Removing Formatting info from a text var

I have an input text box for the user to input a name. This box is linked to the variable "name". However when I call up this variable later (by linking "name" to dynamic textboxes), the size color etc. of the font are carried over from the input text box. How would I go about removing this formatting info, so the variable is simply set to the letters typed in by the user?

I suggest getting rid of the use of the variable assignment of the textfield altogether and just assign an instance name to the textfield and acquire the text from the textfield using the "text" property.  As you've already seen in one respect, using the var aspect of textfields can be problematic.  I stopped using it many years ago, but not due to the problems you are having.

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       FUNCTION str_html (line IN VARCHAR2)
          x         VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
          in_html   BOOLEAN          := FALSE;
          s         VARCHAR2 (1);
          IF line IS NULL
             RETURN line;
          END IF;
          FOR i IN 1 .. LENGTH (line)
             s := SUBSTR (line, i, 1);
             IF in_html
                IF s = '>'
                   in_html := FALSE;
                END IF;
                IF s = '<'
                   in_html := TRUE;
                END IF;
             END IF;
             IF NOT in_html AND s != '>'
                x := x || s;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
          RETURN x;
       END str_html;There's also a reqular expression approach that I've not tried. Remove HTML Tags and parse the text out of it

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    Kind regards,

    open the js file jquery.instastream.js and find:
    if([j].caption == null){var myCaption = '';} else{var myCaption =[j].caption.text;}
    if ([j].comments.count < 2){var commentLabel = 'commentaire'} else {var commentLabel = 'commentaires'}
    if ([j].likes.count < 2){var likeLabel = 'like'} else {var likeLabel = 'likes'}
    $('.slider-content').append("<div id='slider-item"+i+"' class='slider-item slider-col"+$nbrResults+"'><div class='frame'><a href='" +[j].link + "'><img src='" +[j].images.standard_resolution.url + "' alt='" + myCaption + "'><span class='frame-title' style='display: block; bottom: -50px;'><em>" +[j].likes.count + "<i class='icon-like white'>" + likeLabel + "</i> " +[j].comments.count + "<i class='icon-comment white'>" + commentLabel + "</i> " +[j].created_time.timeconverter() + "</em></span><span class='frame-more' style='display: block; top: -38px;'>+</span><span class='frame-reflect'></span></a></div><header><h4>" + myCaption + "</h4></header>");
    $slideStatus = j;
    Remove <header><h4>" + myCaption + "</h4></header> from the above.

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    $temp = "c:\"
    $file = "$temp\privs.txt"
    [string] $readableNames
    $outhash = @{}
    $process = [diagnostics.process]::Start("secedit.exe", "/export /cfg $file /areas USER_RIGHTS")
    $in = get-content $file
    foreach ($line in $in) {
    if ($line.StartsWith("Se")) {
    $privilege = $line.substring(0,$line.IndexOf("=") - 1)
    switch ($privilege){
    "SeCreateTokenPrivilege " {$privilege = "Create a token object"}
    "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege" {$privilege = "Replace a process-level token"}
    "SeLockMemoryPrivilege" {$privilege = "Lock pages in memory"}
    "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" {$privilege = "Adjust memory quotas for a process"}
    "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeMachineAccountPrivilege" {$privilege = "Add workstations to domain"}
    "SeTcbPrivilege" {$privilege = "Act as part of the operating system"}
    "SeSecurityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage auditing and the security log"}
    "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" {$privilege = "Take ownership of files or other objects"}
    "SeLoadDriverPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeSystemProfilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile system performance"}
    "SeSystemtimePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the system time"}
    "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile single process"}
    "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Create a pagefile"}
    "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create permanent shared objects"}
    "SeBackupPrivilege" {$privilege = "Back up files and directories"}
    "SeRestorePrivilege" {$privilege = "Restore files and directories"}
    "SeShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Shut down the system"}
    "SeDebugPrivilege" {$privilege = "Debug programs"}
    "SeAuditPrivilege" {$privilege = "Generate security audit"}
    "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify firmware environment values"}
    "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege" {$privilege = "Bypass traverse checking"}
    "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Force shutdown from a remote system"}
    "SeUndockPrivilege" {$privilege = "Remove computer from docking station"}
    "SeSyncAgentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Synchronize directory service data"}
    "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege" {$privilege = "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation"}
    "SeManageVolumePrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage the files on a volume"}
    "SeImpersonatePrivilege" {$privilege = "Impersonate a client after authentication"}
    "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create global objects"}
    "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller"}
    "SeRelabelPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify an object label"}
    "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase a process working set"}
    "SeTimeZonePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the time zone"}
    "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create symbolic links"}
    "SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny local logon"}
    "SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Allow logon through Terminal Services"}
    "SeServiceLogonRight" {$privilege = "Logon as a service"}
    "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase scheduling priority"}
    "SeBatchLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on as a batch job"}
    "SeInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on locally"}
    "SeDenyNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny Access to this computer from the network"}
    "SeNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Access this Computer from the Network"}
    $sids = $line.substring($line.IndexOf("=") + 1,$line.Length - ($line.IndexOf("=") + 1))
    $sids = $sids.Trim() -split ","
    $readableNames = ""
    foreach ($str in $sids){
    $str = $str.substring(1)
    $sid = new-object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($str)
    $readableName = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
    $readableNames = $readableNames + $readableName.Value + ", "
    $outhash.Add($privilege,$readableNames.substring(0,($readableNames.Length - 1)))
    (foreach {$outhash.getenumerator() | select Name, Value | sort name})
    remove-item c:\privs.txt

