Removal of "rumor" topic...

I wasn't aware of the speculation clause and got a post deleted on the iPhone pre-release discussion (which, I guess everything should have been deleted before any FFC approval or sale).
Anyway, how can I get this unresolved post deleted from my "My Questions" tab? It just says removed by moderators.
Quick note, is Apple working on iPod and iPhone being included in the dictionary? I hate when iPod and iPhone get spell checked & red underlined like they're fictional objects =/.

Quick note, is Apple working on iPod and iPhone being included in the dictionary? I hate when iPod and iPhone get spell checked & red underlined like they're fictional objects =/.
Easy to do yourself with these or any other underlined words that you know to be correct:
Control click on the red-underlined word and select 'Learn Spelling'.
Interestingly, on my iBook, Safari & Camino don't underline iPhone or iPod whereas Omniweb & FireFox do, along with TextEdit.
Go figure…

Similar Messages

  • Formal complaint about a removed topic...

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    No where in this post did I or anyone else write anything that"contains speculations or rumors about unannounced products or discussions of Apple policies, procedures or decisions." The discussion was more along the lines of if Apple had a responsibility to provide support for people with older (albiet not that old) hardware. But, some moderator felt it did, for what ever reason. I am not sure how, since I know I don't have any inside knowledge of Apple's going-ons, hence the nature of the post, but I thought it was rash.
    Ulitmately I know that Apple owns the forums, and as such can remove anything they want. I still think they jumped the gun and did me an injustice, as I had not broken any of their rules.

    So that's what happened to that thread!
    As a participant of that "heated" discussion, I feel confident in saying that any moderator who cared enough to bother to delete that thread must have cared more about it than any of us posting on it. Perhaps someone just said "Enough with these pointless Java threads!". But what else are we supposed to do in the developer forums these days? Read iPhone questions we can't answer?
    But seriously, there was some good information there. I had just posted yet another link to the open-source Java 1.6 for the Mac along with some sage advice regarding getting things done vs. waiting for a vendor.
    Don't take it personally. Even though people have accused me of being an Apple shill they have deleted my threads too on occasion. I can't say I'm sad that they deleted that thread. I usually always regret posting to a Java thread. Sometimes I just can't help myself. I'm sorry if I contributed to your thread's deletion. I should have just posted the SoyLatte link and kept my mouth shut.

  • Error in java code for removing messages from a Topic

    Trying to write a code using oracle.jms package to remove messages from Topic. I have a similar code with javax.jms package for removing messages from Queue and it is working well. Whereas i have written this new code for removing messages from topic using oracle.jms package as methods like CreateBrowser and CreateTopicReceiver for topic are provided in oracle package only and can't be used from javax.jms package.
    Error i am getting is JMS-126: Invalid Topic specified at
             receiverTopic   = (Topic) ctx.lookup(((String)receiverProps.get( "Q_NAME")).trim()  );
             System.out.println ("receiverTopic is[" + receiverTopic + "]");
             MBeanHome home = (MBeanHome) Helper.getAdminMBeanHome("username","pwd","url:port");
             ((AQjmsSession)topicSession).grantSystemPrivilege("MANAGE_ANY", "SA", true);
             for(Iterator i = home.getMBeansByType("JMSTopic").iterator();i.hasNext(); )
              WebLogicMBean wmb = (WebLogicMBean);
              System.out.println("topic name found: " + wmb.getName());
                topicBrowser   = ((AQjmsSession) topicSession).createBrowser(receiverTopic, "Edin");topic handle which i am receiving in receiverTopic is same as what i am expecting but still it says Invalid topic specified on createBrowser method. Anyone who can help me to write this type of code, please reply. If anyone has ready code for this situation, please reply with the same as i am working on a prodcution system and we are in serious situation to resolve this problem.

    I am afraid this is impossible. You need to find another solution like a filtering queue. Your messages can be sent to a queue that is monitored by let say a MDB. This MDB will maintain a map of title and only forward once a given title/message to your topic.
    Hope it helps.

  • 880GM-E43 (AMD/AM3) Topic was Removed by Stu

    A message was posted but sjay, but deleted by Stu.
    Was this about Windows7x64 bitlocker compatibility with 880GM-E43?
    Who knows Why?  I don't know, can't send Msgs to Stu....
    What's up?  Can you post under the following if you had useful info deleted by Stu?

