Report Overhead, WIP

Dear All,
every month we are calculating WIP & Overhead in month end activities .
How to get the monthwise report for Plant Overhead & WIP .
Pl guide

WIP standard reports apart from KKAQ Plant wise and CO43 for overhead
Summarized: KKBC_HOE - With Defined Summarization Hierarchy
Target/Actual/Production Variances
S_ALR_87013139 - Cumulative
S_ALR_87013140 - Periodic
Work in Process
S_ALR_87013151 - Actual/WIP: Cumulative
S_ALR_87013152 - Actual/WIP: Periodic

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    Dear all,
    When I execute KKAO report for a particular month, the WIP values for some orders differ from the WIP Gl Balance for the particular period.
    Please suggest me why this difference occurs?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Dasuni ,
    As you might be aware , whatever results the system computes for Work in Process for partially delivered orders and for Variances for fully delivered orders are posted to Financial Accounting using Settlement. If you look at the Production order settlement rule , you will have PER and FUL settlement rules described wherein if in one specific period , you do not settle the order , the same may be settled in the next period by virtue of the FUL indicator. So, in your case , it is a clear indication that one such orders was not settled during May but was settled during June. That is what apparently I can make out of this.

  • Report for WIP

    Hi freinds,
       I am looking for a report that will display the WIP.
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       if any1 knows about it or any1 has developed such a report and is able to send me, i'll b so thankful to him.
       or u can mail me @ [email protected]
    points rewd for sure.

    Try to explore the option of using Storage location resource, and still I think you need to have a Custom report to get the data required by you.
    <a href="">Link to Storage Location Resource</a></b>

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    How many assets capitalized directly(without WIP)??
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    Try this report
    with transaction type as th einput parameter

  • Report for WIP stock

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    of time to get the finished component "X".  
    The client needs to know the stock of this semifinished component "X'  like
    Material  PrOrNo  PrOrdqty Op0010  Op0020  Op0030  Op0040  Op0050  Op0060
      X       10000010      10           -             5            3           -            2
      X       10000055        5          2             -             -           -            3
    Pls suggest the best method to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance

    Try to explore the option of using Storage location resource, and still I think you need to have a Custom report to get the data required by you.
    <a href="">Link to Storage Location Resource</a></b>

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    Urgent please
    Thank you,

    Hi Simi
    Structure CCSS of Report Painter is combination of several tables including COEP
    Even your revenue should have been updated in COEP table...
    May be your report's selection conditions are preventing the revenues from being displayed... Can you check that?/
    Also, you can build this report from FI Structures
    Br, Ajay M

  • WIP Report - urgent

    Is there an Standard SAP report to get the WIP by cost component structure by order/plant wise? If not, what are the possibilites to create a custom report of WIP by cost components?
    Urgent please
    Thank you,
    Edited by: Nivi ram on Jan 8, 2008 2:36 PM

    Hi mangra
    Include the master data infoobject in your cube and use it in the query
    For calculation like delay, you can creata a formula in the report
    N Ganesh

  • WIP stock report

    Hi ,
    One of my process industry clint required a stock report on every month end ( Last working day of the month)  , stock report  should show clear indicatation for Physical stock and WIP stocks .
    Can any one suggest a method to get WIP stocks .
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Sekhar ,
    There is no standard report  for WIP stock you need to create  z Report
    or  in COOISE  select list as  1) Component 2) item
    In component you will get  Order quantity and   Delivered quantiy
    and in Item you will get    Order quantity and confirm quantity
    WIP = Confirm quantity - Deliver quantity ( with reference to order quantity)

  • WIP Calcultion not updated in GL

    Could someone answer the issue that one of our users are facing.
    We have an order where the WIP calculation is shown in KKAX but have not updated GL. is there anyway i could check whether the WIP has been posted to GL (i know it is through settlement but anyway to verify it). any suggestion to this would be greatly appreciated.