    Hi Sergio,
    To combine the outputs, please use "PSobject" and try the script below, please also note I haven't tested:
    $temp = "c:\"
    $file = "$temp\privs.txt"
    [string] $readableNames
    $process = [diagnostics.process]::Start("secedit.exe", "/export /cfg $file /areas USER_RIGHTS")
    $in = get-content $file
    foreach ($line in $in) {
    if ($line.StartsWith("Se")) {
    $privilege = $line.substring(0,$line.IndexOf("=") - 1)
    switch ($privilege){
    "SeCreateTokenPrivilege " {$privilege = "Create a token object"}
    "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege" {$privilege = "Replace a process-level token"}
    "SeLockMemoryPrivilege" {$privilege = "Lock pages in memory"}
    "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" {$privilege = "Adjust memory quotas for a process"}
    "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeMachineAccountPrivilege" {$privilege = "Add workstations to domain"}
    "SeTcbPrivilege" {$privilege = "Act as part of the operating system"}
    "SeSecurityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage auditing and the security log"}
    "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" {$privilege = "Take ownership of files or other objects"}
    "SeLoadDriverPrivilege" {$privilege = "Load and unload device drivers"}
    "SeSystemProfilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile system performance"}
    "SeSystemtimePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the system time"}
    "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Profile single process"}
    "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege" {$privilege = "Create a pagefile"}
    "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create permanent shared objects"}
    "SeBackupPrivilege" {$privilege = "Back up files and directories"}
    "SeRestorePrivilege" {$privilege = "Restore files and directories"}
    "SeShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Shut down the system"}
    "SeDebugPrivilege" {$privilege = "Debug programs"}
    "SeAuditPrivilege" {$privilege = "Generate security audit"}
    "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify firmware environment values"}
    "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege" {$privilege = "Bypass traverse checking"}
    "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" {$privilege = "Force shutdown from a remote system"}
    "SeUndockPrivilege" {$privilege = "Remove computer from docking station"}
    "SeSyncAgentPrivilege" {$privilege = "Synchronize directory service data"}
    "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege" {$privilege = "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation"}
    "SeManageVolumePrivilege" {$privilege = "Manage the files on a volume"}
    "SeImpersonatePrivilege" {$privilege = "Impersonate a client after authentication"}
    "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create global objects"}
    "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege" {$privilege = "Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller"}
    "SeRelabelPrivilege" {$privilege = "Modify an object label"}
    "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase a process working set"}
    "SeTimeZonePrivilege" {$privilege = "Change the time zone"}
    "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege" {$privilege = "Create symbolic links"}
    "SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny local logon"}
    "SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Allow logon through Terminal Services"}
    "SeServiceLogonRight" {$privilege = "Logon as a service"}
    "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" {$privilege = "Increase scheduling priority"}
    "SeBatchLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on as a batch job"}
    "SeInteractiveLogonRight" {$privilege = "Log on locally"}
    "SeDenyNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Deny Access to this computer from the network"}
    "SeNetworkLogonRight" {$privilege = "Access this Computer from the Network"}
    $sids = $line.substring($line.IndexOf("=") + 1,$line.Length - ($line.IndexOf("=") + 1))
    $sids = $sids.Trim() -split ","
    $readableNames = ""
    foreach ($str in $sids){
    $str = $str.substring(1)
    $sid = new-object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($str)
    $readableName = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
    $readableNames = $readableNames + $readableName.Value + ", "
    $output += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    privilege = $privilege
    readableNames = $readableNames.substring(0,($readableNames.Length - 1))
    #else = $line."property" }
    To use PSobject, this article for your reference:
    New-Object PSObject –Property [HashTab
    If you have any feedback on our support,
    please click here.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do you remove sort info from your itunes library?

