Remote  System Directory Listing/Navigation in JTree

I want my Remote System(Linux) directory listing to be available in a JTree. I need some help on implementing the same. Also How do i constantly get the directory structure of the remote system.
Thanks in Advance
How you get the data depends on how you access the server. Maybe FTP.

Similar Messages

  • Powershell script to get list of softwares installed as shown in registry on all the remote systems in a txt file

    I need to know the command for getting list of softwares installed on all the remote systems in network  which are existing in their respective registry like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE of all other systems

    Sorry this isn't powershell but it should do the job if you want to use it. The problem with using the Win32_Product WMI Class to enumerate the installed software (especially on Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers) is that the WMI class is NOT installed by default. Here is a VBScript i wrote to read a list of hostnames from a text file named "ComputerNames.txt" from the scripts directory and attempt to remotely enumerate all subkeys within the following registry key
    For each subkey enumerated it will attempt to read the value of the "DisplayName" key and output the results to a csv file.
    (the results should be the same as what you would see when you open Add/Remove Programs)
    Hope that helps
    Matt :)
    'Script Name : CheckInstalledSoftware.vbs
    'Author : Matthew Beattie
    'Created : 01/03/10
    'Description : This script reads a list of hostnames from a text file name "ComputerNames.txt" in the scripts working
    ' : directory. For each hostName it requests an ICMP response and if successfull attempts a remote registry
    ' : connection to enumerate and read the registry values of installed software. All results are logged to the
    ' : scripts working directory in a log file per computer name.
    'Initialization Section
    Option Explicit
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Dim objFSO, wshNetwork, wshShell, hostName
    Dim scriptBaseName, scriptPath, scriptLogPath
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    scriptBaseName = objFSO.GetBaseName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
    scriptPath = objFSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.Path
    scriptLogPath = scriptPath & "\" & IsoDateString(Now)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Main Processing Section
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Functions Processing Section
    'Name : ProcessScript -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function ProcessScript
    Dim fileSpec, hostNames, regKey, keyName, results, result
    keyName = "DisplayName"
    regKey = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    fileSpec = scriptPath & "\ComputerNames.txt"
    'Ensure the "ComputerNames.txt" file exists within the scripts working directory.
    If Not objFSO.FileExists(fileSpec) Then
    MsgBox DQ(fileSpec) & " does not exist!", vbCritical, scriptBaseName
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Read the list of hostNames from the "ComputerNames.txt" text file within the scripts working directory.
    If Not GetScriptInput(hostNames, fileSpec) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Attempt to read the registry from each hostname read from the list of hostnames.
    For Each hostName In hostNames
    'Ensure the system responds to an ICMP request.
    If Not CheckConnection(hostName) Then
    LogMessage 2, "Failed to respond to an ICMP Request"
    Exit Do
    End If
    'Enumerate and read the registry values.
    If Not GetRegValues(results, hostName, keyName, regKey) Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    'Log the registry values results.
    For Each result In results
    LogMessage 0, result
    Loop Until True
    End Function
    'Name : GetScriptInput -> Reads a text file to be used as Script input.
    'Parameters : items -> Output: An array of items in the script input file.
    ' : fileSpec -> The full folder Path, file Name and extention of the script input file.
    'Return : GetScriptInput -> Returns an array of items for script input and True or False.
    Function GetScriptInput(items, fileSpec)
    Dim scriptInputFile, itemsDict, item
    GetScriptInput = False
    Set itemsDict = NewDictionary