    Stu removed your other topic because you already have a topic started on the same subject.
    For what it's worth, Sjay said this:
    I haven't verified anything because I don't have the resources or the board, but I can tell you that if you connect the TPM cabling it would probably work. My board (GMA-E-55) has a TPM wire/cable connection, I just have no idea of its usage.
    Refer to your manual.
    Please only post in the other topic. I will lock this topic now.

  • Errors on creating new Topic in RH9 (9.02 Patch)

    Have found that when creating a new topic in RH9 project that on building the project errors 3018 and 3111 are being presented.
    Appears that the error is being caused by the placement of the Page Break in the word document at the commencement of the topic.  Prior versions of RH would insert a new topic as such :-  (Note correct placement of Page Break and 'Keep with next' paragraph mark).
    When adding a new topic now it appears as such :-
    Note the placement of the 'Keep with next' paragrah mark is now at the start of the topic line rather than at the start of the page break.
    On building then project with a topic in this format causes 2 additional error messages to be presented in error wizard :-
    1.  HC3018: Warning: In the project file, an #include statement is specified without a filename,  and
    2.  HC3111: Warning: This topic contains keywords but no title
    The second warning (HC3111) is returned despite the topic properties containing a title, and keyword sections correctly filled out.
    I have found that the work around to fix this is to correct error HC3018 first by :-
    Place Cursor at start of the topic line immediately prior to the # symbol.
    Back space to remove the 'Keep with next' paragra[ph mark to a point where the mark is removed, the heading properties are removed from the topic title and the Page break indication now extends across the entire page.
    With Cursor placed at the commencement of the topic line again immediately prior to the # symbol, re-apply the 'Keep with next' paragrah command.  This applies the command on the 'Page break' line.
    Re-apply Heading style to the topic line.  It now looks line this :-
    Re-build project. Error messages 3018 and 3111 now both gone.
    Yet another bug in this version now doubt.

    Peter G,
    Thanks.  Tried that and no the problem does not present in a new project.  Oddly enough this started occurring in a new project that had these documents imported from  a previous project (word 2003 format into Word 2010 format).
    So it doesn't occur by default in a new project, but does in an older project migrated from 2003 word format into 2010 format.  Go figure.
    David H.
    Thanks to you for your suggestion.  Worked fine.  Not sure why all of a sudden I have to do this and why the same issue does not occur in new project by default,  Maybe a word 2003 to word 2010 save / convert issue ?
    Nonetheless your suggestion and fix works well and far less painful than my clumsy solution.
    Once again,  Thanks to both of you for your assistance

  • JMS Message stays in AQ Topic

    i have a strange problem with 10.1.2 AS and DB:
    First, i created the Topic in the database:
         queue_table => 'ADMINTABLE',
         queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_MESSAGE',
         sort_list => 'PRIORITY,ENQ_TIME',
         multiple_consumers => TRUE,
         compatible => '10.0');
         queue_name => 'AdminTopic',
         queue_table => 'ADMINTABLE');
         queue_name => 'AdminTopic');
    Second, i deployed a MessageDrivenBean on that topic as a NonDurable Subscriber.
    Sending and receiving messages works fine, but the messages are not removed from the Topic. I think this is because OC4J registered two subscribers on the topic. How can this be within a single instance configuration?
    Any ideas?
    Thank you!

    I was wrong - setting the aq_tm_processes > 0 didn't solve the problem. On the very first try it seems to work, but the subsequent tries showed the same problem again.
    The documentation says, that this parameter is deprecated since 10g...
    A few days ago the DB was patched to, without solving this issue.
    The problem is, that NonDurable Subscribers aren't directly supported by Oracle AQ, so they use faked Durable Subscribers for complicance with J2EE 1.3, which can be seen in the table AQ$_QUEUENAME_S with a name like 'TSUB_1_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'.
    In our application there is only one MDB which subscribes to the Topic, but two subscribers are shown in the table. And on every redeployment two more subscribers are added to Topic...
    A similar issue exists under Metalink ID 3601748, but should be fixed since

  • Adding keywords to a topic causes search to return file names instead of topic titles

    When I search for a term in my WebHelp Pro project, the topics returned are shown by file name if the topic has anything in its Properties > General > Keywords field and are shown by topic title if there are no keywords defined for the topic.
    I've confirmed this behavior by adding and removing keywords from topics and watching them alternate between being shown in searches by file name or by topic title.
    Obviously, I want topics to be displayed by topic titles in search results no matter if they have keywords assigned or not.
    Any idea what would be causing this? Is this a known bug?
    Here's some additional information. For this problem to occur, these four conditions must be true:
    The topic must have manually added keyword(s) in the Properties > General > Keywords field.
    The topic title and the file name must be different.
    One must be searching for one of the keyword(s) added in step 1.
    Occurs in WebHelp Pro when published to a remote server.
    Talks with Adobe today are inconclusive but it appears that this was an unknown bug. Maybe I'll get a free t-shirt or something.

