Report data visibility

I need to give full data access for reports to a certain User. He is currently able to see only data related to his login and all Users reporting to him.
I dont want to give that User an Admin Role for complete data visibility.
Is there a way to achieve this.

Enable "Access All Data in Analytics" Privileges for his role. You might also want to create an independent role if there are other users sharing the same role.

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    Please let me know if I missed something to mention or is there any other process I need to follow .
    Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

    is not working Insufficient information. In what way is it "not working"? The page doesn't render as required? There's an error message? The browser crashes? The server room has been trampled into dust by a herd of buffalo?
    I am unable to make it as page form / report.
    v1 := v1 || ' ' ||'<input inline type =submit style="color:BLUE;background-color:RED" value='||c2.plot_id||'>';
    ...It is not possible to generate form elements in an APEX page in this way. The [APEX_ITEM API|] is the only way to create APEX items in PL/SQL. However it contains no procedures to generate button items, so an alternative design is required in this case, e.g. a report with links.
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    This problem is killing me. Can anyone please help and let me know any possible solution? Thanks so much.
    Edited by: Sinsin Tan on Jul 14, 2010 5:59 AM

    Hi Sinsin, what version of BusinessObjects are you using? Is it XI 3.1?
    I don't know if it is the same problem or not, but I have seen that before when a user cannot view the data, change the font and/or background color and the data becomes visible. Reinstalling the client fixed that problem. If you couldn't figure out the root cause, you might want to consider this option.
    If you are using the BusinessObjects tool, you should join [ASUG|]

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    <input type="hidden" name="reportviewer" value="reportviewer" />
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    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    crv_config = {"lang":"en","needFallback":true,"useAsync":true}
    <script language="JavaScript" src="crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    if (typeof bobj == 'undefined') {
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      '<table class=\"crExceptionBorder\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0>' +
      ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionHeader\">The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the report.</td></tr>' +
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      ' <tr><td><span class=\"crExceptionText\">Please check the following to resolve the issue.<br>1. Verify that crystalreportviewers/ is accessible to your WebApp and is the correct path to the viewer resources.<br>2. You may customize this location by altering the crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties in the web.xml.<br>3. Validate that the file crv.js exists at crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js.</span></td></tr>' +
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    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    There are two things to check :
    1.  Check the driver which you are using in BO ( If you are try to connect using ODBC try to change the drivers and check)
    2.  Viewer--In infoview go in preferences and try to change the viewer.  If your report is using DHTL, try to change it to Java or Web viewer and check.

  • Is there any api for accessing OSB OOTB jms reporting data

    hi Experts,
    My customer is using osb11.1.1.7, they asked me if osb provides method to access native report data, they don't want to implement report plugin, but need some methods to integrate report data into other applications beyond quering it from osb console.
    Best regards

    Based on how you described the scenario, it seems like you can implement a Custom Reporting Provider to access the OSB report data and appropriately use it.
    Please refer to the example Custom Reporting Provider @ for more details and a sample implementation.
    I am not a big fan of using the built in DB structure of the reporting tables as it is very generic and does not allow you to create indexes on certain business fields, partitioning etc ...
    I would rather prefer to build a custom reporting layer to extend the reporting data and populate a certain set of tables (aligned to my specific business needs, with proper indexes and partitioning to help support the data optimally) and then querying this data to provide visibility to other teams/applications.
    Hope this helps.

  • Export Parent Child Report data

    Does anyone know if it is possible to export Child - parent report data in one file?
    Kind regards,

    Thanks for your suggestion. In looking at this some more I see now that the queries are finding my data, but the data is not printing. Simply put, my parent query has student name & number, my child query has attendance dates for that student. The parent portion is working fine with the student name & number appearing on the report, but my child attendance dates are not showing on the report. The repeating frame in which they reside is also not showing. I know the queries are pulling the right data though, because the number of pages I am getting for each student corresponds to that student's attendance data. But the entire frame and data within it are not showing on my report. I have checked to see that the Visible value is set to Yes. Does anyone know what I am overlooking?