    If Not objFSO.FileExists(fileSpec) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Set scriptInputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileSpec, ForReading)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    Do Until scriptInputFile.AtEndOfStream
    item = scriptInputFile.ReadLine
    If item = "" Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    If Not itemsDict.Exists(item) Then
    itemsDict.Add item, ""
    End If
    items = itemsDict.Keys
    GetScriptInput = True
    End Function
    'Name : CheckConnection -> Checks a remote host using WMI ping.
    'Parameters : hostName -> Hostname of computer system to verify network connectivity with.
    'Return : Boolean -> True if hostname replies. False otherwise.
    Function CheckConnection(hostName)
    Dim ping, response, replied
    Set ping = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery _
    ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '" & hostName & "'")
    For each response in ping
    replied = Not IsNull(response.StatusCode) And response.StatusCode = 0
    CheckConnection = replied
    End Function
    'Name : GetRegValues -> Enumerates the subkeys in a registry key and the values of the keyName.
    'Parameters : hostName -> String containing the hostName of the system to enumerate the registry keys on.
    ' : keyName -> String containing the name of the registry key value to enumerate.
    ' : regKey -> Registry key to enumerate subkey names for.
    'Return : GetRegValues -> Returns True and an Array containing the registry key values otherwise False.
    Function GetRegValues(results, hostName, keyName, regKey)
    Dim objReg, regDict, rootKey, hive, keyValue, subKeys, i
    GetRegValues = False
    rootKey = regKey
    hive = GetRegistryHiveFromKey(rootKey)
    On Error Resume Next
    If hive <> 0 Then
    'Create a dictionary object to store the registry values in.
    Set regDict = NewDictionary
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    LogMessage 1, "Creating Dictionary Object"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Connect to the remote registry.
    Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & hostName & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    LogMessage 1, "Creating StdRegProv Object"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Enumerate the subkey names within the regKey paramater.
    objReg.EnumKey hive, rootKey, subKeys
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    LogMessage 1, "Enumerating Registry Keys"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Ensure the results are an array.
    If Not IsArray(subKeys) Then
    subKeys = Array(subKeys)
    End If
    'Read the registry key value for each subkey. Add the results to the dictionary.
    For i = 0 to UBound(subKeys)
    objReg.GetStringValue hive, rootKey & "\" & subKeys(i), keyName, keyValue
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    If Not IsNull(keyValue) Then
    regDict(regDict.Count) = keyValue
    End If
    End If
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    results = regDict.Items
    GetRegValues = True
    End Function
    'Name : GetRegistryHiveFromKey -> Get the hive ID from a registry key name.
    'Parameters: Input/Output: key -> Registry key name. Hive name will be removed.
    'Return : GetRegistryHiveFromKey -> ID of hive of given key name (0 if invalid).
    ' : -> The hive name is removed from the input key name.
    Function GetRegistryHiveFromKey (key)
    Dim pos, hive
    pos = Instr (key, "\")
    If pos = 0 Then
    pos = Len(key) + 1
    End If
    hive = Left (UCase (Left (key, pos - 1)) & " ", 4)
    key = Mid (key, pos + 1)
    GetRegistryHiveFromKey = Array(0, &H80000000, &H80000001, &H80000002, &H80000003, &H80000005, &H80000006) _
    (Int ((Instr("HKCR,HKCU,HKLM,HKU ,HKCC,HKDD", hive) + 4) / 5))
    End Function
    'Name : NewDictionary -> Creates a new dictionary object.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : NewDictionary -> Returns a dictionary object.
    Function NewDictionary
    Dim dict
    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
    dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    Set NewDictionary = dict
    End Function
    'Name : DQ -> Place double quotes around a string and replace double quotes
    ' : -> within the string with pairs of double quotes.
    'Parameters : stringValue -> String value to be double quoted
    'Return : DQ -> Double quoted string.
