Removing a part in a clip in iMovie '11?

Hello there! I was just finishing up a video, and I noticed a slight mistake in my voicing during my recording of the video. I wanted to remove it, and it was small, but there's no hope. It just deletes the whole clip, making me undo it, and making me clueless. Can someone help so I can get this on the web? Thanks!

To remove part of a clip, select the frames you want to delete by dragging. Then EDIT/DELETE SELECTION or right-click the selection and choose Delete Selection.
If however, you want to keep the video, but mute the audio for the clip, you can select the frames that you want to mute, and then drag the volume slider in the waveforms view to zero.
Alternatively, you could select the frames you want to mute, then right-click/Split Clip. The open the audio inspector and move the volume slider to zero.

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    Good Tutorial for how Audio works for iMovie 08 is [here.|]
    The same principle applies for iMovie 11.

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    The black lines are just placeholders for adding transitions. If there is no transition the skimmer will jump to the start of the next clip. Easy way to find start of clip is to turn on snapping in view mwnu or hit the N key. Basically you can ignore the black lines unless you want to drop in a transition.

  • How can I edit part of a clip

    How can I edit part of a clip in iMovie.

    First, select the portion of the clip that you would like to edit. Do this by dragging your mouse. A yellow border should be around this portion of the clip.
    Next, right-click inside the yellow border and select SPLIT CLIP. Now you have a separate clip that you can apply your edit to.

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    When using the Clip Trimmer, you click DONE to indocate that you are finished.
    The Trim To Selection is a great tool and I use it all the time, but you use it in the main project timeline, not the clip trimmer. Just select the frames you want so that the yellow border is around them. Then right-click and select Trim to Selection.

  • Delete parts of clips in iMovie Version 10.0

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    Further to Karsten's advice, position the skimmer (or the playhead) within the clip where you want to start your selection. Now click and hold down the mouse button (or trackpad). As you do this you will firstly see that the whole clip is highlighted with a thin yellow border. While still holding down on the click, you will then see a wider yellow vertical line on the clip, being the start point - drag this to mark your selection. Release the mouse button (or trackpad) once you've reached the end point of your selection.
    If you wish to delete the segment that you've highlighted, just press the Delete key on the keyboard. Otherwise perform whatever other actions are available from the Modify menu item.
    The key is to not release the mouse button after clicking on the clip. The selection border will appear within a millisecond after clicking and holding.
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

  • Deleting part of a clip in event library in imovie '11

    i'd like to delete parts of clips in the event library in imovie `11. So not in a movie/project, but in an event!
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    A couple of features might be of interest.
    1) Select your clip. Then, in the top menu bar, select CLIP/Special Effect.../Flash and Hold Last Frame.
    This will create a flashbulb effect, and then hold the last frame in the clip still. The flash effect is actually a Fade Through White transition, so you can edit it out if you don't like it.
    As a hint, if the frame you want to freeze is not at the end of the clip, drag to create a selection so that there is a yellow border around a range of clips, the last frame of which you want to freeze. Then Edit/Split Clip. The frame you want to freeze is now at the end of the clip.
    2) You might also want to try CLIP/INSTANT REPLAY/25%. You can highlight an action by replaying it in slow motion.

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    Can I edit out the middle of a video clip in iMovie?
    What must I do?
    Basically you have three options:
    1) If the clip is in the "Event" window, simply select (i.e., set and adjust if necessary "in" and 'out" points) the segment you want and transfer it to your "Project" window and place it where you want it.
    2) If the clip is already in the "Project" window, simply select (i.e., set and adjust if necessary "in" and 'out" points) the segment you want to keep...
    a) and press the "Split" option in the edit menu (or the "Split Clip" option in the context menu) to divide the clip into three segments. Then select each of the segments you don't want and press the "Delete" key to remove them from the "Project" window.
    b) or, even easier, simply press the "Trim to Selection" option in the "Edit" menu.
    All of these work flows do not physically remove anything from the "Event" but merely perform a non-destructive edit of the project for the purpose of later output.

