Removing loop from loop.

Can any one help me on this issue,
i have to remove the loop on bseg ans so that i can add .
CLEAR : w_debit  ,
            w_credit .
    LOOP AT wtl_temp ASSIGNING <fs>.
      READ TABLE wtl_prctr WITH KEY bukrs = <fs>-bukrs
                                    belnr = <lfs>-belnr
                                    gjahr = <lfs>-gjahr
                                    prctr = <lfs>-prctr
                                    hkont = <lfs>-hkont           
                                TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MOVE : <lfs1>-bukrs TO wsl_prctr-bukrs,
               <fs>-belnr TO wsl_prctr-belnr,
               <fs>-gjahr TO wsl_prctr-gjahr,
               <fs>-prctr TO wsl_prctr-prctr,
               <fs>-hkont TO wsl_prctr-hkont.                         
      LOOP AT wt_bseg ASSIGNING <fs2> WHERE bukrs EQ <fs>-bukrs
                                          AND belnr EQ <fs>-belnr
                                          AND gjahr EQ <fs>-gjahr
                                          AND prctr EQ <fs>-prctr
                                          AND hkont EQ <fs>-hkont. 
          CASE <fs2>-shkzg.
            WHEN c_debit .
              w_debit  = w_debit  + <fs2>-dmbtr.
            WHEN c_credit.
              w_credit = w_credit + <fs2>-dmbtr.
        wsl_prctr-dmbtr = w_credit - w_debit.
        APPEND wsl_prctr TO wtl_prctr.
        CLEAR : wsl_prctr  ,
                w_debit   ,
                w_credit  .

u can use parallel Cursor method here.
if it is compulsory to use nested loops, then we need to go for PARALLEL CURSOR METHOD
this is very efficient method. This decreases the execution time and increases the performance.
here is a sample code for PARALLEL CURSOR METHOD
Nested Loops – This is one of the fear factors for all the ABAP developers as this consumes lot of program execution time. If the number of entries in the internal tables is huge, then the situation would be too worse. The solution for this is to use parallel cursor method whenever there is a need for Nested Loop.
Program using Normal Nested Loop:
t_likp type table of likp,
t_lips type TABLE OF lips.
select *
from likp
into table t_likp.
select *
from lips
into table t_lips.
get RUN TIME FIELD w_runtime1.
loop at t_likp into likp.
loop at t_lips into lips where vbeln eq likp-vbeln.
get RUN TIME FIELD w_runtime2.
w_runtime2 = w_runtime2 - w_runtime1.
write w_runtime2.
Nested Loop using Parallel Cursor:
REPORT zparallel_cursor2.
t_likp TYPE TABLE OF likp,
t_lips TYPE TABLE OF lips.
w_runtime1 TYPE i,
w_runtime2 TYPE i,
w_index LIKE sy-index.
FROM likp
INTO TABLE t_likp.
FROM lips
INTO TABLE t_lips.
GET RUN TIME FIELD w_runtime1.
SORT t_likp BY vbeln.
SORT t_lips BY vbeln.
LOOP AT t_likp INTO likp.
LOOP AT t_lips INTO lips FROM w_index.
IF likp-vbeln NE lips-vbeln.
w_index = sy-tabix.
GET RUN TIME FIELD w_runtime2.
w_runtime2 = w_runtime2 - w_runtime1.
WRITE w_runtime2.
Analysis report: Runtime in microseconds:
Iteration No ....._Normal Nest Loop_ ..... Using Parallel Cursor
1 ....................... 34,796,147 ................... 63,829
2 .........................38,534,583 ................... 56,894
3 .........................34,103,426 ................... 50,510
u can check this site for more details
reward if helpful

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    Thanks Stuart
    examplealib.llb ‏199 KB

    Use case structures around your middle and inner loops tied to the booleans you want to control the loops. Inside each loop, use a local variable of the boolean tied to the continue terminal of the loop.
    You need to use local variables because an input to a loop (wired from outside the loop) is read only on the first loop iteration. Any subsequent change to a control terminal outside of the loop is not seen by the loop.
    To create a local variable, on the diagram, right click on the terminal of interest, then select Create >> Local Variable. Then right click on the local variable and select Change to Read.
    P.S. You know your stop button is wired to an empty case and doesn't do anything.