    Function DQ (ByVal stringValue)
    If stringValue <> "" Then
    DQ = """" & Replace (stringValue, """", """""") & """"
    DQ = """"""
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : IsoDateTimeString -> Generate an ISO date and time string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue -> Input date/time value.
    'Return : IsoDateTimeString -> Date and time parts of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format.
    Function IsoDateTimeString(dateValue)
    IsoDateTimeString = IsoDateString (dateValue) & " " & IsoTimeString (dateValue)
    End Function
    'Name : IsoDateString -> Generate an ISO date string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue -> Input date/time value.
    'Return : IsoDateString -> Date part of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd" format.
    Function IsoDateString(dateValue)
    If IsDate(dateValue) Then
    IsoDateString = Right ("000" & Year (dateValue), 4) & "-" & _
    Right ( "0" & Month (dateValue), 2) & "-" & _
    Right ( "0" & Day (dateValue), 2)
    IsoDateString = "0000-00-00"
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : IsoTimeString -> Generate an ISO time string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue -> Input date/time value.
    'Return : IsoTimeString -> Time part of the input value in "hh:mm:ss" format.
    Function IsoTimeString(dateValue)
    If IsDate(dateValue) Then
    IsoTimeString = Right ("0" & Hour (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
    Right ("0" & Minute (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
    Right ("0" & Second (dateValue), 2)
    IsoTimeString = "00:00:00"
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : LogMessage -> Parses a message to the log file based on the messageType.
    'Parameters : messageType -> Integer representing the messageType.
    ' : -> 0 = message (writes to a ".csv" file)
    ' : -> 1 = error, (writes to a ".err" file including information relating to the error object.)
    ' : -> 2 = error message (writes to a ".err" file without information relating to the error object.)
    ' : message -> String containing the message to write to the log file.
    'Return : None ->
    Function LogMessage(messageType, message)
    Dim prefix, logType
    prefix = hostName
    Select Case messageType
    Case 0
    logType = "csv"
    Case 1
    logType = "err"
    message = "Error " & Err.Number & " (Hex " & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " & message & ". " & Err.Description
    Case Else
    LogType = "err"
    End Select
    If Not LogToCentralFile(scriptLogPath & "." & logType, hostName & "," & message) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : LogToCentralFile -> Attempts to Appends information to a central file.
    'Parameters : logSpec -> Folder path, file name and extension of the central log file to append to.
    ' : message -> String to include in the central log file
    'Return : LogToCentralFile -> Returns True if Successfull otherwise False.
    Function LogToCentralFile(logSpec, message)
    Dim attempts, objLogFile
    LogToCentralFile = False
    'Attempt to append to the central log file up to 10 times, as it may be locked by some other system.
    attempts = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logSpec, ForAppending, True)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    objLogFile.WriteLine message
    LogToCentralFile = True
    Exit Function
    End If
    Wscript.sleep 1000 + Rnd * 100
    attempts = attempts + 1
    Loop Until attempts >= 10
    On Error Goto 0
    End Function
    'Name : PromptStart -> Prompt when script starts.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function PromptStart
    MsgBox "Now processing the " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
    End Function
    'Name : PromptEnd -> Prompts when script has completed.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function PromptEnd
    MsgBox "The " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script has completed successfully.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
    End Function
    'Name : PromptError -> Prompts when an unexpected script error occurs.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    'Function PromptEnd
    ' MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (Hex " & Hex(Err.Number) & "). " & Err.Description, vbCritical, scriptBaseName
    'End Function

