Regarding disturbuted system installation


You can either
- backup your database and reinstall the system - install first database server on one machine and the central instance on the other
- install a dialog instance and re-configure it so it reflects the central instance

Similar Messages

  • Regarding the Post Installation and SP Level

    Hi All,
    We have installed NWDI on our existing EP Dev Server.Installation was successful but regarding the post installation we are in a thinking as how best we could patch the newly installed NWDI system.
    As our EP system is on SP 11and NWDI system on sp 9,Do we need get EP and NWDI Patch level in Sync? as there would be developers working from EP and BW as well on this NWDI server.
    Here My doubt is:-
    Do the Nwdi System needs to be in the same patch level as our EP system (as it is installed on EP itself.)
    Do we need to run the Template for the Newly installed NWDI only after the Patch Upgradation?
    Kindly Advice

    the patch level of EP and NWDI should be same


    PLEASE HELP ME TO FIND THE SOLUTION REGARDING "LOGICAL SYSTEM CHANGED" during the material master replication by using middleware parameters.
    step1 : i have taken SRM client 810 and named it as CHINNISRM
    step2 : i  have taken r3 client 810 and named it as CHINNIR3
    step3: During material master replication i maintained tables like crmconsum,crmrfcpar,crmparoltp in   r3   and smofparsfa in srm client and filtered the objects and loaded the objects through r3ac3,r3ac1,r3as.
    step4 : And later i have checked in r3 queues to activate the objects,but i have seen a message like  "LOGICAL SYSTEM CHANGED:SEE 588701".according to the oss instructions i have checked in CRMPRLS table in se16 in R3 .there i found out there is one logical client  named with T90CLNT810.
    oss :588701
    There are different cases in which different forms of processing are
    required or where several options exist:
    - The logical system name of an R/3 Backend client was changed in
    current operation. In this case, the data hangs in the outbound
    queues of the R/3 Backend system as specified under point 1 of
    the symptom. In this case, the logical system name must be
    changed back to the original value. Then the outbound queues
    can be reactivated. If no data was transferred to the EBP/CRM
    server before the change, also a correctioin of the check table
    is possible.
    - The same logical system name was used again in a new client of
    an R/3 Backend system that was linked to the EBP/CRM server. In
    this case, the data is in the inbound queue of the EBP/CRM
    server with the exception GUID_FOR_LOGSYS_CHANGED. In this
    case, the queue entries which have status SYSFAIL must be rejected, however, not the entire queues. If the new client of  the R/3 Backend system you have linked has exactly the same
    data as the old client and if it is meant to replace the old
    client (that is, this was deactivated), also a correction of
    the check tables is possible. In this case, the inbound queues
    can be reactivated after the correction.
    1. If the situation in your system corresponds to the situation described
    under "Reason and Prerequisites" and if symptom 1 occurs, you can
    delete the table entry from table CRMPRLS table (there is just one
    entry). Since there is no maintenance dialog for this table and you
    cannot maintain it using transaction SE16, you must use a report to
    delete it. This report is attached to this note as correction
    Create the report ZZ_DELETE_CRMPRLS in your system and copy the source
    code from the correction instructions. You cannot implement this
    source code using transaction SNOTE.
    You can use the report in every plug-in or plug-in basis system, even
    if it is not specified in the validity section.
    After you have run the report, you can trigger existing queues again
    in transaction SMQ1.
    2. If the situation in your system corresponds to the situation described
    under "Reason and prerequisite" and if symptom 2 occurs, you can
    delete the entry from table CRMMLSGUID (there is just one entry).
    Since there is no maintenance entry for this table and you cannot
    maintain it using transaction SE16, you must use a report to delete
    it. This report is attached to this note as correction instructions.
    If they do not yet exist, add the following messages to message class SMOF in your logon language:
    Message Message short text
    303 User &1 is not allowed to change table &2.
    304 User &1 IS not allowed to display table &2.
    305 Logical system &1 was not found in table &2.
    306 System error! The current client was not
    found in table T000.
    Create the report ZZ_DELETE_CRMMLSGUID in your system and copy the
    source code from the correction instructions. You cannot implement
    this source code using transaction SNOTE.
    You can use the report for every release of the CRM system, even if it
    is not specified in the validity section. The only exceptions are CRM
    releases with Support Package versions that are too low such as CRM
    Release 3.0 with Support Package 12.
    After you have run the report, you can trigger existing queues again
    in transaction SMQ1 of the R/3 back-end system or transaction SMQ2 of
    the CRM system.
    so what should i do to do the replication.please suggest me .untill and unless i solve my problem i cant move to the further activity.i hope you people can solve my problem.thanks in advance.
    thanks and best regards,

