Regarding Workitems in MY WORKLIST OF THE USER in Portal

User 1  and User are involved in the process of vendor registration even if the vendor is Not required for Procurement view. I am not sure how the system settled in Portal, other buyer do not receive the sent items. Those items are not proceeded and changed the status by procurement, therefore, the items remains in list from last year. That's why users  have thousands of  untouchable items( MY OPEN TASK) This is one of the biggest cause for portal  slow response,
Now I want these Items to be deleted & These items should anymore come to these two users MY Worklist from now on wards.Is  there any way that user can delete himself all these Workitems from his MY WORKLIST.

Its better to enable audit.
Re: How to setup audit trail for some of our tables

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    first see whether the workflow is getting trigger or not. Dont just say workitem not appearing in inbox. No one will give the solution. Say what have u did and wat workflow are you using and wat is the problem.

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    Does your portal support anonymous access? If so, make sure you are using the authlessanonymous mode. This mode only creates one session that is shared for all anonymous users. This is much more efficient than anonymous access, which creates a session for each anonymous user.
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    Does your portal support anonymous access? If so, make sure you are using the authlessanonymous mode. This mode only creates one session that is shared for all anonymous users. This is much more efficient than anonymous access, which creates a session for each anonymous user.
    I have no other recommendation for limiting users to a single login. In general, web applications do not behave like this. What if a user closes their browser without logging out? Does the user have to wait until the session times out in order to log back in again?
    The same thing is true for users that are mobile. If a user leaves their office without logging out and then attempts to log in with a laptop in the conference room, then access will be denied in your implementation. Users do not expect this type of limitation being built into the system.
    If you are having problems scaling, then you need to look at your architecture and perhaps add some more resources. Also, make sure you are making efficient use of the authlessanonymous access mode as stated above.
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    Dear all,
    I have checked all the above scenarios.
    There is no excluded agent existing . The bindings are correct. Let me describe the scenario little bit more in detail.
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    Try this
    String loginuser="";
              IWDClientUser wdUser = WDClientUser.getCurrentUser();
              IUser user = wdUser.getSAPUser();
              if(user != null)
                   IUserAccount acct[] = user.getUserAccounts();
                   if(acct[0] != null)
                        loginuser = acct[0].getLogonUid();
                        strUserid = strUserid + acct[0].getLogonUid();
    }catch(Exception e){
    Kind Regards

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    Hi Abhishek,
    Thanks for your information.
    please let me tell you the detailed information. My basis guy had configured the system for me as i didnt have any idea on installation procedure. So i am facing th e fallowing problems.
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    Hi Mike,
    You did right,
    Just check the Entry Point Property of your iView, page and workset to YES
    there are two radio buttons yes and no select the yes one,
    you can see your pages afte rlogin with the new user.
    Abhimanyu L

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    Hi Frank,
    There are ways to integrate complete User Management where either SAP or the local LDAP (i.e. MS ADS) drive as the central store for users.  Ultimately, the CUA concept can be entirely driven by SAP including the MS ADS ID's for the network.  It involves a proposal that is uploaded into the ADS which includes the SAP required schema.  When populated (or if configured as such) they can be applied as user properties for the backend systems.  There is a tool within R/3 called LDAPSYNCH that allows the replication (either direction) of user data.
    This concept is referred to as Identity Management.  Start at  Then go to "Security in Detail" ==> "Secure User Access" ==> "Identity Management".  There you can find info/docs on the CUA concept within the SAP landscape as well as the integration into the corporate LDAP.
    I have seen most customers use separate R/3 backend User Management from the ADS.  I assume that this is due to the complexity of adopting a whole new global user management process with existing "cultured" processes.  However the SAP systems can support the entire corporate user management driven from within the R/3 core (HR).
    I hope that this helps,

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    Bala Duvvuri

    Hi ,
    You can add property  'request.mandatorylanguage=<your_language>'
    and property  'request.mandatorycountry'
    on file '' located in :
    Then restart the server.
    See :

