Relative time

How can I measure a relative time? System.currentMillis does not work in all circumstances e.g. if the current time is canged outside the current java process.

what about using the time supplied from an internet time server?
Although if you can't trust the local system time can you trust an internet time server?

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    Hi everyone!
    I've a small doubt in using a number as a relative time. If I change the display properties of a numeric to relative time, it takes default value "5:30 AM", may be because I'd set time zone to Indian time during installation ( India is 5:30 hours ahead of Greenwhich). I want it to take default value "12:00 AM'. Please help me how I do it?
    ( I can also subtract 5:30 hours and get the same. But I want that to have "12:00 AM" by default......?!)
    Thank you all..!

    pavamana_pk wrote:
    Hi everyone!
    I've a small doubt in using a number as a relative time. If I change the display properties of a numeric to relative time, it takes default value "5:30 AM"
    As Ravens already stated, you are using ABSOLUTE time.  Relative time can only be set to display hours, minutes, and/or seconds.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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  • Bug report: Controls in the Data Entry property page reset when using relative time

    Create a blank VI.
    Drop a numeric control.
    Right click and select "Display Format".
    Change to a relative time.
    Switch to the "Data Entry" tab page.
    Uncheck the "Use Default Limits" boolean.
    Try changing the values and you will see that they return to their previous values (inf, by default). This persists even after pressing OK and opening the dialog again. It looks like the values are held in a cache and put back into the controls, since if you change a page and go back to the limits page, it shows the correct values. I also managed to get it to display the values using the correct format (relative time), which I assume is what it should be doing.
    This is in LabVIEW 8.6.
    Try to take over the world!
    Relative Time Data Entry ‏5 KB

    I spent some time playing around with this in 8.6.1, and at this time do not consider it a bug - unless there is something I completely missed.
    When you set to relative time, the inputs for data entry are expecting HH:MM or HH:MMS, depending on which display setting you chose.  Typing a '7' is undefined - does the user mean hours? Minutes? Seconds? Parsecs ?
    Once we type in a value that matches the format and we get the display to change, it is true that from now on if we type '7' in the field, it will automatically coerce it to 7:00, if we type 36 it coerces to 36:00.  If we type 7.5, it does not change the value at all.  I think at this point, the user knows what is going on, so this behavior is acceptable.  After accepting the changes and re-opening the properties window, the limits are persistent.
    I was not able to reproduce typing a '7' in the limit, having it automatically coerce back to '-inf', then going to a different tab or clicking ok, and coming back and seeing it as 7:00. It was still '-inf'.  If you have some more details on this, maybe I can reproduce it, but from everything I tried, users are be able to enter values and these values are saved.
    Edit - I am aware of the other forum post and the CAR filed there...
    Message Edited by Robbob on 03-03-2009 11:20 AM
    Rob K
    Measurements Mechanical Engineer (C-Series, USB X-Series)
    National Instruments
    CompactRIO Developers Guide
    CompactRIO Out of the Box Video
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  • My Timeout not working , relative time is 3 Minutes, ??

    I have an approval request Notification in my workflow. its return type is either Approve/Reject. I have another Timeout transition from that notification ,
    I set the Timeout's Relative time to 3 Minutes, 0 hours and 0 days. Because i want to test it, thats why i make it to 3 minutes. But its not working. Notification status is still OPEN. since i didnot approve or reject inorder to test it .
    And in the Loop Counter standard activity , i make the Loop Limit to 2. and From the Loop Limit activity transition goes to reminder notification, which have the same performer as Approval request notification.
    here is the transition flow.
    Notification ---> Loop Counter ---> Reminder Notification ---> back to the first Notification.
    appreciate your help

    i have run two background process
    one with timeout parameter to Yes and Deffered to No
    second one with Timeout parameter to No and Deffered to Yes.
    I run this process from "Submit Request For" link in "Workflow Manager" page under "Oracle Application Manager" menu under "Workflow Administratr New" responsibility. I also got email notification from workflow saying that process completed with "normal" status.
    still my time out is not working.
    below is my timeout process details:-
    NotificationA ----> LoopCounter ----> ReminderNotification------>backto NotificationA
    NotificationA detail:-
    TimeOut = Relative time ,
    value = Day=0, Hours=0, Minutes=3.
    3 transition from this Notification
    a). Approve
    b). Reject
    c). Timeout
    LoopCounter details :-
    TimeOut =NoTimeOut
    LoopLimit(nod attribute) 2
    2 transition from here
    a) Loop to reminder notification
    b) Exit