  • Re: Remove log messages from loop

    CURSOR cur_item_rev_child IS
    SELECT ffv.flex_value, --org code
    FROM fnd_flex_values ffv,
    fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,
    mtl_parameters mp
    WHERE ffv.flex_value_set_id = ffvs.flex_value_set_id
    AND ffvs.flex_value_set_name = 'EMR Add Spec Org' -- Changed by WIPRO on 01-OCT-12 (SR # 1078990 )--
    AND NVL(ffv.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND ffv.flex_value = mp.organization_code
    AND mp.master_organization_id = v_num_master_org;
    CURSOR cur_item_rev (i_num_organization_id NUMBER)
    SELECT /*+ index(xvasd XXINV_VLVS_ADD_SPEC_DETAILS_N1 )*/mirb.inventory_item_id,
    MAX(mirb.revision) item_revision,
    msib.segment1, -- Added by Infosys on 19-May-09
    xvasd.spec_revision spec_revision -- Added by Infosys on 19-May-09
    FROM xxinv_vlvs_add_spec_details xvasd,
    xxinv_vlvs_item_add_spec xvias,
    mtl_parameters mp,
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_item_revisions_b mirb
    WHERE xvasd.spec_number = xvias.spec_number
    AND xvasd.spec_type = xvias.spec_type
    AND xvias.spec_type = v_chr_spec_type
    AND xvasd.spec_status='ACTIVE'
    AND xvias.inv_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
    AND mirb.inventory_item_id=msib.inventory_item_id
    AND xvias.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.organization_id = mirb.organization_id
    AND mirb.organization_id = mp.organization_id
    AND mp.organization_id = i_num_organization_id
    --AND LPAD (xvasd.spec_revision, 3, 0) LPAD (b.revision, 3, 0)
    GROUP BY mirb.inventory_item_id,
    o_chr_errbuf := 'Program Completed Successfully';
    o_num_retcode := 0;
    ' EMR INV Item Revisions Update Program VLVS');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '');
    --Starting the Program
    ' EMR INV Item Revisions Update Program VLVS');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, 'Input Parameter');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '---------------');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, 'Debug Mode: ' || v_chr_debug_mode);
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    -- Get the value of the spec type from the lookup. If no value is set then display the error message and raise exception
    IF v_chr_spec_type IS NULL
    'Error: Set a value for the profile: XXINV : Additional Spec Type VLVS');
    RAISE excp_user;
    'Processing for the addition spec item type: ' ||
    END IF;
    -- Select all the eligible records for processing
    FOR rec_cur_item_rev_child IN cur_item_rev_child
    FOR rec_cur_item_rev IN cur_item_rev (rec_cur_item_rev_child.organization_id)
    -- v_chr_spec_rev := NULL;
    -- v_chr_item_number := NULL; Commented by Infosys on 19-May-09
    /* BEGIN --Start of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    SELECT segment1
    INTO v_chr_item_number
    FROM mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE inventory_item_id = rec_cur_item_rev.inventory_item_id
    AND organization_id=rec_cur_item_rev.organization_id;
    v_chr_item_number := NULL;
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Item Number not found in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Table for the inv item id '
    v_chr_item_number := NULL;
    RAISE excp_loop;
    END;*/--End of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    /*BEGIN --Start of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    SELECT MAX(spec_revision)
    INTO v_chr_spec_rev
    FROM xxinv_vlvs_add_spec_details xvasd,
    xxinv_vlvs_item_add_spec xvias
    WHERE xvasd.spec_number = xvias.spec_number
    AND xvasd.spec_type = xvias.spec_type
    AND xvias.spec_type = v_chr_spec_type
    AND xvias.inv_item_id =rec_cur_item_rev.inventory_item_id
    AND organization_id=rec_cur_item_rev.organization_id
    GROUP BY xvias.inv_item_id,
    v_chr_spec_rev := NULL;
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Spec Revision not found in Additional Specs Table for the inv item id '
    v_chr_spec_rev := NULL;
    RAISE excp_loop;
    END;*/--End of comments by Infosys on 19-May-09
    IF LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0)
    v_num_total_cnt := v_num_total_cnt + 1;
    --to take count of the total records processed
    v_chr_error_flag := 'N'; reset the error flag to N before processing each record
    v_num_revision_id := NULL;
    IF v_num_total_cnt = 1
    v_chr_output_hdr := 'ORG CODE' ||
    RPAD('|ITEM NUMBER', 51, ' ') ||
    '|ITEM REV' || '|SPEC REV' ||
    END IF;
    -- Check if the revision on the spec is greater that the revision on the item
    IF LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) > LPAD (rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0)
    SELECT mtl_item_revisions_b_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO v_num_revision_id
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Error when getting the new revision id from the sequence MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S: ' ||
    RAISE excp_loop;
    -- begin block for assigning values and calling API to update the item revisions
    v_rec_item_revision.inventory_item_id := rec_cur_item_rev.inventory_item_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.organization_id := rec_cur_item_rev_child.organization_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision_id := v_num_revision_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision := rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision;--v_chr_spec_rev;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision_label := rec_cur_item_rev.spec_revision;--v_chr_spec_rev;
