Rejected by iTunes Plus

iTunes Plus tells me I have several (25 actually) songs available for upgrade, when I click the BUY button, and after it asks me if I'm sure I want to go through with this purchase, obviously I do, a message pops up telling me that:
*The item you tried to purchase is no longer available.*
The availability of the item changed while you were using the store.
The same item may be available with a different price or elsewhere
on the store.
Anyone run into this, or have a clue how to get around it and complete the purchase?

I've had the same problem, since iTunes Plus was introduced. I upgraded some of my music right away. It took a few days, since the downloads stopped many times. I suppose everybody else was upgrading. A short time later, i found out, that some more of my music had come in iTunes Plus versions. I tried to upgrade that music as well. Much to my surprise, some of my already upgraded music was still on the list. Since it is only possible to upgrade all or nothing, I tried to upgrade all. I then got the same erroe message as in the first post.
I reported the error to iTunes support on June 17, 2007. They were very nice and replied several times in the first weeks to tell me, they were working on the problem. They even gave me 3 downloads for my patience. Trouble is, I still get the error message, even though more of my music now exists as iTunes Plus. And I'm not hearing from support anymore.

Similar Messages

  • ITunes Plus Upgrade--No help from iTunes Support

    I appologize for this lengthy post. Believe me I have more to the story, but want to keep it as short as possible. Bottom line is I'm looking for help with iTunes plus upgrade please.
    My specific problem is getting customer support to upgrade my old iTunes songs iTunes to iTunes plus so I can use them on our new Sonos player. It’s now been almost a week since this issue arose and there has been no help in getting my problems solved. My main problem is that there is no telephone customer support for iTunes. All of the support for iTunes is now done online through emails. That is a huge issue in my mind, but not the purpose for this post.
    Here is my problem..
    I have two iTunes accounts. Account # 1 was my primary account until 2008/09 time frame when I switched from a PC to Macbook Pro. I have 314 songs from 2006-08 that were purchased on Account #1 that I'm trying to upgrade to iTunes Plus. Account #2 is now my primary iTunes account. The Account #2 songs are all iTunes plus and do not need upgrading. I now have all the purchases from both accounts on my Mac Mini serving as a HTC, but the old iTunes DRM songs cannot be played on Sonos until they get upgraded.
    My issue solely relates to my old songs on Account #1. I have been trying to upgrade my account 1 songs since last Thursday. My iTunes store account is currently logged into Account 1 when attempting the updgrade. When I first made the purchase, I got the on screen message that I’d get an email with instructions to complete the purchase. Well three days passed and I never got the email. I also noticed that my purchase of $104 showed up as three “pending” credit card charges on my bank account records. This seemed odd so I called Apple for help. Big mistake!!!!!
    When I attempted to call Apple Support I was continually given to “technical support” for either my Macbook or Mac Mini. They never listened to what I was saying. In fact one rep told me I would need to pay the $39 fee for technical support on my issue!!!! Finally, after speaking to three different individuals one of the “tech support” reps was able to contact an iTunes support rep. Note, that I could not speak to them, rather it was strictly apple employee to apple employee. I was placed on hold for thirty minutes while they worked on my issue. After thirty minutes I was told to go to the iTunes store and start over. I went to iTunes store and completed the purchase again. Shortly thereafter, I received an email response from iTunes saying:
    Dear Tom,
    Your iTunes Plus music upgrade could not be successfully completed because there was a problem with one of the items that was to be upgraded. Please return to your Upgrade My Library page and click Buy and your upgrade should be processed successfully. We are sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your business.
    iTunes Store Team
    Based on this email. I went to iTunes store again and tried the purchase….again. I then got the same email response a short time later. I have attempted two other times to buy the upgrades but got no email responses at all. Late Sunday, I called Apple again and also used their online iTunes support page. I got one response late Sunday evening asking a question about error messages, I answered their question by providing them the above iTunes notice. That email late Sunday night was the last communication I've recieved from iTunes support. It’s now three days later and I’m still waiting to hear back from someone at iTunes support. All I want to do is spend 104 dollars to upgrade my 300+ songs, but no one at Apple seems to care.
    I am really disappointed in Apple’s customer service. I’ve been a fan of Apple for quite some time, between my wife and I, we have 6 Apple products in our home. The lack of customer support is really disgraceful.
    Anyone have any ideas.