  • Error while creating request list Unable to detect the SAP system directory

    We are upgrading SAP BW (NW 7.0 EHP1) to SAP BW (NW 7.3)
    source OS: Windows 2008 R2,  source DB: MSSQL server 2008 R2 SP1 CU3
    I had started the upgrade by running: STARTUP.BAT
    I had started the DSUGui on the server (CI / DB on the same server) from: D:\usr\sap\BP1\upg\sdt\exe\DSUGui.bat
    I ran both programs (run as administrators).
    Once SAP Gui connects and was able to create userid/ password and when ready to start the initialization phase (click next)
    gives me the error
    Error while creating request list - see preceeding messages. Unable to detect the SAP system directory on the local host
    I had tried STARTUP.BAT "jce_policy_zip=Z:\export-import\downloads\jce_policy-6'  and still the same error.
    I had started DSUGui.bat with trace and the trace file contents are
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    <!FORMATTER[ [%s]: %-100l [%t]: %m)]/>
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                 [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: Execution of command failed: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                 [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                 [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                                        [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    I could not get Upgrade started.  Any help is appreciated

    Did you get this solved?
    I have the same problem

  • Query a List of Open WMI connections on a server from a remote system

    We are monitoring a specific windows service on a server using Sitescope remote monitoring. The sitescope system uses a WMI method to Check if the service on a specific server is up or not. Initially it works like a charm but over time the WMI connections from
    sitescope time out and we have been told that Sitescope is not closing the WMI connection it opens gracefully and the open connections pile up.
    I am looking for a way to list open WMI connections to a specific service and/or server from a remote system and a way to kill those connections via a scheduled PowerShell (or batch/perl) script. I was able to list specific classes by -list parameter
    of the Get-WmiObject cmdlet
    but am unable to determine which class will give me the information that I require and the method to kill those connections.

    Sitescope is not closing the WMI connection it opens gracefully and the open connections pile up.
    1. It's not clear what "not closing the WMI connection it opens gracefully" means. WMI is a management technology that uses DCOM to connect to remote computers. (Is it really a question about DCOM?)
    2. It's not clear what specifically "open connections pile up" means and what problem(s) it causes.
    3. This is really a support question for that software's developer, not a question about WMI.
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

  • Remote system disconnect​ed after installing MAX 4.7.3

    This topic is related to the topic you can find here. 
    In order to repair the Regional Settings issue in Windows (XP in my case) I used the System Configuration 1.1.3 update and it seems to work. I changed the Regional Settings to my local and installed the update. Silverlight does not crash anymore, so that is fixed. However, this created a new issue:
    Now my remote devices (NI-1742 and NI-1746) status is always "disconnected". The devices are connected to a different subnet than the development computer. Pinging their IPs showed that they are there. I can connect to the cameras using the Real-time Project. However, in MAX the remote system status remains "disconnected". I tried to delete and re-create the devices in MAX but that did not work either.
    I also tried the latter with Windows firewall on and off and updated the software with NI Update Service. On an another computer, which has not had the update yet, I can connect to and modify the devices.
    In addition, I completely reinstalled the development system, but the issue persists.
    Kind regards,
    Go to Solution.

    Hey Mart,
    It looks like this may be related to a possible bug introduced in MAX 4.7.3. I've uploaded to our FTP site. Please obtain this .zip file by navigating to
    This .zip file contains a patched version of mxRmCfg.dll. First, close all NI software and stop the NI System Web Server service and all its dependencies (you can get to your services by going to Start->Run and typing in services.msc). Then, navigate to this directory: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\MAX\Bin
    You will need to rename the existing mxRmCfg.dll to mxRmCfg.bak, and copy the new version to that location. Restart your system, open MAX, and see if you can connect to and view your targets.
    If this resolves your issue, PLEASE post back in this thread indicating as much. If not, let us know and we'll continue to investigate. Note that items on our FTP server will be removed after 48 hours, so let me know if you're unable to get that file in time
    Justin E
    National Instruments R&D

  • How do I populate an array with a directory listing.

    I have a web site that has its photos updated by another person using a content management system that I have written. As Dreamweaver does not know about these extra photos, if I try to
    syncronise the site on my machine for backup purposes, Dreamweaver downloads all 5000+ photos, and this can take upwards of 12 hours if there are no breaks in the connection.
    So I am trying to write a page that creates an array of the existing files on the remote site. It will then do the same on my local site, and by comparing the arrays, will make a list of the new files, and then download these, which will save a lot of time and bandwith charges.
    First I have to read the directory list, using the code below which reads and echos it on screen.
    However, I cannot work out how to populate the required array.
        {          /***photo directory ***/
            $it = new directoryIterator('../web/thumbs');
            while( $it->valid())
                  /*** echo if not a dot directory ***/
                if( !$it->isDot() )
    /**** Array creation code needs to go here I think.***/
    echo $it->current()."<br />";
         /*** move to the next element ***/
        catch(Exception $e)
            /*** echo the error message ***/
            echo $e->getMessage();
    This creates a list of files and displays it on the page.
    How do I store it in an array?
    Howard Walker