    v_rec_item_revision.revision_reason := 'Updated the Item Revision';
    v_rec_item_revision.implementation_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.effectivity_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute_category := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute1 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute2 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute3 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute4 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute5 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute6 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute7 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute8 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute9 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute10 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute11 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute12 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute13 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute14 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.attribute15 := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.description := NULL;
    v_rec_item_revision.creation_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.created_by := v_num_user_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.last_update_date := v_dte_sysdate;
    v_rec_item_revision.last_updated_by := v_num_user_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.last_update_login := v_num_login_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.request_id := v_num_request_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.program_id := v_num_program_id;
    v_rec_item_revision.program_application_id := v_num_prog_appln_id;
    mtl_item_revisions_util.insert_row(p_item_revision_rec => v_rec_item_revision,
    x_rowid => v_chr_ret_rowid);
    v_num_succ_cnt := v_num_succ_cnt + 1;
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Error when updating the revisions: ' ||
    RAISE excp_loop;
    ELSE -- LPAD (cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) < LPAD (cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0)
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Item Revision is greater than the Spec Revision';
    o_num_retcode := 1;
    v_num_err_cnt := v_num_err_cnt + 1;
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    'Organization Code: ' ||
    rec_cur_item_rev_child.flex_value); -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    'Item Number: ' ||
    'Item Revision: ' ||
    rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision); -- v_chr_item_revision_child -- -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    'Spec Revision: ' ||
    'Error: ' ||
    v_chr_output_msg := v_chr_output_msg ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev_child.flex_value, -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, v_chr_item_revision_child, added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    v_chr_temp_msg ||
    v_chr_mail_body := v_chr_mail_body ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev_child.flex_value, -- added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    RPAD(rec_cur_item_rev.item_revision, v_chr_item_revision_child added on 05-May-09 by infosys --
    ' ') || '|' ||
    ' ') || '|' ||
    v_chr_temp_msg ||
    -- Display the statistics details in the output file
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '');
    'Number of items selected for update: ' ||
    'Number of items updated: ' || v_num_succ_cnt);
    'Number of items not updated: ' || v_num_err_cnt);
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '');
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, v_chr_output_hdr);
    * Print out the output message from CLOB variable "v_chr_output_msg"
    * Substr each line whenever we find the separator CHR(10)
    * Print each line with fnd_file.output function
    v_num_offset := 1;
    v_num_instr := 0;
    EXIT WHEN v_num_offset > dbms_lob.getlength(v_chr_output_msg);
    -- Get the position of CHR(10) when first time appearence.
    v_num_instr := dbms_lob.instr(v_chr_output_msg,
    v_num_line_length := v_num_instr - v_num_offset + 1;
    -- Substr the each line and print it out
    v_num_line_length - 1,
    v_num_offset := v_num_offset + v_num_line_length;
    END IF; -- LPAD (cur_item_rev.spec_revision, 3, 0) < LPAD (cur_item_rev.item_revision, 3, 0) --
    'Porcessing next record as a Error occured in cursor loop cur_item_rev : ' ||
    END IF;
    END LOOP; -- cur_item_rev --
    END LOOP; -- cur_item_rev_child --
    -- calling the mail procedure --
    IF v_num_err_cnt > 0
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, '');
    'Calling send_notification Procedure...');
    send_notification(o_chr_ret_code => v_chr_status,
    o_chr_ret_mesg => v_chr_temp_msg,
    i_chr_subject => 'EMR INV Item Revisions Update Program VLVS - ' ||
    i_chr_body => v_chr_mail_body);
    v_chr_temp_msg := 'Error when calling Procedure send_notification .';
    'Error details : ' || v_chr_temp_msg ||
    ' - ' || SQLERRM);
    RAISE excp_user;
    END IF;
    /*WHEN excp_loop THEN
    o_chr_errbuf := o_chr_errbuf ||
    'Program completed with error when getting the max revision';
    o_num_retcode := 2;*/
    WHEN excp_user THEN
    o_chr_errbuf := o_chr_errbuf || 'Program completed with error';
    o_num_retcode := 2;
    'Error in Item Revisions Update Program: ' ||
    o_chr_errbuf := o_chr_errbuf || 'Program completed with error';
    o_num_retcode := 2;
    END update_item_revision;

