Repairing permissions,not clean

I have had a dual 2 g5 for about a year, mostly used for video editing and such, lateley (the last 2 weeks or so) it has been slowing down during less than average tasks (safari opening) rendering small pictures in photoshop cs. I have safe booted/repaired permisions every month with sucess. now no matter how many times i repair them thier is always the same permission repair. So my question is, is there another something I can do or find out how to get a clean bill of health from the permissions window. Thanks in advance for any help with this matter. P.S. Is DiskWarrior a good option?

I have written a few performance tips here
It could be a combination of things.
1: Not enough RAM - get enough to cover all open apps requirements
2: The internet or other networks - take yourself offline with a blank location in network
3: A large almost filled boot drive - reduce and keep it to ideally less than 50% filled, don't go over 80% filled.
4: OS unoptimized - clone your boot drive to a external and back again
5: Slow hard drive - have a boot drive just for boot/apps/itunes/ and a bare bone "home" and keep space hogging user files (especially movies) in new folders on another drive.
6: Caches overloaded, System Prebinding is off - Get OnyX (search Apple) and run all the Automation with a reboot once a month.
7: Daisychaining hard drives - keep each drive on it's port off the G5, don't use hubs your just bottlenecking your interfaces.
8: Video requires hard drive speed and redundancy - Video eats drives fast, consider a X-RAID in a RAID 5 configuration with a lot of drives for fast speed and redundacy of your data.
9: Photoshop -Tiger over rides CS2's RAM limit, but not the previous versions of Photoshop, you'll do good upgrading and having plenty of RAM.
10: Run X-Bench once in awhile to get a grip of the performance of your machine, especially the boot drive. I would try to your uncached 4k block writes to over 100 MB p/s
With the latest update the Permission Repair "We are using special...." is pretty long. It's just informing you of changes and not neccessarily means they were thrown off.
DiskWarrior only repairs your directory, it's optimizations in tests are pretty limited. It's expensive and it's name is a misnomer. If your directory needs repair, it's the program to get. I bought it once and have gone for a year without it just fine as directories rarely foul up.
I would clone your boot drive to a external and back again, you can read how by visiting my link and downloading the file.
(.Mac may be offline tommorow so check back)

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    Tony, if you think it isn't working because all you see is the blue & white "barber pole" display instead of the all blue progress bar during the repair, rest assured that this is just a display bug & the repair actually is being done. It can take a long time for the repair -- much longer than in Tiger, so be patient -- give it as much as 10 minutes or more to complete & you should see the 'permissions repair complete' message eventually.
    If you are seeing something else, my apologies for assuming otherwise. Please describe more about why it isn't working & perhaps we can help you.

  • Repair permissions not repairing

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    Michael Lunsford wrote:
    I've been digging on this for a while and don't see a relevant answer, so here goes. My ichat stopped working earlier today. Clicking the icon in the menubar says "no account enabled." Now, normally when this happens, I just reboot to the recovery partition, run "repair disk permissions" in disk utility, boot up again and things are grand.
    Only, this time, I've run repair permissions about a half-dozen times, and all of the items listed as a problem don't seem to go away. I saw a post somewhere that this was a known java issue that didn't affect anything. However, ichat still says "no account active" so I'm conviced that this is a problem in some regard.
    So, how do I repair disk permissions that will not be repaired?
    As long as it says 'Permissions Repaired' at the bottom, then they have been repaired. Ignor the continuing list. It really means nothing. I gaurentee you. As for iChat, never used it, sorry.
    Good Luck

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    i understand that it is not causing me trouble now, but I would like to fix what I can fix (if I should) to prevent bigger problems in the future... thats all.
    the link you shared with me does not directly apply to my situation. Im not getting the exact same reports that that article is talking about. unless you're telling me to just assume my situation falls in the same class as the situations in that article.