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    Hi. Have read with interest a couple of questions on this same issue, with the advice from Tom Wolsky seemingly being to not mix the two applications and just get stuck in with FCE. However, i'm finding FCE difficult to like/get to grips with. But more importantly, after attending some Apple onetoone sessions, it seems my Canon camcorder might be a little long in the tooth and there may be some tape slippage as I was getting time code errors when trying to import directly to FCE. The fix seemed to be to capture the footage via iMovie and import to FCE using 'show package contents' route. Having now though imported some footage from a second tape, I have some of the clips showing as Offline for some reason. Is the trick to import clips from IMovie as per Tom's suggested route on 9/8/08?

    I import video from my camera into iMovie 4, because that is the last version of iMovie, I believe, that was capable of flushing unwanted video off the hard drive, and I can bring an entire tape into iMovie, trim it down for FCE, and then get rid of the unwanted footage. iMovie 6, like Final Cut Express, is a nondestructive editor and can't erase unwanted footage from the hard drive, and as you know, video uses up hard drive space FAST. To get rid of discarded edits, you either have to use iMovie 4 or Final Cut Pro.
    iMovie is also much easier to import video into than Final Cut Express, with all the latter's complicated controls. With iMovie, you just plug in your camera, iMovie then says "Camera Connected," and you hit Play and Import. Stone simple. Also, in iMovie you can hear the audio as it comes in, and if I remember right (it's been a while since I did it in FCE), you can't hear your audio tracks as your video imports into FCE. Not a big deal, but an annoyance.
    Once the video is in iMovie, then I cut and trim the video to get rid of all substandard/unwanted stuff, and then Empty Trash, which erases the unwanted video off the hard drive, saving mucho space over the course of a project. Otherwise, you're just stuck with the unwanted video, and all it does is fill up your hard drive. Then you export (or "Share," in iMovie parlance) your video from iMove as a QuickTime movie, and drop that QT movie into Final Cut Express's Browser. Then create your FCE project from it.
    The only objection I have ever seen to this procedure is people complaining that their QuickTime movie from iMovie has to be rendered in FCE before FCE can use it, and this takes a bit of extra time. Well, that's true, unless you export your video from iMovie in a form that FCE can use natively. Then it doesn't need to be rendered at all--it's just as though you had imported it from the camera directly into FCE. Most people don't know how to set up iMovie to do that.
    Here's how I do it: (this is iMovie 4; I assume other versions are the same), Select Share > QuickTime and choose Expert Settings. On the next screen, select Export: Movie to QuickTime Movie, and click the Options button. In the Movie Settings window that this brings up, on the upper (video) part of it, under the Video checkbox, click the Settings button there, and for Compression Type choose DV/DVCPRO-NTSC, and under Compressor Quality, move the slider to Best, and click OK. Under the Sound checkbox, click Settings, and then choose Linear PCM, Stereo, and 48.000 kHz for Sound Settings. Under Render Settings, choose Qualty: Best. Just below that, uncheck the "Prepare for Internet Streaming" box. Then click OK, and the window will go away, and you're ready to export.
    Give the video a name, and a place to save to, then click SAVE. The QuickTime movie that results from this can be dropped straight into FCE and requires no rendering; it works just as though you had imported it directly into FCE from your camera.
    Tom B.

  • How do I edit clips in iMovie (or Premiere Elements 10)?

    I am new to Mac. Used to have no problem at all editing and converting movies on my PC. Have both iMovie and Adobe Premiere Elements 10 on my new Mac. Even as a borderline PC geek, I can't seem to figure how to clip and edit and merge videos on my Mac. Guessing I will have questions about saving to a new DVD as well when I get that far. Trying to condense dozens of DVDs with old family home movies down to a single DVD by selecting 'best of clips.' Grateful for any assistance.

