Reinstalar Copy Xpress

Buenas tardes a todos, alguien sabe como reinstalar el Copy Xpress?? No se como se ha dañado aparece un mensaje que dice "el archivo de configuracion de este Add-on esta dañado comuniquese con soporte tecnico" y no puedo usarlo.
Agradesco la ayuda.
Angel Uribe

Para poder reinstalar el copy express, debes ir a la carpeta de instalación (instalador de SAP BO Inicial) y dentro de la carpeta Packages, debes ubicar una sub-carpeta llamada Add-Ons AutoReg en donde encontraras la carpeta Copy express y sus archivos ejecutable y CopyExpress.ard
Espero haberte ayudado, saludos.
Manuel Díaz

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    Hello everybody:
    I have a problem with Copy Express Addon.
    I have to copy a financial repor template from one company to another company and I use the Copy Express.
    I have using SAP Business One 2005 PL 22 and Copy Express 90.
    When I start the addon,I haven´t got any mistake, but when I open Copy Express and I connect to origin company, it shows the following mistake: "Failed to connect to SAP Business One Company. License does not exist".
    Can you help me, please?

    Does the user you log in with to the origin company when choosing it in Copy Xpress has the Add-On license assigned?
    Go to SBO, Administration -> Licence -> Licence Administration, choose the user on the left side of the screen and see if you have SAP Add-Ons license assigned on the right side of the screen. If not, assign one and it will work.

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    Your suggestions are appreciated!

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  • Erro ao reinstalar B1BC

    Boa tarde,
    Abri novamente um post, pois continuo com problemas quanto a reinstalação do B1BC.
    Abaixo vou relatar tudo que fiz para tentar reinstalar o B1BC em um cliente me produção.
    O motivo de reinstalação se deu por não estar mais replicando em uma das bases, somente na base  template.
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    - O B1BC não estava replicando para a base Filial e nem aparecia nada no MessageLog.
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    - Entrei na base matriz e pedi a instalação do B1BC. Instalou. Entrei na base filial, começou a atualizar o banco mas deu a mensagem: sap B1BC falhou ao atualizar o banco.
    - Reinicie o servidor, mas continuou a mensagem, como tb nas demais bases.
    - achei a nota 819501 e realizei os passos, mas não encontrei nada no Remover programas ref. ao B1BC. Deletei os arquivos indicados e tentei novamente. Mesma msg erro.
    - desinstalei o cliente do servidor e reinstalei novamente. Desinstalei o addon copy express.
    - após, tentei a instalação do B1BC novamente, na base matriz mas o mudou para falha ao conectar o addon reinicie o sap b1.
    - em outro cliente ele não dá essa mensagem de falha e até inicia o B1BC na base existente (matriz), mas nas demais dá o erro de falha ao atualizar o banco.
    Usando SAP B1 2007B SP 00 PL 12, B1BC versão 2.1.9, indo para PL 17.
    Gostaria de alguma sugestão para saber o que devo fazer a seguir.
    Desde já obrigada.

    Oi Regianne
    Nesse momento é difícil saber o que passa com o B1BC / B1i. Eu refiro os 2 componentes dados que o B1BC é mais que um add-on é um add-on de uma solução de integração.
    Os vários elementos devem estar corretamente configurados e de acordo com os requisitos.
    Deixo aqui algumas pistas de situações que tenho visto e que causam esses incidentes:
    - Java instalado no servidor - não suportado
    - Versão adicional de tomcat no servidor o que não é suportado.
    - Upgrade de SAP Business One sem que o B1i do patch base tenha sido removido, sobrepondo dessa maneiro o B1i do B1BC package: SAP Note 1293687
    - Landscape database incorreta (restaura uma versão que não corresponde a do cliente).
    - Landscape do B1i manipulada/restaurada e por isso o B1i não recebe atualização do Lanscape do B1BC. Para conferir  abrar o Administrador do B1i (Start -> Programs -> SAP Business One Integration -> Administration -> enter 'sa' usuário e a sus password-> vá para o LAndscape e confira se está de acordo com o Landscape do B1BC.
    - Vírus
    - Excessivo crescimento da base de dados SBO-Common (criando falta de espaço no disco) -> SAP Note 1135240
    - SQL password modificada (necessita reinstalar o B1i)
    - Nome das bases de dados e/ou companhias SAP Business One não são identicas entre o Landscape e o SAP Business One.
    - Nome das bases de dados e/ou companhias SAP Business One tem caracteres especiais como acentos, 'ç' e outros caracters especiais de sistema.
    - password de 'sa' tem caracteres especiais como acentos, 'ç' e outros caracters especiais de sistema.
    Paulo Calado
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Help Me! (Nokia 5800 xpress music)

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    Go to Solution.

