Remote engine status

Is it possible to check the remote engine status before calling a remote sequence (to prevent an error that'd terminate the sequence)?
There's a "Check Remote System Status" under LabView Utility but that's for the remote LV Engine only.
Thanks in advance.

I did some more reasearch and talked to our R&D department and it seems as though there is no method to check the status of a remote TestStand Engine.  Since the feature you would really like to have is not currently included in TestStand you could file a Product Suggestion so that it can be considered for future versions.
Yet we can still workaround this limitation.  You could setup something similar to what I suggested in my previous post, or it was also mentioned to me you could try to run a dummy sequence to test the engine status.  With the dummy sequence call you could loop on that step and treat it as a 'ping' to the remote machine.  Then, when you get a succesful call to that remote machine, you could launch the real remote sequence you want to use. 
Hope this helps!
John B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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    In SXMB_MONI the messages all have a finish flag, but the acknowledge status is "still awaiting acknowledgment".
    try to cancel the messages. Else you will have to wait for them to time out since they are waiting ack.
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    Best regards

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    Hi Sandeep,
    Besides updating the patch level to the latest and ensure the SP are in the same level, the notes I would recommend would be:
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    Dear John,
    I am not able to find AS Java in the tool bar in the T-code: smicm
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    Hi Anand,
    I run Data Synchronization
    everything is in sync:
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    0 - Unified CM Telephony Group #0
    CTI Ports
    In Sync
    CM Telephony User(s)
    User ID
    cc__1 - In Sync
    Device Association
    In Sync
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    Can you try the following to see if the error goes away:
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    -- Go to the directory NMSROOT/MDC/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost
    and delete everything in under here, files and folders. You should see something like this under here:
    campus CSCOnm_servlet ipm rme
    campus_servlet CVng JSP_CAMPUS
    cmapps cwhp JSP_cmf_security
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    Note -- NMSROOT is the install path LMS
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    Windows c:\progra~1\CSCOpx
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    Detail:There is no factory registered to handle [IPLANET] for the type [JNDI].
         at fuego.configuration.ConfigurationRuntimeException.subTypeNotRegistered(
         at fuego.configuration.ConfigurationLoader.addConfig(
         at fuego.configuration.ConfigurationLoader.endElement(
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
         at fuego.configuration.ConfigurationLoader.parse(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceFactoryImpl.obtainSchemaId(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceFactoryImpl.create(
         at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceFactoryImpl.create(
         at fuego.papi.ProcessService.create(
         at com.obpmpapiclient.PapiExample.main(
    I checked the directory.xml, and found config:
              <configuration name="organization" type="JNDI" subtype="IPLANET">
                   <property name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"/>
                   <property name="jdbc.pool.idle_timeout" value="5"/>
                   <property name="jdbc.pool.entry.max" value="10"/>
                   <property name="java.naming.referral" value="follow"/>
                   <property name="" value="uid=bpmadmin,dc=oracle,dc=com"/>
                   <property name="jdbc.pool.min" value="0"/>
                   <property name="" value="true"/>
                   <property name="java.naming.provider.url" value="ldap://,dc=com"/>
                   <property name="jdbc.pool.max" value="10"/>
                   <property name="" value="&lt;encrypted&gt;XIX/CNqaHWA="/>
    It seems that No factory registered for IPLANET. How to deal with it? Thanks in advanced.
    Best Regards,

    I was having the same issue here. I found a workaround solution since I was in a hurry: add ALL .jar found in you ENTERPRISE_HOME/webapps/workspace/WEB-INF/lib directory.
    It seems it's just a matter of depency. Since I had no time to look for the exactly .jars needed, I add it all.
    Hope it helps.
    Alexandre Jacques

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    Check this blog
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