    itunes keeps adding sort information back to my library when I sync my ipod classic and my ipod touch. I want to delete all sort info from my library ( over 17,000 songs, of which over 3,000 purchased on itunes ) please help.

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may also need to turn off automatic downloads.

  • How do you remove personal info from a dead AppleTV

    I had my ATV die on me and was planning to replace the hard drive to fix it. Once I got into the machine, I hooked up the HD to my computer and it looked just fine so my conclusion was it is NOT the hard drive. I bought a new ATV and am wanting to sell the old one, but am concerned about the purchaser getting my iTunes account info off the hard drive.
    Does anyone know how to remove that info without wiping out the HD? I know a HD without the ATV information reders the ATV pretty much useless. Would love any input. Thanks!

    Winston Churchill wrote:
    You're planning on selling the broken tv ?
    Perhaps he's selling it for 'spares', but in that case I think I'd reformat the hard drive - presumably if it doesn't start up he can't factory restore, but even that wouldn't necessarily pt off a determined person sniffing for info with appropriate software.

  • Remove page number from PALT text

    I'm using transaction SO10 to create a PALT text (Applicant correspondence) and I would like to remove the page number of the header of the document. Do you have any idea of how to do it?

    Goto SE71-> Utilities-> Copy from client->Give form name-SYSTEM, source client-000, target form ZSYSTEM than the form ZSYSTEM will create.
    Again goto SE71 -> ZSYSTEM->change->goto header window, remove the page on the window text element.
    Now goto SO10 give the standard text name and change -> goto Format->change form-> Assign ZSYSTEM.
    Now your problem will resolve.
    Every form related thing you need paragraph format, character format and layout.
    For SAP-script there in build paragraph format and character format and for smartforms we need to create styles otherwise default style will assign.
    For SAP standard texts you need to create both in different way i.e sap-sctipt style and sap-script form assign both to in SAP standard text
    Edited by: Tirumula Rao Chinni on Mar 9, 2010 9:56 AM

  • Problem removing html tags from the text retrived

    Hi there,
    I am using jdbc to connect the database and retriving the data. In one of the columns along with the description there are some html tags in few of the recors of that column. is there a way to retrive the text only ignoring the html tags in between. Or can i retrive and then strip off the html code in the text to display only normal text.
    example of the data retrived which are pipe seperated and one of the columns has html tags in it:
    209|The euphoria |187945-2|||Rooftop Singers: Walk Right In | abc Music proudly presents THE FOLK YEARS, an unforgettable era in music history!<BR><BR><B>Featuring:</B><BR>
    <LI>The most complete collection of folk and folk-rock songs ever put together -- 132 classics!
    <LI>Original hits by the original artists!
    Now i need to remove the tags before displaying this on the output. Is there a simple way to do this.

    Did you read the documentation of the trim() method,
    where it describes which whitespace it removes?I believe his problem is that
    "Some text here  
    More text"becomes
    "Some text here  
    More text"... and he wants ...
    "Some text here
    More text"So, your problem is that your regex isn't matching whitespace as well.
    See the "Trimming Whitespace" section:

  • How to remove html-tags from a text.