    Do this:
    A hard reset (x6, 5800 and 5230 only) is done by the following (warning, this deletes all data on your phone):
    1.) Turn off the phone and remove battery for 5min
    2.) Reinsert battery
    3.) Press and hold the green, red and camera buttons. DO NOT LET GO.
    4.) While holding the three buttons, press the power key to boot the phone up.
    5.) Keep on pressing until you see the country selection screen.
    A correctly done hard reset would show you that everything on the phone (contacts, messages, calendar entries, etc) would be deleted. So it is advisable to back them up. Upon restoration, do not restore settings or files if possible.
    Also, format your memory card. Just make a copy of your songs and pictures on your PC.
    If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

  • Copied files on Intel Mac don't open

    How strange can it get? If I copy files via ethernet or key-chain stick to the new Intel Mac the files do not open. XPress docs and fonts just have a dark rectangular symbol with green type on it saying exec. They are ok if I burn them first on a CD and then copy them. Is their something I ought to know?
    Please help.

    Unless the files are corrupt (possible when copied over a network albeit not entirely likely) you can try to reset the files back to their proper settings. For those who prefer to not use the Terminal, there is an application called batChmod that puts a GUI on the UNIX command for changing permissions although from my tests and past experiences, extensions play the vital role. I generally use the Terminal for this (and will explain more in detail later if people want to go that route/use it).
    - A document's default setting is Owner (Read/Write), Group (Read Only), Everyone (Read Only) or 644 in the Terminal.
    - 'Get Info' on the file and make sure that the proper extension is added to the file name. In Terminal, you can rename a file using the 'mv' command
    (example, mv test mv test.rtf would append the .rtf to the file named test).
    - While in "Get Info" use the "Open with:" pop up/tab and see if your application appears as a potential. If not, use the 'Other..." option and manually locate it. If it is grayed out then the Finder/System doesn't consider it to be usuable.
    - Try dropping the modified document onto the application and see if it launches manually. Failing that, try opening the document from within the application.
    - failing that, try launching the application first so that the system is aware of its existence and then try opening the documents/assigning the default app to it via Get Info after. This happened to me initially with a new user who had their Word documents (.doc) opening in TextEdit despite Office being installed. Additionally, my experience with Mac OS X Server and managed applications for users showed that sometimes an application (particularly a third party app) would be interpreted by the Server/App management as a generic preference file and not be registered/implimented. Once I ran the application once on the server, Workgroup Manager and the app management setting recognized its existence and all was well. This is a long shot but anything is possible!

  • 5530 Xpress Music Hanging, wont start up

    My 5530 Xpress Music does not start anymore, It just hangs when i start it ..  Just shows as White screen with Blue Nokia Logo on it ..  and does not go on and continue booting
    Tried removing the battery,sim, etc
    Donno what to do.  
    The manual does not help too