    Hi Rocky,
    Log on to the Robohelp Configuration Manager
    Uncheck the option "reindex documents at server".
    Republish and check. If issue exists try restarting the Apache/Tomcat Server.
    That should work for you.

  • To remove Unused HTML files

    How to delete unwanted HTML files in Robo html 8. I have removed the unwanted topics from TOC.Now I want to delete the unwanted HTML files.

    Right click them in Project Manager or Topic List and there will be a Delete option.
    In Project Manager you get a warning if links will be broken, best way to go.
    You didn't need to delete in TOC. Using Project Manager, RoboHelp would have offered to do that for you.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Removal of well-intended Posts

    One of my posts got removed by the host two days ago without any information as to why that happened.
    I asked Apple for an official statement on the problems many users encounter with Firmware 1.2 and suggested that the approach may be improved, especially if seen from not only customers but other stakeholders (e.g. analaysts, journalists.
    While certainly provocative, it was constructive and well intended and should not be anwered with authority and ignorance.
    I could as well have kept silent or, worse, spread my frustration through forums outside of Apple's control, which is not my style.
    The least I would expect from a respected company like Apple is recognition and a short response.
    Has anybody suggestions how to use the forums to escalate the urgent need for a response without being sanctioned ?

    These discussions are a user support forum and you will never see an official response from Apple on them. They do moderate these discussions and remove posts and topics that do not conform to the Terms of Use. The poster will never receive a reason why - the post will simply disappear.
    One reason a post can be removed is if it is not of a technical support nature and a call for an official response does not ask a technical question. That is the likely reason it was removed.
    If you want to have your voice heard by Apple, the discussions are not the place. You may contact them by phone, but a letter to customer relations is more likely to be responded to.

  • Ability to globally delete all text/topics that have a certain conditional tag?

    When deleting a conditional tag in FrameMaker, there is an option to either delete all tagged text, or make the text unconditional. But in Robohelp, it seems the only option is to make the text unconditional. Is there any way to delete all the text with a specific conditional tag, other than deleting it manually? I am using Robo 7. Is there an option to do this in the newer versions? Thanks!

    If you are bringing in content from FrameMaker and want to delete (not bring) certain content having a conditional text applied in the FM source, then while conversion there is a simple way to achieve it, apply "FrameMaker condition text build Expression" during Import/Link FM source.
    If you use this option while you import or Link any FM source with conditions, then all the text/content having condition set as hidden in FrameMaker will get remove from the topics generated
    but inside RoboHelp you dont have this option to directly remove content from topic, but while generating any output you have the option to exclude any content with a condition applied over it!
    Hope this will help

  • Unable to Open Project with RoboHelp 9

    I've been working on a project using RoboHelp 9. Last night when I attempted to save RoboHelp froze. Looking at the CPU usage in task manager I saw it was still hovering between 45 and 50% CPU usage. Seeing as it was the end of the day anyway, I decided to leave the program running overnight in the hopes that it would eventually unfreeze.
    When I came in this morning it was in the same frozen state, still using between 45 and 50% of the CPU. So I used end task to stop the program from running and tried to re-open the project. The project tried to open but froze during loading.
    After consulting the forums I made a back-up of my project directory and deleted the CPD file. The project hung again on open (though it created a new CPD file was slightly smaller than the original CPD file).
    I restored from backup and tried to open from the XPJ file but had no luck.
    Restoring from backup again, I deleted the CPD and XPJ files and tried to open the HHP file with similar results.
    Other projects are working fine so I created a new project and attempted to import the HTML file (a file which opens fine in Firefox) and it also causes the project to hang.
    A bit of additional info:
    I'm running the project on a local drive on Windows 7 32 bit edition.
    Does anyone have any ideas for next steps I should try? I really don't want to have to restart the project from scratch.

