Regional Structure for UK addresses

I am planning to use the Regional Structure and a City File in both ISU and CRM to validate and facilitate Address order entry.
I am from the US working on my first project in the UK.  Can anyone share any experiences with using regional structure on the UK address format.  Things like Building Names and dependant localities are strange to me.
Also I plan to load the regional structure from the PAF - Postal Address File.  Any observations on mapping would be appreciated

Political entity in the service territory, for example, province, municipality or city district.
I hope it is better to implement through postal regional structure
Narendar Konakanchi
If Helpful ! Reward Points

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    Political entity in the service territory, for example, province, municipality or city district.
    I hope it is better to implement through postal regional structure
    Narendar Konakanchi
    If Helpful ! Reward Points

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    Many Thanks

    Hi Laurent,
    I'm facing the same issue... Were you able to figure out a solution for this?
    Best regards,

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    Thank you,

    I have a question related to address validation / verification. We want to understand the extent of checks SAP offers by using RSADRLSM02.
    We have been suggested by some to go with external software for address checks as opposed to using SAP regional structures.
    We are looking for some feedback from customers who have used SAP regional structures before we proceed one way or the other.
    Would you mind sharing your experience or point me to a contact ?

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    HI BR,
    I agree with the comments of Raghu & Rajesh.
    Street is a field part of address, now,
    - if you need to bring search help on streets stored in  ADRC table i.e existing streets, then you need to implement its Get_V method. which is an extension.
    - if you want a regular address search help including street, zipcode, city, region, country, then , you need a partner solution to look out for like Trillium, Firstlogic. Because usually the address are real time in nature and needs to be very accurate, so the referential can be maintained by third-party and provide services to SAP. For this,  search in the partner solutions category at sap. com
    - There is also an sap standard solution, but involves effort to maintain the referential data on your own. Please go through the links given here. SAP Regional Structure
    Please revert if you need more details on this.
    Cheers, Satish

  • IS-U = Maintain Political Regional Structure

    Hi all,
       I'm new to IS-U. As a beginner i'm facing a problem in understanding the functionality of "Maintaning the Hierarchy" in the Political Regional Structure. Can someone explain this in simple and understandable terms using a real life example if possible.

    After a lot of time i heard something from the Regional structuring:
    Well, i try to address this with a scenario; hope will be helpful:
    (I assume that you are quite clear about the regional structuring here )
    In the political regional structure, you model political/administrative units in an hierarchical structure. By means of the address in the postal regional structure, you can allocate elements of the political structure to IS-U master data (to the connection object or business partner, for example).
    Now maintained political structuring has 2 parts:
    1. Maintain hierarchy
    2. Maintain elements
    1>> Hierarchy is just the place holder for the elements to be maintained in the step 2, hierarchy helps to form a structure of administrative model of a country. e.g
    Country = US and the administrative model of each state differs, so i'll make the hierarchy as a header of the STATE (01) followed by the rest of the structure :->
    Hierarchy :
    01 state
           05 county
               06 city
                   07 city district
    Based on this model, now i can generate the hierarchy for almost all the States of the US, provided they follow this hierarchal model.
    here is the example of the california:
    state      California                                          00000001
        cty        San Francisco County                            00000002
            city       San Francisco                                   00000004
                city distr Sunset District                             00000005
                city distr Mission District                            00000006
                city distr Castro District                              00000007
                city distr Haight-Ashbury District                 00000008
                city distr North Beach District                     00000009
                city distr Richmond District                        00000010
                city distr Marina District                             00000011
                city distr SOMA District                             00000012         
    Now you might be wondering what is the significance of this:
    Well, if you remember that once you create Premise/Connection Object which asks for the address entry; you can specify the element number at that time. It helps to integrate both the regional and political structure. and based on the element number it can form the complete address as well.........isn't amazing?
    That's the SAP is all about......
    Hope answer will be helpful. don't hesitate to ask again if it doesn't clear your doubt.
    Best Regards,
    Amit Sharma