    I need to remove the log messages from loop...As currently log file printing is in loop....Can you please tell how to remove log file messages from loop.

  • Removing items from memory using loop

    The following for loop removes children from their parent if
    they're in the display list. It works correctly, but I also want to
    remove each child from memory with the same loop. I can't get it to
    work correctly however.

    I have tried multiple items in the loop to set each child to
    null before or after it's removed.
    Here are some:
    this.child = null;
    var target = this.getChildAt(0);
    target = null;

  • How to remove the simulation loop from the block diagram

    i have used lap view version 8.6 to design pid system. i have the pid block diagram with daq  on simulation loop. now my supervisor want me to remove the simulation loop. anyone know how to remove the simulation loop without deleting the pid block diagram. i have attached my pid program.
    Copy of LAP VIEW FINAL for engine ‏221 KB

    logaraj wrote:
    i have used lap view (  ) version 8.6 to design pid system. i have the pid block diagram with daq  on simulation loop. now my supervisor want me to remove the simulation loop. anyone know how to remove the simulation loop without deleting the pid block diagram. i have attached my pid program.
    You cannot remove the simulation loop alone because all the functions kept inside that loop will work inside that loop only. If you have to remove means then you have to find another way to inplement the PID control.
    The best solution is the one you find it by yourself

  • Hi all.When pressed play and make some changes in loop (eg fade in fade out) are very slow to implement, and also the loops from the library are very slow to play, corrects the somewhat self so is the Logic??

    hi all.When pressed play and make some changes in loop (eg fade in fade out) are very slow to implement, and also the loops from the library are very slow to play, corrects the somewhat self so is the Logic??