    Hi chakradhar,
    Did you find a solution to your issue? We are facing a similar issue and looking to figure out how this can be resolved.
    BR// 420

  • Clarification Regarding Logical System Names

    HI all,
    I read the blogs regarding Logical System Name, even I am having the some problems in my system.
    For PI system client is 100.
          R/3 System Client is 100 is created.
    IN PI when I checked the sale->basic setting-> LOgical Settings-> Assign Logical Systems
    I found there is only one client 100, and it is having the same logical system name as 'PICLNT100'.
    In SLD one Business System is created for Client 100 and having the Logical System Name is 'PICLNT100'.
    When I checking in the R/3 system that logical system Name ('PICLNT100')  is not there  and for r/3 client 100 having the different logical system name.
    IN ID when I found the Goto ID->File Buinsess system and Menu ->Services->Adapter Specific Identifiers->Logical Ssytem,
    It is different from the SLD logical System Name.
    How Can I know in PI, that Logical System is belongs to r/3 or PI client 100,
    when I running the sceanrio it is giving error as ATTRIBUTE_INV_SND_SERV while doing the file to Idoc scenario.
    How I have to maintain the logical system names in this case?
    please help me in this.

    each r3 system has his own SLN (PI,BI,ECC,etc). this name identify each R3 sytem.
    IN ID when I found the Goto ID->File Buinsess system and Menu ->Services->Adapter Specific Identifiers->Logical Ssytem,
    to export data of your R3 system to SLD, just do it from TCODE RZ70 in your r3 system, not PI.
    once you configure it all data from r3 system is exported to SLD.
    if the SLN does not match in Adapter Specific Identifiers->Logical Ssytem, edit the Bussines System (press in the little pencil) go to Adapter Specific Identifiers->Logical Ssytem and prees in the little hand icon. in the SLN in not refresh, go to menu enviroment--> CLEAR SLD DELTA CACHE. and repeat the steps before.
    each time you send data to an R3 system and the sender system is a legacy. in your receiver communication channel>header mapping>sender system--> select the PI Bussines system and try again.
    hope its helps
    PD: rewards points if useful

  • Windows server 2012 Datacenter Hyper-V Cluster -- Failed to validate Operating System Installation Option?

    Hi I have a 4 node Windows server 2012 Hyper-V cluster. When I try to run a cluster validation report, everything else is fine but it fails at validate the Operating System Installation Option step. I did some research but couldn't really find any solution.
    Anyone knows how to pass this test? Thanks.
    Here's the error I get when run the test:
    An error occurred while executing the test.
    The operation has failed. An error occurred while getting the operating system installation option for node "server1"

    Hi JasonLiu2002,
    Please post the original error information, the current information is so wide that difficult to determine where may have issue and please offer more information about your
    server configuration, you can refer the following article to prepare your cluster environment first.
    Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Best Practices (In Easy Checklist Form)
    When you preparing the new cluster on Server 2012 please install the Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based failover clusters updates.
    I’m glad to be of help to you!
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • System installer disk

    i have heard about using your system installer disk to "clean-up" your mac. i have two disks, is it the first or second?
    and is this the correct route:
    1. start mac using disk: (do i insert the disk as the computers turning on.)
    2. run app and check/repair permissions: (will this fix any probs automatically or do i have to go in and do it manually)
    anything i missed?

    Hello and welcome to Apple Discussions,
    Using your system installer disc, you can use Disk Utility to Verify/Repair disks as well as system permissions. With the machine powered on, insert the first disc. Then, restart your Mac holding down the "c" key until you see the apple. It will now boot from the disk and you can utilize Disk Utility via the Utilities menu. I hope this helps! Here is a website that show you visuals.