  • Send numeric value in relative time format to text file

    Hi, I'm trying to send a numeric value to a text file (.txt). However, this value must be in Relative Time format, which is displayed correctly in my front panel but not in my text file. The text file displays  it as an integer-.
    I know that this can be achieved by sending a string instead of a numeric value, but the thing is, I'm sending other numeric values along with this one, which means ALL the data must be numeric in order for Labview to send it, since it does not seem to accept a polimorphic array of data.
    Any suggestions?

    Here the resaved Write to Spreadsheet for writing String arrays.
    - Partha
    LabVIEW - Wires that catch bugs!
    Write To Spreadsheet ‏58 KB

  • Converting a counter to relative time

    Hello!  I have a fairly simple question if anyone has a moment.  I have a while loop with a 1000ms Wait inside, along with some other stuff that's irrelevant to the question.  Since my incrementer essentially counts the seconds elapsed due to the presence of the 1000ms Wait, I'd like to take the built in incrementer (i) and use it to display the relative time that has elapsed since the while loop began.  This loop will be running for 3 hours, so I'd like to display in HH:MMS format.  So basically, I'm looking for a way to convert the counter into a time value.  Any thoughts?  I know the Wait function isn't exactly accurate, but that's ok.  I don't need to be 100% accurate in this vi.  Just a rough estimate will be fine. It seems like there should be a relatively simple way to do this, but I can't figure it out...  Thanks!!
    Go to Solution.

    The code could not get much simpler. You just wire a numeric indicator to the iteration terminal. Set the display format to absolute time and HH:MMS time format.
    Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 02-04-2009 09:00 AM
    Simple Elapsed Time.PNG ‏2 KB

  • Reset waveform chart relative time

    Hi all
    I created a wavefrom chart that starts from a relative time of 00:00:00 when the vi starts and display the waveform versus the time elapsed since the vi started.
    I did this using an example that i found in ni forums by subtracting the current relative time from the relative time of the waveform as seen in the block diagram attached  
    when i stop the vi and start it again normally it starts again from zero and so on .
    the problem that i want the chart to start from zero every fixed amount of time (ex: 50 seconds ) and not require to stop the vi and start it again in order to start back again from zero !!
    I've been thinking about how to do this for a lot and i tried a lot of things but i couldn't ,does any one have an idea on how to do this ?
    i have a feeling that the solution will be simple to a lot of people ,but please forgive me coz i'm new to labview and its my first project using it 
    Thanks in advance,
    Go to Solution.
    block diagram.jpg ‏48 KB
    Chart with DataTime Beginning from ‏21 KB

    shadyman wrote:
    First of all thanks a lot of your reply.
    I just want you to clarify how can i replace this tunnel with a shift register ,where will this sr take the data from ,coz the "Get current date and time" is actually placed outside the loop ,also how can i replace this value with a case structure ,shall i put the "get date and time" in a loop or in a case structure ? coz i actually tried ways that looks like that but it didn't work .
    I will appreciate that a lot if you showed me what you mean by a diagram. or on the actuall vi that i attached to the post.
    Thanks in advance
    I reserve that type of service to my paying customers.
    Let me turn it around and welcome YOU to post an image of what you have tried and let us comment based on your efforts.
    I'll get you started with two suugestions and a question.
    1) You can right-click the input tunnel and select "replace with Shift Register".
    2) If you watch your code in execution highlighting mode, you can see were the data comes from and goes to when.
    Now for your question!
    After watching the code run where would there have to be another "Get time" node have to be located to get a new value WHILE the loop is running?
    Like I said post images of what you are attempting to do and let us offer advise based on that.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Relative time displaying improperly

