Reinstall 0FI_AP_4 Extractor/DataSource

Hi All,
I currently have the 0FI_AP_4 extractor already installed in the system with various enhancements to the structure with custom fields. Considering that it is not working correctly I am trying to re-install the extractor from the delivered version, here are the steps that I executed -
1) Goto RSA6, lookup the 0FI_AP_4 extractor and then delete the same.
2) Goto RSA5, lookup the 0FI_AP_4 extractor and install
3) Go back to the RSA6 and now the extractor is visible again - here is where I am running into an issue.
After installing the extractor I am seeing that all the custom fields are still visible and nothing has changed - does anyone know how I can install the D - Delivered version (NOTE: When I check the extractor in RSA5 it actually shows me the original extractor with enhanced fields - is it possible that someone might have made changes to the D Version of the extractor?

Transfer structure and user exits are independent, so:
1. Remove enhancements from user exit
2. Remove all "User"appends from extraction structure: DTFIAP_3
3. Follow you scenario.
Hope it helps,

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    Hello Experts - We have a situation, where the 0FI_AP_4 extractor needs to be enhanced to add additional records instead of updating some fields in the extract structure. Standard extractor routine is not considering the multiple purchase orders that are part of one invoice. We are on planing on enhancing the extractor to retrieve the missing records.
    As far as I know, we can only enhance the extractor to populate additional fields and not sure about adding totally new records. Please help me out here. Other option we have been thinking about is to create a new generic extractor with the same structure as 0FI_AP_4 and write custom routine to populate the missing records and send it BW as a new datasource.
    Any input will be appreciated.

    You are correct in your understanding. The generic extractor would be for the accounting document, and other key fields on the 0FI_AP_4 extractor, and the purchase orders. If there is any additional data required for each row of data for an accounting document / purchase order combination, you can include it on this generic extractor too.
    Since this is based off of mutiple tables, you may want to first create a view, in your source system, that contains only the fields that you require and then create the generic extractor off of that view.

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    Many thanks for all of you. I have checked the tables and data flow.
    The result is below,FYI
    Field   comment
    ROOSOURCE-OLTPSOURCE (The DataSource name)
    ROOSOURCE-DELTASAFE1 (The Safety Interval Lower Limit)
    ROOSOURCE-DELTASAFE2 (The Safety Interval Upper Limit)
    ROOSOURCE-TSTPDAT (The DataSource create date)
    ROOSOURCE-TSTPTIME (The DataSource create time)
    ROOSGENDLM-OLTPSOURCE (The DataSource name)
    ROOSGENDLM-DELTAID (The Current Delta update Timestamp)
    ROOSGENDLM-REPEATID (TheLast Delta update Timestamp)
    RSA7->Current Status (The Current Delta update Timestamp)

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            3040404  001 oooo bbbbb oooo hhhh kkkk  - this is for header level chnage
    Item level chnage: Not shown as seperate records
    Next header change displayed properly as above.
    Pls advise me this is a very urgent issue.

    Hi Nagesh,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Onething to tell is i am handling diff clients. All my clients r using 3.5 except this client. Very Unfortunate. They r using 2.1c. Its long back i used this version
    In LBWE i found they have only one update type i.e V3 update.
    I have checked SM13 also. There is one update records for each change in header level data. Also this time i found when i change Route i found one update record. But not when i change Schedule line date.
    Pls let me know if u need any further info. Anyideas welcome.

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    Hi Friends,
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    Seeking guidance for understanding better.
    Santhosh Kumar N

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    I need to extract this data in to BI and use it in reporting.
    As you said, we can write a routine to display the two different fields  as 1 filed and displying both Key+Text in the report.
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    Sincere Thanks for your valuable information.

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    Best...... ShruMaa
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    I would recommend you to use 0FI_AP_4 rather using both, particularly for many reasons -
    1. DS: 0FI_AP_4  replaces DataSource 0FI_AP_3 and still uses the same extraction structure. For more details refer to the OSS note 410797.
    2. You can run the 0FI_AP_4 independent of any other FI datasources like 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_GL_4 or even 0FI_GL_14. For more details refer to the OSS note: 551044.
    3. Map the 0FI_AP_4 to DSO: 0FIAP_O03 (or create a Z one as per your requirement).
    4. Load the same to a InfoCube (0FIAP_C03).
    Hope this helps.

