Required software extenstions are missing

...With Adobe Media Encoder CS4 (I'm using a mac)
I'm a new user and I'm editing simple videos and I need these videos exported ASAP for work.
I'm trying to export a video from Premiere Pro to the encoder and said message keeps popping up. It mentions clicking okay, but the message freezes.
any ideas?

it just links me to the pace general website
It linked me to at least one Apple forum topic.  I didn't dig past the first page, or even get all the way down the page.
Why would adobe be telling me to download anti piracy software?
That's not what's happening.  OSX is telling you that the required extensions for the PACE software to operate properly, which IIRC Adobe uses to prevent piracy, are missing.  Adobe doesn't want you to download anti-piracy software; your Adobe software already includes it.

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    Required software extensions are missing
    The shared library named "<ILUIEngineLibCarbon><ILUIEngineLibCarbon><URLAccessLib>"could not be found. Please install this library or contact customer support for this product.
    I tried to re-install the Logic Express again, but I get the same error message. As for customer support-I can't find any phone no or e-mail.
    Anybody help me?

    If you are using a legally owned copy of Logic all the numbers for support are printed into the manual.

  • Error: Required (PACE) Software extensions are missing!

    since I've installed the WAVES-Vintage Demo a few days ago I've got nothing but troubles with my system.
    I've loaded the Mercury Bundle and installed it to my mac. Okay, I forgot to delete the plug ins which I haven't any authorization so I've got troubles with the auval but that was another problem I solved. Since then evry time I open Logic I got the Error Message: required software extensions are missing, and the question if I would like to go to the PACE site to download the software. The crazy thing is that I have installed the Interlock Extensions, otherwise my own Waves plug ins wouldn't run before I got the Vintage Demo. But if Logic want it again okay I do what it said and install the file which is on my mac again. After that Logic opens without any error messages, but the next day I had the same procedure as every day... Error message... Installation...everything runs...
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    Hey Klotzi,
    the error message you get could actually come from one or several Waveshells that has no corresponding Waves plug-ins in the Waves plug-ins folder.
    I suggest that first of all you drag all those Waves Plug-ins that have no valid license, or expired demo license from the folder "Applications>Waves>Waves Plug-Ins" to the folder "Applications>Waves>Waves Plug-Ins>Unused Plug-Ins".
    Now in the Waves>Authorizers-Folder, run all the Waves AU Reg Util applications and note how much plug-ins they report. Those that report "0 AU plug-ins" will probably still have their waveshell in your plug-in folder for the Logic AU plug-ins at "..Library>Audio>Plug-Ins>Components".
    Remove those waveshells that had the Waves AU Reg Util report "0 plug-ins" from the components folder.
    For instance, the Mercury installer installs the Waveshell-AU 5.0.5, 5.2, 5.5 and 5.7 AFAIK.
    Depending on which Waves plug-ins you really own, you will probably only need 5.0.5 and 5.2 or so, the AU Reg Utilities will tell you.
    Good luck

  • Required support files are missing

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    Windows XP Neuinstallation und/oder Installation einer älteren iTunes-Version als letzter Ausweg?

    Antwort und Lösung eine Woche später:
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  • "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing."  Help!!

    "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing." Help!!
    Hello everyone, I have looked throughout this forum but couldn’t find anything similar so I am posting this in the hope of someone helping me out.
    I have encountered some problems with iTunes (most recent edition) after doing a Dell update which seems to have knocked something out with iTunes.
    Whenever I hit the iTunes icon it refuses to run and iTunes displays the following message:-
    "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes."
    I don’t want to reinstall itunes from fresh as this will mean losing all the records and playlists that I have spent the last 3 years using.
    I first want to try by getting my old one back by any means neccessary.
    Like I said this problem first happened after a standard Dell update.
    I do have the option of doing a restore with the Dell or using Windows Vista restore itself but I fear I do not have enough disk space.
    On the Dell update I can restore to settings of a previous date which might bring iTunes back but when attempt to do
    that I keep getting the following message,
    "Not enough free disk space to back up"
    Around this time I am given a lists of what will be backed up and this readsas follows:-
    Pics 2.87gb
    Music 71.72gb
    Videos 330.57mb
    Documents 219.11mb
    Email etc 203.64mb
    How do I free up disk space to do the back up? An external hard drive?? If I baIs there anyway of getting a previous version of iTunes back?
    My drive information is as follows:-
    C Drive: Very little room - red warning - 5.67gb of 138gb
    D Drive: 6.34gb of 9.99 free
    Do I have too much music?
    Ideally don't want to reinstall itunes as is a ball ache, and it has all the playlists etc so if there is
    a way of restoring and getting back iTunes either via restoring system to the prior date when iTunes was ok.
    C drive is really full now. How can I clean this up and make more room? Do I need to add memory? Are all the songs
    causing the problem? What advise can you give me? Please help.