    Hello everyone,
    I'm struggling with the relative time display function in my waveform chart.  It seems to be displaying my data improperly.  I'm collecting temperature readings every five seconds, displaying the data on the waveform chart, and writing the data toa text file.  My data is writing correctly to the text file, but it looks like mychart is not interpreting the times appropriately.  I should have a new data point every five seconds, but instead it's displaying a new point every 1 second, despite there being 5 seconds between each data collection instance.  I've attached a jpg of the graph output, as well as the vi I'm working with.  The data collection step is #7 on my state machine.  Thanks ahead of time for any help you can give.
    Relative Time problem.jpg ‏78 KB
    PND1 USV ‏270 KB

    A chart has no way of knowing what your loop time is. You have to program that information by writing to a property node. Just look at the example called Real-Time Chart.

  • Inf in "Relative Time" formatted constant crashes LabVIEW

    Stumbled on interesting crash behavior in LV2012: I have a DBL constant on the BD of a VI that is used to represent a timeout constant, so I set the Display Format to "Relative Time". Originally, it was set to 90:00 (ninety minutes), but for testing purposes, I tried changing it to "Inf" (no timeout). It immediately crashed LV.
    Tried again in a new VI. Just add a DBL constant, set the format to relative time, then try to set the value to Inf. It crashes consistently.
    I can probably work around it, but it's worth noting (and opening a CAR?). Can anyone confirm this behavior?

    CAR 375872 discussed in this thread has been fixed in LabVIEW 2013. For a more complete list of bugs fixed in LabVIEW 2013, check the LabVIEW 2013 Bug Fixes. You can download an evaluation copy of LabVIEW 2013 at or if you have an earlier version of LabVIEW installed and an active SSP subscription, you will be able to download the latest version of LabVIEW through NI Update Service.
    Jeff Peacock
    Product Support Engineer | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments

  • Relative Time Scale for X-Axis when creating a Line Graph in CS3?

    Is there a way to get the APPROPRIATE RELATIVE scale for the X-Axis (Category) when you're using dates?
    If this is my data set:
                        Group A          Group B
    01/03/99                1                5
    01/04/99                11                3
    01/05/99                6                12
    11/27/07                63                54
    If I plot this in Xcel, by default, each date (x-axis) will be spaced the same distance apart. However, there is a checkbox to "time-scale" the X-Axis which will place the dates relative to one another. In other words, if we're talking about a bar graph, the first three bars would be close together on the left side of the chart, and the 4th bar would be waaaaaay on the right side of the graph.
    So, below, if 'x' is a bar, I keep getting this in CS3:
    x     x     x     x
    I want to get this:
    x x x             x
    Get it?

    Is there a way to get the APPROPRIATE RELATIVE scale for the X-Axis (Category) when you're using dates?
    If this is my data set:
                        Group A          Group B
    01/03/99                1                5
    01/04/99                11                3
    01/05/99                6                12
    11/27/07                63                54
    If I plot this in Xcel, by default, each date (x-axis) will be spaced the same distance apart. However, there is a checkbox to "time-scale" the X-Axis which will place the dates relative to one another. In other words, if we're talking about a bar graph, the first three bars would be close together on the left side of the chart, and the 4th bar would be waaaaaay on the right side of the graph.
    So, below, if 'x' is a bar, I keep getting this in CS3:
    x     x     x     x
    I want to get this:
    x x x             x
    Get it?

  • How to capture non-work related time in SAP

    Hi gurus,
    We are trying to implement a new system where by the shop floor person can enter his travelling time, break time and working time.
    Billing can only be done for working time.
    I know the regular way of entering time in CAT2 and transferring it to PM by CAT9.
    Can somebody tell me some procedure by which I can capture nonworking time without any customization in ECC.
    Thank you.