  • 0FI_AR_4 Datasource, Delta

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    Any document or a link would be of great help.
    Thanks in advance.

    hi Ananth,
    take a look Note 991429 - Minute Based extraction enhancement for 0FI_*_4 extractors
    You would like to implement a 'minute based' extraction logic for the data sources 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_AP_4.
    Currently the extraction logic allows only for an extraction once per day without overlap.
    Other terms
    general ledger  0FI_GL_4  0FI_AP_4  0FI_AR_4  extraction  performance
    Reason and Prerequisites
    1. There is huge volume of data to be extracted on a daily basis from FI to BW and this requires lot of time.
    2. You would like to extract the data at a more frequent intervals in a day like 3-4 times in a day - without extracting all the data that you have already extracted on that day.
    In situations where there is a huge volume of data to be extracted, a lot of time is taken up when extracting on a daily basis. Minute based extraction would enable the extraction to be split into convenient intervals and can be run multiple times during a day. By doing so, the amount of data in each extraction would be reduced and hence the extraction can be done more effectively. This should also reduce the risk of extractor failures caused because of huge data in the system.
    Implement the relevant source code changes and follow the instructions in order to enable minute based extraction logic for the extraction of GL data. The applicable data sources are:
    All changes below have to be implemented first in a standard test system. The new extractor logic must be tested very carefully before it can be used in a production environment. Test cases must include all relevant processes that would be used/carried in the normal course of extraction.
    Manual changes are to be carried out before the source code changes in the correction instructions of this note.
    1. Manual changes
    a) Add the following parameters to the table BWOM_SETTINGS
                             MANDT  OLTPSOURCE    PARAM_NAME          PARAM_VALUE
                             XXX                  BWFINEXT
                             XXX                  BWFINSAF            3600
                  Note: XXX refers to the specific client(like 300) under use/test.
                  This can be achieved using using transaction 'SE16' for table
                              Menue --> Table Entry --> Create
                              --> Add the above two parameters one after another
                           under the view fields add the below field,
                           View Field  Table    Field      Data Element  DType  Length
                           CPUTM       BKPF    CPUTM          CPUTM      TIMS   6
                           This can be achieved using transaction 'SE11' for views
                           BKPF_BSAD, BKPF_BSAK , BKPF_BSID , BKPF_BSIK (one after another)
                               --> Change --> View Fields
                               --> Add the above mentioned field with exact details
    c) For the table BWFI_AEDAT index-1  for extractors
                           add the field AETIM (apart from the existing MANDT, BUKRS, and AEDAT)
                           and activate this Non Unique index on all database systems (or at least on the database under use).
                           This can achived using transaction 'SE11' for table 'BWFI_AEDAT'
                               --> Display --> Indexes --> Index-1 For extractors
                               --> Change
                               --> Add the field AETIM to the last position (after AEDAT field )
                               --> Activate the index on database
    2. Implement the source code changes as in the note correction instructions.
    3. After implementing the source code changes using SNOTE instruction ,add the following parameters to respective function modules and activate.
    a) Function Module: BWFIT_GET_TIMESTAMPS
                        1. Export Parameter
                        a. Parameter Name  : E_TIME_LOW
                        b. Type Spec       : LIKE
                        c. Associated Type : BKPF-CPUTM
                        d. Pass Value      : Ticked/checked (yes)
                        2. Export Parameter
                        a. Parameter Name  : E_TIME_HIGH
                        b. Type Spec       : LIKE
                        c. Associated Type : BKPF-CPUTM
                        d. Pass Value      : Ticked/checked (yes)
    b) Function Module: BWFIT_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPS
                        1. Import Parameter (add after I_DATE_HIGH)
                        a. Parameter Name  : I_TIME_LOW
                        b. Type Spec       : LIKE
                        c. Associated Type : BKPF-CPUTM
                        d. Optional        : Ticked/checked (yes)
                        e. Pass Value      : Ticked/checked (yes)
                        2. Import Parameter (add after I_TIME_LOW)
                        a. Parameter Name  : I_TIME_HIGH
                        b. Type Spec       : LIKE
                        c. Associated Type : BKPF-CPUTM
                        d. Optional        : Ticked/checked (yes)
                        e. Pass Value      : Ticked/checked (yes)
    4. Working of minute based extraction logic:
                  The minute based extraction works considering the time to select the data (apart from date of the document either changed or new as in the earlier logic).The modification to the code is made such that it will consider the new flags in the BWOM_SETTINGS table ( BWFINEXT and BWFINSAF ) and the code for the earlier extraction logic will remain as it was without these flags being set as per the instructions for new logic to be used(but are modified to include new logic).
    Safety interval will now depend on the flag BWFINSAF (in seconds ; default 3600) and has  a default value of 3600 (1 hour), which would try to ensure that the documents which are delayed in posting due to delay in update modules for any reason. Also there is a specific coding to post an entry to BWFI_AEDAT with the details of the document which have failed to post within the safety limit of 1 hour and hence those would be extracted as a changed documents at least if they were missed to be extracted as new documents. If the documents which fail to ensure to post within safety limit is a huge number then the volume of BWFI_AEDAT would increase correspondingly.
    The flag BWFINSAF could be set to particular value depending on specific requirements (in seconds , but at least 3600 = 1 hour)  like 24 hours / 1 day = 24 * 3600 => 86400.With the new logic switched ON with flag BWFINEXT = X the other flags  BWFIOVERLA , BWFISAFETY , BWFITIMBOR are ignored and BWFILOWLIM , DELTIMEST will work as before.
    As per the instructions above the index-1 for the extraction in table BWFI_AEDAT would include the field AETIM which would enable the new logic to extract faster as AETIM is also considered as per the new logic. This could be removed if the standard logic is restored back.
    With the new extractor logic implemented you can change back to the standard logic any day by switching off the flag BWFINEXT to ' ' from 'X' and extract as it was before. But ensure that there is no extraction running (for any of the extractors 0FI_*_4 extractors/datasources) while switching.
    As with the earlier logic to restore back to the previous timestamp in BWOM2_TIMEST table to get the data from previous extraction LAST_TS could be set to the previous extraction timestamp when there are no current extractions running for that particular extractor or datasouce.
    With the frequency of the extraction increased (say 3 times a day) the volume of the data being extracted with each extraction would decrease and hence extractor would take lesser time.
    You should optimize the interval of time for the extractor runs by testing the best suitable intervals for optimal performance. We would not be able to give a definite suggestion on this, as it would vary from system to system and would depend on the data volume in the system, number of postings done everyday and other variable factors.
    To turn on the New Logic BWFINEXT has to be set to 'X' and reset back to ' ' when reverting back. This change has to be done only when there no extractions are running considering all the points above.
                  With the new minute based extraction logic switched ON,
    a) Ensure BWFI_AEDAT index-1 is enhanced with addition of AETIM and is active on the database.
    b) Ensure BWFINSAF is atleast 3600 ( 1 hour) in BWOM_SETTINGS
    c) Optimum value of DELTIMEST is maintained as needed (recommended/default value is 60 )
    d) A proper testing (functional, performance) is performed in standard test system and the results are all positive before moving the changes to the production system with the test system being an identical with the production system with settings and data.