  • BDD 2007 -- ZTI -- OSD error "The Operating System Installation Failed Unspecified Error (80004005)

    Hi there
    Wonder if anyone can advise me on a BDD 2007 OS deployment issue? (Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I couldn't see a forum for BDD 2007.)
    First of all, this BDD 2007 server and the OSD config was not done by me. For info, it is part of a SMS 2003 infrastructure.
    I am trying to get the XP Pro build process working. I am led to believe the config has been completed.
    Unfortunately, after booting the pc from the nic, I get an error. This is the order:
    - the 'Initializing Windows PE' splash appears for perhaps 15 seconds
    - very briefly, the text changes to 'Initializing Network'
    - for a second or two only 'Initializing Windows PE' appears again
    - then this error message appears:
    "SMS Operating System Deployment - The Operating System Installation failed. Please contact your system administrator for assistance. Unspecified Error (80004005)"
    I've spent some time looking into this error (80004005) and from what I can gather it possibly means 'access denied'.
    I'm assuming after Windows PE loads the first Task Sequence begins, and if this possibly is where the issue lies?
    One thing I cannot understand - the first Task Sequence (Initialization) has this command line (as do most, with different .wsf file):
    cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIGather.wsf" /localonly
    However, I cannot access %SCRIPTROOT% at all, Windows says it can't find it. I can run other variables such as %USERPROFILE%, %SYSTEMROOT%, etc, but cannot open %SCRIPTROOT%.
    Is it simply the case that I should create a new system variable (that has not been created by whoever built the server)?
    John Henry

    Since no one has answer this post, I recommend opening  a support case with CSS as they can work with you to solve this problem.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • SAP & Microsoft System Installer

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know if SAP plans to provide MSI (Microsoft System Installer) files for Vista?  I believe Vista is requiring this for applications to be Vista certified.  Also, do you know if they plan to begin using cab files? 

    Thanks Frank.
    From the note #836310 I have got the anser for MSI already.
    But for cab file, we still want to know whether SAP will create cab files to work with SMS 2003 for SAP software updates and distribution via SMS? The cab file here doesn't mean a componment of installation, actually it's configured to do SAP
    software updates via SMS Software distribution.
    I know we can carry out it by SAP Installation Server as well, but seems it's easy to use SMS here...

  • EPM System Installer Prerequisites,

    I am starting to install version 11.
    The Hyperion EPM System Installer Prerequisites shows an error on the first installer screen:
    "Hostname resolved to an IP address".
    Did anyone face this error?
    I´ve checked the help button and found following tip:
    "If you are using a hosts file to resolve your hostname, the host name resolves to the first entry in your hosts file. To prevent potential communication problems in a distributed environment, make sure that the first entry in your hosts file is the machine's fully qualified domain name so that the fully qualified name is stored in the Shared Services Registry."
    How can I resolve this issue on my virtuell mashine?
    OS:Windows Server 2003, EPM, SQL Server 2005
    thank you and regards

    We've seen this as well - and the web client is not supported in IE 9 - it's only supported in: Internet Explorer 6.0, , Internet Explorer 7.x, Internet Explorer 8.x, and Firefox 2.0.x.
    Considering that IE 9 is being pushed out as an automatically selected important update and Firefox is up to v4.x (Firefox 2.0.x is not even supported anymore), this has already caused us a huge headache.

  • System Installer & Backlighting

    I wanted to restore my system from a Time Machine backup, so I popped in my Leopard install disc last night. It went through the normal process, rebooting and bringing me to the language select menu. Right when the language select menu comes up, the display turns its backlight off, making it impossible to see anything. I've had to navigate System Installer with the light from my iPhone. I chose to exit System Installer, and boot up from my startup disk, which it did, no problem. The backlight came on when it restarted, and remained on during use. I decided to give it another shot, and went to the System Installer again. The computer restarted, backlight on, then right when the language select menu came up, the backlight went off again. I restored my system using Time Machine backup and, sadly, with the help from my iPhone's backlight.
    I find this odd, because I just used System Installer two nights ago without a problem. However, my MBP has been having trackpad issues ONLY in System Installer since I bought it, where the trackpad is lagging and choppy, but still functional to get me around. My MBP was purchased in March, right when the new ones were released.
    Thanks for any replies, and I appreciate any comments!