  • SPROXY: No connection to Integration Builder (only local data visible)

    When I try to access the transaction SPROXY I get the message "No connection to Integration Builder (only local data visible)".
    I already did the configuration steps described in the XI Configuration Guide, section 8: Connecting Business Systems with an Integration Engine to the Central Integration Server.  I also checked that the parameters in the Exchange Profile were correct.
    Transaction SLDCHECK is working ok.  The TCP/IP connections SAPSLDAPI & LCRSAPRFC work OK when I do Test Connection.
    In transaction SPROXY, when I do Connection Test the first 2 steps work fine, but I get an error on the last two:
    1.  The address of the Integration Builder must be stored in the R/3
         =>Check/maintain with report SPROX_CHECK_IFR_ADDRESS
    Result: OK: Address maintained
    2. The HTTP connection of the R/3 application server must function
    Result: HTTP communication functioning
    The following 2 steps return an error:
    3. The Integration Builder server must be running correctly
    =>Check with report SPROX_CHECK_IFR_RESPONSE
    Result: Integration Builder data not understood
    4. Proxy generation must correctly interpret the data of the
    Integration Builder
    ==>Check with report SPROX_CHECK_IFR_CONNECTION
    Result: Integration Builder data not understood
    I've been looking in the forums and weblogs but haven't been able to figure out what could be wrong with my system.   Can someone please help?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Check Global Configuration data in R3  using TC : SXMB_ADM.
    You need to set values..Role of Business System : Application System and Corresponding Integration server details.
    Also check your HTTP RFC connection : INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI
    Message was edited by:
            Nilesh Kshirsagar

  • No Connection to Integration Builder (only local data visible): from R/3

    I am also facing the same problem. I maintained the RFC destinations in R/3 properly. I did Test Connection and for RFC destination its working fine. I maintained proper values in SLDAPICUST. When I run SLDCHECK I got the following error.
    <b>Calling function LCR_LIST_BUSINESS_SYSTEMS
    Retrieving data from the SLD server...
    Function call returned exception code 4
    => Check whether the SLD is running!
    Summary: Connection to SLD does not work
    => Check SLD function and configurations</b>
    Otherwise access to XI Profile works fine. But then when I run SPROXY I am getting the same message <b>No Connection to Integration Builder (only local data visible)</b>
    I also checked the following report =>Check with report SPROX_CHECK_IFR_RESPONSE (3rd option) its giving informational message <b>Integration Builder data not understood</b>, for the 4th report  ==>Check with report SPROX_CHECK_IFR_CONNECTION, it is also showing the same above information message.
    Looking forward for the response,
    Appreciate your help,
    Thanks and Regards,

    I had the same problem and I have already solved it.
    You have just to apply the following sap notes :
    1232805 - Saint: Queue calculation for an add-on with CRT´s fail.
    769120 - Support Package for APPINT 200_620
    The first one is to update tha SPAM/SAINT to v 30 and the second one allow you use the pi/xi objects on application system.
    There is another sap note 689847, but you just apply this if the sap notes above described did not work.
    Paulo Correa

  • Windows are weired in Reports- Data Dictionary Reports- PL/SQL- .......

    When I go to Reports->Data Dictionary Reports-> PL/SQL->Search Source Code I get a window where I can not enter anything and moreover nothing is clearly visible.
    Also same is happening for option Reports->Data Dictionary Reports-> PL/SQL->Progam Unit Arguments.

    The parameters default to NULL (the NULL check box is ticked) - to be able to enter a value, you need to first uncheck the NULL check box. You get the same thing with bind variables when running statements in the SQL Worksheet.
    I think it would be much better if typing anything into the parameter value field automatically deselected the NULL, but it doesn't do that.

