Remote administration can't be disabled

I've seen a couple of posts on this, but none that seemed to be properly resolved. I have a wag200g, and remote administration cannot be disabled. I'm not a moron so please don't give me some copy paste reply telling me what button to click, as someone did in a different thread on this problem.I'm on the latest firmware, so nothing on that either please. The only sensible solution is to route all incoming on port 80 to a dead ip address, same as I've had to do for the inexplicably open port 443 - another dangerous security hole.
Seriously, I think this is a HUGE problem that you've got, since I found the same on someone else with the same router. Difference being, they hadn't changed the admin password. Hence, just knowing the ip its possible to login with admin/admin and cause havoc.The login box for remote administration even helpfully gives you the make and model of the router..........sheer madness.
I'd like to say this is the last linksys router I'll ever buy, but it's not. I'm going to get one of those old ones on ebay so I can install dd-wrt on it and not have to worry about linksys firmware (seriously, javascript, on a router admin page? you got to be kidding)
Anyway, I'm not really looking for answers, just wanting to register the problem in a way that hopefully might make someone listen
(Mod note: Edited for guideline compliance.)
Message Edited by kent07 on 01-20-2010 05:43 PM

Hello, insaf_mohd and onlyregisteringtopostthis. I'm just your average network guy in the process of learning more from others, so bear with me on this. I also have a WAG200G and I've recently enabled Remote Access on it. Actually, I just followed the instructions on the link:
I disabled and enabled Remote Management (Administration > Management > Remote Management)  just to experiment on things. So far, it's working. Can you guys give me additional insights on other steps to do on the WAG200G to optimize its performance?
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    This is Scott J, I work for Intel and wanted to try and help you out. Sorry to hear about your current PC and your knee!
    I agree with the bigger screen. I have the Samsung ATIV Smart PC with a screen 11.6" which is great to watch shows/movies!  anything bigger is almost too big for a tablet (personal opinion).
    Yes, most if not all tablets will have speakers and a headphone jack
    You can watch YouTube
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    Depending on the Operating System (Windows, Android, etc.) you will have access to an app store where you can buy and download content. Alternatively you can access your favorite sites to read news, get books, magazines, etc.
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    Here's an article that might help you narrow down your search:
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    IP Address: is located within the following Network:
    Network Range: -
    Total addresses: 65,536
    Jul 18 05:03:31 2013
    Inbound Traffic
    Accepted Traffic - Remote administration
    ICMP type 8 code 0> on eth1

    An ICMP type 8 packet is simply an echo, or ping.  The term remote administration is a misnomer and does not indicate a logon to your router.
    Ping is a valid troubleshooting tool, but having it enabled can disclose the presence of a router at your IP address.
    You can disable your router responding to pings
    - Click on the Advanced icon.
    - Select Remote Administration
    - Uncheck the box next to Allow ICMP echo request
    - Apply

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    Try to check if the administrators group have already enough rights.
    Also verify if one of the admin users is modifying the rights for the administrator.
    Best regards,

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    I went ahead and reset whatever settings he changed, but how do I close this port to prevent this guy from gaining access to my router in the future?

    whokebe1 wroteI'm pretty certain I didn't see that bottom entry the previous week. And if you'll notice, I can't undo it without resetting the router.
    That certainly doesn't look like anything I've seen VZ add.
    I have seen VZ add a UDP from from ANY address / ANY port to DVR port 63145 which effective blocks port forwarding needed for third party VOIP.
    VZ recently encrypted the Actiontec config file.  However the config file for Westells remains unencrypted.
    If you want to block access to the CPE Management port. 
    Save your current configuration to a file.
    Open it with a text editor.
    About 3/4 of the way down the file you will see the following lines:
    Change it to:
    That should block remote CPU access.

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    <Yes, the newer AirPort Extremes running 7.4.1+ firmware, can be administered from a remote location ... of course, you would still require the AirPort Utility to do so.>
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    Reading the Airport wireless device configuration....
    while Airport Utility tried to discover AE, and then
    An error occurred while reading the configuration..... (-6753)
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    "Well known TCP and UDP ports used by Apple software products" found at
    that are mentioned as possibly being involved with Airport Utility; 192, 4500 and 5009.
    Advice will be appreciated.

    One example, and there may be others, is the (free) DynDNS dynamic DNS service which publishes a domain name for the WAN port of your router which can then be resolved, like all other domain names, to the actual IP address of the WAn port of your router. This service provides a solution to the problem of having a proper domain name in cases where your public IP address changes over time. Unless you pay for a static IP address, virtually all ISPs change your public IP address over time.
    So, you can register for a free DynDNS account at and that is how you come up with the User: and Password: information; use whatever User and Password you register at with.
    The first part of the hostname you can define as you wish, subject only to someone else having used it previously, and the remaining parts of the domain name might be "" or one of the other domain names provided by the DynDNS service. So, you could publish, via DynDNS, the name of your public IP address as, for example, however you might want something less descriptive or more vague.

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  • Remote administration Airport extreme

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    I Have two networks, one at home one in my office. I use apple remote desktop to go to "my" computer at the the office and vice versa. The thing that isn`t good at all is, that I only can go remotly to a single computer within the network, the one I forwarded the IP on the Airport extreme station. But from time to time I need to go on another computer. So my Idea was to administer the Airport express station remotly using the airport admin utility. I have a fix IP on both ends and connecting to the internet using PPPoE on both machines. When I put in the IP address of My AirPort station in the office using search other in airport admin utility at home, after mybe 5 Minutes an error occours saying that the configurattion couldn`t be read. What is the problem? Is it the PPPoE configuration?
    Both Airport running on 5.6, Macs all on 10.4.3. For any help very happy!
    Greeting Stephan

    A few suggestions:
    - firmware version 6.2 has many instability issues, particularly on PPPoE connections. You should use firmware version 5.5.1 available from:
    - it is probably best to try this without a router or firewall between the Mac you are doing the configuration from, and the internet
    - make sure you have enabled the remote administration function on the target Base Station (I think this setting is found by clicking on the Base Station "Options" button in the Airport Admin Utility)

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    SOLVED Ok. I actually was able to disable it. I had to actually log in as the guest user to make it accessible in the preference window. Then I disabled it and logged out. Apologies if this was obvious for some people, but I have had some sort of issue with something every update since Snow Leopard.

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    I can see other discs such as music and stuff so I know I have installed it correctly but how come I can't see the blank disc that I need to burn?

    You can't burn discs remotely, you can only read data discs remotely (i.e. you cannot play movie DVDs either).
    Either copy the files to the remote computer or get an external drive.

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    If you even think this may have happened, immediately change your password.
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    That's the best answer.  Yeah usually if you press "fn" or "option" you can get it to work for awhile.
    Yeah I have considered some kind of external keyboard also.  It will make a laptop less laptopish.  But it could do the job for awhile.
    It's sad because I don't even care about the "fn" or "option" keys.
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    Best regards,
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