    This is a follow up. Finally, after almost 72 hours, I recieved another email from the original iTunes support representative. According to her, the problem is that one or more of my songs on the account are either not eligible for the upgrade or the file is corrupted and can not be upgraded. In short I cannot use the "Buy All" feature because I will always hit this roadblock. The only way to resolve this, is to upgrade each song individually or select a few songs at a time to upgrade.
    I will have to do this until I get the song or songs that is causing the problem. Once I have identified the song(s), I can chose to repurchase them and get a refund. All songs today are at the DRM free format so repurchased songs will automatically be the upgraded file.
    So I'll now begin the upgrade of the 314 songs. I guess it could be worse.
    Okay, I got an answer and an offer of a refund, but this answer certainly could have been provided three days ago. Am I being unreasonable?

  • I have 4 songs I have purchased that are "protected" but they don't come up in the itunes plus for purchase to unprotect them.  How do I get them "unprotected"?

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    Until Apple releases the iTunes Match feature of iCloud, if the tracks don't appear as eligible for iTunes Plus, there's no direct way to convert them. You can, however, burn those tracks to audio CD which will then behave just as would any other standard audio CD.

  • ITunes plus label on the album, but then disappears....

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    Even more confusing, I bought the single first to see whether I liked the music or not, and the same day I decided to buy the album. iTunes then told me I had to update all my other music to iTunes plus before I can buy this iTunes plus album. How did the single download as protected? I resolved it with iTunes, and I can now go buy the whole album, but I would like to get it as iTunes plus.
    Any suggestions? I tried contacting iTunes help, but they have done nothing other than credit my account 99 cents....
    Thanks for your help!

    Did you make this purchase on an iPad or a Mac?  If purchased on iPad have you attempted to complete album from the iPad iTunes store or the Mac iTunes store?

  • Can't upgrade to Itunes Plus.  I keep getting error message 1004:  An unknown error occured.  There was an error in the itunes Store.  Please try again later.  Can anyone help?

    I can't upgrade to iTunes Plus.  I can download songs normally but when I try to upgrade I continue to get the error message.  Please help.
    Thank you!

    If you're having problems with the App Store you might try this:
    1 - enable the Debug menu in App Store:
    open the Terminal application.
    copy the command below and paste into the Terminal window:
    defaults write ShowDebugMenu -bool true
    followed by Enter.
    launch App Store, login.
    2 - select the Debug ➙ Reset Application option:
    3 - try again.

  • ITunes plus songs - Can I use it in more than one computer?

    I"m planning to buy songs from iTunes. Now that the songs are iTunes plus, is it possible to copy the song file to a different PC and upload it to iTunes?
    I've been used to buying songs from Amazon as it is MP3 format and wondering if iTunes plus offers the same flexibility as MP3 format when it comes to using it in multiple devices/machines.
    Any thoughts on this is appreciated.

    +"I've been used to buying songs from Amazon as it is MP3 format and wondering if iTunes plus offers the same flexibility as MP3 format when it comes to using it in multiple devices/machines."+
    Yes you can copy the iTunes Plus songs to other machines.
    I wouldn't quite say it has the "same flexibility," however. The Amazon songs, being MP3s, can be played in virtually any player, program, or phone, while the iTunes songs, being in AAC format, are more likely to run into incompatibilities. But if you are talking about other machines running iTunes, then it will not be a problem.

  • How do I find all iTunes Plus content?

    I've tried searching for individual artists and songs, but I haven't found any music in iTunes Plus format that I would like to purchase.
    Is there a way to list all Plus content available in the iTunes store so I can browse through it all?

    If you have iTunes Plus turned on in your preferences, you can click on the link in the right column when you're in the iTunes store. It will show you things that are available in iTunes Plus. If you've searched the store for a specific item and it doesn't show up as an iTunes Plus offering then that means it's not available in the Plus format. If something is available it will show up as an iTunes Plus offering.
    When iTunes Plus is enabled that's the only offering you'll see for available albums/songs--you will not see the regular version of the item. I hope this makes sense.