  • Migration of  7.0 Extractor to 3.x

    Hi All,
         I have an extractor which i replicated in 7.0 and created transformations and all, now i want to convert it to a 3.x DS without deleting the transformations and all. Is it possible ?

    While migrating the data source from 3.5 to 7.0, it will ask to migrate WITH EXPORT or WITHOUT EXPORT.
    By using WITH EXPORT option we can revert back the data source from 7.0 to 3.5
    (U can use tcode RSDS
    Enter datasource and sources system and
    from menu Datasource -> Restore 3.X datasorce)
    By using WITHOUT EXPORT option we cannot get it back to 3.5
    If you had migrated the data source by WITHOUT EXPORT option then its not possible to get back in 3.5.
    (in that case first u should delete 7.0 datasource, then u have to reinstall 3.x datasource from source system (RSA5/RSA6) and replicate to BW)

  • 0FI_AP_4 - Delta Extraction Problem - Please help

         I activated the business content ODS 0FIAP_O03 and the relevant infosource for Accounts Payable and also did the init. In R/3 I created an Invoice using FB60 transaction and Posted the payment using F-53 transaction. I can see the document in BSAK table which the 0FI_AP_4 extractor is using but when I see the delta queue in RSA7 there are 0 records for the extractor 0FI_AP_4 which means the new changes are not pushed to the delta queue. Please help.

    Hi Thiagu,
    Try running a delta load 0FI_AP_4 using the tcode RSA3 in your R/3 system? Are you seeing your document there?
    I would also check RAS7 in R/3, and to make sure the delta init has taken properly. You can also check for your document there.