    I've recently had exactly the same message as you, after iTunes updated to First of all, I checked the *My Music* folder to make sure it was still there - it was. (I do have a back up of that folder anyway!)
    I then chose the re-install iTunes option and a pop-up box asked if I wanted to uninstall iTunes or repair it. I (obviously) chose repair and I'm pretty sure what happened was that the install process simply re-installed a damaged (or missing) file. It far too quick to be a fresh install. My library was intact.
    So my advice(for what it's worth) is take the re-install option and then repair option. I can't guarantee anything, but ...
    By the way, after I experienced a recent hard drive failure, I decided to invest in a 1TB external drive to back up my iTunes library and personal files because it's a much easier way of backing up than my previous method. Luckily, I only lost a small recent part of my library, but it taught me a lesson. Back up regurlarly, using a larger hard drive than you are using on your computer (which allows you to keep the most recent and +next most recent+ back-ups, and don't rely on Windows to do the backing up. Find a suitable backup piece of software. (My hard drive came with s/w built in.)

  • ITunes can not run because some of it's required files are missing...

    'iTunes can not run because some of it's required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes.' I get this message when i try to start iTunes, I have reinstalled iTunes for two times know and it still doesn't work. Can anyone please help me with this,

    nagrax4s wrote:
    .....I had to run programs to completly errase iTunes and then rewrite parts of the registry.
    too bad I didn't get to you sooner
    Follow these instructions to completely remove Apple software
    Then use free Ccleaner to repeatly repair your registry until it's fixed.
    download iTunes again from Apple.
    If you have 64bit Vista or Windows 7, look for the seperate download of iTunes for that further down the page.
    Once installed, use the Apple Software Update under your Start Menu to fully update all Apple components.
    Your content will remain on the drive in the Music > iTunes Folder, nothing is deleted.
    You should be making backups of your content regularly, either through iTunes or via copying the iTunesFolder in your Music folder to a external drive.
    Windows is notorious for having "other" issues that make it unstable, we as volunteers helping others can't always resolve those issues.

  • I have an older iPod (2005). After years of inactivity I tried to install the cd on my PC. I get the following error message, after several attempts to install: iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please re install  iTunes.

    I have an older iPod (2005). After years of inactivity I tried to install the cd on my PC. I get the following error message, after several attempts to install: iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please re install  iTunes.

    Did you follow the exact instructions in this Apple support document to remove and re-install iTunes and ALL other Apple software on your XP machine?
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP

  • ITunes (11.3 64bit) cannot run because some its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes.

    just set up my new laptop lenovo x240.
    Windows 7 SP1.
    itunes 64bit 11.3
    first install went fine. then I tried to move my preexisting library. the library did not show the apps. so I tried around. Treid to re-install itunes.
    Since I did, after the re-install, iTunes gives me the error message "iTunes cannot run because some its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes."
    I tried the  -_> link: Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    unfortunately it did not resolve. please, advise... I am quite desperate... and surprised this is happening, since I am on a clean corporate laptop.
    perhaps, can someone also steer me to a corner, where I can deactivate the cloud install pop-up ones starting iTunes?

    See the advice given in the user tip:Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for a very workable approach.

  • ITunes cannot run because some of its required filles are missing

    When I started iTunes I get an error message that says "iTunes cannot run because some of its required filles are missing. Please reinstall iTunes" I have uninstalled and reinstalled but still getting the same error message. It states that itune helper was not installed properly please uninstall and reinstall. Now I have no itunes...
    I have windows vista.

    Hello Melly89,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like we need to uninstall not just iTunes, but its associated softwares as well.
    I recommend this article to help with accomplishing this task:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

  • ERROR - "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing."