    I have a text-field which I will remove html-tag's from.
    "This is a test<br><p> and another test"
    The function must return a similar text, but without the html-
    tags <br> and <p> (in this case).
    Anybody that can help me with this little problem?
    Thanks in advance for any help :-)
    Best regards
    Kjetil Klxve

    You can wait for some kind personal to post a complete code
    solution... But if you want to fix this yourself (which is good
    for the soul) here are some hints:
    - You can use SUBSTR to get at chunks of text
    - You can use INSTR to find particular characters.
    - You can use INSTR as an argument of SUBSTR
    bit_of_text := SUBSTR(text, 1, INSTR(text, '<'));
    chopped_text := SUBSTR(text, INSTR(text, '<'));
    bit_of_text := bit_of_text||SUBSTR(chopped_text, INSTR
    (text, '>'), INSTR(text, '<'));
    will give you the first bit of text that doesn't contain any
    angle brackets.
    From this you should be able to work out how to functionalised
    this (you'll need to store the offsets and use them in a loop
    Note that this assumes that the text only contains the '<'
    character when it's part of a HTML tag. If you can't guarantee
    this then you'll have to explicitly search for all the tags e.g.
    bit_of_text := SUBSTR(text, 1, INSTR(lower(text), '<p>'));
    bit_of_text := SUBSTR(text, 1, INSTR(lower(text), '<br>'));
    This will be a bit of pain. And completely rules out XML!
    rgds APC

  • Remove non ASCII from a text loaded to a table

    I would like to use SQLLDR to load a text file to a table.
    But I would like to remove all non ASCII from the data either
    1. During SQL LOAD
    2. Or through a stored procedure.
    Could this be done in Oracle?

    I have done this on an insert trigger in the past, searching for ascii 0.
    In my case it went someting like this:
    FOR chr_indx  IN 1 .. length(:new.problem_string) loop
      IF ascii(substr(:new.problem_string,chr_indx,1)) = 0 then  --search here for what you consider is a problem character(s)
        --fix the problem
      end if;
    end loop;

  • Contact host (or someone) to remove erroneous info from post?

    on this thread here I accidentally left a debugging line in the code (which happens to have my username in it). the next post by buddyjack2 copied the line, as well. is it possible to for someone to go in and delete the line that begins "set thisFolder to ..." (followed by an actual path specification), and delete or munge the path from buddyjack's subsequent post?
    Sorry to post here, but I can't figure out how to contact a host from the interface or documentation given. this isn't a huge issue, of course, but it would be nice to get it resolved.
    P.s. I should add that it's the post near the end that begins with "well, here's an alternate". the problematic line is line 7 in the first code block.
    Message was edited by: twtwtw - details, details...

    ali brown wrote:
    "is this the way to deal with problems like this,..."
    It is one method.
    But Level 2 status members have the ability to report posts.
    At least 150 points are needed to achieve Level 2.
    You are currently a Level 1 with 145 Points so you are almost there!
    Additional info HERE.
    If you have not yet done so, you may also want to review the Apple Discussions Use Agreement.
    Enjoy your stay in  Discussions!
    ali b
    EDIT: The removal does not seem to have been done so I alerted again.
    oooOOOOOOooooo... points, huh? I see. ok, I'll mark this as solved and hope they get around to fixing it soon. thanks!

  • Can you display info from 2 text fields in 1 other text field in a form?

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    I know how to make it display those field in other parts of the form normally, just not how to double them up.  I figured if the form was named "text1, text2" or "text1+test2", that might work but it didnt

    Im thinking thats how im going to have to do it, i just want it to show up more like
    instead of
    RICHMOND                                    VA
    because some cities are way long and im a little crammed for space

  • HT201303 Remove billing info from iphone

    How can i remove my billing information from the i phone itself if i no longer have a card?

    Hi Frank,
    You remove your billing information from your iTunes account - not your actual device. You have to sign onto iTunes on your computer, then go to Account Information, and edit the Payment Type.
    Hope this helps!

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