    Phone Halts at Nokia Handshaking Startup Screen
    It's a memory card issue, please re-format your memory card using external SD/SDHC card reader via computer and format it using Windows Explorer (My Computer -> Explore -> Memory Card Drive Letter -> Right Click and Select Format (FULL FORMAT for FAT32 & Don't do quick format.)
    Re-sit the memory card in the device and start the fone, do a hard reset and reinstall all ure desired applications. My advise is for you to ScanDisk the memory card every 1 or 2 weeks to maintain the good quality. Currently the appropriate SD/SDHC for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is Class 4 and the best is Class 6.
    Diagnosting your SD/SDHC card often keeps out of error and corrects lost chains which occurs while copy, delete, move activities. You may have noticed that SDHC memory cards are available in different speed classes (2, 4 and 6). Each class designation directly reflects the minimum sustained Data Transfer Rate (DTR) of the card.
    - Class 2: minimum DTR of 2 MB per second
    - Class 4: minimum DTR of 4 MB per second
    - Class 6: minimum DTR of 6 MB per second
    These cards are the perfect solution for today’s SDHC-compatible devices that run MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and other high-quality video compression used by HD and DVD video. Means the class 4 and 6 has the better quality ouput in storing your data.Most end-users are not aware of this.
    As my personal advise and my personal experience, I never faced any problem using my device and the memory card.
    1. Do not install large applications, such ad DVD movies > 500MB.
    2. Run ScanDisk at least once every week.
    3. Always plug-out your SD/SDHC which is connection thru device using USB cable by stopping the card process
       (Click the "Safely remove hardware" icon and stop the process)
    4. Avoid taking out the SD/SDHC card from the device unnecessarily, let it be there and don't disturb it.
    5. Install only usefull applications into the phone, dont dump things that u dont use much, if so .. use ure computer.
    Solution Method
    1. Use an external SD/SDHC reader and copy out all ure data's from the memory card.
    2. As the oldskool DOS method .. C:\Format <memorycarddriveletter> Example: C:\Format E: (press enter) .. wait for 100% .. Format the memory card using FAT32 or alternatively, goto Windows Explorer -> Right click on the F drive -> Choose Format -> Choose FAT32 and select FULL FORMAT (Dont Use Quick Format!)
    2.  Finally, move back ure old backed up data to the SD card and ure phone will work properly again, Insert into device and turn ON.
    Thanks !
    Message Edited by XploitMachine on 11-Jan-2010 04:20 AM
    I'm an Xploit - Please feel free to post your issues, feedbacks in this discussion forum and I'll do my level best to help, otherwise my knowledged friends whom are around willing to help you. Thank you !

  • Upgrade the IPCC xpress and IP IVR to 7.0.1.

    We are upgrading Our existing IPT & IPCC clusters.
    Last weekend we have upgarde the CUCM from 5.1 to 7.1.6 sucessfully.
    This weekend we are planning to upgrade the IPCC xpress and IP IVR to 7.0.1.
    I would like to know Upgrade path, strategy, Planning and also the recomended Software report for the upgrade.
    Do let me know if you require any more information as we are planning the upgarde this weekend.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Your post does not mention what version of CCX you are on currently: 4.5(x) or 5.0(x). That makes a big difference.
    I'm going to hope you're on 5.0(x) since you'll already be on Windows 2003 then and won't have to reformat the server. After performing a backup of your old version, confirming you have a copy of all your LIC files and the PAK from your PUT order, the installation guide will walk you through the actual upgrade process; it has chapters specifically for upgrading from each version.
    Also, be aware that none of the CCX versions that were supported with UCM 5.x are supported with UCM 7.x. You are in an unsupported state and I frankly expect that you will have JTAPI-related call problems until you upgrade. You may want to consider hastening your plan to upgrade CCX.

  • Problem of file association while copying files from the network.

    I have a network shared folder with Quark Xpress files on it. I own an Imac with MacOSX 10.4.3 where Quark Xpress is not installed but I want to transfer Quark files from this network share to an other.
    When I do this, the file association is missing on the copied file. The original has still the Quark icon, but the copied file has a blank icon and when trying to execute it from a mac with Quark Xpress installed, it does not recognize it (?). It's kind of a file association loose.
    For information, when I do the same manipulation using a mac with OS9 and Quark installed, I have no problem with the file association in output.
    Hope someone had the same situation to help me. In anyway, sorry for my English, I tried to do my best to explain my problem !

    Zip the files. Select the files, Finder->File->Make Archive, transfer them, and unzip them using the Finder or Stuffit Expander.

  • 10.4.6 finder (copy / drag and drop) bug

    Any one encounter this?
    Brief summary: When copying files from an iMac to external firewire drive the finder (copy) grinds to a halt and eats up all the free disk space on the iMac hard drive
    Detailed summary: iMac 20" G5 2.1GHz 1GB Ram 10.4.6 and an external LaCie 500GB firewire drive.
    In an effort to move to Aperture I have begun cleaning up my iMac's hard drive which entails moving several gigabytes of jpegs, gif's, raw files, and Quark Xpress files, etc., to external hard drives.
    All of these files are sorted into folders and sub-folders based on clients name. This is just a basic 'copy' from iMac to external hard drive. The iMac has about 50 GB of free hard drive space and the external hard drive has about 400 Gb free. Copying (drag and drop) any folder that has more than say a total of 7500 files inside causes the copying to start then grind to a halt. The odd part is that the free disk space on the source machine (iMac) gradually disappears during this process.
    Size of the move doesn't seem to matter as it is only when the file count exceeds approx. 7500 that things go wrong. One move entailed 9000 or so files and was only 250 MB but managed to eat up all 50 GB of free space in minutes. The first clue that something is wrong is seeing the warning message pop up stating you start-up disk is full.
    The only way to get the hard drive space back is to reboot the machine then all of the free disk space reappears. I have tried to relaunch the finder but that does not reclaim the missing free disk space. Also of note the memory usage never creeps up, as if this was some kind of memory leak. It stays pretty much constant through the whole process which is about 240MB.
    Not sure if this matters but spotlight is currently told to ignore image files which is the bulk of what is (trying) to be moved. Also this behavior didn't occur under 10.4.5 or prior point releases.
    Any ideas or thoughts?
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   LaCie external 500GB firewire drive