    Every time I open iTunes I'm getting the following error:
    "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes."
    This started after I installed iTunes on my PC (running Windows XP SP3) to get the latest version after purchasing an iPhone.
    I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling, & fixing iTunes. I've also tried uninstalling & reinstalling Quicktime using versions & With installed I got an error stating something like iTunes is only compatible Quicktime & to reinstall iTunes.
    No matter what I do the same error message appears whenever I try to access iTunes.
    I can get into iTunes immediately after an install if I remove Quicktime & clean my Windows registry but if I then close iTunes & reopen it I get the missing file error.
    I'm not having this problem with my wife's PC running Vista & iTunes
    This is starting to get VERY frustrating. Please, if anyone can help I would GREATLY appreciate it.

    Seriously ***!!!
    I thought I hit some gold with this: of-itunes.html
    I picked up Revo Uninstaller per the above directions here:
    & proceeded setting to work cleaning out the complete Apple suite as directed. 5 hours later, after downloading a brand new copy of iTunes, & having supposedly removed all traces of anything Apple, I'm right back where I was, getting the same "required files are missing" error!
    I've got a $300 iPhone that I can't use properly because their software won't play nice.
    Like I said at the beginning of this post ***! Now I'm beginning to move from agitated to flat out angry! >:-(
    Does ANYONE know what else I can try, or if there is a phone number I can call to get some technical support from Apple?

  • Some required files are missing - Windows XP SP3

    I've got a big problem with the itunes software (latest version) on my girlfriends notebook.
    Everytime I want to start itunes I get the message "some required files are missing - please reinstall"
    I've reinstalled the software nearly 6-8 times but it still doesn't work.
    I've tried older Versions up to itunes 9 but the problem still exists.
    Maybe the Communitie can help me.
    We need to make an backup of her iphone because I think it will not loger work very well.
    So thanks for your help!!!

    Hi Guggi2k,
    If you are still having issues after a reinstall, you may want to make sure that you are completely removing all the iTunes files before reinstalling. You may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    - Brenden

  • Itunes can't run because some of its required files are missing.

    I've been having this problem for 2 weeks now, Every time I tried opening Itunes it would say Itunes can't run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall Itunes. Well I've reinstalled it a number of its and it kept giving me the same error message. Then I found a program Revo Uninstaller and I got everything dealing with Itunes and apple off of the computer and then reinstalled it. It worked but once the program was closed it wouldn't open back up and gave me the same error message. Any ideas?

    Hey jrdeac,
    That sounds frustrating! Let's do a full uninstall of iTunes and all related components, then reinstall. The following article explains how to do so for your operating system:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Note: It is important to remove all of the listed software, in order. Uninstalling these components in a different order, or only uninstalling some of these components may have unintended effects.
    If the issue persists after completely removing, and reinstalling, please see the following article:
    iTunes for Windows XP: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Matt M.

  • Blackberry System software, core applications, and all non-third party apps are missing

    I'm using a BB Torch 9800. I just upgraded to the latest and greatest Desktop Software to 6.0.1 from 6.0, and all the subject items are missing from the Applications area. I tried going back to 5.0 since 6.0 is not available. Same problem there. Did a clean uninstall per the KB article, and reinstalled 6.0.1. Still no luck. Also tried installing the AT&T 9800 device software. No luck. If I go to import files I can find the alx files from AT&T, but they will not import. How can I get the Blackberry stuff back? Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    The device software is indeed required unless its doing an upgrade via the web. That means that DM contacts your carrier for the latest OS for your device and if it sees you need an upgrade then it will download and install automatically.
    Did you download the OS from your own carrier or another carrier? Try going to c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader and delete the file called "vendor.xml". Then try again.
    1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
    2. If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

  • "Some of the required files are missing" in iTunes 10.3.1.

    Hi there:
    Apple Software Update recently updated my version of iTunes to 10.3.1, but I can no longer open the program. I receive the error message "Cannot open iTunes. Some of the required files are missing."
    I've reinstalled iTunes twice, to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm running Windows 7 Premium 32-bit.

    Hi! The repair install didn't work, but rather than trying to install iTunes on top, I uninstalled iTunes and QuickTime and reinstalled them, and iTunes runs again. I'm glad it didn't erase my library!
    Thanks for your help.

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