    Although not the solution you were looking for, consider the following:
    Click the icon in DW for "Expand to show local and remote sites."  Arrange the remote image directory by "Modified date," Then select all the recent images and GET them.
    I find the above method good enough for occassional synchronization. I also simply ignore broken image links on the testing system.
    If the above is not a solid enough solution, perhaps someone else will write your array function for you. I don't have the time.

  • MAX does not show Remote System tab in tree

    Hi dear all,
    i have installed LabView 2010 and along that MAX 4.7.7 on my Laptop Visat OS. Problem that i am facing is that my MAX tree "Remote System" Tab is not visible. Only My System tab is visible and its showing all installed software and devices correctly.
    1. What settings i need to check to get this tab shown in tree?
    2. Do i need to install some other software or patches or re-install what softwares?
    3. Why is it happening to me?
    Kindly help me with your valuable experiences.
    Best Regards
    awais qureshi
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Awais,
    There are a few places that indicate the Real-Time Module has been succesfully installed. I am attaching screenshots of the following locations that indicate that this is the case:
    -'Remote Systems' under Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)
    -NI License Manager
    -LabVIEW splash screen
    If the Real-Time module/option appears in the locations listed above, there should be no reason for you to have to uninstall or re-install your software. If there are other indicators such as error messages or the module does not appear in these locations, please attach screenshots and a detailed description. We can then discuss if uninstalling or reinstalling the software is the next best option.
    Patricia B.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Real-Time module LVSplashScreen.PNG ‏251 KB
    Real-Time NI License Manager.PNG ‏88 KB
    Real Time module- MAX.PNG ‏28 KB

  • RFC login and user creation to remote system

    Hi there,
    Hopefully this is the related forum for this question. We have a scenario where we need an automated process to create users on one system and then create just the same account on a remote system with deactivated password.
    How is this best handled in ABAP code where the system account info/password  of the remote system is not listed in the abap code. Should a SM59 connection be created and then somehow this is referenced from abap code ?
    Also, this will be a SM37 job stream running on the local server under one name running the job and in the code it should be using a different name (destination) for the remote connection to create the user.
    I am a security person, not abaper. Input /best practice appreciated.
    Thanks !

    > I am a security person, not abaper. Input /best practice appreciated.
    Actually this is a security question, so I have moved it to the security forum...
    If the password is to be deactivated in the target system but not in the source ("master" system) then you can use several standard user provisioning mechanisms for this (CUA, GRC-CUP, IdM, UME configuration...) and configure the target system to deactivate the password itself. There are also several ways of achieving this, without any coding required necessarily.
    The most obvious one which jumps to mind is RZ11 parameter login/password_change_for_SSO.
    Alternately if your scenario is better suited to it, you can also use login/password_max_idle_initial.
    Also see transaction RSUSR200.
    > Should a SM59 connection be created and then somehow this is referenced from abap code ?
    No. It should be referenced from configuration of the application which calls the RFC connection, defined in SM59. You can also optionally use the "current user" setting and alternate authentication methods to (saved) passwords. This I would generally recommend.
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Feb 23, 2010 10:36 PM

  • Get interface of RFC function modules in a remote system

    my goal is to write a report which checks if DDIC structures in two systems fit together when I use RFC`s.
    I have the destination and the name of the RFC.
    Can somebody tell me if I can get a list of the Importing/Exporting Parameters of this RFC? Maybe even with a typedescribtion?
    Thanks for you help.
    Best regards
    Edited by: Lars-Eric Biewald  on May 21, 2008 8:39 AM

    Hello ,
    Thank you for your quick help.
    Here I have 3 ECC 6 system .
    1 Central systen
    2 Slave system
    Data will be updated to 2 slave system using RFC function module .
    We've already the SAP address, Client, User name , Password.. of the remote system
    So here how we will create RFC in SM59 to be used in the RFC call ?
    We will transfer the username, password , client in the RFC function module/..
    Here I do not know how to create RFC connection in SM59 and how to use them in ABAP
    Could you please help me ????