    Hey there Logic Pro21,
    It sounds like you are seeing some odd performance issues with Logic Pro X. I recommend these troubleshooting steps specifically from the following article to help troubleshoot what is happening:
    Logic Pro X: Troubleshooting basics
    Verify that your computer meets the system requirements for Logic Pro X
    See Logic Pro X Technical Specifications.
    Test using the computer's built-in audio hardware
    If you use external audio hardware, try setting Logic Pro X to use the built-in audio hardware on your computer. Choose Logic Pro X > Preferences > Audio from the main menu and click the Devices tab. Choose the built in audio hardware from the Input Device and Output Device pop-up menus. If the issue is resolved using built-in audio, refer to the manufacturer of your audio interface.
    Start Logic with a different project template
    Sometimes project files can become damaged, causing unexpected behavior in Logic. If you use a template, damage to the template can cause unexpected results with any project subsequently created from it. To create a completely fresh project choose File > New from Template and select Empty Project in the template selector window. Test to see if the issue is resolved in the new project.
    Sometimes, issues with the data in a project can be repaired. Open an affected project and open the Project Information window with the Project Information key command. Click Reorganize Memory to attempt to repair the project. When you reorganize memory, the current project is checked for any signs of damage, structural problems, and unused blocks. If any unused blocks are found, you will be able to remove these, and repair the project. Project memory is also reorganized automatically after saving or opening a project.
    Delete the user preferences
    You can resolve many issues by restoring Logic Pro X back to its original settings. This will not impact your media files. To reset your Logic Pro X user preference settings to their original state, do the following:
    In the Finder, choose Go to Folder from the Go menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the file from the Preferences folder. Note that if you have programmed any custom key commands, this will reset them to the defaults. You may wish to export your custom key command as a preset before performing this step. See the Logic Pro X User Manual for details on how to do this. If you are having trouble with a control surface in Logic Pro X, then you may also wish to delete the file from the preferences folder.
    If you have upgraded from an earlier version of Logic Pro, you should also remove~/Library/Preferences/Logic/
    Restart the computer.
    Isolate an issue by using another user account
    For more information see Isolating an issue by using another user account.
    Reinstall Logic Pro X
    Another approach you might consider is reinstalling Logic Pro X. To do this effectively, you need to remove the application, then reinstall Logic Pro X. You don't have to remove everything that was installed with Logic Pro X. Follow the steps below to completely reinstall a fresh copy of Logic Pro X.
    In the Finder, choose Applications from the Go menu.
    Locate the Logic Pro X application and drag it to the trash.
    Open the Mac App Store
    Click the Purchases button in the Mac App Store toolbar.
    Sign in to the Mac App Store using the Apple ID you first used to purchase Logic Pro X.
    Look for Logic Pro X in the list of purchased applications in the App Store. If you don't see Logic Pro X in the list, make sure it's not hidden. See Mac App Store: Hiding and unhiding purchases for more information.
    Click Install to download and install Logic Pro X.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • How do I stop mail from looping the same emails into inbox?

    How do I stop mail from looping the same emails into the inbox over and over again? It does the same thing with deleted messages that keep showing up again and again in multiples even after deleting them. I have made sure my server settings in all email accounts are set to delete immediately once I delete them on my MacBook Pro/IPhone. This issue has severely compromised the efficiency of Mail on my MacBook. Thanks for any help you're able to give me.

    I have tried that but it does not fix the problem.
    The "card" group is not a previous recipient.
    Although not available for editing in Contacts, it is a valid group showing up in the "To" field of Messages, Mail, or any app using the AddressBook.
    Its associated file is automatically created in:
    ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/AddressBook/Sources/<hexaFolder>/MetaData/<hexa>ABG roup.abcdg
    This is why it also shows up in the Spotlight results...
    If I manually remove this file, it gets recreated...
    If I turn off the syncing through iCloud, the entry gets deleted. If I turn it up, it comes back!

  • Stop Video Clip From Looping

    After creating an iDVD movie containing multiple video clips and slideshows, one of the video clips Loops (but only once) before proceeding to the following slide show. I don't want it to loop but don't know how to stop it. Because it only loops once then proceeds, I have a strange feeling that this is a strange quirk rather than an errant iDVD setting. Also, none of the other videos loop.