    I found the issue. Apparently, both of my Leopard install disks were scratched, so when I tried an alternative one, it worked beautifully. Also, the mouse/trackpad lag problem went away, showing that the damaged DVDs were more than likely the culprit.
    Happy computing,
    Ian B.

  • "Add Operating System Installer Wizard" Throws Error When Adding OS's

    Good Afternoon All - 
    Okay - I just installed SCCM 2012 in our production environment - whoo hoo!
    Going through the initial setup and configuration, I had a few errors that I had to take care of, but was able to figure out what caused them OR just uninstall / reinstall them fixed it.  I've got a new issue I can't figure out, though.
    On my SCCM 2012 Primary Site Server, I created a folder named Images and shared it to my SCCMAdmin account (full) and SCCM Admin group (full).  Inside of it, I created sub folders for each of the OS's that I want to have installers for.  For now,
    I am working with Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64.
    In the console (signed in as SCCMAdmin), I go to Software library, then Add Operating System Installer Wizard.  I type in the UNC path going to shared folder, then sub folder holding the ISO file and click Next.  I then get an error saying
    "The specified path does not contain a valid operating system or you do not have permission to access it.  Specify a valid path."
    Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but here's what I've tried to fix it so far...
    - Tried pointing it to a folder with the ISO's contents extracted as well as to the Sources folder
    - Downloaded the ISO from TechNet so that I know it was fresh - nogo
    - Tried adding a Windows 8 ISO I had laying around - nogo
    - Checked folder share permissions as well as security ones.  I even gave Everyone full access - nogo
    - Checked SCCM component and site status - green across the board.
    Any ideas? - Thanks!
    Ben K.

    Sorry to bring up a relatively old post, but wanted to relay my experience with this same problem.  In my case, I knew all permissions were correct, but I received the same error message.  Turns out the problem was that I had only copied the
    install.wim file to my Images directory.  I then directed SCCM to the Images directory and got the error message.  The reason for the error was that SCCM is looking for the folder structure that is on the DVD, namely, the "sources" directory. 
    By the time I figured this out, I had already copied the entire "sources" directory to the root of my Images directory.  I moved all of these files under the Images\Sources directory and went ahead and copied the rest of the DVD to the Images directory. 
    After doing that, I was able to complete the wizard as expected.  Hope that helps someone to not have to waste the same 2 hours that I just did.  :)

  • Disk utility stuck in the middle of system installation

    I have just fitted a new solid state hard drive. My old drive is now where my non functioning Superddrive users to be, which is working fine.
    I started by giving my new drive one partition with disk utility. That was fine and I began to install OS Lion. The machine restarted.
    Then I got a message to say that my disk was damaged and that I should run disk utility. Within the installer programme I went back and clicked on 'Repair disk'. However disk utility reported no problems. So I tried to repartition my drive. This is where the utility got stuck 'waiting for disks to reappear'. Eventually the machine started getting hot, so a hard restart seemed my only option. Soon I was back in disk utility and still there was no reported damage to my drive. Partition restored, (by selecting 'Erase' rather than 'Partition'), I went on with my installation, but this time was told a recovery partition couldn't be created. Back into disk utility, still no damage but the partition 'erase' is trying to restore is taking forever!
    What should I do now? It looks like my plans for a faster system are doomed!

    I forgot to update you on what has happened since.
    I wanted to get back into the system on my old hard drive. Disk Utility was totally stuck and so I hard restarted once more. I seemed to be going round in circles but was glad to see that every time I asked D.U. to repair my new drive it reported that all was well. Eventually, holding down the option key in the vain hope of getting back onto my old drive I found a screen wheere I had the opportunity to start up from the recovery drive, presumeably of my old drive since it had told me it couldn't create one on the new drive.
    I followed this and went through the process again. This time it asked me to sign in and get connected to the internet. I soon realised that it was trying to download the install programme which I know takes ages as I did it yesterday. So I quit out of that and was then finally offered the chance of starting up in my old drive.
    Running D.U. from my old drive revealed loads of red writing. I'm currently searching for my Disk Warrior CD in the hope that it may be reparable as D.U. doesn't seem to be able to do much.
    I can't believe these SSDs are so fragile! They are surely the same technology as the seemingly indestructible flash drives we all carry around on our keyrings and yet I've now had two of these fail me on system installation. Maybe I should just put a flash drive in my computer and have done with it!