  • No records in DataSource 2LIS_12_VCITM

    I need to extract sales data from R/3 to BW. Probably this data could be extracted with a standard extractor (DataSource 2LIS_12_VCITM ). I try to check, if it is the right extractor in rsa3 (in my source system). My problem is that I receive 0 records, but there are some data records for orders and deliverys in my source system.
    Does anybody know what the problem could be or where I can find some information how this extractor works?

    Hi Gabi,
    you need to run transaction oli8bw first, to fill the setup tables.

  • Extractor for R/3 table T030

    Hi folks,
    we are in need to extract the T030 table (standard accounts table).
    Is there any BI content extractor/datasource which we can use for extracting that table?
    Thanks for your help,
    Best regrads,

    You can create the DataSource based on Table T030(Standard Accounts Table).
    Follow bellow steps:
    1. Create the Generic Datasource by useing RSO2.
    Datasource can be created for
    a). Transaction Data
    b). Master data Attributes
    c). Master data Text
    2.Select Application component(SD/MM/FI)
    3.Select extraction method extracts the data from a transparent table or database view.
    4. Assign Table to Datasource
    5. Once you specify Table in Data source, the extract structure willgenerate.
    6. then select the filds in selection column.
    7. Save and Activate the Datasource.
    8. Check the Data in RSA3.
    9. Replicate the Datasouce in BI side

  • Documentation of datasources in ecc

    Hi all,
    Can anyone provide me with the links for the documentation of extractors/ dataSources available in ecc.
    Please search the forum
    Edited by: Pravender on Jun 30, 2010 4:32 PM

    Hi all,
    Can anyone provide me with the links for the documentation of extractors/ dataSources available in ecc.
    Please search the forum
    Edited by: Pravender on Jun 30, 2010 4:32 PM

  • 0FI_AR_4 Delta not working like I think it should be

    I have the extractor/DataSource 0FI_AR_4 installed and I am on a 7.0 technical upgrade.  I have not yet migrated anything to the new 7.0 dataflow so I am still running 3.x data flow with this extractor.  My issue is that when I check RSA7 for this extractor I usually see 0 records.  Yesterday I saw 3 LUWs in RSA7 for this extractor but they were not AR records - it looked more like metadata.  Next I went to RSA3 and chose Update Mode u2018Du2019 and I got zero records back.  I ran the Delta InfoPackage 3 times yesterday and only got data once - the other two requests I got back 0 records.
    I read that since PlugIn 2002.2 that we no longer have to decouple GL from AR.  Is this true?  This was my first guess but we don't even have 0FI_GL_4 installed.
    Somehow the data is getting into our 0FIAR_O03 DSO, but I canu2019t identify how that data is being collected.  It looks like there is also a lag in the time that the data gets entered into ECC and when it finally gets extracted.  Any ideas?

    There are conflicting statements on
    1: In delta mode, data requests with InfoSource 0FI_AR_4 and InfoSource 0FI_AP_4 do not provide any data if no new extraction has taken place with InfoSource 0FI_GL_4 since the last data transfer. This ensures that the data in BW for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Accounting is exactly as up to date as the data for General Ledger Accounting.
    2: As the strict connection of DataSources has been abolished as of PlugIn2002.2, you can now load 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 in any order you like. You can also use DataSources 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_TX_4 separately without 0FI_GL_4. The DataSources can then be used independently of one another.
    Which is true?

  • Open and Close Item Identification

    Hai Friends..,
    How to identify the Pen and Close item in the 0FI_AP_4 extractor....,
    Please advise me on this..,

    Status of the FI item (O = open, C = cleared) is identified by field STATUSPS in the extract structure.
    Fields in Source Table: BSIK-BSTAT,
    Fields in Source Table: BSIK-AUGDT

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    how do I set up my Imac to allow using both my computer speakers and a Bose SoundLink system as outputs at the same time.  I can use one or the other, but not both.  From systems Preferences I must select one or the other.  I want both to work all the time.

    I would recommend you to use 0FI_AP_4 rather using both, particularly for many reasons -
    1. DS: 0FI_AP_4  replaces DataSource 0FI_AP_3 and still uses the same extraction structure. For more details refer to the OSS note 410797.
    2. You can run the 0FI_AP_4 independent of any other FI datasources like 0FI_AR_4 and 0FI_GL_4 or even 0FI_GL_14. For more details refer to the OSS note: 551044.
    3. Map the 0FI_AP_4 to DSO: 0FIAP_O03 (or create a Z one as per your requirement).
    4. Load the same to a InfoCube (0FIAP_C03).
    Hope this helps.

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