    Hello Peter.
    Thanks for the speedy reply.
    I have rebooted my system to no effect. I also am able to work on sample projects (adding and removing content, modifying topics, saving, generating output, etc) without any issue.
    I tried the items you talked about on your Opening Projects page that I hadn't already tried. I even tried deleting the HHP file and using the HHP file to generate a new one in the hopes I might luck out but it also hung. It did create a new XPJ file that would open but all the content was missing (I could see the table of contents but the links were all x'd out because the page they were pointing to wasn't being loaded).
    One thing I have noticed is that most (though not all) of the times I try to load the project and it hangs it hangs out "Loading topic files" (other times it hangs without any text indicating what it is doing).

  • Adobe RoboHelp 9 has stopped working

    RH9 | WebHelp
    I've copied an existing project and applied a new stylesheet. This has involved multiple "find and replace" actions in order to change old styles to my new styles. All was going well - everything looked fine and the project compiled without a problem. However, after further changes the compile has stopped working. As I start compiling the following message appears as the process starts updating files "Adobe RoboHelp 9 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."
    I've tried deleting the CPD file, but it doesn't make any difference. I've also tried removing the last topics I've worked on, but again it's just the same.
    Does anyone have any ideas? I've spent over a day re-styling the project and don't want to lose what I've done.

    Find and replace for style names done correctly should not cause this. If you searched for something like <p class="me"> and replaced it with <p class="you"> and that class was not quite what was in the CSS, RoboHelp would display your topics with the style name showing in block capitals rather than crash.
    My first thought was that something else had been changed unintentionally and was causing this. Then I noted you said it had compiled the first time after you had made the changes. At the moment I am a bit stumped on what it could be.
    The first thing I would try is to generate some other form of help, try Microsoft HTML Help (CHM). If that too fails, then you might have to go for working on a backup as below. However, if it works, I would then create a new webhelp layout by right clicking in the SSL and selecting Create New, not the Duplicate option. If that fails then you may have to work on a backup of the project before you did the find and replace, you did make one didn't you?
    Ttake a fresh copy of the backup so that you retain an untouched copy. Then copy your new CSS from the broken project into a working copy of the backup using Windows Explorer. Manually apply a few of the styles to a few topics and then test compiling. If that works, then do the find and replace work again testing after each style has been changed. After each successful pass, create a backup in case it goes wrong at the next stage. Before you start any find and replace, post back what you are using for that.
    Good luck and post back how you get on.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • RoboHelp 9 crashes during the publish of a project

    Greetings friends,
    I am in a serious bind. I have a project that was created in Robohelp 9. I started encountering crashes on the evening of Jan 30th when attempting to publish the project.
    I have been working in this same project without issue for 3 months without issue. I suspect the issue is related to some topics that were updated or created on that day.
    Here is what I have tried:
    1. I am able to successfully publish other projects
    2. I was able publish the project in question earlier in the day. From modified times, I can deduce the batch of topics that may be involved.
    The problem is there are 32 topics.
    3. I have evaluated each of the 32 topics, seeing an earlier thread that referenced potential issues with tables. I did find 2 topics where the table looked a bit odd. I edited the properties on the tables and saved the topics. The issue persisted.
    4. For grins, I checked the properties on the tables in each topic to be sure they matched the format in known-good topics.
    5. I have tried renaming the project's .cpd file - based on other posts- the same issue occurs.
    6. The project is pretty good size, so recreating it is NOT an option.
    So I am stuck!
    I have some questions to try to resolve this:
    1. I noted in another thread that a user with a similar issue was able to publish via command line. Any suggestions on the string to use?
    2. Is there a way to test this project by removing the suspect topics, then readding them one-at-a-time - aside from manually re-creating the topic in RH, then copy/paste from the original?
    Any suggestions on how to achieve this goal?
    3. Are there any debugging/compiling tools available to help troubleshoot this type of error? This seems like a fairly common error where topic formatting can cause trouble. It would SEEM logical that a tool would exist.
    I thank you all in advance for your consideration on this!
    Thanks again.
    Eric Buterbaugh
    Newforma, Inc.