  • In ABAP+Java system installation

    I installed ABAP+Java system On that i installed XI 3.0 SR1.I after applying the J2EERTOS11_0-20000118.SAR patch on J2EE engine.This patch consist of lot of bugs.I just stopped the installation of patch.After again when i log on to J2EE engine with port 50000.Its showing no page dispaly on localhost.I checked the J2EE instance.J2EE instance running properly.Even i can't log in to SDM and J2EE administartor.
    Before patching I can able to log in.But now its loging failing.
    May be the error is at 50000 port.I installed everything on one Central instance.
    Need urgent reply.

    i think that you want to patch your j2ee-server. Therefore you have to download four parts for PATCH SP11.
    Support Packages and Patches > SAP NetWeaver > SAP NETWEAVER SAP NETWEAVER 04 > Java Server:
    J2EERT11_0-10001982.SAR (Part 4/4)
    You have to download all these files and extract then in one folder - there you have to use the sapinst and install the patch.
    I hope i understood your requirement the right way.

  • Some questions regarding ESB system.

    Hi all,
    I've used my ESB system for a few months now, so I thought it would be interesting to look at what's going on in my database schema created by my esb system (oraesb). This led to some questions (and raising eyebrows), I hope some of you soa-experts might have an answer.
    * Is my system installed properly:
    I noticed that the oraesb schema created by running installs only tables, views, topic queues and 1 procedure (create_queue). However, looking at the sql scripts in ${soaSuite_home}/integration/esb/sql/oracle there are far more stored procedures defined. Is it normal cq. okay that these objects are not installed or is my esb system faulty?
    * No constraints or indices:
    My system is yet very small, so it is still performing good/fast. I imagine that when the esb system is going further, performance and locking becomes an issue due to lack of indices on foreign key columns and primary/foreign constraints.
    * Only small part of schema used:
    When browsing through the tables of the oraesb user I notice that only a few tables are filled with data. For example all "Slide Tables" (this is the name given to these group tables in file ${soaSuite_home}/integration/esb/sql/oracle/wfeventc.sql) are empty. Is this normal? What kind of processes should enter data in these tables? What is the use of the "Slide tables"?
    * AQ-tables not being used:
    My esb system has five aq-queue tables (esb topics), but they are never used! I recall another thread on this forum about these queue tables growing enormous in size. I guess there must be a sort of switch somewhere to switch between jms-queue's and aq-queue's? Can anyone please explain how switch on the aq-queue's or point me to the proper documentation. I must have overlooked this in the documentation.
    Kind regards,
    Happy new year,

    When your podcast is accepted you should receive an email telling you this and giving the URL for its page in the iTunes Store. The string of numbers at the end is the ID number.
    It usually takes somewhat longer for a new podcast to appear in the search results. Once you can find it by searching on the title, you can get the Store page URL, if you still don't know it, by control-clicking on the podcast image (or where it should be) and choosing 'Copy Podcast URL'.
    You may find this page helpful in giving you basic information about podcasting:

  • SAP System Installation

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    i want to install a indipendend sap teststing system (Netweaver 7.4).
    I installed the system and the installation was finished completely. But i can not see SAP_APPL on the system?
    For the installation i have used Software Provisioning Manager 1.0 and following options
    SAP NetWeaver 7.4
    MS SQL Server
    SAP Systems
    Application Server ABAP
    Standard System
    Do i need to activate it in transaction SPRO or have i used the wrong installation medium?
    Best regards,

    You can read the following notes to see what SW components come with SAP Netweaver and SAP ERP.
    789220 - Support Package levels for SAP NetWeaver install./upgrades
    774615 - Support Package levels of ERP/ECC installations/upgrades

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