    Hi there
    I am working for a Canadian utility company running CCS-ISU running version SAP ERP 6.04 with Enhancement Package 4 on NetWeaver 7.02.  We are looking to update the POSTAL REGIONAL STRUCTURE and have some questions concerning the Regional Structure Group (REGIOGROUP) and Tax Jurisdiction (TAXJURCODE) fields.
    We are planning on using data provided by Canada Post to update the Postal Regional Structure, unfortunately Canada Post cannot provide the information that is stored in the Tax Jurisdication Code and Regional Structure Group/District Code.  The current data we have stored in these fields is outdated and sometimes missing.  We would like to update the Postal Regional Structure without these two fields as it would greatly simplify the update and maintenance of the Postal Regional Structure. 
    1. What are the downstream impacts to the CCS-ISU if we do not store the Tax Jurisdiction Code and Regional Structure Group in the Postal Regional Structure?
    We know that 3rd party non energy accounts will default the TAXJURCODE and REGIOGROUP from the Regional Structure if the data is available.  If it is not, then the data must be manually entered onto the account.  For regular accounts, the system will use the TAXJURCODE and REGIOGROUP that flows through from the Service Address.  Are there any other downstream processes that rely on the TAXJURCODE and REGIOGROUP being in the Regional Structure tables?
    2. Will there be any impacts to Financials?
    3. What data have other companies used to populate the Tax Jurisdiction and Regional Structure Group fields and how has this data been obtained?
    Thanks kindly
    Jeanette Lau
    Edited by: Jeanette Lau on Aug 31, 2010 1:38 AM
    Edited by: Jeanette Lau on Aug 31, 2010 1:41 AM

    1. What are the downstream impacts to the CCS-ISU if we do not store the Tax Jurisdiction Code and Regional Structure Group in the Postal Regional Structure?
    If you store the data at postal regional structure....these are defaulted at the respective screens connection object,move in screens.
    Here u can validate the adress at the time of move in.
    if u dont maintain the data at postal regional strucutre.....if  these are required fields then u need to enter manually. If tax jurisdiction code activated then u need to enter the TJC.
    2. Will there be any impacts to Financials?
    Tax Jurisdicton code has an affect if u hve region specific taxation.
    3. What data have other companies used to populate the Tax Jurisdiction and Regional Structure Group fields and how has this data been obtained?
    check the objects connection object,premise,movein screens, and FPE1 screens.

  • Regional Structure Groupings

    Does someone know if it is possible to transfer Regional Structure Groupings from R/3 to SRM ussing some kind of load? Or how to disable the check on this field in SRM?
    Due to address management Regional Structure Groupings are being assigned to vendors in R/3, and when I make a BBPGETVD transfer, the vendors are not accepted due to "Regional Structure Group does not exists" in SRM.

    Hi Anders,
    we are working with SAP SRM 6.0 and SAP R/3 4.6 and have the same problems.
    We don't want to transfer any Regional Structure Groupings, and we don't know why is mandatory.
    In another project (with SAP SRM 5.0 and R/3 4.7 we didn't have problems. Of course in the R/3 system in that case there aren't any Regional Structure).
    I checked the Help, but I didn't find some help around that.
    I mean nowhere I see that it's mandatory to have the check of the address if is not set the XREGS flag.
    Do you know something more about this issue? Did you find more info?
    Maybe it's mandatory to have Regional Structure Groupings in the SRM system if they are in the R/3 system, what do you think?
    And more: somebody has some ideas for that?
    Thank you,

  • Validation in SAP Regional structure

    Hi All,
    I have a situation here.
    If the Postal department of a country sends a record(address) which is either to be added or deleted in the SAP Regional structure,but my client(ISU company) wants somebody from his team to review or validate that address record before it is updated in the Regional structure.
    This is because they think that they might be a year or so ahead from the Postal department in terms of addresses and might either have that record already present in the system or do not want to delete it as it might impact their assets on that address.
    Could anyone tell me what all validations can be done corresponding to that record and what is the procedure for the same.We are only updating the Postal Codes,Streets and the Cities through the SAP standard report RSADRLSM02.
    Remember that the person reviewing or validating the address will not have much knowledge of SAP,so he would expect some user friendly approach to do this.
    Kindly suggest some feasible approach for the same.
    Puneet Jhari.

    I have a question related to address validation / verification. We want to understand the extent of checks SAP offers by using RSADRLSM02.
    We have been suggested by some to go with external software for address checks as opposed to using SAP regional structures.
    We are looking for some feedback from customers who have used SAP regional structures before we proceed one way or the other.
    Would you mind sharing your experience or point me to a contact ?