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    Daniel Perez

    Well, actually the api also adds the user to the group, but obviously, there's something that portal does when you add it manually that we are missing in the api, and that's what i need to discover.
    The code in the api, related to default group, is:
    /*In FUNCTION ldap_create_user */
    IF p_default_group is not null then
    group_array := DBMS_LDAP.create_mod_array(14);
    user_vals(1) := 'cn=' || lower(p_default_group) || ',' || group_id;
    DBMS_LDAP.populate_mod_array (user_array, DBMS_LDAP.MOD_ADD, 'orcldefaultprofilegroup', user_vals);
    group_vals(1) := 'cn=' || p_oid_id || ', cn=users, ' || ldap_base;
    DBMS_LDAP.populate_mod_array(group_array, DBMS_LDAP.MOD_ADD, 'uniquemember', group_vals);
    retval := DBMS_LDAP.modify_s(user_session,'cn=' || lower(p_default_group) || ',' || group_id, group_array);
    DBMS_LDAP.free_mod_array (group_array);
    END IF;
    /*In FUNCTION portal_create_user*/
    IF p_default_group is not null then
    wwsec_api.set_defaultgroup (p_groupid => wwsec_api.group_id (p_default_group),
    p_username => p_username);
    l_id := wwsec_api.id_sso(p_username => p_username);
    END IF;
    If i try to add the user to the group anyway with add_user_to_list:
    wwsec_api.add_user_to_list(p_person_id =>,
    p_to_group_id => wwsec_api.group_id(p_default_group),
    p_is_owner => wwsec_api.NOT_OWNER);
    I get a User Defined Exception.
    I also can see the user in the list of members for the group and the group as the default group for the user in his profile.
    Anyway i still get the same message when trying to log in:
    Error: You do not have permission to perform this operation. (WWC-44131)
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • Confirmation link in registered users in Portals

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    Lisa, would you be using the standard registration page or have you developed a custom page for this.
    The requirement you have stated cannot be achieved out of the box and you will need to do custom development for this. Depending on your datasource you can have a registration form which asks for the users email address and then trigger an email along with a random code which you send to the email address entered and also save it in your database. Later when the user clicks on the confirmation page read the user paramaters and get the email address and confirmation code. Verfiy these details against the details in your datastore and then permit the user access.
    Not sure if this is possible to achieve with the custom registration module since you wont be able to access the sap tables. But you can use a temp database in between and when confirm create the user in portal ume.

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    It is not all the workitems that have this problem, only certain ones - but there is no pattern.
    Thanks for the help.

    The user B approved the PR accessing the transaction SBWP or via PR transaction directly?
    If via PR transaction directly, then your workflow needs a Wait Event step.

  • Workitem in universal worklist not refreshed after processing the workitem

    We are using EP 7.0, we are having a problem in refreshing workitem in universal worklist.  When a workitem in universal worklist is clicked a ABAP webdynpro application is opened in new window, this window has approve and reject button. Clicking on the approve or reject button completes the business process and workitem should be removed from the UWL. But in our case the workitem is still shown in the UWL and the user can again click on the same workitem and open.
    Has anyone has encountered this problem? Could someone let me know how to resolve this issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    H.K.Hayath Basha.

    Just check the status of the workitem whether its approved or rejected  before opening the application. If its already approved
    or rejected dont open the application.We also faced the similar problem and avoid opening the work item instead of refreshing
    Because by configuration it is possible to reduce till one minute and frequent refresh of uwl will result in poor performance.
    You can give a try with writing code to refresh uwl once the workitem got approved or rejected.
    Try using clear cache.
    Best Wishes
    Idhaya R

  • How to find the user who approved the workitem.

    Hi experts,
    I have created a parking/posting workflow.
    When the user Approves, parked document is posted and BKPF table is updated with WF-BATCH as user name.
    Now I need to find the actual user who approved the workitem for posting.
    My plan is:
    1. Find the workitem id using the BOR, company code, document no, year, task no.
    2. Find the user who processed the above obtained worktem id.
    Please let me know the tables for the above points 1 and 2.
    Or let me know if there is any other way to find the actual user.

    To get the workitem ID with respect to a specific business object instance make use of the FM SAP_WAPI_WORKITEMS_TO_OBJECT
    To know who processed the determined workitem either you can make use of the FM SAP_WAPI_GET_WORKITEM_DETAIL or directly read the table SWWWIHEAD and you can find the actual agent WI_AAGENT this is the field which says who has executed the workitem.

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