  • Display files/directories of a remote system (RIO) on a host machine (PC)

    Please assume that we are discussing software built on the standard "Labview FPGA Control on Compact RIO" sample project. The host is a standard PC running LV14 Fall edition, the remote system is an sbRIO-9636 having an SD card and a USB HDD attached. The objective is process control. The process being controlled is not relevant to the question.
    This question is about implementing the following functionality: the user operates a host machine running a Labview user interface vi (UI locally on the host machine. Part of this vi must offer the user a built in dialogue (some express vi or another) or custom dialogue (a bespoke vi displayed on demand). The dialogue must display the directories and files of the remote system which runs RT and it must allow the user to select a single XML file on the remote system (which contains some generic configuration information). The name of the file will then be passed to the remote system and the remote system will act to open it and populate some configuration variables.
    I am sure that a widely used solution exists for this problem but I've not found the right words to type into my favourite search engine yet to produce the result. I propose the following:
    1) User clicks a "select config file" button on UI
    2) The UI event loop enqueues a message on the UI Main message queue based on the value change event caused by the button press
    3) The UI message loop enqueues a separate message on to the "UI Command Stream" network stream
    4) The RT, RT Loop - UI subvi receives the message from the stream and enqueues it on the RT message queue
    5) The RT message loop performs some functions to read the disk structures, directories and file names from the RT system
    6) The file and directory name data in (5) is converted to a variant and is passed along with a suitable message into the RT Writer network stream
    7) The UI periodically reads the RT Writer network stream (it's in the "monitoring loop") and enqueues the received message (from 6) into the UI message queue
    8) The UI Main message queue populated the UI Main front panel with the data
    9) The user selects the directory and file they desire and clicks an "ok" button
    10) The ok button click causes the event loop of UI main to enqueue a message in UI's message queue due to the value change on the ok button
    11) The UI Message loop enqueues a message on to the "UI Command Stream" network stream with the selected fully qualified file name of the selected file as the data (stored as variant)
    12) The RT, RT Loop - UI subvi receives the message from the stream and enqueues it on the RT message queue
    13) The RT message loop opens the XML file and populated the appropriate variables with the configuration options therein.
    The user should be able to cancel the dialogue and avoid using a configuration file but I have not delt with that here.
    Now for the questions:
    1) Is this a logical approach?
    2) Are there any suggestions for a better way?
    3) Any links to some pre-written code that will allow me to impliment all or part of this with minimum effort (I'm thinking here of the dialogue box bit rather than the network streams and events bit as those structures are extant and have lots of bespoke code already in them)?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Bob,
    Thanks for your input. You're right I have used network streams. 
    I implimented more or less what I said in my original post. It works. My main objective was to keep all the config stuff, and data for the particular target on the target's SDCard. On reflection that did make my life much harder than keeping stuff on the host. 
    It is more (quite a lot more) involved to keep the config files on the target and send directory info etc. back to the host on demand. If I was to do this again I would probably keep the config files on the host machine and keep them in Dropbox or a Google drive so that if I had more than one host to work from (Work PC, Home PC and Laptop...) I would have all my files with little effort. Still I didn't konw that when I started.