  • Proper security structure for Single Sign on Server

    We are all used to how we design security structure for vCenter Server if you have had an existing VMware environment prior to 5.1.  Who should have administrative privileges in vCenter Server, what roles, permissions, and so on should be assigned to what users and groups - these questions have already been addressed in our current configuration.
    Now Single Sign on introduces a significant new point of consideration for determining issues of access and authentication.
    I'd like to get some ideas on how this should be handled.  For example, should previous VMware administrators by definition become Single Sign on Administrators? Should the administrators of the Active Directory domain now start to get involved with the Single Sign on Server?
    For example, Single Sign on now forces VMware administrators to configure things like:
    -Password Complexity Policy for SSO
    -Password Expiration for SSO
    -Lockout Policy
    We already probably have these things tightly controlled in AD and locked down with group policy, but you can't apply group policy directly to an SSO server and make it receive a GPO from Active Directory.  (You can make the Windows OS that SSO is running on have a GPO applied, but it won't configure SSO itself, just the OS).
    VMware admins are looking at a new set of questions relating to authentication and authorization.  Someone has to have written something or will be writing something to help us get the big picture of what is changing with SSO if anything and how we need to look at SSO from a security design and best practices.
    Should we just make existing vCenter Server admins SSO admins or do we need to take a step back and reconsider?

    Actually, yes. SSO is fairly robust in 5.5. It has a few limitations around email of expired passwords, but that is mainly because some people do not use them. I use SSO to provide the usernames and passwords for all my VMware vCenter and related product service accounts. I.e. an account for vdp, Horizon, vCops, Log Insight, etc.  This is more about keeping systems segregated once more with no real need for AD for services. But AD via SSO is used by users.
    Read the documentation, and determine how SSO fits into your current password policy and take a long hard look at your virtualization management environment. Is there a 1 service account per service talking directly to vCenter? If not, SSO can help you implement that. The key is to match its functionality to your security policy.
    Best regards,
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009, 2010, 2011,2012,2013,2014
    Author of the books 'VMWare ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise: Planning Deployment Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2011 Pearson Education. 'VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing the Virtual Environment', Copyright 2009 Pearson Education.
    Virtualization and Cloud Security Analyst: The Virtualization Practice, LLC -- vSphere Upgrade Saga -- Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

  • How to create a hierarchy in Regional Structure and how to use it

    Please guide me how to create a Political Region Structure hierarchy and how to use it.
    Thanks and Regards

    Thanks for reply please.
    I request you to please copy paste all the possible information here. It will be a great help.
    I hope you understand why we can not provide our id on this forum.
    Please guide.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: MP Vashishth on May 18, 2009 7:14 AM

  • Organization structure for Case study .... need yr advice

    Hi …I am in process of preparing an org structure for one of the company.
    The company operations is like ….
    The company has four factories in different locations and have 3 Regional distribution centers (RDC) across india. Each distribution center has 5 branches (Sales Offices), in this way they 15 Sales offices across India.
    Most of the materials are procured by factories independently while some materials are centrally procured. Factories produce Finish goods and they are either sale to customer directly ( big regular customers) , or transferred to RDC to cater the requirements of other MID size customers and the other possibility to transfer it to Branches for Retail customers. RDCs also transfer FG to Branches.
    All factories , RDC and branches have warehouse facility , however branches have limited warehouse facility as the customers supported by them are very few and generally deliveries are made directly from RDC / Factory.
    They also have one R&D department in another location to develop new products and material is generally transferred from factories to R&D department.They also have one project division at the same (R&D) location which handles commissioning of new plants and procurement of capital goods.
    Raw Material , Semi finish and FG are transferred between factories and FG material is also transferred between RDCs.
    The group also has another Company which produces another line of products. RDCs and Branches of first company also work for second company (which means same RDC can store FG produced by both companies) and also Branches can also have FG material of both companies. Second company doesn’t have any specific R&D or capital division and R&D and capital of first company also work for second company.
    Inter company transfer between both companies is a regular practice.
    > Proposed Org structure
    Company – Group Company
    Company Code – First company and Second company
    Factory Configurations
    For first company
    4 Factories will be 4 plants
    Factories Structure (Storage locations / warehouses and storage type)
    Since factories have different type of material ( like FG , Raw material , WIP ) therefore I am confused what option I should select 
    1) 3 storage location ( for each plant) and one warehouse, 1 storage type
    2) 1 storage  location and three warehouses (I think this is not possible in SAP , not sure ?? )
    3) 1 storage location , 1 warehouse and 3 storage types
    RDC structure
    RDCs have full fledged warehouse facility and therefore thinking of making them also as Plant. Every RDC will have 6 Storage locations , 1 for First company RDC itself, 5 for associated branches and I feel each “RDC storage locations” should be a associated to a separate warehouse also.
    ( Since both companies produce different set of products therefore they will have different material and hence thinking of handling products of both companies in same plant and same storage location and warehouse , may be two storage type/area can be defined to differentiate material of both companies.)
    Branches: Will be storage locations under RDC …..
    While making branches as Storage location …. I have another question about valuation , since material from Plant and RDC is being transferred to Branches and  from there it is distributed to customers therefore the valuation of FG at BRANCH and RDC should be different as transportation cost , packing , unpacking etc cost should get added at Branch level.
    Therefore in case I make branch as Storage location , I will miss the valuation part while if I make them as Plant then there will be lot of documents get generated for each movement. Hence not sure for what option I should go.
    Since R& D department is involved in testing in New Product development and generally material is required to be scrapped after testing therefore thinking of making it as Plant with one storage location and may be here I don’t need any warehouse (WM) here.
    Project Division
    Project division may also be a separate plant with one storage location and NO WAREHOUSE is required to linked with it.
    Purchase Organizations
    4 purchase organizations for each plant respectively and 1 centralized purchase Org for central procurement.
    Your all valuable inputs are welcome .... looking foward to have a best possible configuration for above mentioned case study.