  • ITunes Plus/Upgrade My Library Won't Detect Some Eligible Items

    I've seen a couple of threads on this topic, and I'd like to submit my own.
    This thread will serve the dual purpose of providing a possible answer to the problem and bringing to attention iTunes Store customer support's poor response thus far.
    Here's the problem in a nutshell: When iTunes Plus was made available, I upgraded my Library because I have quite a few EMI records (all bought through the iTunes Store within the last few months), including Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon', 'The Wall', 'Animals', and 'Wish You Were Here', among others.
    The Upgrade successfully purchased and downloaded iTunes Plus albums for my entire EMI collection except for 'Dark Side of the Moon' and 'Animals'. When I return to Upgrade My Library in the iTunes Store, it claims my Library is completely up-to-date, when in fact it certainly isn't because two of my EMI albums are still 128 kbps DRM protected, despite the fact that the iTunes Plus album is available in the iTunes Store at full price.
    Several other people are experiencing the same problem with Pink Floyd and Norah Jones. Strangely, some cannot Upgrade 'The Wall', while mine Upgraded with no problem whatsoever.
    What's so buggy about Upgrade My Library, Apple? How can we manually rescan the Library so that these lingering eligible albums can be Upgraded?
    I have gone back and forth with iTunes Customer Service about this issue. My first reply I received a day after filling out an error report at the Support Page.
    Dear Travis,
    I understand that you are unable to upgrade two of your Pink Floyd albums that are available for purchase as iTunes Plus music. I'm sorry for this trouble.
    Apple is currently working toward a resolution for the issue you have reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available.
    Thank you for your patience. Apple wants your iTunes experience to be as enjoyable as possible.
    iTunes Store Customer Support
    I received a follow-up four days later:
    Dear Travis,
    I'm sorry you ran into an error when you tried to upgrade your iTunes library. This error was caused by a temporary issue with the iTunes Store that should be resolved now. Please check the iTunes Store again. All features should be working well.
    If you received this error while downloading a large purchase order, please understand that the cause of the error may be a combination of the size of the order you are downloading and the speed of your connection. Please try another connection that is faster than your current connection. If this is not possible, please continue to attempt to download your purchase. This may take several attempts.
    iTunes Store Customer Support
    And of course, the problem hadn't been resolved as stated. So I sent a reply:
    No, I'm afraid you don't understand.. I can't try to download the iTunes Plus versions of my Pink Floyd albums Dark Side of the Moon and Animals because the iTunes Plus Library Upgrade says I have nothing to upgrade.
    Why is it telling me this when I have the two albums in the protected 128 kbps format, which I bought from the iTunes store only months ago? Is there a cookie I need to reset somewhere, or is this an iTunes Server issue? Why isn't 'Upgrade My Library' recognizing these two albums?
    If you can't solve the issue and allow me to upgrade, would you instead credit my account for the full price of both iTunes Plus albums I'm having trouble with?
    To which Apple disappointingly replied today:
    Dear Travis,
    I understand you tried to upgrade your iTunes Library and all but "Pink Floyd albums Dark Side of the Moon and Animals," were upgraded. I know how frustrating this can be and I would be happy to assist you.
    You can upgrade eligible previously purchased music to iTunes Plus. You will see any available upgrades on the new Upgrade My Library page. When you click the Upgrade button, you will replace all the eligible music and music videos you've bought previously on iTunes with available iTunes Plus versions of the same content (you cannot choose to upgrade only some of the items). The upgrade price is calculated based on all of your eligible content at 30¢ per song, 60¢ per video, and 30 percent of each album's purchase price. iTunes Plus music will continually be added to the iTunes Store, so your upgrade offer may change at any time. Please check back often to find new music available for upgrading.
    For more information, please visit the iTunes Plus FAQ:
    I hope this answers your question.
    Thank you for choosing the iTunes Store and have a great day!
    iTunes Store Customer Support
    This email is the specific reason I'm posting this issue. I am curious why I would be sent a blatantly common FAQ response instead of the accurate and personal response I'm used to getting from Apple.
    If they cannot figure the problem out, why don't they come out and say it, then give me a credit to my account so that I may purchase the iTunes Plus albums rather than troublesomely try and Upgrade them?
    Any workaround or comments are welcome, both from Apple consumers and employees.
    My apologies in advance to the outstanding Apple team that makes up 99% of the company. I don't intend to let one bad apple (no pun intended, honestly) sour the reputation of the lot of you.
    20 Inch iMac Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    I've done some comparisons of the File Info between my DRM-Protected 'Dark Side' and 'Animals' songs and the DRM-Free versions. It turns out there are differences which might explain the trouble Upgrade My Library has in recognizing eligible albums.
    On 'Animals':
    Notice the difference in the album art and, notably, the Copyright information. This is not the same song with only quality affected. Apparently, there was some copyright changes that took place, which might critically affect the eligibility of an album or songs.
    The same with 'Dark Side of the Moon':
    Notice here, too, the running time of the song is different.
    All that needs to be done by Apple is a configuration of Upgrade My Library so that it will recognize these previous versions of these albums for those of us who bought it before the revision took place.
    20 Inch iMac Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • How to Tell if the Song is iTunes Plus before purchase