    To create the tag, right click a topic to which it is to be applied and click the options shown.
    In this screen click New and create a tag called Exclude.
    OK that and the tag is created and applied to that topic.
    To apply to the others, open the Topic List pod and select them. (Use the CTRL key to make multiple selections)
    Right click, select Properties and apply the tag in the Advanced tab.
    Open the layout and go to Content.
    Click Define to open the window shown. Exclude will be listed. Click the arrow to move it to the right. Generate the help.
    With those topics excluded, it should all generate OK, in theory.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • IPod with HFS+ filesystem

    I have an Mac formatted iPod (HFS+ filesystem). When I first installed Arch linux, I got the iPod working after switching to the the Beyond kernel. But now, a few month later it doesn't work anymore. This is the output of dmesg after connecting the iPod:
    scsi 3:0:0:0: Direct-Access-RBC Apple iPod 1.53 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
    SCSI device sdb: 78126048 512-byte hdwr sectors (40001 MB)
    sdb: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled
    SCSI device sdb: write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
    SCSI device sdb: 78126048 512-byte hdwr sectors (40001 MB)
    sdb: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled
    SCSI device sdb: write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
    sdb: unknown partition table
    sd 3:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sdb
    As I understand it the kernel can't read the partition table on the iPod, and therefore I cannot mount any of the partitions on it. I can see the hfsplus module loaded with the lsmod command. If there is a configuration in the linux kernel for mac style partitions, why has that option been disabled?
    I have tried switching between kernel26 and kernel26-beyond several times after upgrades availiable via pacman, but still no go. I guess I could learn to compile my own kernel, but as I don't understand the ABS-howtos on the Arch Wiki, I'd rather not. Please help me...
    Edit: Added solved to the topic as I have gotten my iPod to mount again (see below), but I still would like to know if I understand how to work with a custom kernel config and ABS.
    Edit: removed Solved from topic as I do not yet understand how this should be done.
    Last edited by jofa (2007-02-23 16:23:16)

    jofa wrote:Should I add something to the PKGBUILD so that my custom kernel gets different filenames after install, so that it won't be overwritten after a few "pacman -Syu"s
    That is the correct way.
    If you take a look at the wiki page on building kernels with the ABS, you will read this:
    This optional field will be part of the package name. It should briefly indicate what type of choices were made in the kernel config. Examples would be "sn45g" to indicate the config is customized for a particular kind of computer, or "test" to indicate you are testing a different configuration, or "nofb" if you disabled the framebuffer. It is strongly recommended that you leave this blank ("") to indicate a stock Arch kernel config. You could also use this filed to indicate architechure restrictions of the kernel from makepkg.conf compile options - "athlon" perhaps for an athlon specific build.
    Package Name:
    The name of this package will be a combination of the pkgbase, patchset, and _cfgname separated by hyphens.
    Package Version:
    The version of this package will be a combination of the kerver, extraver separated by underscores and the pkgbuil will be appended on the end separated by a hyphen.
    Package File:
    The package filename will be: kernel-$patchset-$cfgname-$kerver$_extraver-$pkgrel.pkg.tar.gz
    /boot Files:
    Modules will be placed in /lib/modules/$kerver-$extraver-$patchset-$cfgname
    The kernel source directory will be copied to /usr/src/linux-$kerver-$extraver-$patchset-$cfgname Note: /usr/src/linux will be mapped to this directory upon installation. … n_with_ABS
    Last edited by mutlu_inek (2007-02-22 23:22:54)

  • Corruption in cshelp.txt file on save

    When I add a topic ID to the cshelp.txt file using the
    Context Sensitive Text-Only Topics editor and click Save, I get an
    error message about an invalid file. When I open the file in
    notepad it looks like this:
    . t o p i c H I D C _ B U T T O N _ C H A N G E _ S E T T I N
    G S _ S E C U R I T Y _ P R O P S _ P R O P P A G E
    T e s t t e x t
    The editor has added a space between each character (and
    removed one after topic). I think it is related to Unicode
    enhancements in RH7, but it means I cannot create a help file (CHM)
    that has working CS help.
    Has anyone got a workaround for this?

    I started this thread and have since developed a workaround
    (similar to jc@salient) which I have detailed in a two-page Word
    document. The document also explains several RoboHelp defects
    related to this problem (hint to any Adobe people who monitor this
    This interface doesn't seem to allow attachments; so, if
    anyone needs a copy, email me at [email protected] and
    ask for it. Please put Robohelp on the subject line.
    If anyone adds refinements later, please share.

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