    Setting movies and slideshows to loop
    You can set slideshows, autoplay movies (which start to play immediately when a DVD is inserted into a player, before the DVD menu appears), and movies to repeat continuously, or “loop.” This means they begin replaying immediately after they end. If they include audio, the audio also loops.
    Looping an autoplay movie is especially useful for creating self-playing presentations, such as those used in tradeshow kiosks. For more information, see Related Topics below.
    In map view you can see at a glance which slideshows and movies are set to loop. A circular arrow symbol appears in the bottom-right corner of the icon.
    Here are ways to turn looping on or off:

    Double-click a slideshow button on the DVD menu to open the slideshow editor. Click the Settings button and select the “Loop slideshow” checkbox.

    Select a slideshow icon in map view, and then press Command-I to open the Slideshow Info window. Select the “Loop Slideshow” checkbox, and then close the window.

    Click a movie or slideshow button on the DVD menu, or a movie, slideshow, or autoplay movie icon in map view, to select it, and then choose Advanced > Loop Movie or Loop Slideshow.
    When looping is turned on, a checkmark appears next to the command in the menu. To turn off looping, select it again to remove the checkmark.

    To turn looping off for a background movie on a menu, open the Menu Info window. With your pointer over the menu (but with no buttons or text items selected), press Command-I. Move the Loop Duration slider to zero.
    When you’re viewing the burned DVD, you can press the Menu button on the DVD remote control to exit from looping.
    Click Here

  • What's the trick?  Can't delete loops from Garageband loop browser.

    Am I missing something? I've tried to delete 3rd party loops directly from the Garageband loop browser, but could not. It wouldn't work in Garageband 08, and it won't work in '09.
    These loops were all added to the library by drag and drop into the loops browser.
    Is there something I need to do with file permissions?

    I think you can only delete loops from the browser that you created yourself with GB.
    Just delete the loops in the Finder and re-index everything.

  • I have some loops from acid 5 which I have dragged in a folder to the loop browser.  Some of them retain the folder name in the View: and some don't.  I have had some that seem to go in but I can't find them.  Where should I look?

    I have some loops from acid 5 which I have dragged in a folder to the loop browser.  Some of them retain the folder name in the View: and some don't.  I have also had some that seem to go in but I can't find them.  If I try to add them again, I get a msg that they are already there.  Where should I look?

    It may be best to recreate the folder and the smart playlists from scratch.

  • Removing built in loops ?

    Hello all,
    I was just wondering if there was a way to remove/delete the loops that came with ios GarageBand .
    I know there's a way to reset and replace them but for now they're just taking up space on my device.

    Why go to the time and effort of removing it and the chance of damaging something else? Just tape a piece of paper over the camera. That way if you ever decide you want to use it for something, you can just pull the tape off.

  • Apple Loops from Regions problem...

        Having a problem when I add a region to Apple Loops in Logic Express 8....
          I've read some similar threads, but nothing that answers these issues..
        After creating a region using the Ultrabeat or a synth (all internal), I'll select the region and go up
           to the 'Region' drop down menu and select the first option, 'Add to apple loops library'...
         I came across this process naturally and it seemed to work fine, but then some of the loops created
             acted differently than others.  When I drag some of them into the Arrage area, and press play,
                they will playback no matter what position they are at.
            For example if I have a beat that starts at 1., but I have the recently added 'problem' loop at 4.,
              this 'problem' loop will play back from 1 as well, no matter if it's at 4, or 24...
           I'm not sure why this is happening to some and not others....???
              Did i accidentally do something to these that I didn't do to the others?
           Also, I figured I'd just delete them and create new ones, but then I couldn't find them ANYWHERE
              on my harddrive!!!???   I really don't get this one...
             I've read about the Apple Loops Utility now and I guess i should use that for future loop creation?
                I really don't understand how the loops I made are no where to be found, not even in the
                     Apple Loops/User Loops folder....
             Would really, really appreciate if someone could help w/ this conundrum!

    Ouch.... That's a real bummer.
    I would recommend trying the "re-conversion" with just a few loops and seeing how it works for you. I've had to do this before as well. I had a library from L7 that I had converted using ALU inside L8's arrange window. For some reason, the loops that I had never used in that project that I had converted were not converted after I deleted the project that I used them in... make sense? not to me either....
    The whole Apple Loop Utility is awesomely useful sometimes and buggy to the point of frustration at others....
    Also, is there any consistent pattern to the "off-timeiness" of the loops? (i.e: only midi loops, only audio loops, only slows down, only speeds up, "choppy", etc...)