    Sometimes I hear a song on the Internet radio and want to make a purchase via the iTunes Store. There is no search function in the actual iTunes Plus part of the store is there? If I search for the song I want to download at the regular store I used to be able to tell because the song was $1.29. Now, with the lower prices I can't tell if the song is a Plus non-DRM file or not. Any ideas? I have discovered the non-DRM files but I'm trying to be loyal.

    Thanks! I guess so far none of my picks have happened to be Plus music. When given a choice I'm going with non-DRM and higher sampling rates.

  • HT1711 iTunes Plus gone?

    Hi I'm in the UK and can't now upgrade any of my previously downloaded songs via itunes plus as it has dissapeared and the link apple give us no longer works. What can I do apart from using itunes match (which I really don't want to)?

    The iTunes Plus upgrade link has been unavailable the last few months.  The link in the FAQ doc only gives an error message.  
    There has not been an announcement about whether the disappearance is temporary or permanent.  If you have things you want to upgrade now, and you are sure they are eligible, go ahead and direct your request to iTunes Customer Service.

  • ITunes 9 can no longer encode '24bit 96khz wav' to 'iTunes plus aac'

    In iTunes 8.2.1, on a G5 PPC running Leopard, if I try to convert a '24bit 96khz wav' file to 'iTunes plus aac' via iTunes, everything works fine.
    However, I cannot convert this same file using iTunes 9. It gives me an error saying something like 'file cannot be converted using current iTunes encoding and bit rate'. I tried a bunch of other iTunes encoding settings to see if I could encode the file with any others, and I couldn't get any to work.
    I then downgraded back to iTunes 8.2.1, and I could then encode the file as aac.
    Is this a bug, or did we lose a really cool iTunes feature when transitioning from 8.2.1 to 9?

    I got tired of waiting for Apple to provide support for this in iTunes 9, like they previously had in iTunes 8, so I gave up on waiting.
    I'm using Sample Manager and a bit of AppleScripting to pre-process my upsampled audio, and get it down to 16/44.1 wav, before asking iTunes to convert it to AAC and add it to my library.
    Not so happy with Apple on this one... but I get it, I'm in a small demographic... people that have upsampled audio that want an AAC copy in their iTunes library... so I'm OK with it...
    I just wish that someone from Apple would have at least acknowledged this post, and admitted that they dropped support for this when moving to 9, and that they have no intention of supporting it at the current moment...

  • HT201272 There are purchased items that are no longer showing in the iTunes store because I upgraded to iTunes Plus format.  What can I do? My hard drive crashed and lost a great deal of my music and it's not showing in iCloud.