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    David Das wrote:
    I just installed a new 8-core Mac Pro, fresh install of Leopard, plus iLife 09 and a ton of my software.
    Am finding this quirk: I repair permissions, and a bunch of "permissions differ" messages come up (most pertaining to Front Row, BackRow, iPhoto Access, and iWork) but if I run it twice in a row, those permissions don't get fixed. I thought Repair Permissions now permanently fixes all permissions (unlike older Mac OS's in which sometimes permissions wouldn't get fixed).
    Have you really searched these boards for identical issues before posting?
    On the right side of this forum is a small window marked "Search Discussions"
    It's very hand and obviates repetitive posts.
    The answer to your question is no.

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    2011-09-28 17:00:54 -0700:
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    2011-09-28 17:05:30 -0700:
    2011-09-28 17:05:30 -0700:
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    Turns out this is a Lion issue and only happens on RAID arrays. Apple is looking into it.
    For anyone with the same issue, the command line version of disk utility does work, i.e:
    diskutil repairPermissions /

  • HD Not Accessible to Repair Permissions

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    I get
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    Emergency over. It took about 30mins, but it did in the end actually work.
    Sorry to waste you time, bandwidth, and server space.

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    My Mac says i do not have sufficient permission,( though I've repaired permissions and checked that I'm an administrator of this computer) to upgrade- can you tell me what the problem is? Mac 10.5.8
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I attempted to upgrade from 2.0 version ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16

    If you have Mac OS X 10.5 or newer then do this:
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program:
    Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean reinstall.
    Install the new version that you have downloaded.
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

  • Mac won't update software or access iTunes shop. Message comes up with 'not connected to the net. Check connections' error. I still have internet access. Changed my Apple ID but no result. Repaired permissions and re-installed operating system.

    Mac won't update software or access iTunes shop. Message comes up with 'not connected to the net. Check connections' error. I still have internet access. Changed my Apple ID but no result. Repaired permissions and re-installed operating system.

    It sounds like you may have multiple problems, but none of them are likely to be caused by malware.
    First, the internet-related issues may be related to adware or a network compromise. I tend to lean more towards the latter, based on your description of the problem. See:
    If investigation shows that this is not a network-specific issue, then it's probably adware. See my Adware Removal Guide for help finding and removing it. Note that you mention AdBlock as if it should have prevented this, but it's important to understand that ad blockers do not protect you against adware in any way. Neither would any kind of anti-virus software, which often doesn't detect adware.
    As for the other issues, it sounds like you've got some serious corruption. I would be inclined to say it sounds like a failing drive, except it sounds like you just got it replaced. How did you get all your files back after the new drive was installed?
    (Fair disclosure: I may receive compensation from links to my sites, and, in the form of buttons allowing for donations. Donations are not required to use my site or software.)

  • DisK Utility Not Repairing Permissions

    Hello, I have a problem with my iMac.
    The problem is as following: I cannot repair permission using Disk Utility.
    What happened first was that I wanted to install a program from a mounted drive, however a Pop up occurred and said the framework of installer was incorrect.
    After that, I went to Disk Utility and clicked repair permissions when a Pop up like this came up:
    What is the problem?
    Thank you for any help,

    -are you running Disk Utility from the HD or booted to the instal disk?
    -what are the affected files?
    If the file(s) was not installed by the mac OS X installer, Repair Permissions will not fix the issue
    If the files are located in your home folder,
    boot to instal disk#1,
    choose Reset Password Utility from the menu bar
    and "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs".

  • Please Help, After Kernel panic restart failed- apple swirl(6 hrs), SafeMode-failed, SUMode-sucess. Could not unmount disk to erase. Repair permissions-multiple fail errors:unable to set permissions on... unable to set owner and group...