  • How can I get my ES2 loops to play correctly? I keep getting the message that the audio is not found when I drag the loops from my audio browser even though they play fine in the preview.

    How can I get my ES2 loops to play correctly? I keep getting the message that the audio is not found when I drag the loops from my audio browser even though they play fine in the preview.

    It's exactly as I stated. Whenever I try to drag these kinds of loops (ESX24 / software instrument loops? the ones marked in green with the white music note next to them) from the loop browser into the timeline a message comes up saying Audio Not Found for that loop.  And a new track is created automatically when loops are dragged into the timeline, so I'm not creating some other random / synth instrument track so I'm not sure  what the deal is... But perhaps I'll try creating a software instrument track first and then drag the loop into that track and see what happens - maybe there's something with the default settings that automatically creates audio tracks whenever loops are imported?

  • Using multiple arrange windows + drag apple loops from one to another

    does anyone or has anyone experienced this?
    when you drag a apple loop from on arangement to another (both the same tempo) the apple loop will not cycle correctly, and audio instruments have to be shifted via the delay parameter for both AI and Apple loops to line up. this is a frequent accurance for me.
    logic 7.1.1

    i resign this topic. guess i am the only one who uses this work flow. cheers.

  • Broken in Logic 9?: Reindex loops from external drive

    Adding loops from an external drive in Logic 9 does not seem to work any longer. It used to work great in L8. Anyone have similar experiences? Know any work arounds? Is it a bug? If it's a bug I'll file it with Apple.
    Previously in Logic 8 it was easy to reindex loops on an external drive:
    (1) Delete the loop indexes from root/Library/Audio/Apple Loops Index
    (2) Use Finder to locate the loops on the external
    (3) Drag the loop folders into the L8 media browser.
    (4) L8 asks if you want to copy the loops or use them from their present location. Select present location intsead of copy locally.
    (5) L8 takes 5-20 minutes to build index of loops from external drive
    I have tried this procedure several times in L9 without success. Instead I get the following:
    (1) Delete the loop indexes from root/Library/Audio/Apple Loops
    (2) Use Finder to locate the loops on the external
    (3) Drag the loop folders into the L8 media browser.
    (4) L9 ask for my admin password.
    (5) Enter my password
    (6) I'm NOT asked if I want to copy loops locally or use them in their present location. Instead a reindex progress dialog comes up for 2 seconds then goes away.
    (7) In the end nothing happened. No loops copied, indexed, or anything
    There is only one way I managed to get loops into L9 but it is exactly what I'm NOT looking for:
    (1) In the folder with all my loops spotlight search ".CAF" (In this case want to reindex Apple content which is all CAF)
    (2) Make sure to click "show more" at the bottom of the search results.
    (3) Drag the search results to the loop browser.
    (4) L9 indexes them all right, AND also copies them to my user library! All 30 GBs worth. Definitely not what I want.
    In the end, I had to reinstall the Loops from the DVDs and specify an external location for them. (This whole mess got started when I tried to move the GarageBand and iLife loops to an external drive. The installer does not let you specify a location for them.)
    Just so you know I've done some homework:
    I've scoured other Logic forums and found these relevant threads that in the end did not solve the issue. They mostly seem to refer to Logic 8 which does not have this issue.
    @ LUG
    Thread 1
    @ Logic Pro Help
    Thread 1
    Thread 2
    Thread 3 this fellow seems to have a similar problem as I. He drags folders into the loop browser but nothing happens.
    @ Apple Discussions
    Thread 1
    Thread 2

    I just installed LP9 and all my loops and samples are on external drives. The drag and drop onto the browser method worked fine and I WAS given the option to move the files or not. The only exception to the above is Ultrabeat samples. They seem to want to be on the System drive.

Maybe you are looking for

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