    What can I do to see items that I have purchased but upgraded to iTunes Plus? They are not showing in my iCloud as purchased, but I still can see the original protected versions from old backups. The original was downloaded with my iMac but the computers hard drive has burned out and needs to be replaced.
    Please help.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for the reply although I'm not too happy to hear it.  What's awesome about the cloud is no longer having to keep up with any physical media.  The promise of that is realized with everything else (my work, music, books) besides movies and TV.
    I wonder how Google Play will handle movies/tv that becomes unavailable?  Google Play does allow you to download media in some circumstances (on Android and iOS) but is generally intended  for streaming.  Maybe relying on a physical copy as I do with iTunes should make me more comfortable with it and not less. 
    I will come back to mark your reply as the solution as it becomes clear there is not a contrary position.  Thank you.

  • Itunes plus question - don't know where to turn

    I'm really confused on Itunes Plus and what I did with it.
    I accepted the option and upgraded everything I had to the Itunes Plus.
    Now, in my purchased area are all the songs I upgraded. Do I, physically, have to now move them into all the various folders the songs were already in before Itunes Plus or did that upgrade do it automatically? Can I delete those songs from the purchased area safely without moving them and copying them to my other subcategories on my Ipod?
    I'm really lost when it comes to using this forum or getting tech support. I'm a geezer who can work an Ipod and buy/load music. Things like this change to Itunes Plus, confuse me.
    I like keeping an empty purchased folder but I don't want to erase these upgrade purchases until I'm sure that they were upgraded on the areas where I already had them on my Ipod.
    Also, one more question, does using Itunes Plus mean I can play these songs on another mp3 players besides an Ipod?
    Would you please be kind enough to write me directly with your answers?
    <Edited by Moderator>
    Message was edited by: tcmitssr
    Message was edited by: tcmitssr

    It is probably not a good idea to post your e-mail on a public forum.
    The purchased is just a list of purchased music. There is no reason to delete it from there or even look in there.
    All of the songs should be on your library with all of your other music. I don't know if they are in whatever playlists that you put them in. You can look and see.

  • ITunes Plus upgrading - "item no longer available"

    I'm having trouble upgrading song to iTunes Plus.
    Specifically, when I attempt to upgrade my library, I get a dialog box saying "The item you tried to buy is no longer available."
    I have verified that all of the iT+ eligible songs/albums ARE available, and show up when selected in the iTunes Store.
    So I thought maybe my tags were different from the ones on the iTunes Store. But after going in to iTunes and manually matching the tags on the music in my Purchased library to exactly match the tags of the tracks listed in the iTunes Store's 'Upgrade' area, I STILL get the 'Item not found' message and am unable to upgrade ANY of the eligible tracks. This is really annoying.
    Why can't iTunes upgrade the ones that CAN be found?
    Anyone have a workaround or solution to this problem?

    I downloaded and installed the 7.2 upgrade on my laptop at work. I logged into the Apple store and went to the DRM-Free section. iTunes searched the songs on my laptop and presented me with a list of songs/albums that could be upgraded. I chose not to upgrade them because all of my music is on my desktop machine at home.
    When I got home I did the upgrade and went back to the store. There is no option to rescan my library and when I do try to upgrade the songs I found, I get the following message:
    "The item you tried to buy is no longer available.
    The availability of the item changed while you were using the store. The same item may be available with a different price or elsewhere on the store."
    At this point I guess I cannot upgrade my library or rescan it to upgrade the much larger list. I hope they fix this bug because I'm not going to upgrade just a portion of my songs and then pay full price for the rest of them.
    Has anyone else seen this happen or knows of a way to resolve it?
    I forgot to add that I am in the US.

  • HT4623 What's with audio xciter, it only plays a few songs, ones that it won't gives me a message ,upgrade to iTunes plus, what's with that, oh, it ALso says the music is drm protected, upgrade to iTunes plus?

    Anyone know what's wrong with audio xciter? It tells me to upgrade to iTunes plus, what's that?when I play my music, it plays a few but wont others because it's drm protected, maybe wrong word and tells me to upgrade to iTunes plus, think I bought junk software!

    I am seeing the same thing. 95% of my songs are DRM protected -according this app. But they are not. Hopefully someone has an aswer. The web page support for Xciter does not mention this issue.

Maybe you are looking for