re-publish, I think you do not want to do it.
    Thus, I recommend you use JavaScript or coding to invoke and refresh the background database when you modified it.
    The following artile may also help you:
    If you have any question related to Programming/Code, post in HTML forums for further assistance.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem in refreshing the data in Xcelsius

    I have added a refresh button in my dashboard  to refresh the data from the BOE , but ones i click that button it ask for user authentication and ones i enter that and click ok nothing happens , the data is not getting refreshed.
    In second case i made my data connection as refresh on load  so as soon i launch my dashboard it ask for user authentication and after entering that details nothing happens and i am not able to see the data and even if i enter wrong details in the pop up window it does not gives any error message for wrong credentials.
    Earlier i was getting the error like #2032 , #2017 so i maintained the crossdomail.xml file in web server it was resolved.
    But i am not able to refresh the data nor i am getting any error message kindly suggest !!

    Dear Ingo,
    Thanks for replying.
    Step 1 : I have used a excel sheet using the live office connection and using the existing CR report from the BOE.
    Step 2 : Then i have published that excel sheet in BOE
    Step 3 : I have imported that spreadsheet in the Xcelsius and created a dashboard on top of that.
    Step 4 : I have added a refresh button on the dashboard which is used to refresh the live office connection and the session URL   that i have maintained is  http://XXXC043A:8080/dswsbobje/services/session . i am not using the refresh on load option.
    Step 4 : When i preview the dashboard with the preview button  available in the Xcelsius i can see the dashboard with the existing data but ones i click the Connection refresh button a user authentication window pop up which ask for the system name user id and pwd and Authentication type . I used the Enterprise authentication for that but ones i submit the credential nothing happens even if i enter the wrong information no error  message is prompted.
    Thanks in advance .

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