Regarding Class /scwm/cl_wm_packing

Hi All,
I am facing an issue while using class /scwm/cl_wm_packing. Method: "get_hu_ident" for uploading batchid's of already created HU's in EWM SAP system. I am getting sy-subrc = 1. Please Answer me <removed by moderator>.
Thanks and Regards,
Kirti Bansal
Message was edited by: Manish Kumar

Hi Glen,
yes it is a standard class.

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    Often the call occurs early in treatment, because its outcome affects the processing logic. But there are no absolute rule, a BAdi only processed at save may not be checked for implementation til actual save processing.
    Apart of break-point you can use a tool like SAT ABAP trace (SE30 or old) to find it.

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    have a look at this [document|]. It contains list of obsolete language constructs for ABAP OO. The LIKE reference is allowed to local data objects only.

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    Points will be rewarded

    when you want to assign different characteristics for a material we use the this concept.
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    Even when loading classes dynamically, it still needs to be in the classpath. Of course it is possible to load classes outside of the classpath, but it's a bit more work and you still have to think of a way to find the class (in which case you might just put it on the classpath anyway).
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    Address: 111 Brewster Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860
    Phone: (401) 729-3259
    Email: [email protected]

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