    Hi all,
    thanks for your support. I got the solution in the following t-cods
    CATS_DA : Display working times
    CATSXT_DA : Display working times and tasks
    CATSXT_DTL : Working Times and Tasks :Display Details
    Even the idea of maintaining a new control key is also worth implementing.
    Learnt a lot
    Thanks Peter & Maheswaran

  • Waveform Chart Update With Relative Time

    I have a question about how a waveform chart updates.  I am running a test in the pictures attached it is only for 4 minutes and I read in a data value every 90 seconds.  I was wondering why the waveform chart doesn't look like chart 2 (photoshop what I want) instead it looks like chart 1. 
    I pass to the waveform chart a double every 90 seconds or so. How can I make the chart behave like picture 2? Where it connects the data points with the time each data value is sent to the chart.
    Chart1.png ‏26 KB
    Chart2.png ‏10 KB

    Actually if you look carefully at chart 1 it appears that it is connecting the dots. But the time scale is messed up. Can you post some example code?
    Certified Professional Instructor
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  • Relative-time waveform creation

       I have read a bunch of posts, and people kind of kept suggesting, but none works.
      Question is simple, and is caused by the new "t0" components introduced in labview, I guess from 8.x
     So, I have big good, which is already using waveforms, so forcing the usage of old waveform, doesn't really work: I would have to change everything,
       In simple terms,
       Suppose we have waveform1, which starts at zero with dt0
       waveform2, which starts at t0_2 with dt0
       waveform3, which starts at t0_3 with dt0
       t0_2 and t0_3 are just doubles: suppose to_2=10, t0_3=15      ...    (they are in seconds)
    now I want my graph to provide them as signals
    1:starting at zero
    2:starting at t0_2
    3:starting at t0_3
       I can't just use some formatting to kind of simulate the numbers, because all sort of stuff like cursors, and other programmatical graphics are already shown in the graph.
    I tried, pretty much all components on waveform/time stuff, but couldn't find something compatible, to force the t0 to start from 0, 10, 15
    so, if you had any idea, would you mind verifying it fast in LabVIEW?
    Thank you very much,

    You could take a look at this example.  This example uses the same t0 for all of the graphs, but you should be able to change it and go from there.
    Brandon Treece
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Data Loss -- maverick kills mbp17 and related time machine backup

    We started several days ago to install Maverick on our MBP17 / 8GB.  The installation runs fine and we are excited to use the new maverick OS.
    B U T
    After reboot the system becomes unusable because all available memory was eaten up by kernel_Task  and mds_Stores immidiately.
    We contact  apple support and the answer was incredible: "You should not use Maverick because it is new and the first version"
    End of support. Ticket is still open and no answer is arriving to us.
    Unfortnately we need our system for real work and we lost already some days  !!!!. So we started  a reovery process by our own knowledge.
    Now we started to recover our system from Time Machine backup at our OS X Server ML. Things are becoming worse !!!!
    First time recovery runs fine ( despite the duration of more than  8 hours ) but system doesn't boot. OOhps !
    Second Timme recovery was done using Ethernet and gives us a booting system with Mountain Lion after 7 hour.
    But the Time Machine Backups for this MBP17 at our server are no longer Available. Back volume missing, in use or whatever as error message is known to Time Machine.
    Two Years of data are gone
    Thank you Apple it's worse than your card application and even more worse than windows 8 upgrade process

    Try a new post in the 10.5 Time Machine forum.

  • Writing position of stage to file as it moves along with relative time.

    I'm wondering how to get the position of a stage I am controlling through labview to continuously write its position.  I have an indicator set up with its position and the indicator shows the values as it moves along its axis, however when I try to save these values, only the initial value when I start the motion of the stage is displayed.

    It would help if you posted your VI so we can see what you tried.
    Most likely you need to create an array of the values and then write the array to the file.

Maybe you are looking for