    Please Help, I deleted an account that was the same name as the administrator but was not the administrator. Also a samsung galaxy s phone was charging through the usb port.
    I closed out a program and got a message that the temp file could not be stored/saved.
    Then a Kernel panic message occurred and restart was necessary.
    The restart resulted in the screen with the apple logo and a continous swirl for 6+hrs,
    Attempted Safe Mode start up, unsuccessful,
    Single User Mode-sucess.
    Ran $ fsck_hfs -rfd /dev/disk0s2 Ran several times repairs made with one which remained. something about a node.
    No change in start up attempts
    Started with install CD matching current OS 10.6
    Ran Disk Utility Repair Permissions resulting in multiple errors:
    One line/error
    Warning: SUID file /////Ardagent has been modified and will not be repaired
    144 lines/errors of this type of series of lines
    Group permissions differ on...should be drwxr-xr-x, they are -rw-r--r-- .
    permissions differ on...should be drwxr-xr-x, they are -rw-r--r-- .
    unable to set owner and group...error 22: Invalid Argument
    unable to set permissions on...error 22: Invalid Argument
    Ran Repair Disk, result:
    Error: Could not unmount disk (in red)
    Ran Verify Disk, result:
    The volume HD appears to be ok (in green)
    Next I attempted to erase the dist to start from scratch since I have data backed up on time machine.
    Error message box
    Volume Erase failed
    Volume Erase failed with error:
    Could not unmount disk
    I am looking to solve without buying DiskWarrior unless only resort.

    So it looks like  solved it for now I will update later. What I did was after starting from the install cd for the 10.6 system I ran from terminal ran:
    diskutil disablejournaling /dev/disk0s2
    diskutil disableownership /dev/disk0s2
    diskutil repairPermissions /dev/disk0s2
    then i closed terminal and then when to disk utility and chose to repair disk with results all was fine. Then ran repair permissions and got similar results from terminal function next I erased disk and then chose to restore from time machine and it is now restoring! yea!

  • OS X 10.6.7 Canon All-in-One 480 Printer will not print files, only blank pages. Have to go to Utilities, Disk Utility  and Repair permissions for a temporary fix. How can I get a permanent fix?

    After upgrading to OS X 10.6.7., my Canon All-in One MP 480 printer will not print. it says it is printing, but the sheet of paper just runs through the printer and comes out blank. I finally went online to just and got a fix involving the System preferences, printer and fax. i was told to go to Applications in the HD, thenUtilities, then Disk Utilities, highlight the HD and check on Verify Disk. If it says Disk is OK, click on Repair Permissions. At first, that worked, but the next time I went to print after turning the printer off, it refused to print and just ran the sheet of paper through blank. Once that happens, there is no way to go back to printing the file that failed. I fiinally had to copy and paste the info from the file that would not print and put it in an email to myself and then print that. This is very frustrating, and I would really like a final solution for the problem.

    There's a lot there, so I'll start with the parts I can answer quickly.
    The "ACL found but not expected..." messages can be safely ignored, so says this article
    (look below all the "SUID" examples)
    I had changed my Desktop image earlier but when the "Installing 1 item" window came up it changed back to the back ground that you first see on your desktop after installation.
    Leopard installs updates a bit differently. If it's simply an application that does not change system files, it installs them like before, without having to restart. If the update is to the system, then you must immediately "restart," It then goes to that stars and purple screen to perform the installation. Before, it would do the installation while you still had control of the Mac and would prompt you to restart when it finished the installation. This change probably make things more secure and reliable, because you aren't allowed to do other things on the Mac while system updates are being installed.
    Please post back with the remaining point of concern.

  • Repairing permissions (Error msg. not understood)

    Good evening,
    So far my erase all/install of Leopard has gone smoothly on my 2Ghz Duo macbook, however I recently went in to Disk Utility to repair permissions and this popped up after it completed. (As a side note, repairing the permissions didn't take nearly as long on Tiger, not did it cause the fan to go into overdrive?)
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    What does this mean, and is it a a possible problem? I don't understand.
    Thanks in advance

    There are a couple of other threads about this already. Search discussions using these words: Permissions Warning
    You'll see a bunch of threads about the same thing.
    Basically, I think I remember something being mentioned about Apple Script. Incidentally, I had the same problem.

  • Run permissions, it says repaired, but not repaired. get list of same error every time.

    when i run repair permissions, i get a 2 page list of the  same fault in itunes. it than says they were repaired but i get the same thing each time i run it. reinstalled itunes, no help.
    file://localhost/Users/robertbarry/Desktop/Permissions%20differ%20on%20“Appli.te xtClipping

    I would not be concerned. These are errors generated because the version of Disk Utility you are using or the installed software database do not have information about the files. They will be repeated every time you repair permissions. Just ignore them.

Maybe you are looking for