    "Please suggest a document that would be useful for an user to perform an accurate month end run(Overhead,WIP, Variance & Settlement):"
    There is no SAP Standard specific document.
    I have done the month-end configuration and training with my company for 10 years, so I wrote the list accounting's use.
    You need to know your orders [we do discrete production, Service and Sales orders] and know the configuration.
    The "list" is :Overhead, WIP/RA, Variance and settlement as required. [We do NOT run overhead on Sales Orders because of the configuration we have]
    I do not know how accounting does the reconciliation to the GL,
    However, I did have a report spec'd using table: GLPCA,   EC-PCA: Actual Line Items"  which, for specified parameters, uses all the accounts and cost elements used in Orders (consumption, labor, overhead, settlement, etc) and it nets the $ values per order for the period.  If there is a balance, it is output to the report.  A balance on an order after settlement, indicates that there was some kind of issue with the order and it's settlement.  Accounting calls this the "Order Balance Report" it has become a standard part of the settlement process.
    Once you know what steps need to be done, the way to insure that they are "always" done is to create selection variants and have the jobs scheduled to run in sequence automatically.  then Monitor them with SCMO


    Hi All,
    How to get details for Work center wise WIP per product / order?
    Thanks & Regards

    To get a report of WIP values per Plant, material and order number, you need to run the Production order overhead and then run WIP (in a test mode if you do not continue to settlement) the standard WIP report will give you:
    value of WIP, plant, material, and order number 
    Summarize it as you want.
    WIP is calculated for the ORDER while work centers are at a lower level, so you won't get WIP in a Work Center.

  • Open and closed order reports

    Please anyone tell me how we can find which orders are open order & which are closed orders??
    Also the difference in the recognition between WIP Sales order and Closed Sales order??

    I know about open and sales order. Actually i have to make an open order report, a WIP order report and a closed order report. And i know we can make these reports from the following:-
    CHARACTERISTICS: Bill-to-party,Ship to party, sold to party, Company code,Plant,Sales organization ,Sales Office,Material Number,Deliver block
    KEY FIGURES:orders,Open Orders,Order items,Subtotal,Net weight, open Quantity,Gross weight
    But i dont know which characteristics and key figures we will use for open order report, which one are for WIP order report and also for closed order report.
    Please do tell me how can i make these three reports.

  • WIP Production Orders

    Dear Gurus,
    How can i archive the report of WIP Production Orders with Quantity & Scheduled delivery date in BIW.
    Which cube will provide the details of orders which are in WIP with the quantity & schedule delivery date of order.
    Waiting for reply.
    Swapnil V.Patil

    I somewhat agree with what Raj has to say. Something which is already in process how can that be uploaded, how can one compensate for the time which has been consumed in the production activity.
    I hope Rupesh Brahamakar sir would throw light on this issue, as most of us are under the dillema at the time of Cut-Over activity.
    Sir, hoping your valueable inputs.

  • Report Identification

    How to determine whether the report can be created in report painter or it can be made through ABAP.
    Also let me know about this: There is a report in excel for which data is extracted through Trial Balance in SAP. From this system generated data, different reports are made in excel like monthly P&L report total and product wise; WIP and FG report; variance report for WIP and FG; and the complete one having COGS, raw mat, Mfg expenses, WIP, COGM, FG, contribution, Admin & general, selling and distribution.

    1st of all gather the total requirement.
    I hope you can deliver the report with in functional module itself:
    COGM and COGS will be possible through COPA.
    T code: KE31/KE35 without / with form
    T Code: KE30 - Execution of the report.
    Try the Report painter option also ...Creation of the report :GRR1 Library:1VK
    Still the requirement is not fulfilled then \
    you can go for ABAP reports.
    Pavan Kumar Arvapally

  • Wip Stock Value

    Dear Friends , I have to develop a report of WIP stock . Can any one tell me the name of tables which stores information regarding WIP material and its quantity and value .

    Dear Rajan,
    WIP stock   means work in Progerss stock. This stock will be generally available on production line .In SAP we define diofferent material code for diffrent stages of material for ex Ram Material will have one number, semifinish will have one number.In semifinish also based on varoius stages in processing can have dofferent number for ex turning stage , heat treatment stage etc.Production line will be defined by some cost center.We can find stock at any point of time with the help of code number & location.
    Please  check if it is helpful,
    If i get more clue i will post message,

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