    Phew... long long question
    The rule I generally follow is that the org structure should map reality.
    Company code - where Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss are prepared at the end of the year. If an entity does not do this, it is not a company code.
    1) Each manufacturing facility is a plant (could be in 1 location or separate).
    2) Each separate location is a plant (even if it only stores goods). May be an overkill, but helps when legal requirements change or the location is upgraded.
    So in your case, RDC will be a plant (may be more than 1 if necessary). R&D should be a separate plant without warehouse management
    Storage location
    The only rule I follow is that there should not be any overlap of storage locations. So physically, any area of say 1 square foot should belong to one and only one storage location. Otherwise there is a lot of confusion during physical inventory. So logical locations are a no-no.
    I usually use a lot of storage locations.
    Don't have a warehouse spanning multiple plants (even though it is allowed).
    Purchasing organizations
    Have one for each location of purchase. If there is a team sitting in each plant procuring for only that plant, have it as a separate purchasing org (not strictly necessary, but makes authorization simple). For central purchasing, a central purchasing org should do nicely...
    Hope this helps,

  • How to create new bol structure for custom ztable.

    Hi gurus,
    I am new to SAP CRM 2007. I have a requirement in which I need to create a view which will retreive data from my custom z table. But when you create a view , the wizard ask for Model nodes and, Bol entity, Bol relation etc. Kindly let me know what data I need to enter here so that I can relate to my custom table. I think I need to create a bol structure for my ztable. Kindly guide me in this regard.
    Thanks & Regards,

    I would recommend to rather use an encapsulation of the ztable into BOL than just trying to work with value nodes because it heavily simplifies building of the UI and code to load, edit and save.
    In order to achieve this you would either have to build a genIL component and assign it to the BOL component set addressed in the runtime repository of the UI component to make it available on the UI layer.
    If your table is very simple and does not require relations etc. you might save some work using the approach via "Simple Objects" concept of BOL which provides a pretty generic impelmentation that requires much less code and deep understanding of the BOL/ genIL.
    Pleasse refer to the respective IMG node under
    Customer Relationship Management -> CRM Cross-Application Components -> Generic Interaction Layer/ Business Object Layer -> Component-specific Settings
    Hope this helps.

  • Name of the standard FM called for displaying address in Smartform.

    Hi all..
    Wat is the name pf the standard FM that is called wen we use address in smartform,inputting the address number...

    if we Inclue Address in Address Node, System reads address data directly from the data base tables.
    Inserting addresses:
    One can use the address node to insert an address into the form. This guarantees that the address is formatted according to the postal rules of the sender country.
    1) To create an address node , call the context menu for that node in the tree structure that one wants to contain the text and choose create->text
    2) Enter a name for the node and a description
    3) Determine the address type on the general attributes tab
    4) For organizational addresses one has to specify the address number, for any other one has to specify the person number and the address number
    5) In the box additional addresses one can maintain other attributes to specify how to display the address
    Addresses are printed using the ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM function module.
    To enable the ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM function module to call existing versions of an address for print output, the application program has to transfer the address number for address type 1, or the address number and person number for address types 2 and 3, to the function module or to SAPscript/SAP Smart Forms.
    If SAPscript/SAP Smart Forms are used for printing, the address number (or address number and person number) is to be specified here as a parameter. The ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM function module then controls internally which version of an address is printed:
    In the standard system, printing of address versions is only supported for Japan. Besides the default version, the versions Kanji (K) or International (I) can also be printed.
    follow these links for brief information.

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