    What is the format used on the external HD?
    You did format it for Mac use (HFS+), right?
    Yes, the external drive was reformatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) before being brought into use. I have several LaCie drives in different sizes from 250 Gb and up for back ups and never had an issue until now...
    Seems to be finder related as if i open the top level folder and grab smaller groups of folders it works fine, just takes forever. So at least that is the work around. I was kind of hoping to just grab a bunch of folders start the copy and go do other things and come back and it would be done...
    Thanks for the reply,

  • Cannot author with 24p assets from TMPGEnc Xpress 4

    I'm working on a project that involves the creation of 5 exercise-type DVDs. Each DVD contains from 2 to 5 programs (29.97), a copy warning, series intro (the same is used on each DVD), a single motion menu, and an extra feature (23.976). It's the extra feature that's giving me fits...
    As there is a great deal of content on each DVD (two of them are 3+ hours), I'm having to use 2-pass VBR encoding, and some relatively low bitrates. Where I thought I could save a little space is on the extra feature, which is a 15 minute interview that will be included on each disc. The interview was shot in 24p anamorphic DV, and edited as such. I've not been happy with the quality of the encode from AME--used 2-pass VBR at about 3Mbps target--so I picked up TMPGEnc Xpress 4, and encoded using that. Ahh... much better. So far, so good.
    The problem comes during authoring. I import all my assets, set up my menus and timelines, go about linking and checking end jumps, and everything is fine on preview. I begin the authoring process, and all is well and good until the very end, when the authoring fails and I get a generic "File is not valid MPEG". Some sleuthing has helped me determine that it is, indeed, the 24p file from TMPGenc.
    I found that if I burn the 24p file to a disc without menus and set it to autoplay, it plays fine. However, when I link to the file from a menu, I get the error during authoring. The VIDEO_TS folder structure is built (I've just been testing to the hard drive), but once that track is hit, everything comes screeching to a halt.
    Now, a little more info: I've compared the file structure of the M2V produced by AME, and the one produced by TMPGEnc--and there are some differences. Most notably, the AME version's N frame value is 12, whereas the TX4 version's N frame value is 13 (!?!). Something definitely doesn't seem right, here. Also, I've tested TX4 with CBR single-pass and ended up with the same error in Encore. And another thing: the main programs mentioned above were encoded using TX4, CBR single-pass (this is the smallest disc, and I could get away with CBR), and those files author perfectly fine.
    Has anyone been able to successfully encode and author with a TMPGEnc'ed 24p MPEG-2 file? Or should I just give up and accept lower quality output from AME? I welcome your advice.

    Hey Jeff--thanks for the reply. Here's your answers:
    1) Yes, they all import as "Don't Transcode". The files are untouched by Encore, all the way through the Build process.
    2) I tried both linking in the original project (with all the other assets), and in a new project that contained only the 24p file. I built a quick menu, linked to the 24p timeline, and hit Build... kablooie. Build failed, once again giving me the faulty MPEG error.
    3) I checked all the files I've created in GSpot, and they all report the same information as you've described above. It's the GOP information that leaves me scratching my head. Observe:
    AME CBR 1-pass
    AME VBR 2-pass
    TX4 CBR 1-pass
    TX4 VBR 2-pass
    AME produces results that I would expect--TX4 has those weird N values of 13 and 14.
    4) My source footage is indeed NTSC DV, and is going to an NTSC DVD. What I had found in my earlier research (the source eludes me at the moment) was that for a true 24p MPEG-2 file, with pulldown flags inserted, is that the N value should be 12. The rationale was that you want 2 GOPS per second (24 fps / 2 GOPs per sec = 12). I'll have to find that article/site where I found that information--it made sense to me at the time. I do know that both the AME encoded files work perfectly with this value--the N values in the TX4 files (13 and 14) are not controllable when you use the DVD-Video preset. You can change to an MPEG-2 preset where you can change the GOP, but I haven't done this... although I'm considering trying that next.
    Thanks for any insight you can provide!