    Hi Jeni,
    I am not familiar with Windows Movie Maker, so I lack any frame of reference (no pun inteneded) to judge what you may be doing wrong. Both iMovie and Premiere Elements (PE) are designed so that the normal work flow is trim the clip the way you want, then put the clip in the timeline of your movie. In either you can work other ways, but the layout and tools in these programs are pretty much geared for that type of workflow. I use both by the way, although I am fairly new to Adobe Premiere Elements 10 and have not used iMovie all that much. In PE for example, you can double click the clip you want to use and that opens the clip viewer. You slide the pointers at the beginning and end of the clip viewer time line to set what are called "in and out points" and drag the clip into your time line or onto the scene line depending on which PE editing mode you are using. When you eventually export the movie using the Share panel, the program exports the entire timeline, which should be the series of trimmed clips, unless you check the box to tell it to only export the marked part of the timeline (I forget the title on the check box and don't have the program running in front of me). But in either case, each clip in your movie or portion of a movie should be trimmed according to the in and out points you previously set.
    iMovie works on a similar concept, except you drag your mouse pointer over a clip in an event to adjust the yellow rectangle to mark the part of the clip you want to use, then drag that clip into you project. In either program there are ways of trimming and cropping clips in the timeline/sceneline/project and automatically adjusting the rest to compensate, but in any case, I'm not sure why you would be losing the edits.

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    How to split a video clip from iMovie Help.
    Just played a little with this myself and came up with another way to approach it. From your list of clips tap once on the clip you want to insert, then adjust the yellow selection handles and click the blue arrow to insert. Repeat with the next section.

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    I'm learning how to use Premiere Elements 8 from Adobe's official Help document.
    I'm currently working through Chapter 10, "Applying effects", section "Working with effect presets" -> "Apply an effect preset".
    The Help document doesn't tell how to remove an effect preset you had applied.
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    How can i remove effect presets from a clip?

    I suspect it's actually a standard PE terminology that i'd better get acquainted with.
    I wanted to address this part separately. Actually, "workflow" is more of a video, or at least NLE term, and is not specific to PrE.
    As for terminology, this ARTICLE might prove useful.
    As I attempt to point out, some of these terms might be applied slightly differently, depending on the exact program used. As a for instance, PrE 8 has moved all of the Export options to Share. I still write "Export/Share" in case a PrE 2 through 7 user reads it. Terms can change. Also, Avid might call one common operation by one name, and Final Cut Pro use a different one.
    For me, I had to learn some new terms. I can from a film background. Terms were changed with video. For instance, my old Fade-to-Black is now Dip-to-Black in most NLE's. First time that I typed Fade-to-Black, everyone came back with "huh???"
    I read a lot of books on general editing of both video and audio. Some authors use different programs, and though the core theories are the same, their terminology can be rooted in their program of choice.
    Also, with regards to audio, many still use a lot of the terminology from the analog days, and keep them, because analog is still part of the workflow in most productions - think of the mics, for instance. There is generally less analog left in video, unless someone needs to telecine film to digital, or transfer VHS tapes to digital. More of the total workflow is all in digital, so my old film school terms have faded.
    One of the things that I attempt to do is differentiate exaclty what I am talking about. If I type video, I mean video in general. If I type Video, I am talking about the video Assets in a Project. Notice that Assets is also capatilized, as that is a term from the NLE and is specific to all things, SFX, Video, Audio, etc. used. Sometimes I slip up. I use project to mean the whole thing, and Project to mean the setup in the NLE, that will result in either a .PREL, or .PRPROJ file from my Adobe editors. Does this make sense?
    Good luck,

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    Happy to help. 
    Basically in iMovie 10 (unlike earlier versions) you cannot do any sort of editing on clips in events  (you can't even delete parts you don't want, only the whole clip).  So events are just repositeries for 'raw' clips.

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