  • Stock Report Date Wise

    Dear All
            I am devlop new Stock Report Date wise
    my output follows
    Material    Plant   Storagelocaton   Saleorder OPenning stock     Closing Stock     Total
    Which Table stored that details?
    how will calculated?
    Thanks and Regards

    i think the following tables
    will be helpful for the report:-
    hope this will help
    good luck

  • Error while creating a new report data source in Sharepoint Document library

    I installed SSRS(sql server 2012 SP1) in my sharepoint 2013 farm(single server installation).
    I have installed SSRS addin for report also. 
    I created a document library and included the report data source content type, report builder report and report builder model content types. On click of any of these content types i get the below error. 
    "new Document requires a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible application and web browser. To add document to document library, click on the 'Upload' button."
    I am using windows 7 64-bit operation system with Google chrome and IE 8 64 bit.
    Any help would be appreciated. 

    Rakesh, is this an SSRS question?
    This doesn't look like Power View.
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Getting 401 error while creating a Report Data Source with MOSS 2010 Foundation

    I have setup SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services with SharePoint 2010 Foundation in SharePoint integrated mode. SharePoint Foundation is in machine 1 whereas SQL Server 2008 R2 and SSRS Report Server are in machine 2. While configuring Reporting
    Services - Sharepoint integration, I have used Authentication Mode as "Windows Authentication" (I need to use Kerberos).
    My objective is to setup a Data Connection Library, a Report Model Library, and a Reports Library so that I can upload a Report Data Source, some SMDLs, and a few Reports onto their respective libraries.
    While creating the top level site, "Business Intelligence Center" was not available for template selection since SharePoint Foundation is being used. I therefore selected "Blank Site" as the template.
    While creating a SharePoint Site under the top level site, for template selection I again had to select "Blank Site".
    I then proceeded to create a library for the data connection. Towards this, I created a new document library and selected "Basic page" as the document template. I then went to Library Settings for this newly created library and clicked on
    Advanced Settings. In the Advanced Settings page, for "Allow management of content types?" I selected "Yes". Then I clicked on "Add from existing content types" and selected "Report Data Source". I deleted the existing
    "Document" content type for this library.
    Now I wanted to created a Data Connection in the above Data Connection library. For this when I clicked on "New Document" under "Documents" of "Library Tools" and selected "Report Data Source", I got the error "The
    request failed with HTTP status
    401: Unauthorized.".
    Can anybody tell me why I am getting this error?
    Note: I have created the site and the library using SharePoint Admin account.

    Thank you for your detailed description. According to the description, I noticed that the report server was not part of the
    SharePoint farm. Add the report server to the
    SharePoint farm and see how it works.
    To join a report server to a SharePoint farm, the report server must be installed on a computer that has an instance of a SharePoint product or technology. You can install the report server before or after installing the SharePoint product
    or technology instance.
    More information, see
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • UCCX 7.0.1SR5 to 8.0 upgrade while also adding LDAP integration for CUCM - what happens to agents and Historical Reporting data?

    Current State:
    •    I have a customer running CUCM 6.1 and UCCX 7.01SR5.  Currently their CUCM is *NOT* LDAP integrated and using local accounts only.  UCCX is AXL integrated to CUCM as usual and is pulling users from CUCM and using CUCM for login validation for CAD.
    •    The local user accounts in CUCM currently match the naming format in active directory (John Smith in CUCM is jsmith and John Smith is jsmith in AD)
    •    Upgrade software versions and migrate to new hardware for UCCX
    •    LDAP integrate the CUCM users
    Desired Future State and Proposed Upgrade Method
    Using the UCCX Pre Upgrade Tool (PUT), backup the current UCCX 7.01 server. 
    Then during a weekend maintenance window……
    •    Upgrade the CUCM cluster from 6.1 to 8.0 in 2 step process
    •    Integrate the CUCM cluster to corporate active directory (LDAP) - sync the same users that were present before, associate with physical phones, select the same ACD/UCCX line under the users settings as before
    •    Then build UCCX 8.0 server on new hardware and stop at the initial setup stage
    •    Restore the data from the UCCX PUT tool
    •    Continue setup per documentation
    At this point does UCCX see these agents as the same as they were before?
    Is the historical reporting data the same with regards to agent John Smith (local CUCM user) from last week and agent John Smith (LDAP imported CUCM user) from this week ?
    I have the feeling that UCCX will see the agents as different almost as if there is a unique identifier that's used in addition to the simple user name.
    We can simplify this question along these lines
    Starting at the beginning with CUCM 6.1 (local users) and UCCX 7.01.  Let's say the customer decided to LDAP integrate the CUCM users and not upgrade any software. 
    If I follow the same steps with re-associating the users to devices and selecting the ACD/UCCX extension, what happens? 
    I would guess that UCCX would see all the users it knew about get deleted (making them inactive agents) and the see a whole group of new agents get created.
    What would historical reporting show in this case?  A set of old agents and a set of new agents treated differently?
    Has anyone run into this before?
    Is my goal possible while keeping the agent configuration and HR data as it was before?