  • Copy user attribute from different user to user currently being edited

    Dear all,
    I'm somehow stuck with a requirement I've to implement.
    I've to copy some user attributes from one user to another. I learned that I should be able to use "getResourceObject" for
    this and I tried to implement this in my user form:
    <Field name='otherUser_actvtGrps'>
    <Display class='Text'>
    <Property name='title' value='otherUser_actvtGrps'/>
    <set name='otheruser'>
    <invoke name='getResourceObject' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>
    <s>SAP_System_A</s> <!-- the resource ID -->
    <s>TemplateUser</s> <!-- this is the AccountID that i need as source -->
    <ref>otheruser.user.attributes.activityGroups</ref> <!-- this is the attribute from the source user I want to copy/read -->
    But this does not return anything..
    Any ideas what I did wrong ?
    Many many thanks for any help/ideas !
    Best regards

    Do you know where to get some docs about the topics you mentioned ?
    1. Your adapter might not to support Resource Objects of type User.ResourceReference manual, the "Resource Object Management" section in each adapter chapter. Also the resource description in XML has the ObjectTypes section, for example, for Active Directory adapters:
        <ObjectType name="Group" nameKey="UI_RESOURCE_OBJECT_TYPE_GROUP" icon="group">
          <ObjectClasses operator="AND">
            <ObjectClass name="Group"/>
            <ObjectFeature name="create"/>
            <ObjectFeature name="update"/>
            <ObjectFeature name="delete"/>
          <ObjectAttributes idAttr="distinguishedName" displayNameAttr="samAccountName" descriptionAttr="description" objectClassAttr="objectclass">
            <ObjectAttribute name="cn" type="string"/>
            <ObjectAttribute name="sAMAccountName" type="string"/>
    2. You can fetch the complete user view with all resource account information.You will find many examples in IdM XPRESS samples.
    Get user view using LighthouseContext and user accountId
    <invoke name='getView'>
      <invoke name='getLighthouseContext'>
    </invoke>Or with WorkflowServices (see BusinessAdministration manual):
    <Action id='0' application='com.waveset.session.WorkflowServices'>
      <Argument name='op' value='getView'/>
      <Argument name='viewId'>
      <Return from='view' to='user'/>
    3. You can fetch resource account info directly using ResourceAdapter API (not too well documented way).Example in Java:
        LighthouseContext ctx = <get context here>;
        // Get resource object
        Resource res = (Resource) ctx.getObject(Type.RESOURCE, <resource name>);
        // Pack resource and user accountId into a ResourceInfo object
        WSUser user = new WSUser();
        ResourceInfo info = new ResourceInfo();
        user.setResourceInfo(new ResourceInfo[] {info});
        // Rertrieve ResourceAdapter object
        ResourceAdapter ra = ResourceOp.findAdapter(res, res.getCache());
        // Get account info into the 'user' object
        WSUser result = ra.getUser(user);
        // Now you can get account status from ResourceInfo ...
        info = result.getResourceInfo(res);
        // ... and account attributes from WSAttributes
        WSAttributes attributes = result.getWSAttributes();

  • Finder Makes a Copy.

    So, back in 10.4 (and about every version before that), opening a file in finder would open the file in the program associated to the file ( a .psd would open Photoshop, .ai would open Illustrator, etc.) or double clicking would do the same.
    In 10.5, I double click (or open) the file and it creates a copy of the file and then opens the copy.
    Anyone know what's going on ?

    I'm having the same problem, but it appears to only be with Quark XPress 6 files and only after I've opened a file and saved it in 10.5. The first time I open the file, it opens fine although I do get a an Unexpected End of File -39 message after I've saved once. When I Save As, it works fine.

  • CS3 copying paragraph attributes

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    Mostly it's just less overhead to do it the XPress way. Your cursor is already in the text you want to change and you can see the subhead it needs to be styled like 3 paragraphs up on the page. Control-option-click and you're done.
    For the production team, who basically makes money on how fast and how accurately they can set the stuff, I don't think $20 is a wasted investment to keep them in the groove. We're talking about a department where you get chastised if you use the mouse to select a menu or palette item that has a keyboard command associated, because moving your mouse is about 10x slower and harder on your carpal tunnel.
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