  • Instrument readings in Veristand with a remote system

    I am new to National Instruments hardware and Veristand and I'm trying to use an instrument with Veristand to see if I can get readings from that instrument. I am using a PC with Windows Vista and I'm connected through a network to a PXI 8108 controller in a PXI 1050 chasiss. The instrument is just a thermocouple which I am using to get familiar with everything. The thermocouple is connected to the SCB-68 connector block which is connected to a PXI 6221 multifunction DAQ in the chassis. I am able to create a task in MAX under remote system and everything seems to work. What I want to do is to get the readings into Veristand, and I'm not sure if I need to create a custom device that is linked to the DAQ somehow or if there's some other way to do this. I've created the DAQ device in the system explorer but I don't see any way of linking it to the actual DAQ device on the remote system. I'm wondering if someone can help with this. 
    Any advice is appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    You can read your thermocouple channel value directly from VeriStand, but the process is different than using MAX.
    In System Explorer, add your DAQ device that is cabled to your SCB-68. Make sure you specify the same name (i.e. "Dev1") that is in MAX. Also make sure you've imported the device channel that is hooked up to the thermocouple (i.e. "ai0"). There's no way in System Explorer to specify that this channel should have thermocouple scaling. VeriStand will initially sample this channel value as a raw voltage value. You can, however, set the high and low limit for this channel to something small like +/- 1V, since thermocouples have very small readings.
    You add the scale to your system separately after deploying the System Definition you created to the RT Target. You do this by connecting to the target using the Workspace and selecting the Workspace tool from the Tools menu called the Channel Scaling and Calibration Manager.
    In this dialog you will see your DAQ channel listed. Navigate through this dialog to assign an appropriate thermocouple scale to your channel. Once this is done, the target will remember the scale for this channel until you overwrite it.
    Let me know how this goes...
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments

  • Creating File System Repository for a remote system

    Hi Experts,
    My requirement is that I need to create a KM repository in EP from where I need to upload documents into the BW system. Is File System Repository the right type of repository which I need to create for this purpose?
    If yes, then in what format do I have to specify the value of the Root Directory property of the repository? I have a folder /data/docs created in the BW system within which I want to upload documents using this repository. But since this folder is located on the BW system which is a remote system for EP, I am not sure how I have to enter the path to this folder.
    Can anyone give me any hints on this?
    Warm Regards,

    Hello Saurabh,
    I don't think an FS repository is what you are looking for in this scenario, you could instead use a BI Repository Manager, for more information see:
    Kind regards,

  • Retrieving classical F1-help from a remote system

    when pressing Ctrl-F1 on an ABAP WebDynpro screen the system displays the F1-help text of the data element bound to the UI element. This F1-help text must be maintained in the system on which ABAP WebDynpro is running. However, I need the F1-help text of a data element that exists in a remote system.
    Is there a way to change the standard behavior of ABAP WebDynpro such that the F1-help of a remote data element is displayed (certain events to which I can register and implement my own F1-help; user exits that allow to change the standard behavior)?
    Thank you,  Peter

    Hi Makarand,
    Saw your reply.
    Just ignore this piece of coding...
    Kindly help me out with this :
    File f1=new File((String)request.getParameter("file"));
    out.println("the files exists "+ f1.exists());
    When I say trying to access jsp from another system. I mean this : The jsp pages and the corresponding beans are located in my local system and it is running in Tomcat server. If I move to another system, say my friend's system who is sitting next to me and try to access this jsp page, giving the path as http://server:8080/abc.jsp, (wherein server refers to my system's name), I need to know how the bean that is running under the server know from where to bring the file.
    I repeat that if all is running under my local system, it works perfectly fine. But when the same page is accessed from my friend's system, I need to know how to get the relative path.
    Something has to be done in the folliwng place in the bean.
    public void doZip(File source, String target) throws Exception
    String str=source.getAbsolutePath();//the source name is passed to str
    int strlen=str.length(); int x=str.lastIndexOf("\\");
    String actualFileName=str.substring(x+1,strlen);
    File zippedfile = new File(target);
    the getAbsolutepath() returns the path of the file. i.e if the file is in the directory of c:\sajiv\somefiles\abc.bmp, the absolute path returns c:\sajiv\somefiles\abc.bmp. It does not bring the relative path that is required. When the jsp page is accessed from my friend's sytem, the path passed is c:\myfriend directory\somefile\xyz.bmp, which is fine for that system. The bean is running in my system, and it takes the path as c:\myfrienddirectory\somefiles\xyz.bmp, which is not available in the local system.
    Am Imaking myself veyr clear.
    Now, any solutions please.............

