Reinstall just Dashboard? It no worky.

I never really used it on my iBook and after reading a bunch about it I decided to give it a chance.. . but. . . it won't open. Maybe I was messing around with something (I tend to) but none-the-less. Can I reinstall just DB from the OS intsall disc? Thanks in advance.

Although Pacifist can do this it wouldn't work in your case as your install disk won't include the current 10.4.4 version. You could try reapplying the stand alone .4 update from here to see if it clears the problem, but, in all honesty I feel Dashboard is eye candy only - it does nothing that I can't get done elsewhere and seems to cause a lot of people's problems here. Personally, I've switched it off and don't miss it at all!

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    There is a link to how to do this as a sticky as part of the FCS forum.
    good luck,

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    FrustratedinIdaho wrote:
    I wonder why Apple can't add an "Reinstall only specific items" option to the archive or erase options and just show you what's on the disk? Guess that would be too easy.
    The Installer application can show you all the files an installer package contains: When Installer is running, under the "File" menu, choose "Show Files" or press command + i. (Pacifist has a similar feature.) However, Installer does not allow you to install only specific files, & for good reason:
    If you use its "Show Files" option on some installer package, note that even a simple one consists of many different files. Do this with a few different packages & you will see that there is often considerable overlap in the OS components (resources, frameworks, etc.) that are installed by different packages. An install package does not simply just replace one set of OS components with the ones it contains -- that could cause some other process that relies on the same OS component to fail because the replacement would not contain support for it. Instead, the Installer does various "preflight" & other steps to integrate support for all affected processes into the components that eventually are installed & to create or update any support files (for instance, presences) as required.
    This is why you should not, unless you know exactly what component needs to be replaced & all the consequences of doing so, use Pacifist to replace just one or some set of OS component files from an installer package. Basically, you are assuming all the checks & other steps that Installer does are not necessary.
    Occasionally, this is a safe assumption; more often it is not. This is why the only safe & simple option is an Archive & Install of the entire OS & its updates if you have imprudently removed some OS files (& why Apple doesn't make that easy to do in the first place).
    Perhaps if you could tell us exactly which files you removed, we could provide more specific help, but otherwise I suggest you bite the bullet & reinstall the OS.

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    You don't say which version of FCP you have, but since you posted in the Final Cut Studio forum (legacy FCP versions), I'll assume it's FCP7 or earlier.
    First, and most importantly, you have to make sure you un-install the application properly prior to reinstalling.  Use this freeware app to get it done right:  It will un-install all the little bits and pieces that get installed throughout the system - not just in the applications folder.
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    you are right, I forgot about that. this is definitely easier. to elaborate on john's post. insert the leopard install DVD open it in finder and double-click on optional installs->optional installs.mpkg. follow the instructions. on the screen with the choice of software to install choose printer drivers.

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    William Lee if you have purchased Photoshop Elements 12 then please see Find a download link on  If you purchased from a company besides Adobe then you can download the trial of Photoshop Elements 12 at Adobe - Download free trial version Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 | Adobe.

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    I tried to restart my computer with command R and got the install option.
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    Here is the other thread
    Is there a way I can just reinstall iCal?

    AA101 wrote:
    Thanks but just out of interest as this is new to me especially an install of a version that is not a clean install.
    Will the install but install a replacement app retaining my current contacts and ical calendars?
    Good to know
    Your settings and data should all be untouched when you reinstall, but as I say, all you need is a power outage or something unexpexted to occur and you may lose all your data, so having a backup is essential, even if it takes a bit of time it is invaluable insurance 'just in case'.
    Good Luck

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    Hi TM,
    Pop your original install DVD into your powerbook and navigate to the DVD via Finder. From there, run the 'Install Bundled Software Only' package. This will allow you to install any iLife components which originally shipped with you machine.
    Good luck!

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    I have found turingttest2 very helpful in these matters.
    <<Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates>>
    Look in the "Further Information" section on how to directly download iTunes.  Or here:
    <<Apple - Support - Downloads>>
    Also, you might find this helpful:
    <<Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 - Apple Support>>

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