    I was doing some more research looking at the DB schema for UCCX 8.
    Looking at the Resource table in UCCX, it looks like there is primary key that represents each user.
    My question, is this key replicated from CUCM or created locally when the user is imported into UCCX?
    How does UCCX determine if user account jsmith in CUCM, when it’s a local account, is different than user account jsmith in CUCM that is LDAP imported?
    Would it be possible (with TAC's help most likely) to edit this field back to the previous values so that AQM and historical reporting would think the user accounts are the same?
    Database table name: Resource
    The Unified CCX system creates a new record in the Resource table when the Unified CCX system retrieves agent information from the Unified CM.
    A Resource record contains information about the resource (agent). One such record exists for each active and inactive resource. When a resource is deleted, the old record is flagged as inactive; when a resource is updated, a new record is created and the old one is flagged as inactive.

  • Multiple data sets: a common global dataset and per/report data sets

    Is there a way to have a common dataset included in an actual report data set?
    For one project I have about 70 different letters, each letter being a report in Bi Publisher, each one of them having its own dataset(s).
    However all of these letters share a common standardized reference block (e.g. the user, his email address, his phone number, etc), this common reference block comes from a common dataset.
    The layout of the reference block is done by including a sub-llayout (rtf-file).
    The SQL query for getting the dataset of the reference block is always the same, and, for now, is included in each of the 70 reports.
    Ths makes maintenance of this reference block very hard, because each of the 70 reports must be adapted when changes to the reference block/dataset are made.
    Is there a better way to handle this? Can I include a shared dataset that I would define and maintain only once, in each single report definition?

    The use of the subtemplate for the centrally managed layout, is ok.
    However I would like to be able to do the same thing for the datasets in the reports:
    one centrally managed data set (definition) for the common dataset, which is dynamic!, and in our case, a rather complex query
    datasets defined on a per report basis
    It would be nice if we could do a kind of 'include dataset from another report' when defining the datasets for a report.
    Of course, this included dataset is executed within each individual report.
    This possibility would make the maintenance of this one central query easier than when we have to maintain this query in each of the 70 reports over and over again.

  • Single Sign-On and Data Visibility Rights

    I was wondering whether anyone has any best practices for implementing single sign on and user identification with Excelsius.
    More specifically, I need to interrogate user role, and limit certain data visibility based on that role.
    For example, a sales rep may only see certain data for their own territories, but the regional and national managers can see more.
    With the emphasis in improving enterprise integration with the new version coming up, I'm also wondering if there are any improvements included for this aspect.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Derick,
    I want to make our discussion into 2 parts
    1) Sign on
    2) Viewing data based on the Heirarchy
    1)Before discussing about the Sign on i want to know which connectivity you are using ? Live offcie or QaaWS.
    2) We can make the second point possible in two ways One is with providing restriction at universe level
    and the other one is through the use of flash variables.
    Using flash variables:
    The main idea of using flash variables is reading the User ID from BO authentication and based on that we fetch the Heirarchy level of that user. Then we use some excel logic to hide the data from Low level heirarchy(Here we use Dynamic Visibility for components).
    I hope this is what you ar looking for....
    If so i have more points to acheive such scenario.
    Please provide the your BO environment details, such that it will be easy to identify the better best wat to acheve it.
    AnjaniKumar C.A.

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