  • How to display a directory on server like JTree in applet?

    I want to display a directory on server like jtree.
    I use File("\\\\server\\directory") to present the root directory and use File.list() to display all file under root directory.Then I create Jtree object using files as treenode.
    at last i want to display the tree in my applet,but in browser an exception occured,it said " can not find Class TreeNode ".
    what can i do now ?
    thanks very much

    If you want to use JTree in an applet, there are two things you need to do.
    1. Use Swing components for the applet. i.e. extend JApplet instead of Applet. See the Swing tutorial if this is new to you.
    2. Find a way for the browser to access the Swing classes. The JVM that comes with the browser will not do this, so either distribute the classes with your applet or specify that the Sun Java plug-in be used. This will require a one-time download of a large file for each user.
    These deployment issues are the reason why most applets stay with straight AWT and JDK 1.1.8 which are supported by the browser's "built-in" JVM. You should consider these issues before deciding to use Swing in an applet.

  • Cannot "enable directory listing" from the wadm CLI

    With SJSWS 6.1 sp1 up to sp11, there was a documented bug that caused directory listing to work even though the ACL was:
    acl "default";
    authenticate (user, group) {
      prompt = "Sun ONE Web Server";
    allow (read, execute, info) user = "anyone";
    allow (list, write, delete) user = "all";With SJSWS 7.0, this bug was fixed. The default installed ACL is exactly the same from 6.1 to 7.0. e.g. the "list" right is given only to [all] authenticated user, and not everyone. So requesting a "GET /images/" will give you a 401 unauthorized, as should have happened in 6.1, which causes your browser to prompt you to login.
    By default, 7.0 webserver configs are created with directory listing enabled with "index-common". But it can also be disabled, directing the user to a defined static file on the web server disk. i.e.:
    Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="send-error" path="/path/on/disk/notFound.html"In either case, out of the box, neither enabling nor disabling directory listing matters because the default ACL denies directory listing in the prior case, and denies the "notFound.html" response in the later. Note "allow (list) user = all" requires authentication for the "list"privilege.
    To fix this, you change the ACL so the "list" privilege is in the first ACI, i.e., 'allow (read, execute, info, list) user = "anyone";'
    The problem is that even though the ACL file can be modified in the Admin Web GUI, it cannot be modified from the the wadm CLI.
    So, because of this, technically one cannot truly enable directory listing (wadm enable-directory-listing) using wadm. The best you can do is manually edit the existing ACL, or create a new ACL file and set that new file using wadm.
    I don't even see a way, using wadm, to dump new content into the ACL file. Without the GUI, you are stuck. And you cannot perform remote administration for this feature using wadm.
    If we admins are creating TCL scripts to automate creating and configuring webserver configs, this feature cannot be configured.
    I would like to know if I am wrong, and how I could resolve this using the wadm CLI alone.
    And if the default is going to remain that the "list" privilege requires authentication, this should be documented in the SJSWS7 documentation for enabling and disabling directory listing.

    pull-config does not work in this case because of two reasons:
    1. you must still manually edit the ACL file (can already do that on the admin server)
    2. and you must make that change on a node which has the configuration
    In my case, I want to remotely manage the configuration using wadm. But I do not want to log into one of the nodes in the server farm.
    And I want to avoid having to edit the ACL file manually if possible, or through the GUI which requires manual intelligent point-and-click efforts.
    Seems like my only bet is to:
    1. create the config via the wadm tcl shell
    2. then outside of the wadm command, execute some script that can perform a scp to the admin server, or a ssh for a local copy of a previously written ACL file - which requires a lot of extra setup to make that happen.
    3. then get back into wadm to execute the other tasks
    I want to avoid step #2.

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